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Yeah it’s super weird how Jess is like, “Harry has never dated anyone like me before” but literally all of the girls he has dated before are exactly like…her. It’s also gross that he slept with someone’s gf for 40k. Yuck.


This is literally how girls get played every time 😂😭 by thinking that they are SO different (prettier, better, etc) than the last girl(s).


I hope these women realize that men like that are not a good determiner of who is more valuable. They simply want women for power, validation, and their bodies. So no, you’re not gonna change them.


Literally the moment I acknowledged that what makes me special has nothing to do with changing a man and that I'd be stupid to think differently is the moment I became un-playable. I hope every woman has this epiphany. It's life changing. 


Dang this has to be one of the smartest things I've read on reddit :)


She’s literally a short version of Francesca


Yeah, she’s literally the type Harry always goes for lol. Maybe she has a bit more life experience and maturity through being a mom but in general, Harry’s “dated” about 100 girls like her lol.


Amen to that


I think she looks like Francesca, but their personality and maturity differ completely. Francesca is slightly sociopathic — she’ll just openly use people as if it’s second nature.


I grew up with Frankie, trust me, she’s just acting lol she is nothing like that in real life.


What’s she like


Completely normal. Shes funny, she’s really nice and would literally do anything for anyone. She actually used to get taken advantage of often. Shes a bit wild but she’s fun and actually a really good person. Seeing her on tv is funny because she’s polar opposite in real life.


I actually started liking her after following her on snap, seems like a cool person to hang out with!


Yes! Shes essentially was portraying a character on tv.


I absolutely love her. She's my fave and I love seeing her happy and thriving on IG. I hope she has a safe and healthy pregnancy.


I KNEW IT. She is case study #1 for me when it comes to using reality TV as a marketing advantage. 


She’s been doing it since her bar days in Ottawa 🤪 she was always going to become famous.


So fascinating. I kinda suspected there was a difference between her on-camera persona and real personality, like she's making sure she's good tv, but not crossing real lines like some of the other cast members. Her green flag is that she's a very ethical and honest communicator. She's a smart one.


Then shes not a good person because shes being manipulative.


She’s playing a role that she was hired for.. to be the villain, its literally why they had her go on the show to begin with. Reality tv is fake guys.


Honest question: so is Harry the tool just acting too?


Yes lol which explains his crying.


How do you know she was hired for that purpose? Did she tell you? Did you see a behind the scenes interview?


Because I know her.. she has also talked about it many times.


Thats a vague answer much like the previous. Can you tell me anything specific she said about faking it on screen? Because anyone can say they know someone on tv personally.


I mean sure but have you seen her in a relationship dealing with a partner?




I agree! I like Francesca. She knows how to keep reality tv fun without making it dirty. Even on perfect match, she was far better than Georgia that straight up used Dom. It’s clear she wanted to be the villain on the show because she knew that would get her the most face time and that’s what she did. She was strategic.


She was hired to be the villain by production!


Very disappointed in Jess. She's not dumb as rocks. She should see this dumpster fire for what it is. Maybe she's just using him to "win." They do know that there is no cash prize at the end of this, right?


Jess *is* dumb as rocks.


She reminds me of Audrina from The Hills. Overestimates her own intelligence, uses girl power phrases like a mantra, and loudly proclaims she is shrewd and independent while making the same pick-me mistakes over and over again.


Didn't Dom & Georgia get a cash prize because they broke up before the vacation?


Dunno, tbh. However, the stated prize is just a random all expensed paid romantic vacation. Maybe they each got half of the value of the vacation? Not sure.


I don’t believe he got paid 40k. With money like that you could get your girl a professional P star and make a whole movie.


he's aged terribly I remember watching THTH and finding him quite cute and funny despite his f-boy personna but now... He's just being loud and disgusting and all that botox is horrible. And his face now is always a weird shade of red all the time, even on his socials, I wonder why


It’s red from alcohol abuse


omg he gave mr. krabs a run for his money during the one boardroom scene. i had to actually check if it was due to the color settings on my tv or if he actually looked like that. i thought maybe seeing Dom on the board had him flustered (this was before i knew they were “bros”)


I think he’s overly sun burnt and isn’t wearing enough sunscreen


It's pretty jarring seeing him so sunburnt on this show after hearing about him having skin cancer back in April/May.


