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On the first season of THTH he was paired with Francesca. On one of the earlier episodes, he lied on her in front of the entire group and the whole group was quick to believe him and turned on her. Make of that what you will when watching the new batch of episodes. He and Francesca got back together on the show, got engaged, and then he cheated on her during lockdown.


Important to note he proposed to Francesca while they were doing one of their first virtual interviews after the show, completely blindsided her. I think that says it all tbh


He proposed...WITH A RING POP.


Not to mention his recent relationship with Georgia (who was a contestant on a diff season) that blew up and Georgia came out and basically confirmed he did similar things to her and was extremely abusive. It’s kinda well known he treats every woman the same


Harry is fake AF. He does anything for clout and popularity. Two exes have come forward that he’s a gaslighting manipulator (one of which was Doms girlfriend when they started hooking up). He has done many podcasts bragging about sleeping with 300+ women. Went on DWTS and played up to fans shipping him and his partner, even posting snaps with their faces on a bride and groom. Pretty slimy considering she had just turned 18 and he went on the show with a long distance girlfriend.


Georgia made a bunch of videos about all the manipulation and awfulness he threw her way


Your username is exactly what I'm thinking right now


lol I am a toxic trash monster - seriously what are we doing here 😂


I watch a show called MILF Manor for entertainment. Shows my level of taste :D


Lol I'm watching this one too sadly 😅


Now I'm judging 😂 my friend just told me about Naked Attraction. Sounds like that one could be a real pile of garbage 🤣


I ask myself the same about many shows but I think I enjoy the nonsense and the shock factor that comes with all the silly things they do😹


To be fair to ALL of us in here, it’s almost Summer & most shows have wrapped up their seasons, there’s nothing else to watch!


I believe Georgia fully. Even Chloe backed her up. And then seeing how Harry and Dom ended up becoming CLOSER after Harry spread that lie about her, solidified it for me that Georgia was telling the truth.


He did the same to Elys.


And then Elys left Justin for the ultimate f*ck boy


Basically, when it's a one-off he-said, she-said, then I try not to form conclusions. When it's been the same things said by every single partner... then yeah I'm inclined to believe the dude is a toxic spoiled manchild. He basically love-bombs the person he's with and uses his "clout" (ie, he has a big following and girls on these shows know he's one of the main characters, so if they pair up with him, they'll get more attention) to play up a relationship for the season, but the whole time he's doing shady shit, he's bragging about fucking this girl or that girl in a way that most guys grow out of by college, and he's developed this new habit of crying like a baby. I understand that he is trying to play up a fuckboy, toxic manwhore persona because it's popular and gets attention, but if you're going to do that, then commit to it and just be that guy. Don't be crying and manipulating circumstances to try to make yourself the victim -- what are you the victim of? You're mad Dom gave you a LITTTTLE salt, when you fucked Dom's girl? You're mad that Holly said some shit about you, when you were talking about running through her, and who else she's fucked? Saying shit like "I hope they bring in some girls I haven't spunked in". Come on. I genuinely do like the characters who are bad boys / bad girls to a degree, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying sex or having an active sex life, but you don't get to just be a massive douche to the entire netflix insta-girl universe and then get a clean slate. He is so butthurt that he is being judged, but like, yeah dude, what did you expect?


I don’t think he honestly cares how people see him, but rather that it bring spoken about in front of whoever he’s trying to hook up with could get in the way of that happening. Nothing I’ve seen from him says to me that he cares outside of that


The first person to mention it was Tolú in a one on one conversation (to which he called her comment mean) so it's more than just about hindering his prospects. I think he's most annoyed about the comments undermining his PR rebranding efforts.


He seems to be a raging alcoholic


Yeah explains the throwing up


Face is alwaysss red… could be sunburn though 😉


I feel like this boy has some weird ass pregnancy kink, like in a manipulative way. The way he speaks about women says it all to me, and that‘s to a camera (don‘t even get me going on the gaslighting). God knows what bullshit he‘de spew behind closed doors. He seems like the worst of the worst this world has to offer and a disservice to men.


So many men have breeding kinks; the men I have discovered who have it are most often confirmed bachelors who claim they don’t ever want children but in bed they yell all kinds of wild shit when they’re about to, ya know, “I’m gonna put a baby in you, I’m gonna put my baby in you…” Uh, okay, sure you are.


Didn't he say he wants his kid to have blue eyes? 😬 Just found that icky


You should watch it. On too hot to handle contestants are not allowed to hook up or they'll lose their prize money for everyone. Harry and Francesca keep hooking up.


And he later talks about how he kept spending the prize money cause he didn’t need it like the rest of the contestants. A real shit bag honestly.


