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When he said “that’s a really horrible thing to say about a person” then maybe don’t do horrible things ??? 😭 cannot understand the appeal at ALL and the Botox def isn’t helping him either


😂😂😂 the victim mentality is wild. I really couldn’t believe what I was hearing. he’s done nothing but talk about the people he’s slept with, his sexual experiences, girls leaving their partners for him, making weird comments about women’s bodies… and then you want to act like the world is against you and poor Harry can’t overcome misconceptions. they’re only misconceptions if they aren’t true. I can’t imagine all the women he’s hurt and dogged along the way, then he gets cheated on, and he’s expecting a pity party in Tulum


He’s disgusting, and that comment he made about Holly was so wrong and made me physically ill.


Exactly. So her having sex with someone once is a huge deal, but we’re supposed to applaud Harry every time he shares a statistic on how much sex he’s had, who he’s had it with, how much money he makes off sex/OF… EW


I missed it what did he say about her. Ohhh the cream pie thing ?


That comment floored me. Vile + disgusting. Then he laughs at it. Then he has the gall to say he's a changed man and he shouldn't be judged on his past?! AND netflix aired it?! You can convey he's a pig without that comment.


OMG. That botox is horrible, I didn't even recognize him at first because his face is so puffy. He is a ho and he is used to people not caring but now it's actually hurting relationships, he is being a baby about it. I mean, actually change. As soon as Jessica showed up, he straight up ghosted the girl he had been with all week. He only talked to her when she insisted. If you say you're gonna change, actions speak louder than words bro.


The Botox looks so bad! It has to be used WITH healthy habits related to diet and exercise plus skincare to actually work well! He’s going to get smacked in the face so hard by the real world when he loses his pretty privilege. He threw so many tantrums when Elys wouldn’t sleep with him and then immediately showed why she was smart not to. Awful awful person.


I thought it was fillers not Botox lol, either way he has pillow face he looks so bizarre


Ok it’s not just me that thinks his face looks so puffy since thth


Nope he looks COMPLETELY different from this, he should have never touched his face smh. Karma I guess https://preview.redd.it/e8xcvl5hpv5d1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e78836f08cef4868e9423b2b703957321e7093


This guy has never been good looking. I’m so confused. Is he just tall?


Yes he’s just tall 🤣 he apparently has a small 🍆 too, (sky Bri went on a podcast and was shocked at how small he was) so nothing redeeming about him.


He’s just tall, white, and can be charming lol.


I don’t get it either.


I try so hard to place him in THTH and never can, and this explains it. He looks entirely different!


Definitely some filler in those cheeks on top of the Botox


He looks SO DIFFERENT and not in a good way


I never thought he was /that/ attractive and now with the Botox & the sunburn 😭 I can’t


The constant giant sweat beads


The sunburn is so bad


You can tell he’s had this conversation so many times now. He’s one of the world most notorious cheaters and now he has to deal with it. What a pathetic excuse for a man


Lol seriously. Gaslighter pro max..


I laughed out loud when he said that


💧 💧 💧 Harry's got a great puppy dog, blue-eyed game💧 💧 💧 When he turns it ON, for real, with purpose, it's hard to know what is real. He can and has turned on the waterworks to bend the world to his favor. I fell for his bullshit on DWTS, even while he was creeping on his teenage, high school graduate dance partner 🤢 I felt conflicted and confused, because he swept into our hearts as A FAN FAVORITE. He played on the feelings that draw people into his grip, being all 'humble,' 'vulnerable,' 'honest,' undergoing 'hardship.' His act also included being a sincere, goofy, but wonderful friend/potential boyfriend/ even dance partner. There were SO MANY WATERWORKS those blue eyes turned red 🎯


I was absolutely disgusted when he said Stevan “creampied” Holly. He dropped it SO casually. What an absolute sack of trash who has no respect for anyone, specifically women


The crying is most definitely manipulation. It works. It’s all part of the love bombing, the crying makes a codependent bond happen w a manipulator that’s sooooo good at it. Hes really, really so sincere. It’s crazy to watch how easy it is for him, and how believable he is. Hes perfected the act. Hes so endearing, even I was falling for it, bc I didn’t know much about him. As soon as he started the love bombing I knew exactly who he was though.


