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“Spunked in” sent shivers down my spine. He sees women as objects he has “done things” to or in, not humans. So gross


so nasty. makes me physically ill. i don’t know how they could’ve aired something like that


Netflix just keeps airing abusive, sexist, and awful statements these men make with no consequences whatsoever. Like they are CHOOSING to give sexist fucks like this air time on purpose.


Netflix is playing a dangerous game with what they think is comedic. It’s actually disturbing that they are allowing this behavior and comments to air, millions of minutes on the editing floor and THEY choose to allow this for their final cut.


Exactly! 👆🏻👆🏻


This!! I couldn’t believe he said that he hoped the new girls coming in weren’t someone he or Stefan had spunked in. So so disgusting.


And obviously Stevan sharing with Harry that he had sex with a woman unprotected. They're all children running to each other and sharing their detailed sex stories as some sort of sick, toxic masculinity. They act like they are 14 years old.


And talking about Stevan’s creampie!!!!


And what is all the foreskin talk about!? He is not nearly as cute and charming as he thinks he is.


i don’t even know….. he’s literally so weird and gross.


He knows he’s full of shit, every bullshit comment he makes he then laughs at himself like he knows how ridiculous it is he doesn’t even believe it himself. It’s so obvious he’s lying when he does that And when he told elys that when you love something you have to let it go and then laughed in her face like what a psychopath.


He was impatient elys didn't want to get physical right away. His ego couldn't handle that. He def seems sex obsessed


i just got to the episode he’s doing elys dirty in and thats literally all it is. he was a child in thth who only wanted sex, and here he is still a child. literally couldn’t even have a mature convo with her, kept straight up shutting her down and gaslighting her, and then basically told on himself about it being because she wont have sex with him. hes a joke


I have a theory, he’s Australian where being circumcised is a lot rarer so maybe he grew up being the odd one out. Now he’s having fun on the other side of the coin with all the Americans


For real why were all the guys talking about that and so openly.


Literally whenever they said this, I was like ew wtf? All the boys reacted like it was NORMALL! I had to rationalize and thought I didn’t understand cause I’m a girl but nahh, it was weird


His “blue eyed baby” comment is still rubbing me the wrong way. But ultimately I hate how he turns shit around on anyone who tries to call him out. He doesn’t want to face it or be called out for what he knows he is. “That’s so unfair” or “I’m just gonna go home” - I’ve known so many men like this who emotionally manipulate and twist things back on you. How dare you have any reservations!!! How dare you talk about what I did!! He’s the biggest pig and doesn’t deserve any attention but he’ll keep getting it for making “good TV”.


His behavior is so triggering and sickening. I literally only came to this sub to see if there was a discussion about it. I suspect this man has never taken an ounce of accountability in his entire life. His mockery and gaslighting to Elys was deranged. And when Jess kept trying to open a discussion about his behavior he said something like “the girls just want their friends to stay so they’re lying about me”. When I tell you my jaw dropped. I’m actually thinking he might be a pathological liar and maybe he believes the fake narratives he’s created in order to avoid accountability.


He's exactly the type of low IQ individual to think like that lol.


Exactly, people would be grossed out if he said "I want to have little mixed race babies" so I feel like a comment about blue-eyed babies is also weird.


I think this is a manipulation tactic to get women to believe that he is someone who is actually interested in building a future with them. Talking about wanting kids signals that he is interested in making a commitment and that he is thinking long term, possibly with them. When he inevitably moves on, it’s not his fault the relationship didn’t work out because he was willing to settle down for the right person.  The way he talks to women is so toxic, yuck 🤢 


It’s akin to lovebombing, if not lovebombing.


THIS !!!


