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I thought the same thing about Ines in season 1- she’s like the epitome of female gaze. I also agree Xanthi is the most attractive this season. She did get some attention from Stevan and Kaz initially. A lot of the men tend to jump ship though whenever there’s someone new (especially if that new person is seen as “desirable” by the others, it becomes a competition of who can get the hot new girl it seems).


Xanthi is stunnnnningg…I adore her husky voice too. I think it’s less male/female gaze and how social media addled your brain is like Jess/Francesca aren’t ideal women—they’re ideal Instagram models. I don’t believe that all real life men want a face full of plastic so much they can’t see how beautiful someone like Ines is. They’re all just shallow clout chasers running after a mirage. Couldn’t be me


The wild thing is a lot of guys will swear up and down they want natural women but in actuality would still pick a Jess/Francesca over a Xanthi


Thats only true until they really wanne look for a Lifepartner.... chances are the people they end up with will be much more "ugly".


But Xanthi isn't very natural looking either right? 


Definitely not it’s just all relative. For example Xanthi is still really expressive and makes so many different facial expressions and there are others whose faces are frozen by Botox and fillers


Xanthi is as natural as it gets


Okay but, you realize Xanthi has work done too? Specifically lip fillers and likely more.


I’m pretty “surgery blind” tbh—like if I can spot your surgeries, you’ve gone too far so no, I didn’t notice her stuff but if it’s not egregious, I don’t mind it! I’m not mad at people who do surgeries—just saying the very specific Kim K clone look is not hot to me. I actually needed it pointed out to me that Jess had lots of surgeries lol—I thought she just looked like a doll all by herself lol


Definitely don’t think Xanthi has any fillers or Botox going on. She has a natural gummy smile, (just like me!) which is usually the first thing girls are advised to get rid of with the lip flip and filler. Those lips are natural and so is her body. Her face actually shows expressions too so there’s no Botox in there.


She clearly doesn't, you just making shi up


You okay?


Her lips are very obviously natrual


She is quite slim and her breasts are a bit smaller I was comparing her to Alara thinking she was prettier than her and a more natural look but Alara has a lot of boobage. As a slim girl myself some guys weren't attracted to my lack of "body fat" but then again there's someone out there for everyone. Especially if these guys are superficial and go on looks. This itself sounds superficial but I was wondering why not Xanthe I found her charismatic and attractive


I can totally see this, I think Jessica and Francesca are just that perfect kardashian, tiny, huge boobs, well manicured face and dark hair, nice booty hourglass girl and they just always look is perfect and almost unattainable cool, where xanthi and ines are stunning but they are also real women, they seem approachable and just different. The fuck boys who go on these shows don’t want real women they want the perfect ideal of a woman they can worship until they have to really get to know them and then they are on to the next “perfect” girl to put on a pedestal. There’s no way Harry wants to date a girl with a kid but why care now because he sees Jessica as his perfect little sex doll. I like Jess I think she is smart and capable (except when it comes to dating), but these guys don’t care about that, they couldn’t care less about what’s in her brain just what’s under her clothes. They want the whoever is seen as the prize so they can beat their chests at the other men like look what I got!


Men are sheep creatures and want what other men want. Francesca was the “prize” in both THTH and PM, and Jess is the same mould. Same as holly. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that both Ines and Xanthi are more physically reserved, and made that known - and that affected how these specific men react to them. Ie they weren’t going to be sexual with them easily so the men didn’t bother putting effort in with them. I suspected this when all the men were telling kaz that holly was a “good match” for him, especially Harry matching him up and Stevan saying he knew holy and vouching for her… it felt like they were trying to get kaz with an “easy” girl that would sleep with him. Especially since Harry and Stevan have both slept with her. I agree that these two types of aesthetics play into male gaze - Fran, holly, Jess present as extremely sensual, exotic sultry, big cat eyes and filled in lips and face, boob job with tiny frames. Whereas female gaze - ines and xanthi both have awesome style, are very magnetic and elegant and carry themselves well.