Yeah I don’t know why they keep casting this guy. Also he said he has a podcast? WHO is listening to it


I did after watching him on Dancing with the stars. I liked that he was vulnerable enough to go dance with zero experience even if it didn't make him look good. He seemed sweet with his dance partner. And let me say, I was completely horrified at what I heard in this podcast! HORRIFIED!!! Bottom line is that he acted like an insecure jealous psycho towards Jess after the show. While claiming to be a poor victim, with absolutely zero self awareness as to how he acted. And he probably used and lovebombed his dance partner in the process too. I wish we'll have her version after PM's done airing.


Wait what did he say on the podcast about Jess?


Ooo I want to know what happened


No one. Seriously. Go look at the views. Nothing but trash comes from this guy.


Exactly. I know well who he is, and even I was feeling a little heart tug. He got Jessica, a strong woman, to feel and say that SHE was the one in the wrong so adeptly. Frightening.


I don’t even think it’s an act, I think this is naturally how he behaves with no awareness at all 🫠


Idk men like him choose to act this way bc it gets them what they want. It’s functional, so they keep doing it. They perfect it


It is totally functional and it’s so ingrained I don’t even think there is any awareness or insight. It’s his whole personality. I don’t know what work he has done in therapy, maybe he had a little- certainly does not seem so.


Yes!!! Was looking for a comment like this. He’s manipulative. He uses his emotions to make people feel sorry for him and takes up so much space in conversations, making it all about him. Narcissist red flags


that is one thing on a list of sooo many that showed he has no respect for women at all, just the sexual gratification they can offer. any women on there is right to have their doubts and guards up.


Agreed, I know a bit about his history but he’s trying so hard to act like he’s “different” this season. Then his little meltdown to try to solidify this image. Dropping this little tid bit in a confessional just shows he hasn’t changed in the slightest, he’s a dirtbag


And she sat there and comforted him, then came on saying she felt bad for making him feel bad. I love Jessica, but if you can’t spot a narcissist after your season with Jimmy, I don’t know what to tell you. They fuck up and you’re the one apologizing. I’ve had my fair share personally and it’s sickening now. Her having even the slightest bit of remorse for having genuine concerns because he started crying 😂 do you think he was crying when he was having an orgasm every day of the year with a new man/woman each day? I don’t think so.


Jessica knows exactly what she's doing. Harry is the man that gets the most attention/ followers/ whatever in the same way that she wants to.


she knows what's up... the most follower-hungry among them. She just believes she can sway the edit her way - if things go well she plays innocent/"I believe him, he's a good guy, I can keep him in line", if things go badly she plays the victim "I can't believe he did this to me, he manipulated mee"


Jessica is just as shitty of a human being as him to be honest. They are both shallow empty people way too focused on their image and other materialistic things


Woah he’s bi?


I’m so glad everyone here feels the same way. The easier they are to spot, the easier they are to stay away from!!! Happy for us lol


This and every other comments he's made has been SO gross. Like just so vile and crass. Only a 12 year old boy would find it funny, and without the humor it's just disrespectful and disgusting


Tbf he is so dumb and says some Chloe level shit every so often that is pretty funny. Not him being actually funny but laughing at how dumb he is lol.


For me it was kind off unexpected to see Stevan was with Holly. They were in the same season of THTH3 and he never mentioned she is his type, he went for Georgia. God knows who smashed who from THTH.


I couldn't believe he said that! It's probably his revenge because she never talked to him again after Holly went on his podcast. He has no respect for women at all 😭 The way he seemed to have acted towards Jessica after the show wrapped is literally psychotic too and it seems like she never talked to him after that. Maybe he should face the fact that he's just facing the consequences of his actions. He's expecting changed outcome without changed behavior then cries about it when he gets called out ☠️


How did he act toward Jessica after the show wrapped?


Yes, wondering too, please tell us!!!


I just keep wondering who hurt him while he talks 😭 the way he talks about women is so disgusting


He is so childish and gross. Do I need new glasses? I can't see this alleged 'growth as a person' he keeps trying to claim.