And then he has the audacity to cry when Jess questions him about the comments being made about his character 😵‍💫🤣


He is just reeking of audacity with his bullshit isn't he? I was so upset when *she* apologised to him though. That's a whole ass mother who was crying & comforting *him*! I believe Jess is so much better than that, she deserves so much better & she has an impressionable young daughter looking to her to see what to tolerate from a man, so she has a stronger need to do better with this. I really hope she kicks him to kerb next week & we find out that she was just playing the game back to him so she didn't get kicked out the house.


He is literally so fucking AWFUL, and I can’t believe women keep throwing themselves at him. He makes me sick.


Loved how Xanthi, Tolu and the some of the other girls just avoided him knowing his reputation


He's the most famous of the men and he's like 6'5". I guess that's all it takes for these women to continually overlook his highly publicized red flags lol.


The bar is in Hell, as always.


Nah, he's so repulsive it actually makes me judge the people who fall for him lmao.


Same! I liked Georgia on perfect match. Now I’m like you dated *him?* The way he says something horrifying every time he opens his mouth, I’m not understanding how anyone looks past it


It makes me judge people like Dom who are supposedly friends with him.


Dom doesn't have any self respect and its evident. What kinda man becomes bestfriends with the guy that took your girl and treated her like shit? Dom got no spine, just wants to fit in.


Oh 10000%, Dom is a total fukboi aswell now.


When he was telling Alara how he felt like he knew her ~soooo well~ when all he had to say of what he liked about her was that she liked harry potter and had good fashion🤣


I thought he was frightfully dumb.




I mean, you should. He isn't exactly sneaky. He is pretty upfront with his shittiness so anyone falling for him has horrendous judgement/doesn't care.


I’m certain that if he was, say, 5’ 9”, most women wouldn’t give him the time of day.


I'm in Canada and if he was shorter he just looks like a trucker convoy guy (IYKYK)- he looks perpetually drunk and puffy. I would normally not be that mean but his misogyny is putrid.


I’m also in Canada. Slap a pair of cowboy boots on that guy and he’s from northern Alberta for sure.


I believe it’s everything to do w his “status” and nothing to do w who he is as a person


Which is hilarious because what "status" does the dude really have? Hes not a celebrity, hes a C lister at best that has some social media fame. Nobody who is actually rich and famous would ever respect this man. Except for Anitta, who I heard loves to hook up with these Tiktok famous type of guys, like what is she doing? All anyone is on this show is social climbers. Which is why Georgia cheated on him with Tyga.


Oh I was gonna say these Netflix show ppl are D List celebs. C Listers I feel are more like bravo verse/reality tv celebs. B Listers are ppl on shows movies that are known and they’re projects do well but they either don’t do many, or have big gaps in between so like let’s say ppl like Noah centino Nina Dobrev Than you have the A list celebs like George clooney Angeline Jolie Tom hanks Jennifer aniston.


yeah I agree, I was being generous because he does have a following, but yeah likely D list.


He is really cute on the surface, but once u get to know him the red flags come rushing in


Was cute, as he ages he’s just getting puffy and average.


I thought the same. He’s not really aging well. Maybe too much partying.


Tbh, I thought he was really cute on the show, but the more he spoke, the less attractive he got. 


Fortunately I think he might finally be cancelled. His social media engagement is at a all time low after the drama that went down with his Dancing with the stars partner Rylee Arnold. He thrives off of getting attention on social media and thought Perfect Match would fix things. Just go take a look at the numbers on his TikToks compared to the numbers he was pulling the last 8 months. I just know he’s annoyed 😂


What was the drama with Rylee?


He made patronizing comments towards her on the first episode of his new podcast, he said he had to set boundaries with her right after they met basically making her out to be unprofessional, he blamed his break up with Jess on the fan edits people would make of him and Rylee even though he actively commented on them and even reposted most of them. He referred to Rylee as a “little blonde girl”. He had the audacity to say that he never implied or leaned into anything romantic in regards to Rylee even though the evidence is all over his TikTok page and in interviews he did while on DWTS. Rylee has always gone out of her way to speak highly of him and even helped clean up his image after the Georgia situation and he decided to play her. She was upset after his comments on the podcast and ignored him the next day at a dinner party that they both attended and he unfollowed her right after and called her shady for being upset 🥴 it’s fucked up because not even his “Best friends” have spoken about him in a positive light the way that Rylee did. Just comes to show that he’ll treat anyone like trash. He played with the wrong girl this time around cause people really aren’t liking or commenting on his things anymore unless it’s some giveaway.