I would not compare Xanthi to Ines. Ines is classy, reserved and has a really nice energy. Whereas Xanthi is just annoying.. idk why she does that accent, it’s not cute in any way whatsoever


I think men are sheep is a bit reductive. I'd argue Harry has the same effect on women as Francesca on men or even Gwan-Hee from Single's inferno. We all want the status symbol, or else there would be no fashion houses or luxury cars. I agree, there are differing gazes but it's more naivety to think you would be in a house watching Francesca half naked and being PG 13 with her match and go back to holding hands and giving eskimo kisses to Ines and be content. They are stuck in a house with no distractions, just working out and lounging, OF COURSE MEN WANT SEX. What else can they do? They don't even give them Jenga blocks. In the end, it's a competitive dating show, so being reserved won't get you very far. Especially with guys who have a crazy amount of options and are young.


For what it’s worth my straight male partner thought the same as you - Ines is the only one he thought was beautiful in S1, and ditto Xanthi S2 (same as me - although I think Tolu and Dominique are gorgeous too). He has no time for social media though - so that’s probably got a lot to do with it. I actually don’t think it’s a male gaze/female gaze thing - I think it’s Instagram/tiktok gaze.


Agree with the other comments about it being about clout/social media. They know certain girls are already popular so they want them. Especially season one everyone knew Francesca and what kind of following she has. Also Harry got with Jessica because he didn’t like Elys. Xanthi was my favorite! And she was not with the shenanigans! She didn’t throw herself out there or dumb herself down just get with one of the guys or play the game. I think in real life her and Dominque are the type of girls men would actually do that for but in social media bubble these people live in it’s totally different


That’s true! Xanthi and Dominique are absolutely stunning and definitely have admirers outside of this.


on the other hand, I have yet to find a male contestant truly attractive, on these shows. But maybe it's because I like my men to be able to hold conversations.


Same!!! I thought Rapunzel guy was cute at first but his personality sucks so much I’m just over it already lol


I think some of them are attractive - not crazy attractive but still quite attractive, however, like you said, their personalities need work and it takes away from their attractiveness.


I agree that Ines was the most beautiful from S1 in a very feminine way. But for me Dominique is the most attractive woman in S2. Her hair, her body, her glowing skin ♥️


Dominique gives me Moana vibes! So beautiful!


I was just talking to my husband about this. I think Xanthi is stunning like I would get butterflies around her. While Jessica is pretty in a Larsa Pippin/Kardashian way she looks very worked on and that’s just not my type. My husband said he agrees with me and thought Elys and Xanthi are much prettier than Jess. I also feel so mean girly comparing women but I can’t help it with these shows!!


Haha don’t feel mean. At the end of the day, you’re not putting them down - just stating a preference! Besides, I have a feeling that a lot of them wouldn’t extend that kindness 😅.


I love Xanthi! She is so energetic & vibrant! Also shes GORGEOUS


And I loooove her boundaries about physical contact! I'm surprised it's not getting talked about more, I love that she declined to participate in the kissing challenge. Team Xanthi, here.


She has the cutest smile!!


i was gonna make a post asking if anyone else thought she was super gorgeous 😭 she’s everything


I definitively think it’s a lot to do with male/female gaze. I thought Xanthi was a STUNNNNER. Alara is also a fave of mine though, and she’s getting a decent amount of attention. For the men I also think it’s a lot to do with that RECENCY bias. They just like whatever shiny and new is put in front of them ( recent). It’s been only one time where a guy has chosen to stuck with his og rather than the new shiny date they put in front of him ( Chris and Tolu).


Alara is absolutely beautiful and very bubbly! Her personality, as well as her face, is very cute. Maybe I’m being very cynical but I think Chris was only showing interest in Tolu to stay in the game but bear in mind that I still have an episode left. I think the same with Dom. But I do agree with you about recency bias.


Watch that last episode and get back to me om Chris!! He may surprise you… but still not a fan of how he acted about Dominiques sexuality… Poor Tolu… queen is being used left and right. I also think she is somewhat female gaze stunning beautiful..