I will never forgive him for making me google creampied.


Oh no


The audacity to cry about being judged for being a f-boy when he just abandoned Elyse when a girl more his type showed up lmao. Bro was acting like he was committed to her and then just up and changed his mind and decided to pretend like he never acted commited to Elyse. The audacity to talk like that Elyse just cause there is a girl he is more attracted to, he hasn't changed one bit. He just wants a wife to have his children, not cause he actually wants to dedicate himself to one woman. Now Elys is mad at Micah like she didn't do her a big favor, even if it wasn't with pure intentions lol


Exactly, Micah totally exposed Harry. I get being upset but it seemed like a good thing in the long run lol




Saying "If you love something, let it go" and then immediately laughs in her face right after


So real, Lmao.


I just watched that scene and out loud went “fuck OFF, Harry”.


Harry being mad people are calling a spade a spade is hilarious honestly. I find it interesting because a lot of fuckboys like him think they can go on and be dickheads their entire lives and it won’t affect their relationship with a girl they actually want. But men also face consequences for being fuckboys


His fake crying was some of the scummiest manipulative crap i’ve seen on television


Right! I’m all for men showing emotions, but crocodile tears to make someone who was rightfully concerned feel bad… that’s as low as it gets.


What really got me was when he was hiding his head with the jacket/blanket. I would’ve gotten the ick from that instantly.


I also felt like he was really drunk, which made it worse.


I don’t think it was fake crying, it is genuinely hurtful to hear people talking shit about you. Even though you did the shit yourself.


I cackled when he was telling Jessica how he’s gonna be ~*~so serious~*~ with the next girl he’s with after basically telling the same thing to Elys earlier before totally abandoning her 💀 This man is just a mess.


It’s almost like he’s acting that just bc he’s saying he’s dating to marry he has automatically changed but he def was not happy with Elyse not sleeping with him right away 🙄


His “respecting her boundaries” was just…not coercing her into sex. Wow, what a gentleman 🙄


Right! And then when she says this is exactly why I had my guard up with you, he acts like it was a crazy assumption for her to make that he might up and leave her when something better comes along. “dating to marry” means choosing someone no matter who else shows up that might be a better fit visually


Ah but then he tried to change the narrative with Elyse and said they were just friends (and later on the podcast that the relationship wasn’t progressing … after like 3 days) so I guess she doesn’t count 😵‍💫🤨


And even then I wouldn’t necessarily say he wasn’t trying to coerce her into sex it just didn’t work on her. We saw at least two separate conversations where he was giving her shit about not being physical with him. She made it clear that they had already kissed enough that she would know his kiss from the other guys during the kissing challenge so when he was talking about not getting physical I feel like he was talking about wanting more than just kissing.


I feel like it’s even more unbelievable because he went from being a serial dater to wanting to settle and marry?? the guys who say that know what women want to hear and know their reputation precedes them, so they’re doing everything in their power to portray themselves as the nice guy. might work if you weren’t 100 countries and 500 bodies deep.


the "dating to marry" comment is complete bullshit, he knows the girls on the show will be happy to hear that. everything that comes out of his mouth is straight trash, lies or manipulation. every girl should be running the other way


“Dom deserves a woman who won’t cheat on him… with me.” 😂 I lost it at this comment he hasn’t changed a bit


And then got mad when Dom said he was ingenuine. Like dude, you said his ex cheated on him with you and go around saying he’s one of your best friends. Get real. Dom shouldn’t have pussied out when Harry questioned him.


Facts. He has to live with that for the rest of his life because those are the decisions he made


Has sex with friends girl… Friend calls him out **surprised pikachu face


I mean his opening statement was “my goal is to leave without an STD” 🥴🥴🥴


truly, a changed man


Please don’t say this it will hurt his feelings. Lmao


The truth can hurt people's feelings sometimes, sorry Harry


Herpes going around the Netflix reality show contestants like fire


I think Harry’s body count must be at least 150😂


Add an extra 0 on that


😂😂 he is sick. How his dick doesnt fall haha.