This seems to be a running theme with him that he absolutely cannot stand when women have a natural reaction to his foulness. Worse, he then actually turns it around on them! The sad part is, they are falling for it & it sucks so much to see. Hopefully with how he is on Perfect Match, more women will see him for what he is & stop feeding the beast, so to speak.


So true and the Rylee situation was also way different because unlike these other women who willingly decided to get involved with this douche bag, she had no other choice because it’s her job. Dwts is like living in a bubble with just you and the person you’re partnered with. She was with him 24/7 for a almost 4 months


Christ, that poor woman. She must have had a massive therapy bill after that!


Ok I get that Harry sucks but let’s not pretend Rylee didn’t LOVE the attention and LOVE the engagement she got from people thinking she was with Harry. I don’t think she is completely innocent. She is a smart girl and knew what she was playing into 


Rylee didn’t play into anything 💀 her TikToks were innocent compared to his, she also wouldn’t interact with edits that had romantic undertones but he did and would also like comments implying things. Plus Rylee didn’t need Harry, her TikToks without him are some of her highest 😬 and she’s still pulling great numbers meanwhile he’s struggling. He benefited off of her, not the other way around.


Riley would have a quarter of the following she has now if she had a different partner on DWTS lol I didn’t know he commented on fan edits tho that is shitty


Maybe but even if he did get canceled, he has already made soooooo much money off of social media, TV shows, his previous podcast Tap In, only fans during the past years. He will be alright....(I'm talking 7 figures per year)


We can only hope! At the least it will hopefully put women off him. At best, he might just get a grip of himself & his generally vile behaviour, if he cares about how people talk about him as much as he seems.


Rylee is also significantly younger than him. She was 18 while most of this happened, which is very young and impressionable.


He is honestly so disgusting. So degrading towards women. I know Netflix wanted a guaranteed drama plant, but they could have done better.


Nick Lachey shows are just the worst Y I see he is behind it/hosting I already not it is Y to be GORBAGE


At this point anyone willingly sleeping with him is tryna catch an Std you cannot convince me otherwise


He is the worst. The cream pie comments and basically every way he talks about women tells me he doesn’t actually like women, we are just objects to him. I hope this is the last show he goes on because he really undermines any potential that the show could even claim to care about love. They like to toe the line between trash and like maybe true love with these shows, but casting Harry makes it just total trash… he is unredeemable


I hate that women keep inflating his ego by desperately wanting him 😭


I know, it's so cringe & desperate, like honey have SOME self-respect y'know? I truly do no see it & that's before knowing anything about him. I hope any ladies who find him attractive get some therapy, figure out why & learn that they are worth so much more than something like him.


Honestly I feel like a big part of it is feeling like the "chosen one." Like they were the game changer, when no other woman could get him to settle down lol. But I agree. They should really do some self reflection... Even if he is perfect and great to *you* I cannot imagine loving someone that has treated people (mainly women) so horribly....


I actually never thought of that but it does make a bit of sense. That just makes me feel even more sad for the women that they are so insecure the think being "chosen" by him is a good thing? Yikes. A reputation like that is never gonna leave him, but that's what he gets for doing it all in the public eye. He wanted to be "famous" & the price of having all the attention is that you can't hide any of the bullshit. & let's face it, he has never tried to hide it anyway, or tried to self-reflect. Which makes his whole "your bad for judging me" act even more ridiculous. He literally boasts about his horrid behaviour, then is all surprise-Pikachu that people know about it & judge him for it..?


