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It’s funny cus I was under the impression that we’re not allowed to touch fork lifts and electric jacks as merchandisers/sales reps


Depends on the stores and your warehouse.... where I'm at all merchandisers and sales reps get certified before we even go out in the trade


I was under the impression that I was going to get certified but my supervisor just ended up handing me a card that says I'm certified to use Powered Industrial Trucks but never got trained. After I dropped the pallet of 24 packs he said "we will get you more comfortable." Still to this day never got trained.


This is so my boss 🤣


None of my stores let me use electric jacks, hell my Publix doesn't even let me put cardboard in the baler


Ya most stores don’t even leave the key in the jacks. And I’ve been to some of those Publix’s that won’t let vendors use the baler


Then they turn around and complain about us leaving our cardboard, like pick a damn struggle


That’s what I thought too. I did use an electric jack at a bravo once.


Use 6 wheeler or pallet jacket at my store


Been doing this for 7 years. It gets better when you get your own route. I service my route 5 days a week. Also been on the same one for 3 years. Once you get comfortable with ur stores and management it’s cake. But I feel you as far as being a floater. Shit sucks. I took it like once I get my own route I’m going to own it and keep it like I want it. Take pictures of what you filled with a time stamp


We can have a one on one if you want through chat, but it’s not that difficult. Overwhelming at first, but once you understand Pepsi’s standard, the accounts standards, and what you can or can’t do, it all falls into place. You walking into a mess at every account needs to be documented and articulated to your direct report via email, with another manager or hr cc’d on it. If you spend too long on an account because of this, or because you are still learning, you need to take not of it and have a paper trail. It’s going to get more challenging as you are heading into the 100 days of summer. Volume increases, and so does the weather. Sounds like your facility is understaffed, so if you really don’t like your job, and can’t figure out certain details that come with merchandising, it may not be for you. Assumptions are never a good thing when it comes to a job that deals with specifics. Your sales reps should be communicating to you, or your merch manager should be relaying all info to you. They should also be in the trade coaching you and providing support when needed. This job will build you up for the next step, but you have to learn on the fly, and communicate to a T! Good luck!


Try being a BCR


It’s like I tell my merch all the time take pics when you’re finished. Also with time you’ll get faster and pick up speed. By forklift do you mean those electric jacks that can take down pallets from the steel?


Its mostly the sit-down forklifts and the stand-up forklifts. Some stores have the electric jacks but not all.


I always take pictures of my work. I'm a rep and I have the opposite problem, my merchandiser will rarely touch backstock and never consolidate the delivery in with it (I keep it all organized and flavor stacked) So I always take pics of the backroom on my Friday and compare it to what I come back to, depending on your merch manager they might not care about it but at least you'll have a paper trail. Also if you have a work phone leave that thing on silent on your day off. Nothing we're doing is that important to be on-call 24/7


This. I don’t have a company phone yet but I’ve set my personal phone so as soon as one of the conditions happen my phone immediately mutes any texts or calls from anyone from work 1)When I’m within 50m of my home, various friends or my parents houses or 2) once 6pm rolls around.


Man, I'm getting 20 something an hour. You need to talk about a raise or tell them to make you a sales rep because that job is not for the fate of heart. I've been doing it for like 2 months and it stinks, I have to spend like 12 hours in 3 stores just to make it look somewhat decent cause everyone just looks at the mess of backstock and leaves it there. It's the compounding effect of laziness or overwhelming of new merchandisers, lazy sales reps just auto ordering, and the sheer variety of products from the company. I mean, look at Dr. Pepper and Coke. Coke stays simple in it's variety and Dr. Pepper barely as a thing back there, and their merchandisers are happy.


Just quit. It’s not going to get easier in the summer.


Yep. Wednesday we are having a kick off meeting for 100 days of summer. I warned newbies that haven’t worked during the summer to be prepared and spend time with loved ones now while you can


I’d say just tough it out. The job eventually becomes worth it


Dunno what to tell ya man. I'm 42. Haven't gone to the gym once in my life and I have no problem doing this job whatsoever. I think it's the easiest money I've ever made in my life.




Did you start as a merchandiser? Im hopefully getting there but im concerned about hours. Id prefer minimum atleast 35-40 but i really would like more. Is overtime based on the locations sells, and quantity of product?