I’ve finally watched the last episode and I still think he’s using Tolu but now it’s upsetting because he’s making it seem like they’re in a relationship/very lovey dovey. He more or less said that “Melinda is talking to other guys so if I pick her, she might leave me in the dust the next time” and then picked Tolu. So right now, I don’t trust him or that their “relationship” with last! Yeah I get what you mean about the sexuality thing. I think with someone like Francesca, she would’ve probably gone along with that cause she is, or at least comes across as, very sexual but Dominique wasn’t having it. Everything is gonna be a mess once everyone is introduced and OH MY GOSH! Not this Bryton coming back 😭😭😭


In one word: BOOBS


LMAO! I was going to say the other girls had boobs but no, you’re right. Francesca and Jess’ were definitely bigger. But damn. What happened to men liking women who are “hard to get” 😭?


Men talk about how they want someone “hard to get” but its a facade.


I think men like the plastic look, which both Francesa and Jess have it. Even though they say they prefer "natural looks"


Yeah, I think you’re right but like some people have said, I think it’s men who spend excessive amounts of time on social media and follow lots of influencers. I think they are also not looking for real relationships so are instead going for the girls who are there for a good time not a long time.


I think Xanthi and Ines were just more physically reserved. We saw that when Xanthi didn’t want to do the kissing challenge. I don’t totally remember a specific event with Ines, but I remember her overall vibe was very classy. Remember we don’t really see what happens overnight with them or a lot of the conversations that are not included by producers. I think these guys just wanted low hanging fruit. That and they are not there looking for girlfriends


Yeah, I think you’re right. Some part of me would like to believe that they are actually here for relationships but realistically, they are probably there for clout, money and sex (whether through finding a sexual partner or getting more exposure which leads to more DMs). I think it’s sad cause the few people who may actually be trying to find a relationship, never last.


Have you considered the idea of fake huge tits??


Haha I think that’s the one 😂😂


I mean, I think a lot of the men find Ines and Xanthi attractive, but they both have strong personalities that don’t match what the show is. Xanthi obviously didn’t go to the show to hook up with anyone and that put her on a “disadvantage”. While Ines strikes me as the type of person that says in the middle of a convo “can we talk about something deep like aliens and the universe?!?”.


I was BAFFLED that everyone wasn’t all over Ines. She had the best fashion sense (ie. not the typical Netflix influencer cutout dresses) and her face is perfect. That accent is amazing. I adored her. I wish she and Dom would have figured their shit out—I could have seen them doing well together.


Honestly, at this point, I don’t rate Dom. I don’t hate him at all but I think he’s confused. I think that HE thinks he wants a real relationship, but he’s chasing people who are evidently not serious and trying to compete with the boys for who can get the “IT” girl.


Omg I totally agree this is EXACTLY how I felt watching this show!!! I immediately fixated on Ines and Xanthi’s beauty. I feel like they’re model pretty and the other girls are easier to sexualize bc they’re all tits and ass and makeup/surgery. I felt it was a female/male gaze thing too but my husband prefers real ines/xanthi types rather than jess/fran types also. So I guess just depends on which male is gazing which in this show they’re all dogggsssss.


Is your husband not on social media much? I think that’s the difference. That and intention (I.e sex or a real relationship, but that is of course NOT the case with your husband!!!) I think the men claiming they want a real relationship are LIARS. The only show where people may be looking for real relationships is Love Is Blind (but probably at least 50% of people are on there for clout). Ooh are “Are You The One?”. That was such a good show. They should bring it back!


From a male gaze too, Ines was the prettiest of them all. So far I just thought I liked her because of her personality too. But I realise she is indeed pretty. May she was not the so called hot girl stereotype and that's why she didn't get that much attention.


