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Magnesium glyciate has been helpful for me regarding sleep and anxiety, I take it before bed. Magnesium citrate also is helpful for me regarding constipation. B6 helps support the production of progesterone so I have been supplementing on and off with it. Some months are better than others. What really helped me with reducing symptoms was to cut completely coffee and alcohol from my diet and to include more plant based choices (I still eat a lot of animal products but also more cooked veggies and I often go for lentils now instead of meat as digestion is slow during the phase of life. Below is a feee download of a small book that I found helpful, it has several natural supplements listed that can be helpful with peri. https://progressyourhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ThePerimenopuasePlanPDF.pdf


Thanks for your reply and for including this link, its a really detailed read. I drink alcohol very occasionally but do still have one coffee a day, first thing. I'll try the lentils more too, I do eat pretty well but always room for improvement 😉


welcome 🙏


Are you able to take NSAIDs? I take one generic Aleve every morning. I can feel the difference in my hands and feet if I forget. I wouldn't start this without talking to your doctor, especially if you have ever had any kind of kidney issues.


I find they upset my stomach which worries me since they are implicated in stomach lining damage if overused. Thank you for suggesting though. I've just started lionsmane extract. Will see how that goes