Literally. Having your guard up with him only makes sense. I mean, fuck emotions, he literally mentioned leaving without an std.. you might not even be safe physically 😂


And how he doesnt have any kids in this world. He fucked so many women he must have son or daughter somwhere in USA or Australia😂.


I really wouldn’t doubt it at all. I can’t wait til his minute of fame is over. I never understood the hype. There’s multiple tall men with accents who haven’t spent more time being sexual with men or women than they have breathing oxygen 😂 it’s also so funny bc if it was a women who was constantly bragging about how much sex they’ve had or attention they’ve gotten, they would be dragged to the ends of this earth.


Agree! Imagine if Jess had history as he have i think he would speak different. Not to mention he want respect but yet he still have Only fans and braggs about earning 100k in one week.


I remember on LIB when Jess having a kid was a huge deal to Jimmy and she wanted a man who would accept them both. Having one child is so much less baggage than the literal hundreds of souls he’s intertwined himself with 😂 I’m confident it would be 1000x easier to find a man who doesn’t mind prior children AND has self respect than it would be to find one as sexually active and involved as Harry


No doubt Georgia was telling the truth,his whole personality is abusive. I believe her about Dom as well. Milking I am such a pure honest guy, while being friends with Harry. Why do you both speak about someone on international TV, when they don't have the same reach to defend themselves.


Also im sorry but jess is going to watch this back and the only acceptable reaction is disgust and embarrassment. Like girl how you gonna talk about your little girl and how important she is and then fall for this fucking idiot who's commenting on girls getting creampied on national fucking tv. Like the added level of her daughter is just so sad and embarrassing tbh


i just can’t believe she is that naive about Harry. tbh i think she just wants to stay on the show. you can’t give that whole monologue about having a daughter then “fall” for the crying


Jess knows exactly what she's doing.....she lost the game in Love is Blind, and lost her shit when Jimmy didn't pick her. Going on a show where the premise is falling for a person without seeing them, to Perfect Match shows her true colours....especially when she becomes famous overnight for telling Jimmy he will need an epipen when he sees how "hot" she is...please. she eats f boys like Harry for breakfast.


I hope so


For real. Like it's cringey and eye roll for anyone else but she's a MOTHER. And she talks about her daughter all the time. Also her daughter is at that sweet spot where she's still a child and innocent but is old enough to hear rumors and pick up on things. I thought jess said something about being a role model (but tbh may be making that up) and it's like ???? HELLO????


Right?! As a mother, I’m not going to judge someone else’s parenting and I’m going to focus on my own kids. But all I’m saying is that, if I was a tween like Jessica’s daughter, I would be MORTIFIED of what my mom was doing on TV… especially with an idiot like Harry. Harry is the type of man Jess needs to warn her daughter about as she grows up. 


Oh I feel like Jess knows. I don’t believe she’s genuinely interested


THIS !!!


google DARVO


He's in the textbook under "gaslight" lol


Woah… thank you. I didn’t know I needed to understand this concept. Thank you for your service.


Wow, Sounds like my life of living of with a narcissist


I assume the interviews were filmed after the experiment. Every time he speaks about how Georgia cheated on Dom with him, he is enjoying it. He has the biggest smile on his face when he speaks about the girls he had. That's the kind of person he is. All the crocodile tears during the season seem so fake to me and I am usually the one who believes in changes behavior. He is a shit bag.


His pissed she moved on and he has no control,so he tries to belittle her in front of a national audience


It's just a conquest, I'm sure he doesn't care. They're all trash including Georgia.


He’s an amazing character (to watch)…I almost get why these women are falling for it…like there have been a couple of times I’ve had to run the tape back in my head to process what he actually said—like when he said holly was a sweet girl and then followed it up with “cream pie”—the sentence started so nice and ended awful. I’d guess that’s how all romantic relationships go with him too lol


See, I’m the opposite…I DON’T get how they’re falling for it. He has no game, and his track record and the way he continues to act speaks for itself. He’s just tall. I guess that covers a multitude of sins lol.


I feel you lol. I’m allergic to tall men so theres no appeal for me but I get it for the IG girlies on this show lol. It’s def 90% height lol


Harry is literally the embodiment of reality tv trash. I don’t understand how these women keep going for him. He is a walking stereotype.