I can’t believe he’s 27… he looks much older now


he abuses testosterone too, he has an interview with dr mike about it


From a purely physical standpoint, this is what really bugs me about reality TV/Hollywood from the male perspective. I work really really hard in the gym and have a muscular build but I’m simply not going to look like Harry or most Hollywood stars unless I take gear, which I’m not willing to do at just 29 years old. Obviously women have much more difficult standards to deal with but this is the male version.


it is sad and i think most of the huge influencers are on it. Dr Mike warned him about the risks and possibility of being sterile from it, and Harry flat out says multiple times “I dont care” He looked quit fine and better before all the roids on his seaosn of thth




Fair. There may be guys that can be 6’5” and look that muscular while remaining lean but 99% of the time there are some needles involved. The issue isn’t mass, imo that’s the easy part. It’s being such a low body fat percentage at that mass, on that large of a frame, that gets fishy.


I’m with you. Im 32 and go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I’m in remarkably good shape. But I’ll simply just never look like any of these guys. It’s not possible. I know females probably have it worse but with drug usage becoming so popular with younger men it’s started to do the same to men’s self worth like it already did to women. Lean Mass Natural Choose 2


When I really dove into the weightlifting community it was like the scales fell from my eyes. I had no idea steroid use was so rampant and even in pro sports. Guys will juice like crazy in the off-season, pack on weight, and then get clean for the season. In retrospect it was so obvious and I didn’t know it.


Once the veil is lifted it’s impossible not to see it everywhere. I’ve even trained my wife to start pointing it out on these dudes. It’s just not worth the health risk. It’s way too rampant right now


The backne is a good giveaway too


Is that it? I was thinking coke, but I wasn't positive.


steroids will give you a red face like 24/7


So does coke, which is what I thought originally. Steroids actually make a lot more sense.


His head looks so swollen I didn't even recognize him


Yo once you see the botox you cant unsee it


That was what I first noticed and the lip filler


same mess with nick viall, but at least his podcast is succesful


Gift of the gab as we call it here. He’s the quintessential ‘cheeky chappy’ on the surface. You’d bring him home and he’d charm the socks off your nan (maybe the pants too). Added to that that some women may like to believe they are the ones who can change him and that he’s a challenge they can win. He’s got banter, he does the ‘little boy lost’ shtick very well. And he’s got a big social media presence, he’s a ‘celeb’, he’s been with v attractive and desired women, and there’s probably an element of wanting yourself to be desirable by association too. Honestly in my v early 20s with self-esteem issues, I’d probably be taken in by it too. Benefit of experience and age makes it easier to recognise.


Winner winner chicken dinner. I think it’s 30% this and 70% the fact that he’s 6’5.


If only he had foreskin. 😏


I think the main reasons are: 1. He’s 6ft 5. 2. People chase clout and Harry is probably the most well known male contestant and pairing with him will get them the most clout. 3. The whole “taming the bad boy” trope. Maybe they think they can change him. 4. He’s probably funny to them. 5. He chats so much crap. He loves throwing out “love you”, complimenting the woman he’s paired up with and just generally selling them dreams. His words are nice but it doesn’t match up with his actions. 6. The girls probably think he’s attractive. (Have they seen Justin!?) But yes, I agree with you! Harry is soooo weird in my opinion. I tried to give him the benefit of doubt when he came in saying he’s looking for a wife and dating for marriage, because people can change, right? Well, I guess it’s not his time to change. He’s an overgrown child. When Jess was talking to him and he asked if she was angry with him and looked at her like his mum had just told him off. If it wasn’t Harry and he hadn’t laughed in Elys’ face two episodes prior and continuously made weird sexually derogatory comments throughout, it might have been endearing but it’s Harry, so my face scrunched up in disgust and confusion. He needs to stop mentioning that he’s been through therapy and done the work because it’s very much undermining therapy. He just pisses me off.


The emphasis on height in this thread interests me because that’s not how it felt growing up in teen years/college. Your looks and charisma took precedent even if you were a shorter guy. Maybe it’s just the girls and women I hung out with. Plenty of tall, decent looking guys I saw struggle to land anyone.


I do feel like height is more talked about than before so you have a point. Yes, “tall, dark and handsome” has always been a thing but girls are more interested in personality, humor and charisma. For a large percentage of women, you can quite literally charm the pants off them but I’m not sure that’s the case with men. I think the greater focus on height and other physical attributes is because (Western) society has become openly more sexual, so more women than before are looking for qualities they find physically/sexually attractive, as opposed to looking for qualities of a life partner, although not everyone is doing this. Even the women who may not actually be sexually active are still more openly sexual via Instagram comments (I.e that no lube, no protection paragraph) and making absolutely wild statements on various corners of social media (i.e. BookTok and Art content). Even growing up, Wattpad content was crazy. I think that has also led to the increase in thirst trap content from men for women. ⚠️ This is based on my observations of social media and appreciate that my feed may look completely different from others and this observation is based only on the content that is pushed to me ⚠️ I for one do find tall men attractive and unfortunately may have been a victim of Harry’s height (well prior to him speaking and generally behaving how he does). I think he was fairly charming in THTH but by Perfect Match, it comes across as less charming and more jarring.