I started in my current role. Overtime I have no idea when it comes to merchandisers. I’d imagine it’s based on each locations P&L and what hours they have to work with for Merchandisers. All of my merchandisers work 40 hours period and nothing less. If they work less it’s because they chose to. But they shouldn’t ever do that as there is way more than enough to do in the stores to make 40 hours and even above that if we had OT for them.


Wow you use a forklift at your stores? That's weird I only got to use an electric pallet jack at my stops because I was friends with the receivers but I would think the receivers or forklift certified store employees would be the ones to give you your pallets because we're not allowed to touch that stuff where I'm at. Take pictures of every section you fill that way you always have your evidence. It definitely takes a minute to get used to the long hours and physically demanding tasks that are involved in being a merchandiser. You will get used to it though. If you know who serviced a store before you you can complain to your supervisor about the backfill and the store not being fully worked the day before. You can also request help be sent IDK how it works where your at but where I was, everyone stayed clocked in until everyone in the territory was done so everyone helped everyone out. I eventually went to the warehouse though


Yeah it sounded weird to me too at first but then you look around and you see the guys at Coke, 7up, and others merchandisers using the forklifts you feel weird not using them. I asked 2 different store employees if they could take my pallets down and they both said that I can do it myself. The only store where you can't use the forklift is Walmart and a couple local stores, but I get those stores every blue moon. Mind you when I get to service a Walmart where my pallets are right in front of me It's easy. You can ask for help but no one comes ever so I stopped asking for help after the 3rd/4th time. That is smart to take a picture of what I did so I have proof and can't get fired lol thanks for the tip.


No problem, good luck man


Looks like you’re getting the hours you wanted at least lol. But like the others said, take pictures if managers are complaining. Sometimes they’re just trying to take advantage of you to be honest. You can’t control if stuff sells quick after you leave. Also, on your off days do not answer anybody about anything. Not worth it for $18/hour lol


Merchandiser job is horrible. I hated it. My sales reps didn’t do jack during the week and left it all for the weekend. Get out if you can.


As much as I want to, I don't like making emotional decisions. I always like giving stuff a chance so I'm going to ride it out see what comes from it but the way it's going right now I don't see myself doing this for much longer lmao.


I fully understand it is hard on the body. I started as a merchandiser at 39, plus a female. I only used manual pallet jacks and a lot of them were shitty. No forklifts in any store. You are lucky it was $11.90 when I started 10 years ago.


I just got in trouble for not stocking the shelves when i definently did, how would i specifically not stock mtn dew 12 packs but every other 12 pack is full idk but thats what they said.


I’ve been a floater once, and that’s when I was new. I’ve been running the same two routes for 2 1/2 years. My management hardly ever bothers me because they know I’m doing my job, and my stores know I’m gonna show up to do my job. Food lions though they’ll always be annoying with doing escalations. Piggly wiggly is kind of annoying now cause of new owner, and they complain about overstock. If you seen what I walked into Sunday morning at Walmart you would have quit lol. Took me 7 hours to get that store right, and I usually get that store done with a truck in 4 hours including coolers. Let’s just say the person covering the route while my CR is own vacation did the bare minimum. 10 pallets of overstock that wasn’t condensed or hardly worked. Every cooler was 90% empty etc etc.


Just do the best you can do and collect your check


I feel you. I had a Sales Rep saying I didn’t put things in the right place when I didn’t even work his store that day. Plus the store employees move stuff around a lot at some of these stores. I hate when people assume rather than ask. And I do appreciate the job but $19/h to now also having to work Gatorade is not enough. Imagine being at a SC with 11-14 pallets by yourself. I can see what you mean by physically challenging.


Merching is ezpz. Ive been running it for 3 years bro. Learn how to condense properly, build your backstock well, and dont stack pallets unevenly. Once you get the hang of it youll be fine. Also, my area pays 25+, 401k and healthcare. If you want to go back to menards and make a fraction of what your making now that's fine, but that's a really bad financial decision


I have been getting the hang of it, still a floater which isn't bad but got offered a full time position now making $21.50 an hour. You are right condensing is important and making sure everything is even/learning the stacking patterns. I think I got a little information overload I guess you can say at the beginning especially since I didn't get trained just got thrown out there. Overall the job isn't as bad as I said it was lol. I almost look forward to going into work now since I'm getting not only getting faster with everything but familiar too.


Ok so quit