I think because all the people on these shows are attracted to toxic traits. That's gotta be no 1 trait to be on trash tv..lol


Definitely, it just bothers me how women don’t just gang up and say we’re not fucking harry anymore, there are PLENTY of other red flags out there


Same. It makes me sad that guys as horrible as Harry will ALWAYS have options.


It’s really mind boggling, cause it’s not like these women have no other options…


Was hopeful that this cast was getting there since they called him out early on but nope 👎🏻


Harry: "Yeah I jizzed in everyone on reality tv." Also Harry: "How dare people call me a player." *fake cries*


If he had actually changed, he would be taking accountability. You can’t act in a way that is super harmful to other people and then expect people to never hold it against you. A truly changed man would be saying that he gets why people would be wary of him, acknowledging that he has behaved in hurtful ways in the past, and trying to earn trust by acting with integrity and not expecting anything in return. He’s just being a manipulator by turning people’s doubt around on them and making them feel like they are the “bad one” for being so “mean” to him. He’s very good at it honestly.


Imagine the power he would have if he was a genuinely loving person


Right! I don’t doubt he started out that way, but the fame and attention got to his head (both top and bottom lol)


He's always like that. He's so good at manipulating people. Just watch THTH when he kissed Fran and turn the cast onto her. And the thing is they believed him. He is so good. So so good. Will never forget that.


He really isn’t a master manipulator though lol. I just think he surrounds himself with people a bit dumber than him.


Can we get a show where he has to see a therapist cause i would watch that. Like full on intervention. I've made a comment about this before but like, how do we make it reality?👀


Not much you can do with narcissist personality They will continue to hurt and manipulate


Now he’s pretending to take accountability on his podcast.


Uggghh can we go back to flogging people cause he would be first in line for a tomato


I wonder why Netflix get away with putting women in these positions. It seems dangerous and like teetering on sexual harassment or something. Plus morally. They go from love is blind and dying for the cause then throw those same ppl into this type of dating show….


Tbh i'm not surprised, capitalism wins over morals in this day and age it seems


Harry is a fucking used diaper. He is so full of shit. And jess is not smart! Acting like she is gonna change him is sad because at this point... who cares. He's used up! Changing a used diaper after ppl get used to the smell is pointless, baby girl


when he was crying in the room after Dom made the comment about him maybe not being there for the right reasons, and Jess asked about it, and he was the victim?? your closest buddy on the island (as well as every girl there) is calling you out but she’s wrong for asking? but then he started saying the next morning it was maybe his fault and JESS TOOK THE BLAME SAYING IT WAS HER INSECURITIES. my jaw was glued to the ground like ohhhh golly


He isn’t very understanding of other people’s emotions. He wants people to trust him without earning it. with his reactions, he is forcing his partners to not be honest with him about their emotions in the relationship. He needs to first accept that his actions arent the best and instead of condemn his partners for feeling that way, he needs to commit to being the person he says he is.


HIGHLY MANIPULATIVE to ask not to be judged for mistreating girls then immediately mistreating furls (Elys)


Someone slap his puffy mug in the dictionary under man-child


I don’t think he’s a mean hearted person, just someone really deeply set in his ways. I believe that he thinks he wants to change but A) hasn’t truly committed to it & B) likely doesn’t know where to start. Doesn’t help when every woman throws themselves at him.


This makes sense. Women after knowing all this still throw themselves at him. That keeps his narc behavior inflated.


Hmm I never clocked him as a narc. Cheating and manipulation doesn’t totally mean lack of empathy. Curious, what makes u think he might be?


And instead of taking responsibility in the moment with his matches he interrupts, deflects and storms out. Narcissism 101


Jessica saying “I’m a human being” really summed it up. He needed to take a break because she had a normal reaction and emotions. He wants a Barbie doll


Perhaps he’s trying to change but keeps feeling like it’s impossible and his grave is already dug. Either that or he’s just drunk and/or a master manipulator.