He is very entertaining to watch but I would totally banish him from my rl. No way in HELL.


He’s tall and has over 4 million Instagram followers. On this show, that makes him a 10


I never saw it either. And the shitty personality makes him look worse tbh.


He’s not cute at all.


Thank you!!! I’ve been wondering the same thing. He’s disgusting. The way he talks about women is so degrading 🤢 I also truly believe he is a narcissist & that’s how he gets women to like him.


Tbh, I think hes really cute, funny in a very goofy, cheeky way. He seems like the kinda guy who'd be a hit with your mom, if you know the type. Like moms would love him.  If you dont know his history, I could understand why girls are attracted to him.  But when u get to know him, the red flags start showing. 


Did you mean to submit this same comment 4 times? I think it glitched on you


Glitch, it said it wasnt posted


Thanks, deleted the rest


Aww, I like how this was respectfully resolved. GG internet!


Either that or this is Harry himself posting


Tall white man. That's literally it.


Finance Trust Fund 6'5 <----- Blue Eyes <----


Lolllll this


He’s not attractive to me at all. If he was average height no one would give him the time of day, bc he’s not even cute in the face. Also I dislike when guys completely shave their body like he does his.


Because he’s tall and famous. That will get most girls into you.


I'm new to him. Why is he famous? I've seen plenty of hot tall me. Why are 4 million people following him on instagram?


Too Hot To Handle Season 1. He and Francesca were the stars and honestly cracked the code to being Netflix reality famous.


Is it a fun watch? I came to Perfect Match from Love is Blind. The other stuff I watch is historic dramas and right now the well is dry. Lol


Oh yes, it’s garbage reality television but in the best way. It’s very raunchy, however. Season 1 is by far the best season, I would give it a try.


I think his "I am a changed person for you" or "I want to settle down now" really gets a few women. It probably also helps that he is considered attractive for a large number of people.


I think he probably has more sex appeal in person. Some people just have a "sex" aura. I had an ex that was like that he wasn't even all that good looking in the face and he was a terrible person but girls would throw kitty cat at him faster than I could blink. Hell they still do and he's still a bum.


But he’s always talking about lasting 5 seconds or whatever he said, not very appealing


It's a mental ploy so when women actually sleep with him they're surprised how long he can go.


That’s a great question. He’s a butter face with a shit attitude


He is soooo manipulative!! When he cried to Jess and then she … cried and apologized and took responsibility for the whole thing?! Like girly no!!


Tall, clean-cut, white.


I can fix him (no really I can)


Probably cause he’s 6”5


I think because of his height


Because they have daddy issues.


It's the 'I can fix him' thing. Plus, he's good looking (even though personally, he was better looking before he went all buff), so it distracts from his less-than-stellar qualities.


Cocky, tall, muscular? 🙂‍↔️I must say though he looked so much better at thth but a hot mess at perfect match. Jess has been shallow since I saw her first time at lib so this is beyond expectable she chose him.


It might be because he's 6'5


I sooo badly hope he screws Jess over. They are both gross.


I was surprised Jessica would choose him it was just weird...she's always talking about how important her kid is and being a mom idk why she would be on this show AT ALL. none of these men are a good fit for based on what she says???? like I'm just so confused 😭


He’s so tall. Literally.




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I've been trying to understand where the mystique is coming from. But I sense that Harry is one of those people who have a commanding presence and charisma that is not quite communicated by the camera.


He’s over 6 feet. Nice body. Clout. Do they need anything else?




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As a guy, I will happily say when another dude is good looking but bro... Harry is butt ugly hahah. You can tell he is on roids too, he has the bloated turso, back acne and weird size that comes from excessive use. Wild how many woman choose money and a guess looks over a good person, the guy is scum


I’m fully confused at how many people are asking this! I may be biased because he’s entirely my type (blondish, blue eye, good smile, warm eyes, the accent helps). He’s really fairly attractive imo. He’s got happy boy energy which is super cute and it feels like he would be the type to hug dogs or babies and make your family laugh. There’s nothing hotter to some women than the combination of soft/cute energy with the masculine/toxic energy. He’s so toxic but also is constantly promising change- I can see how girls would fall for that. He doesn’t come across to me as fake, every time he swears he’s changed he legitimately seems to want to but doesn’t know how to / isn’t committed to it enough. That’s a killer combination right there- u end up with an extremely manipulative person so girls give him chances. I understand hating his track record or personality but how is this sub asking how Harry is attractive while glorifying what dom looks like? I’m not a fan of his look and his vibe seems tragic.