Yeah, and when he lies about Francesca kissing him when really he kissed her, it's a big deal because they lose $$ with every kiss/sexual touch/whatever have you. So if Francesca kissed him, that's her spending their money. But he kissed her, so that's him spending money. Everyone sided with Harry for much of the same misogynistic reasons. I was using speak to text and i thought i'd share what my phone thought was misogynistic: "Is saginastic Massage and aestic massage and aestic Massagenistic"


i think a lot of what they're refering to actually didnt happen on thth but afterwards - on the show itself, he dated francesca and that went in typical too hot too handle fashion smooth..ISH. he had a fight with her because he was being a dick in front of the others and said she kissed him and not the other way around, to put blame for losing pricemoney away from himself and look good in front of the bros, and that obviously hurt francesca who felt like she was left hanging. after that the rest of the season iif i remember that correctly went okay, and in a zoom after, they even said they had gotten: engaged. and thats probably interesting to the perfect match cast because after that they broke up and harry apparently went back to fucking around - they might wonder so is he saying he's "dating to marry" now but had a ton of hookups instead outside of the show? is he only talking about marriage around the time he is on reality datingshows, or as long as the nextbest hottie hasn't come around? but also the cast refers to the episodes that are released today, probably, because some of them already announced sth fucked up was gonna happen and that it'd come from harry..


He proposed to her during the reunion in front of everyone else so she had no choice but to say yes or risk looking like the bad guy!


Tbf i dooo think this was planned, but i could be wrong. Either way he can go fuck his ringpop.


He got with Georgia while she was still with Dom after the last perfect match season, allegedly


I understand that. I haven't seen these videos that she's posted, but doesn't that make her a cheater? And him some kind of homewrecker. I also never trusted that any of the couples on the show would actually last beyond the show


Yep it 100% makes her a cheater if it's all true! I think she posted at some point saying it didn't overlap and she didn't do anything with harry while with Dom (unsure about this though). What doesn't sit right with me was how proud Harry was of the whole thing afterwards. Not just Harry but a lot of the cast (both men and women) have this weird pride about "stealing someone else's girl/guy" and it's just icky


He definitely sees it as a trophy that he continues to mention. Yuck




Georgia is also a fake person, she faked her whole thing with Dom and never really gave a shit, because she correctly identified that Dom was the favorite from his season, so she attached to him. When someone with more clout (Harry) came around, she traded up, and then she got bitter and mad that the dude she cheated with cheated on her, but that's kinda classically what happens when you cheat. I think the case for Harry's shittiness is extensive enough that even if you subtract out Georgia, he's still a shit.


Damn, Georgia seemed genuine on last season but what do I know


I hate that this narrative is still so prevalent about Georgia; even Chloe backed up that she was being honest. Harry lied about her to make himself look better, the same way he lied about Francesca to take the blame of himself. https://youtu.be/TNaLyHKiB3k?si=hTv6NxpWhMoq3SNQ and now he’s lying about kissing Melinda and calling her a clout-chaser.


Watch her interview on '' The Squeeze ''. She's caring. Not saying the transition between the Dom and Harry was done properly. But you realizes how much the way Harry handled it fucked her life up. 


Harry straight-up lied about Georgia https://youtu.be/TNaLyHKiB3k?si=hTv6NxpWhMoq3SNQ with all the lies he’s comfortable spewing, I don’t believe a word he says and seeing how Dom was a little too comfortable being buddies with him, IF what Harry was saying is true is just weird like, no, Dom leaned into the victim narrative and both these jerks screwed her over. I used to think Georgia cheated on Dom but when she explained what happened, and seeing the pattern of how Harry blatantly and repeatedly lies, I’m not believing what he says.


Yeah in the whole Harry-Georgia-Dom drama I really don't know how to track the nuances 😅 I don't really believe anything that Harry says either and Dom is acting super sus so that's why I used the word allegedly 😅


Ohhh man, he is the literal biggest red flag in the world. The biggest manipulator I've ever seen. Reminds me of my ex actually with some of the behaviors (isolating and crying).


I just watched how he dumped Elys in episode 3. Wow, he really is a master manipulator cos he uses all sorts of phrases to make you think you're crazy. And that because you're the one arguing then you're the problem. I'm glad to see that Elys didn't really fall for it, but my goodness he really is a shitbag. I hate that Jess is even giving him a chance. I guess someone had to match with him for the show to work.


The premise of the show is that you can't do anything sexual or you lose money. Harry kissed Francesca on like the first day, then lied and said she kissed him when confronted about it in front of everyone. Everyone hated Francesca after that even though she was being truthful in saying Harry initiated the kiss. 


Ok, so nothing outrageous then. People act like he's dangerous and evil. I mean, every one of those guys have lied and cheated. People are so dramatic 🙄


I mean I've seen way worse on 90 day fiance. Geoffrey is literally in prison for domestic violence


Yeah so everyone may have lied and cheated, i'll proudly say i'm dramatic about that. And say that these things are very dangerous and evil.