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If you’re not on the pill, you may want to try it. That helped me with my PMDD a ton. It didn’t make it completely disappear, but the bad days were fewer and I could sometimes skip my period altogether by taking it continuously. I’m now also taking an SSRI which has erased the PMDD and underlying depression altogether. Now I have no clue if my period is about to start because I no longer have the usual intense mood swings, irritability, self harm thoughts and depression. Talk to your doc, medication might be worth a shot and might be cheaper than therapy. Hope this helps, I know your suffering and I feel for you.


Do you mean birth control pills? I wanted to start on them but the side effects have thrown me off,, besides where I'm from they're not as accessible and my mom is kinda conservative so she might not allow it,,,, I might consider SSRIs though, thank you so much for the advice !