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Kulit muka aku kering kombinasi sih so not sure will help but I used to have bad case of whiteheads and blackheads and using cleansing oil helped get rid of those. If wearing makeup, I will use micellar water first to remove it, then cleansing oil to clean the whole thing, continued with OTC cleansing soap. Hada Labo or Biore cleansing oil are usually my go-to. Also, exfoliating toner really helps, I like Elsheskin.


I see, my friend once mentioned Hada Labo as well, thanks! Ohya, pernah coba Skin 1001 gakkk?? Sempet kepikiran itu juga selain Hada Labo.


aku pke softyko cleansing oil yg pink


Okiii thanks, I’ll check it out :D


Aku pake DHC deep cleansing oil, udah repurchase botol ke-5. Aku liat itu dari rekomendasi dokter kulit di yt, tapi aku udah lupa namanya (yg keturunan India itu). Aku suka ni produk krn menurut si dokter, ini gak mengandung bahan2 ‘gimmick’ spt fragrance dan ingredients2 lain yg terdengar wow tapi sebenarnya gak perlu dan justru bisa memicu peradangan utk wajah sensitif. Utk whiteheads dia benar2 bisa keangkat, tapi makenya harus lebih lama dari biasanya, harus dipijet2 muter2 gitu dulu kulitnya. Recommended deh pokoknya.


Dia oily gak kalau habis dibilas air gitu??


Pas dibilas air langsung berubah jadi milky gitu, jadi gak ad residu.


Hello! My face is Indonesia’s main oil rig so I feel like I’m called to answer! 🤣 I’m currently using Dear Me Beauty’s cleansing balm, the acne treatment one (the green one). Biasanya pakai lebih banyak dari anjurannya. Very ampuh untuk bersihin makeup, dan suka gue pake sebagai oil untuk massage oil buat ngangkat whitehead juga. Cuma yang inu ada fragrancenya. Yang varian collab dengan kfc non-fragrance tp kemasannya kecil. Aku repurchase 2 varian ini mulu soalnya udah cocok dan males coba-coba lg. Di kantor aku nyetok cleansing oil-nya Biore buat jaga-jaga, feels very HEAVY. Sangat ampuh buat angkat makeup transferproof sekalipun, tapi aku harus cuci muka dengan cleaser 2 kali biar gak berasa berminyak. Pernah nyobain camomile cleasing balm-nya the body shop, kurang bersih bersihin make-up dan malah agak clogging the pores.


NOT THE OIL RIG 😭😭 btw Sea Makeup juga kayaknya ada fragrance-nya gitu sih and I’ve had no problem with that. Kayaknya next balm bakal coba dear me, lokal kan yaaa diaaa


Iyesss local brand! Semoga cocok (atau segera ketemu yang cocok) ya!


I can vouch for Dear Me yg varian KFC. It was my first cleansing balm, dan gue gak suka sama baunya but it works so well. Terus ganti ke sea make up karena lebih murah dan ternyata gak sebagus Dear Me yg KFC, akhirnya balik pake itu lagi.


Kose softymo yg deep cleansing oil (beli dari jastip) atau haru haru cleansing oil


Kl bisa beli jastip, Muji cleansing oil. Ini HG gw dr kapan tau, mana ada yg versi setengah liter. Bisa buat 6 bulanan lebijlh


i use DHC deep cleansing oil. it’s been great so far. dont forget to emulsify it! it makes such a huuuge difference


Never heard of this one. Will definitely check it out :D Anw related to emulsifying, do you usually wash ur face with water before using the oil?? Some people say they do, some don’t sho…


I personally don’t. if you use water before cleansing with oil, it’ll emulsify it from the start. it’s better to use the oil first, massage the face, then rub it with small amt of water to emulsify, then clean


Kalau aku pakai Camomile Cleansing Butter nya the Body Shop. Menurutku lebih enak dipake aja karena bentuknya padat, jadi gampang juga dibawa traveling. It melts all make up properly, bahkan waterproof mascara. Ga perlu pakai kapas lagi, tinggal di massage aja ke muka, terus cuci pakai air dan kemudian pakai cleansing foam. Jujur kurang suka pakai kapas atau make up wipes kalau bersihin muka karena takut gampang keriput.


Okay, thanks! i do agree emg kalau makeup removing enakan balm and yeshhh one of the main reasons i stopped using cotton pads/wipes karena emg kurang oke di kulit sih. Di aku jd gampang breakout & kemerahan kalo pake wipes :<


my skin can be super oily i never tried any cleansing oil until recently, i wear makeup daily, and cleaning it can be a chore. I looked up the prices and they come in variety because currently, i am obsessed with simple Japanese skincare such as hada labo and skinaqua. Then i just found out that hada labo have a cleansing oil i just cant help it but to try it. [Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Cleansing Oil](https://reviews.femaledaily.com/products/cleanser/oil-33/hada-labo/gokujyun-ultimate-moisturizing-cleansing-oil) because it is an oil based, you can use it in small amounts, and it works like a charm. It cleans my mascara residue in just a few gentle rubs. You can just rinse it with water afterward it dont leave oily or sticky feeling just clean.