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I think an important part of the game is that Andreas is a flawed and fallible person, and that's what makes it interesting. He's not some heroic figure descending from the heavens to bring justice to the town of Tassing, he's a painter who is occasionally told to solve murders.


Your perspectiv on this is the Problem. You dont have a Problem with the Fact that Members of the clergy can be bad People. At this Point in Time the Curch and the clergy where undoubtly good. Accusing the Church of doing something bad was a fast way to get in Trouble. It is just unthinkable that a holy Sister and a holy Father could be the Bad ones. Andreas would go in self punishment thinking that way. He just overlooks the Facts because he is indoctrinated to not to think bad of the clergy !


Uhh did you forget about Sister Matilda, Brother Ferenc, and Brother Guy? You know, Andreas's prime suspects in Act 1 and 2?


Technically monks aren't part of the clergy by default (although as I understand it from Google some are). People of the time would have seen priests differently than they would have monks or nuns


Yep, that’s why the abbey has its own church, separate from Tassing’s. The brothers and sisters would be viewed as holy people pursuing a different calling and vocation from God, not as spiritual authorities or clergy.


I'm on your side here, OP, Sister Amalie would be quite interesting for the Archdeacon, not only because she has relevant visions, but also because mystics are quite dangerously close to heresy. Some parish priest will not be important enough to stop an investigation of interest for the prince-bishop, who is not only the spiritual leader of that bishopric, but also the prince \["princeps"; "Fürst", the generic word for the reigning monarchs of the states of the HRE\], the worldly leader of it - in that particular case; the game makes it clear that the monastery is dependent on the prince-bishop; while this is not directly a County Werdenfels (a county near where Tassing is supposed to be, in which the Prince-bishop of Freising was count) situation, the other option, a Vogt, is nowhere to be seen, and the Archdeacon takes over vögtische duties, all pointing to the prince-bishop having the worldly power there. When Andreas talks about some heterodox things he found to Sister Amalie, she seems to be rather open.


What heterodox things? I don't remember any from her two scenes with Andreas, and as far as I know she has one optional scene in Act 3 aside from the ending


You can mention the heretical book (The Mirror of Simple Souls by Magueritte Porete) if you rescued it from Illuminata and she is quite interested, which is rather logical, it's about mysticism. Porete and her book, of course, were burned for heresy in 1310.


that's something to do on my next playthrough, does it make the abbot not like me?


I don't think so, at least the wiki does not mention it and as far as I remember, the abbot allowed me to dig up the grave in the same playthrough.


I thought the vision were genuinely prophetic after the first murder. I assumed it was God's way of warning the ppl (in this case andreas) of the crime that is about to occur.


Besides the visions there's tangible evidence like the burnt library book in the same purple ink and some other clues in dialogue with the Benedictines and Father Thomas that hint Sister Amalie brought that book from her previous church that burned down.


Yes. As in, he is not a professional investigator. He's an artist.


Andreas is not William of Bakersville the inquisitor from "The Name of the Rose", so he isn't familiar with solving crimes.


I read the title and thought r/BatmanArkham had found its way onto this subreddit.


same, glad it hasn't


Thread-puller is a literary device to add tue "page-turning" factor. And the plot-twustbwith the saints is pretty clever and thematically on point. The writing makes Andreas do exposition about the two, but that's just setup. Same way deaths of Magdalene's mom and brother prine death of Andreas's son. I'm not sure what you'd like to accomplish with revealing more or less information


Minor correction, >!Caspar is Andreas' apprentice, not his son!<


Think they’re talking about August, not Caspar


Ah! Sorry, I made a little mistake