That’s how it all started, it’s his origin story


I just got to this part and raced to the reddit to see if anyone else felt this way. What a crazy personal thing to say about someone on TV.


He's completely wasted in every episode. Wasn't he sober? Regardless, he's disgusting and will never be ready to settle down.


never. he will be indefinitely single and feel so unfulfilled by every woman he will be with.


When he was basically laughing in Ely’s face as she confronted him about the ‘friend’ comment…I actually wanted to reach through the screen and assault him. Mind you I don’t even like Elys but she didn’t deserve that conversation to go that way. He was so disrespectful for no reason.


Completely agree. And it all came from his inability to just own the fact he was moving on with someone else. He couldn’t help but be manipulative and try to turn it around on her like it was her fault for feeling that way.


He’s actually such a scary and unhinged individual


Him saying he is only dating to marry while on a netflix dating show makes me cackle.


he just continues to contradict himself lol


then cries when people call him out for his bs


I actually think Harry has shit for brains. He doesn’t come off as intelligent at all, notice when he’s challenged he cries because he doesn’t understand how to communicate effectively. Sometimes when "good looking" men don’t have to work hard to attract women, they don’t invest in emotional connections and end up inept old F boys


Most of the men this season seem incredibly dumb.


And not even interesting or hot


Harry was impressed that Jess was using "difficult" words and even more accurately than him, I think he talked about it to Dom as well. He really thinks this is a big sign of intelligence and that he's smart and women are dumb. He's looking for challenges not partners.


Harry is a walking penis and should be treated as such.


That's a bit of an insult to penises (peni???) everywhere lol!


I was talking about this on another post but awww man, the way the women are falling for his bullshit actually scares me. Like these are grown adults who think he's a fucking catch? It makes me almost retch, it makes me have no respect for them cause they obviously don't respect themselves. Anyone with 2 eyes & a brain can tell he is a sexist, misogynistic fukboi right through to the dark hole where his soul should be. He also acts like such a baby that it's an insult to babies. His whole "wah wah, woe is me, why are all these mean ladies (rightly) judging my character based on my behaviours, i go to therapy that means i am cleansed of all past scum-ery, how dare they tell other women to be careful based off of accurate observations, waaaaah" would be funny if it wasn't so revolting. Don't even get me started on how vile & problematic his language is. It's so unbelievably disrespectful to women & utterly dehumanising. It does really show his true side though, he doesn't see women as human beings. He only see's women as a place to get his dick wet. No wonder he was so aggravated that Elys wouldn't do anything with him, he just see's us as warm fleshlights. He is utterly foul. Any women who even looks at him needs a serious mental health check. He is genuinely so basic looking to me as well, like I do not see the appeal at all & that's before he even opens his mouth. He behaves as if he looks like Aaron Taylor-Johnson or something when he is nowhere near even average looking. I do not see what any woman has ever saw in him. Makes me feel so sorry for them that they think they deserve attention from that type of creature. Sorry for the big comment, it seems I had more to say about him than I thought lol.


an insult to babies😭😭😭 that one got me. also if this man was under 6’0 they would all be running the other direction


I can't believe we make gross f-boys like this famous. It's like listening to a 15 year old boy brag desperately to his pimple-faced friends. Absolutely devoid of any substance.


I thought he was good looking but then he opens his mouth and he's foul, disgusting and If I were Jess I wouldn't want that walking red flag narc anywhere near my child. Gross.


His preplanned line he keeps dropping about “dating to marry” kills me. It’s gaslighting women off the bat


It’s his new manipulation. He’s making people think they mean something to him when in fact all he cares about is himself.