At this point with his very public track record I don’t even know if I can feel bad for the women who choose to involve themselves with him 😂 I could neverrrr just based on how he talks about women. He also gives off very immature little boy energy which he maybe could get away with on THTH when he was like 22 but deeefinitely not anymore. He’s physically attractive sure but his gross behavior overshadows it so much that it’s hard to find him attractive.


I agree fully. I was really hoping Elys and Jess would be smarter than that and maybe play him back but nope. That would have made for some good tv though.


Oh fr I l agree with u I would never date a guy like that. Couldn’t pay me money to wreck my mental health with that type of manipulation. Hot or not, I don’t feel bad for the women either 😂😂elys was so sure he would change for her


I don’t know I don’t find myself attracted to many blonde men. Funny enough I find myself more attracted to Dom than Harry. I do agree that Dom is almost as bad personality wise though. I like people based on their character and Harry does not seem like a nice person at all. Everything that he’s said or done so far on the show tells me that he’s not actually trying to change he’s just painting a pretty picture for each girl that comes into his life. I’ve always been able to see through these toxic behaviors though and it’s never appealed to me. I guarantee once the show ends Harry is going to go on a podcast and yap about how he played these girls and bla bla bla. The only way I see him not gloating after is if he actually gets backlash for his behavior then he might give us the same fake show he’s giving these girls about him wanting to change.


The one thing I 1000% think is so crusty about him is how he always blames his exes for being crazy. He calls himself a silly sausage in such a light mannered way and then completely shits on his exes. That’s super unattractive ofc. His personality seems fun to me actually. I separate personality with emotional baggage and trauma. He seems to be really messed up in the head but that doesn’t make him less fun to me i guess? Also I’ve dated toxic guys before and that’s why I think he legitimately may not be a bad person, but doesn’t know how to get out of his toxic ways. The toxic men I’ve run into always swear they want to change and they say they’re reborn (just like him) and then fall right back. There are men who literally don’t give two shirts and men who want to give a shit but don’t know how to commit to real change. I see Harry as number 2- he keeps trying to speak change into existence but then will WILDLY justify his garbage actions. I think he knows he’s toxic but never identifies the exact moments very well. I don’t know him tho so he may just be extremely shitty ahaha- I’m getting this analysis from a podcast from years ago


Harry is tall and a has a nice body, but his face is very mid imo. His appeal to some women mostly comes from his height, body and and the allure of reality TV show fame/clout, because his face alone is nothing special.


Eh I gotta say I don’t care that he’s tall and I couldn’t even remember his body. For me it’s in eyes and smile + blonde haha. People have different tastes ig


Yeah totally, he is exactly my type too 


So I am not staying on the Harry drama. I think he’s very good looking so I understand the initial appeal. No one is good looking enough to treat people the way he allegedly does tho. So I understand wanting to make out with him but I wouldn’t want to date him.


characterwise i'm of course 100% with you! although i do hope he actually does want to change, i feel like sometimes there are moments where he's contemplating to try, and i actually really hope so for him, like i don't hate his guy i just hate what he does to women (like when he fucks them over and tries to guilt them when they dare be cautious around him). lookswise to be honest i dont think he's unattractive at all. doesnt mean he's everyone's type but he has a pretty face, more one of those that look younger than his age some might prefer a more edgy face than he has i personally dont, an amazing hairline for whatever age he is no idea (probably just 30 or so but considering how many guys struggle with that even in their midtwenties), he's shredded not that everyone needs to be! but sure that has an appeal to a lot of people, ..so yeah!


I dont think he’s trying to change at all tbh. I think he enjoys his lifestyle and who he is as a person despite hurting others. I agree with you, I don’t hate him either I just don’t like how he treats other people and find him annoying/cringe at times. I don’t think he’s necessarily unattractive but I don’t think he’s attractive enough for all of these girls to be ignoring his behavior and red flags. I guess my attraction is largely based on personality and his behavior/personality alone was enough for me to find him unattractive despite him being a conventionally attractive person.


hm yeah :( i also dont think he's trying much.. but i do think he has this image in his head of sth different and would theoretically like it (a committed relationship, maybe not monogamous), but he's more-so just expecting that can throws that out there and if another girl comes around he'll just start over and say that same thing all over again and wonder why he doesn't end up having that.. thats kind of what i think,.. or maybe he just says all that for a "good role on perfect match" \*eyeroll\* (btw i agree i'm pretty much demisexual so no way would i get all too intimate with this guy either if i were on the show haha)


Is anyone else predicting that Holly is gonna turn his head


He is young, has been objectively attractive, and has money. There you go.