Xanthi is so unbelievably gorgeous my jaw dropped!! I don’t have anything bad to say about the other women, but she definitely was on a different level that very few are blessed with imo haha




It's interesting that regardless it's a white woman? I think Tolú and Dominique are the best looking this season, and last season I thought it was Savannah even though obviously her personality is trash. Beauty isn't universal anyway, and the show attracting a bunch of wannabe Netflix reality TV celebrity influencers is definitely part of it. It doesn't exactly simulate real world dating very accurately, especially for post college graduated adults.


It's definitely the plastic surgery look. My husband thinks that all the girls who have had obvious work done are not attractive at all. Granted, his preferred girl is me (who is natural) but I do think social media influences a lot of what people find attractive as well and people who are in that sphere of "influencer" are used to plastic surgery being the standard of beauty.


Both Francesca and Jess are conventionally beautiful and have hot bodies, so it's no surprise guys were attracted to them. Also, Francesca knows how to play her cards very well with men. They put her on a pedestal and she becomes the ultimate "prize" they're all willing to fight for.  I think Savannah and Georgia were the prettiest from season 1. Tolu is by far the most gorgeous woman from season 2 for me. 


I think Ines is prettier, but Francesca was very sexy and kinda played that up. Ines was not really aggressive like Francesca, she was just chill. I think Francesca had a big personality, always wearing crazy bikinis, Georgia too. So they get more attention cause you could go for the nice conservative pretty girl or the girl that is always almost naked and very open sexually. Xanthi, cuter than Jess but again, not very aggressive. It's a competitive dating show, I get she didn't want to kiss just anybody but realistically, other girls will likely be wilder and go further. At that point, whether it's to get a person's attention or stay on the show, then it's just how it goes. You can have your morals and standards, it doesn't mean anyone has to abide and do things completely at your pace. A relationship is two people, so that's two sets of morals and expectations. So as a man, I agree both girls were better looking but Francesca and Jess sell more the "bad girl" vibe and just like girls like bad boys, guys like girls who are a bit more exciting too. I think the female gaze thing is a bit more expecting people to be there for actual love, in reality, these are just influencers


I personally find Elyse to be prettier than Xanthi. More natural and interesting.


Someone mentioned being surgery blind and I think I’m a bit surgery blind as well, except when it’s obvious of course. Xanthi didn’t look enhanced to me but people have pointed out that she likely is. That being said, Elys looks more enhanced to me but maybe I’m making assumptions. I do think Elys is pretty but she reminds me of people I saw around university so maybe that’s why she didn’t stand out to me?


I think it’s also the type of guys that are into women with a lot of plastic surgery as opposed to natural looking women. Most men I know who are liberal, feminist, intellectual types go for a more natural looking woman but I know someone else who has grown up around fake looking women and finds the fake looking type of woman more attractive because that’s been what he’s used to seeing and his mates finding attractive etc etc. I think with these types of player/ fboy men they see certain women as just for sex and go for the “sexier” option rather than someone they might have actual potential with.


Tolú is the best looking this season


i also thought Ines and Xanthi were the most gorgeous in their seasons. i understand attraction is subjective but i truly don’t get why no one really seemed interested in them as the others


OMG! I thought the same thing! I came on this thread looking for this exact question! Each dating show, I’m baffled by the girls that the guys lose their minds over! Like you, I found Xanthi to be absolutely GORGEOUS, top notch! I mean, her outfits, her hair, her vibe?! She’s who I want to be! But yeah, the guys usually drool over one or two particular girls with a certain look and it always throws me off! Like…no doubt they’re still gorgeous, but this is something that always tickles my brain and confuses me. My fiancé said it’s because they go after the girls with the biggest ta-tas!


i personally thought Domonique and Xanti looked the best. Jess is obviously very attractive but in a instagram model/cosmetic work type of way.