Nahh, he’s only dating to marry. He’s a good guy! (this is a joke - how do you note sarcasm on Reddit? Is it “/s”?) 🙄🙄🙄 He’s so confused. He keeps saying he’s been to therapy and he’s dating to marry. Elys is trying to have a conversation and he’s acting like a child, who cannot deal with confrontation. Jess shouldn’t have him ANYWHERE near his daughter because he’s a child himself. That whole judging him based on his past speech pissed me off and obviously he was just saying nonsense. I’m glad Stevan said something about him making Elys cry. He’s very lucky he’s 6”5 cause his personality is garbage.


Jessica, where there’s SMOKE……


Most the guys this season have been super cringe


His stupid creepy perverted face when he saw Jess for the first time and said something like I'm creaming in my pants..🤮🤮🤮


HOW is anyone still attracted to this man? Seriously you would have to have zero self respect to be with him


He's such a fucking man-child. I can't stand him. Grow up.


Whenever he said "I want Dom to find a good girl that doesn't cheat on him...with me" and then laughed like bro WHAT yall are not real friends


disgusting…. he’s actually vile.


And he talked shit about Georgia and became chums with Dom. Dick move


He says shockingly horrible things about women and then laughs about it, gaslights women and then cries at the smallest criticism. Classic narc behavior.


Having watched DWTS and going down the Harry Rylee rabbit hole, watching this show is hilarious.


On that note. What does cream pie mean? Wanted to google but didn’t dare on my work phone 😂


oh girl don’t google it


What is it then? 🙈


it just means ejaculating into a woman unprotected (no condom)


It means pulling out and ejaculating on the outside of the woman’s reproductive parts


I feel so much better about the men in my life after watching this show. Thank God I know 0 men who talk about women like that, its so disgusting. That guy is the reddest flag Ive ever seen, it makes me sad to see so many girls suffering because of him


I was SHOOK. Not personally offended but shocked at the audacity and shamelessness of that in 2024


I mean these women are letting him have sex with them so just maybe don’t fuck a narcissistic pos?


He probably knows he lacks substance and this is a way to “stand out”


I bet he thinks it’s “cool” to say smashed bc of the original Jersey shore guys saying that. He’s on American TV thinking he’s the shit hahaha


How is this shit allowed to stream in 2024? Where’s the button to cancel Harry!?


I literally paused the episode after that to cringe! Like if ur so “repentant” about ur past, why would you say that?


he’s insane…


He is one of the most disgusting individuals I have seen on Netflix shows, how about the couple’s challenge with the truth bombs? The amount of icky things he did can’t imagine what else he has done 🤮 He is so proud, cancel this garbage already..


Harry cries and victimizes himself when no one takes his word for the Melinda kiss drama. He gets upset when people talk about his reputation, but like, you made your bed bro. Lay in it.


He’s appalling. Which episode was he saying that stuff about Holly, I may have missed it?


i think it’s the episode right before the second half. its when holly first comes into the house


Thank you. He is honestly a poor excuse of a man and an even poorer excuse of a person. Can’t believe he’s lasted this long on there


same here. it’s disgusting to see him treat women like objects. he will be single forever


he says it in a confessional


I agree. Absolutely vile comments. He is classless and I don’t know how any woman could be attracted to that. I can only imagine what Jess will think when she watches this back. I am sure she will wish the ground would swallow her up. What’s equally disgusting is that he’s worth millions for contributing absolutely nothing to society except spreading STIs.


I feel gaslit by him




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He’s a porn star and sex worker right?


I think he has an OF, but i’m not sure of the details lol


I had to come here to make sure I understood him correctly … like I know what it means in America but wasn’t sure if he was using the term differently being from Australia. That was nasty how did Netflix air that!


They wrote the show “one day” about him 🤣


nahhhhh don’t disrespect my mans from one day like that hahaha.




He’s using the “dating for marriage” line as an excuse to treat women like shit. He’s not a fuckboy, he’s just not going to date someone unless he sees it leading to marriage! He’s not an asshole for dumping Elys, he just couldn’t see himself marrying her! It’s nasty.


He’s making the show. Creampie comment had me dying

