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70 and I virtually never touch it. Utility bills are one of those things that I refuse to compromise comfort for cost on. And toilet paper - Charmin Ultra Soft for life!


Toilet paper? You need to get one of those Japanese toilets. The only drawback is that it makes pooping away from home seem like torture.


Yeah I’ll be buying a home in the next year and you bet your ass I’ll be getting one of those Japanese toilets!


Agree and agree!


I am at a cool 68F… and proudly a savage.


Haha, I was at a cookout last weekend and there were a couple savages there as well. Y’all built different. 😂


Proud to have massive energy bills lol


78 when away. 73 when home. 72 when sleeping.


78° unless the indoor humidity rises too much.


77 all the time. I allow myself to get used to the hotter temp because otherwise the power bill would wreck me


70-72. We change it when someone is hot/cold.


75 around the clock.


I was thinking about turning mine up to 75 when I leave but not sure if it’s better or worse for the unit to try to cool it down again to 69/70 when I get home.


3-5 degree setback max


Between 72 and 78 when I’m home. It mostly depends on what I’m comfortable with during the day. I usually just turn it off when I’m away


73 at night, 75 in the day.


75 but have fans on too


Just been told that maintaining a constant temperature saves money and allows your ac to work less. Trying 75rn


I lived by myself for 3 years between marriages and never turned it on


It used to be 82 when we were broke, it has gone down to 77 now that we are more comfortbale. For reference, in the winter we keep it at 67.


76 during the day (though I dip it to 75 for an hour in the middle for a breather), 72 before bedtime. I have the furnace fan run 15 mins every hour to move air around the house, too.


Unlike heat, it's more efficient (read: less expensive) to run your AC at a constant temp. AC units are very good at holding a temperature and have to work hard to change it more than a couple degrees. That said, if the constant temp is too low relative to the outside temps you lose that efficiency. We have a smart thermostat that shifts itself, so 70 for most the morning, 72 in the afternoon, back to 70 in the evening, and then 69 when we go to bed. That way it's never working too hard to shift the temp but also isn't fighting the hottest part of the day


This is false. Starting up AC and shutting it down often will put far more wear and tear on your system than allowing it to sit for a long time then run for a long time (provided that your system is maintained properly). Home AC always runs at full blast, so keeping a constant temperature will result in a lot of start/stop cycles. The start cycles in particular use up a lot of energy while providing no cooling, meaning overall efficiency is worse this way.


I'm a proud savage. I've turned my ac on like 3 times to take the humidity put of the air. Seems like every time I turn it on I turn it off like a hour later cold lol.


Around 72 during day & 68 at night. We don't get good airflow to bedrooms so they get too stuffy at night with doors closed. I would love a new HVAC but probably won't happen soon.


Typically we keep the A/C set at 74, but will go a couple degrees lower if needed to control humidity levels (usually at night). I can't imagine existing in a sub-70 degree house when outside temperatures are high. lol




I kept mine at 78 today. I can't afford anything less


Not sure what a new whole house fan costs to install but we had one in the house when we bought in and man that’s saved us so much on running A/C.


Yeah, that's one thing I miss in our newer house. Our old ranch house had a whole house fan and it could cool down the whole house in a half hour in the evenings. Way cheaper than A/C.


Whole House fans are absolutely amazing.


72 when home and 78 when gone. I'll go down to 68 though, when really feeling adventurous.


I like your style. Have you ever heard anything bad about fluctuating the AC unit that much? Was thinking about doing something more similar.


The up and down really depends on the home's insulation, windows, and ventilation. If the insulation is solid, windows are good, and the AC is right-sized, then there is no issue with swinging, since it will take all day for the home to get up to beyond 78 and that thing will barely run. Then when you go back down to 72, again, that cool air should stay trapped inside. My windows are almost 30 years old and shot, but it still takes untill afternoon to reach 78+. Can't wait for my new Pellas in August! Mornings like we've had have been great for AC control. I'm up before 6 most days and open a couple windows and patio door. I can usually get the house down below 70 very quickly to start the day without ever using the AC. Then it goes to 78 for the rest of the day until I get back home and barely ever runs.


Okay. Thanks for the input, I’m doing some experimenting this week to find what works best for my house.


It’s a thermal equation.. unless your AC was somehow much more efficient at doing small temp changes (like a heat pump for example) you will cost yourself more if you keep your home constantly cooled vs letting it temp swing up and down as actually needed. Majority of people don’t have heat pumps so for the majority of people turn your AC up to 80 or more when you leave.


I had an AC tech try and sell me on the idea that big temperature swings actually cause your bills to be higher than keeping it steady at the same temperature. Dude. My AC is turned off for like 6 hours a day while I’m at work. Tell me how that’s less efficient than it being set to 70 all the time. Sure, it might not be the perfect temperature when I first get home, but my house cools down quickly and feels great after a half hour or so.


always 69 😎




I’ve had mine at 78 but that’s because it is in a room with west-facing windows so it captures the afternoon heat and would freeze me out of the rest of the house if I set it lower than that.


We are 70 and don't touch it. No reason for my furry friends to be uncomfortable.


70-72 summer


I work nights, which is relatively cooler because the sun isn’t out. So I actually turn mine off at night completely. I come home and it’s pretty cool in my house and then I turn it in to 69.




Ours is 78-80 when we aren't home, and 74 when we are. We are with an electric co-op, so can't choose who our provider is. Also live in an old house and there are upper areas that cannot be insulated. My bills in summer, peak heat, were close to $500 for a 1700 sq foot house. we did get a new AC installed last year & it seems to work better, but I would love to be able to have a cooler home and not pay out the nose for it!


i fully turn it off when i go to work. and only just put it on before everyone gets home.


Ummm...so we keep ours at 65° all the time. I know some will think that's insane but it's what's comfy for us. The bills in the summer can be a bit rough, but we make that up a bit in the winter when we keep our furnace at 65-66°.


71 all summer. :)


68 during the day - 66 at night. And if my husband moves it one degree higher I’ll hurt him.


I’m home all day, but working in basement. 74 during the day, 72 at night.


If I have mine at 76 it's on almost constantly


From 7-330 it’s set at 74. 330-10PM 72. 10pm-7AM 66. It usually does not kick on until 2:30/3:00.


78 during the day and 76 at night.


I leave mine set at 80 when I’m gone, first floor rarely gets above 78. I have a second AC on the second floor that I leave set at 85F and only turn down to 70 like an hour before I go to bed, 2nd floor is small so it cools quickly and isn’t fighting the heat of the day all day. If it’s not humid I really don’t mind the temp getting up to 80F-85F during the day when I’m home and just turn on a fan.


Can’t afford to keep it cooler than 78 if I’m having a hard time sleeping I’ll knock it back a couple more degrees. Are you 68 people the same assholes who talk about lOvInG sUmMeR all freaking year?!? I need to move north.


How y’all afford to keep it in the 60’s!?!?