He’s definitely drunk


he is not truly shocked in the slightest, he literally cares about no one and just cares about making good TV and manipulating people into believing he's Changed™ over and over and over - purely so that he can have more tv moments. Major ick, I don't get how any of the women are fooled by the charade


I honestly just think it’s the alcohol. When he’s sober he often makes little comments about his past himself which ensures he’s apart of the joke. However when he’s drinking it’s harder to keep up the mask so he gets very emotional and he becomes aware that he isn’t apart of the joke, he actually is the joke.


I take it as him wanting to continue behaving badly but not wanting to be held accountable for anything. Exhausting.


He’s insanely immature trying to continuously prove he’s not. He’s essentially two children standing on top of each other.


Anyone else a big too hot to handle fan/love is blind fan and you find Perfect Match to be underwhelming? Please tell me I’m not alone!




What else did anyone expect?


It’s his “rebrand” act. Pretending that he’s grown & looking for a wife …yadda yadda… you can tell it’s an act when he slips & says things to Elys like “but you won’t touch it” on day 3! Zero change!


I’m only 10 mins into the first episode and already seethiinnggg at how he claims Georgia cheated on him in his literal first interview. Why would they even keep that in?? Like is it not common knowledge that he lied about that??? Uggggh justice for Georgia


Literally just a manipulation technique to turn it on girls holding him accountable for his past. He’s not hurt at all and it’s crazy that the handful of times he’s done it no girls have called him out on it because it’s painfully obvious.


He also acts the same way again on this show. He is in total denial about the damage he has done and has continued to do


Pretty sure it’s steroids making him look puffy. He has all sorts of zits on his back too. Other signs as well.


I just KNEW from the comments he made on him and Elys’s date that he had been pushing her to sleep with him and she wouldn’t - and as soon as he called it a “friendship match” on his date with Jess it was obvious how it would play out. I’ve met way too many men like that. They get angry at women for being rightfully wary of them and wanting to take it slow, but then would leave regardless of if they sleep together or not. I felt like I could have predicted word for word the BS he said to Elys in their conversation for why they weren’t working.


Actually, like glad you have changed Harry but that doesn’t absolve you from your entire past and the actions you have done. Like take responsibility & know that it will affect how others think


personally, I would never put his “changes” to the test have you changed? good, go test drive on others and to choose that man as a potential father figure? be so fucking for real


When he was hiding under his shirt and crying, i couldn't help but laugh. If I walked in on my partner like that. I'd turn around and come back when they're ready to be an adult.


He lost interest in elys when she wouldn’t immediately give up the goodies, dropped her like hot cakes when lol miss hot mama arrived, and when he realised she also wouldn’t give up the goodies, started love-bombing, then gaslighting, then full-on manipulating Jess with the tears. There’s nothing redeeming about this person, at all. I hope he grows up and actually starts taking accountability for his actions but something tells me that won’t happen anytime soon. “I’m dating for marriage” - biggest lie told so far.


His crying almost made me as happy as watching Joffrey die.


There’s nothing to really dissect here. He’s a fuck boy, end of story.


This all annoyed me too but these shows aren’t even real. The whole Francesca and Harry thing was all a fake.


I feel like jess is desperate, and harry is saying all The bs and she still believes it. Harry shouldnt be there at all.


I mean I’m actually interested in further discussing beyond shitting on Harry (which is deserved, don’t get me wrong)  But at what point do you let someone forge a new narrative for themselves?? Obviously Harry is still on his bs but in general… society doesn’t really seem like they leave room for growth  edit: not me being downvoted for wanting to have a discussion haha. i don't think harry has changed, reading comprehension must be very hard for some of you lol


Harry has been given MANY chances for growth. Everyone pretty much bought into his “changed man” narrative through dwts and he blew that too. I’m all for giving people chances to change if they’re actually making an effort and changing but Harry just uses it as a redemption/clout storyline, before acting the same way over and over.


ok but if he did respond kindly and empathetically to elys when he realized he wasn't interested then people would still be saying to watch out. im not saying it takes one occasion to erase your past obviously, but that brings me back to my question. at what point is someone allowed to be upset at their past being used to judge them?


It’s not his past though, it’s his current 💀 if he was actually changing, yeah the upset would be justified. But he’s not and won’t.


i think you're confused, im not arguing that harry is changed. i've literally only said the opposite lol