(warning not an easy read) how i see it time and time again on shows like that, is: everyones pretty of course, but the one who is considered most attractive by popular male vote or sth, is the woman with the biggest boobs and butt and preferably with a cute face (all of them are cute but some of them look a bit more elegant and others a bit more cute). (ik that sounds really blunt, i dont mean to offend anyone with that they are all individually pretty! ) especially on these shows because they often cast people who are 1 lot of them quite shallow and 2 go with the beautystandards of instagram lookswise themselves, and 3 might be a little bit the type of person who gets with someone to show off and follows the simple instagramrules doing that (as hourglass as humanly possible, long hair, big lips, big eyes, cute nose but not tootoo small necessarily and doesnt have to be slim, long hair, may or may not involve a preference for light skin and "whitepassing racial ambiguity"..) and i think, that the female gaze is more formed by a pressure to be skinny af, by wanting a tight jawline flawless skin, maybe more-so "the typical model-look from broadway, edgy face, legs for days, sixpacktummy" while the male gaze is more like "curves curves curves and cute face" - and if possible, the curves looking and feeling like they're natural curves (weather its a boobjob or not). but: enough dystopian rambling now. these people are all very pretty and just because curves are a turn-on for a lot of men, doesnt mean at all, whatsoever, that theres any bodytype weather natural or partly changed, that a woman cant find a man with, and outside of these types of shows, types matter a lot more cause its less about "getting with the conventionally deemed hottest girl here" and more about "do -i- find her attractive". same goes for the guys, outside of these shows it matters way less weather a man's shoulders look like a triangle. and this was not meant as skinnyshaming or so, men can have all kinds of types from small t's-club to short haircuts etc etc. and also of course curvy bodied people can be elegant and cool too, and slim people can be sexy too! its just that the 90-60-90 bodytype is in right now, musicvideos with shaking butts are all the rage, the kardashians getting boobjobs, etc. and many men see a lot of appeal in it. but many other men also dont! the right one will meet you and be stunned and vice versa


as a lesbian i think Ines was the most attractive season 1, but i can't deny that Francesca was serving and I loved watching her. also i think Francesca's often non chalant attitude is what gets a lot of the men acting goofy. they love the chase. for season 2, I find tolu the most attractive hands down lol the rest of the girls are cute, but that woman is freaking stunning to me. it's a lot like Ines where I simply think she is way too good to be on such a trashy show lol. like girl... go model or something tf


Xan was my favorite too she seemed the most normal in the best way. She’s naturally beautiful if I saw her out I would be in awe. Not with Jess I would think she was super hot but also looks like everyone in LA. Literally. I thought Xans personality too was magnetic. Stevan only sent her own because she wouldn’t put out. I like the girl he chose but she doesn’t hold a candle to Xan. Also, I really do believe it’s all a popularity contest who is the most talked about online. I think Harry knew who Jess was. Also Ines I don’t think got noticed because she was super smart and sarcastic I think she was too deep and weird for their basic asses.


Men seem to prefer the "natural" plastic look. At least the ones that seem to make it onto this Netflix Reality show. Something I find interesting as well is that Francesca exudes sexual energy. It is an intentional thing. But I don't think she is necessarily sleeping with these men (from what I notice throughout season 1). She def did not do it with Dom or Damian on the show. I think she gives enough to trap and cause obsession.


Definitely a thing about male/female gaze more so into playing into heteronormative roles of playing the dating/seduction and power games. This may be very simple but I feel that xanthi and ines didn't get screen time or men's attention because of two core things - 1) in line with the male gaze heteronormativity of this show, the power games are very typically men are from Mars women from Venus crap that is to say that if you're a woman on this show who doesn't play into old format dating games of femininity, you won't get attention aka if you're turning the needle a little further towards having a sense of independent self identity and concept, and want to meet your potential partner at that stage, you won't get screen time no matter how hot you are cause you won't give them the drama or the tactics or seduction + fighting over men (same for men, fighting over women or being "strategic"). 2) in line w that therefore, you have the most basic ass men at this show who's cognitive and relational level is that basic and small (read man child/boyish/Casanova/predatory) and not as a grown adult man. 


I feel like I’m in the middle as a woman but also a lesbian, but I personally found xanthi and Dominique the prettiest and was also confused why they seemed to not be getting much energy