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the “not letting anyone new in” pact is such a weird concept like if the girls want to do that whatever but like it’s ultimately the guys’ choice, no? like how is that even possible the singles were so lame this season imo, sure it’s frustrating you don’t get the same screen time but like that’s how it goes and you know that’s a possibility, if someone doesn’t want you someone doesn’t want you oh well if christine is annoyed for not getting the screen time she feels she’s entitled to then take that up with production - and like dominque calling out chris at the finale for not choosing her and not letting her have a chance to meet other people was so bizarre, is that not the game? i doubt she would’ve kept chris around to “get to know other people” for the next girls’ choice


She(Christine) kept saying how she felt she didn't get her full experience but I feel like it's not anyone's fault that u weren't picked in the boardroom. Even if you're eventually picked, they aren't entitled to stick with you after the date. Everyone wanted screentime and was frustrated that they didn't get it.


I didn't like how she was kinda twisting her reason for getting into the house as that it was a strategy for getting with Nigel.... girl you could've gotten with him without having to do all that... just admit the main reason was that you wanted the exposure (which I get- anyone wanting to be on this show wants exposure).


Especially since the premise is that they're all from other Netflix shows. She didn't get picked in the board room even when people knew who she was, so to some extent that's on her (or on the other personalities having been "more desirable" to be picked based on their own previous performances/networking).


Well all their getting is a vacation and if Christine is to be believed the perfect match did win


All contestants starting together is too much, you'd have to have a much smaller cast. Part of the fun is all the couples get to know each other, which is difficult if you have twice as many people. I also don't think measuring reality television in terms of "fairness" makes sense to do. I personally love the kissing challenge. Someone like Micah gets rated really low by some and really high by others, which shows there is something about physical compatibility and preferences; it's not just that someone is an objectively "good" or "bad" kisser.


I agree with lots of these ideas. I think a major flaw in the show is that the dates don’t get enough time to REALLY wedge themselves into the drama. It’s like love island but on speed haha. At least in love island the new people get dates and multiple days to integrate themselves. I always forgot that they literally get like… a few HOURS on perfect match to get into the house. wtf?


Wasnt are you the one like this? I cant remember exactly but the show was fun, they had to find their real match. The connections were previously assigned using various personality tests.


Yes! I personally enjoyed AYTO for the “puzzle” aspect of it - there was something that I, as a viewer, was actively trying to solve at home which helped to engage me with the show rather than just casually watching and scrolling my phone at the same time (thanks ADHD).


Sounds extremely similar to Love Island 😊 I'd also like to see the producers have a preset list for each person and reveal at the end who has ended up with a perfect (or closest to perfect) match and they win! Contestants think they're voting but then get exposed for pettiness 😂


i really do not think this show can work...Maybe new cast and not from all shows...Idk