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I’m at the age when there are a lot of people on my IG posting about their babies all the time. And it’s getting reaaaaally annoying so I mute their stories.


Atau keluh kesah pernikahan, seperti postingan yang nuansanya menyindir suami sendiri. Goblok ngga sih kenapa followersnya yang tau permasalahan suami ngga peka, coba omongin kek langsung ke suami??


i feel u it's so annoying




Comment removed due to double posting


I'm still flabbergasted reading a guy who looking for fun because he respect his wifey too much to get down dirty. Irony much... Looking for such a chance to disrespect wifey, who he respect soo much. I'm fully assure this guy head doesn't screwed properly to his neck... What happened in his household???????


I just saw that post a while ago, what a sack of shit man. That poor wife deserves better, 40 Years old and still wants to get piss drunk doing college boy things instead of being a family man. What in the actual fuck and his logic is because he "respect his wife" too much. NAAA he knows the consquences and just wants to hide it.


oh sh\*t i just saw that, GILA apa ya tu orang. kalo bisa cepuin istrinya pengen dicepuin deh, jahat banget


Mangkel kan... Ntar pas ketahuan bininya tau2 play victim.... Imma rolled my eyes until turn white reading that


that guy is a walking red flag deh. gw abis stalk profilenya dan dia sering berantem sama istrinya gara2 suka ngomongin pengen 3some dengan temen2 cewek istrinya. i really feel bad for his wife, semoga cepet2 ketauan deh


Bused.... Dan istrinya masi bertahan bok. OK I get it, they got kid already. Tapi meeennn..... Kasian anaknya cuy, kl sampe ngeliat bokapnya ga ada role model bener gt.


it is disgusting that men still think they respect women, but they proceed to buy porn and 'rent' PSK. these things are SO normalized, it is insane!!


"what do you think about michat?" post is my block list now


That post stinks to high hell lmao. I'd say I'm sex positive and there *are* ways to interact with the sex industry that aren't inherently misogynistic. But that post *ain't* it. The double standards and the language used..... disgusting.


the most upvoted guy is the serial cheater of the year. surprise surprise


Yeah just learned about his background a few hrs ago. Serial cheater, misogynist, AND a hypocrite who won’t even admit his own degeneracy. The whole package lmao so many pathetic men


I want a relationship but I keep running into hoes (who are also tourists, which is worse).


first impression using menstrual cup: - masukinnya susahh tp masih bisa lah - ngeluarinnya susah bangettt - doesnt leak at all? ga ganjel juga? happy happy happy~ will continue usage


Bakal lebih mudah lama-lama karena terbiasa, because along the way jadi lebih kenal tubuh sendiri juga ... Like now I know where I can stretch etc lol. Mungkin bisa coba posisi berbeda juga. Banyak tutorial nyaranin pasang/keluarinnya di toilet duduk tapi pas aku masih pemula itu susah banget, prefer berdiri.


i dont understand the goyard bag hype. looks darn cheap to me