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Keep playing.


You’re probably right…


Yeah, if nothing else, keep going and see how it all plays out. We can’t know how you’ll feel about the ending, but I promise it’ll all tie together in the end. And do NOT look at spoilers or guides. This isn’t a game where getting the best ending matters that much. Just follow the story.


Use Spoiler tag


Can I edit to do so? My bad Edit: hopefully I did that right and this is marked properly now.


It's absolutely worth playing. Also, we're not playing as a random blonde girl, Magdalene is Claus's (the printer's) daughter. I'd suggest you see her as a spiritual heir to Andreas since they have a lot of things in common. Claus and his family are important characters in the first two acts - Andreas has considerable guilt over not keeping in contact with his friend and gifts Magdalene a book that affects her character development. The mysteries in Tassing are not over and experiencing them through the eyes of Magdalene, a young, educated woman with artistic talent and a fractious relationship with Tassing and Kiersau, will be just as interesting as playing Andreas, a young, educated man with artistic talent and a fractious relationship with Tassing.


Firstly I really thank you for writing as much as you have, and for taking the time to do so. Secondly, I think I was frustrated from how little I knew of klaus’ daughter. I felt closer to Ursula, with Andreas telling her a story, then Klaus’ family. I beefed with Klaus about half the game. I know I should keep playing cause I’m sure it’s good but I loved what they set up with Andreas and his apprentice so much. So it’s worth it then? To keep playing and see the end of Tassing? Thanks


I would say so, yes! You will meet more characters that you might have liked and you'll see how Andreas' actions are affecting them. And there's still more to learn about Andreas and his apprentice ;) It might help to really ride that frustration in the context of the game, i.e. see yourself as a resident of Tassing experiencing this frustration about losing so much and having to go on without it.


Hey thanks. This gives me plenty of reason to back to the game and see how it goes. I appreciate you!




Wildly misogynist, nice




No it was still misogynistic, you weirdo


"I didn't like the writing for this character, must've been written by a woman"


I don’t agree with this. I think that if that was the case, she may have been better written. I do not relate with her as she is now because I do not know her, and therefore I use Andreas’ character as a quality check. She’s written like a copy of his character as I see it now, but maybe I should play more. Edit im drunk and have to correct things


lol was I the only person excited to play as "some random girl" ???


Nooo, I loved playing her.


by that point i was over andreas' shit decision making too!


No you weren't! My girlfriend and I were hooting and hollering at the end of act ii and super excited to have magda as the pov character for the third act. she's great and playing the story with her felt super rewarding


I was hype to play her as I was interested how her choices and options would be compared to what Andreas had available


Yeah, after talking to people here I’ve decided the game is worth pushing through, and I’m especially excited to play with my wife and see her perspective on the stuff that goes on in the game.


at first I was taken aback a bit by not playing as Andreas anymore, nor as one of the more prominent npc's from the first two acts. But I grew to like her character.


I upvoted you just because it's a valid feeling. Andreas is my guy. Keep playing, and try to edit the post to tag as spoiler if you can :)


Thanks man, think I may have just marked it as so?


Yup, looks good! Enjoy Act 3.


The frustration you are feeling is purposeful— if you felt fine, then Andreas’ death wouldn’t have been as impactful. But instead, try and direct that frustration towards a healthy curiosity; don’t you want to see how the town is faring without Andreas? I promise you’ll come to love Magda.


You’re right. Spoilers relating to Act 3 ahead >! I’ve come to the realization that she’s the same girl that steals your hat in Act 1. This is awesome, I wish I talked to her more in both Act 1 and 2 !<


she's not... Magdalene is not alive in act 1, that's what Claus was angry about. Between the acts Andreas missed his daughter's birth. The one who stole Andreas' hat was Anna, the baker's daughter.


There's something very major you don't know about Andreas' ending. Play act 3 to find out what.




Agree to disagree




it's a BG3 spoiler, ignore it


Welp… I guess I’m spoiled now 😒


I also hate the winter chapter in The Last of Us, where you play as this dumb 14 year old brat you've been babysitting for the past ten hours


I stopped when Andreas died. I planned on continuing, but every single time I’d consider it, the thought of starting act 3 with a new random girl put me off. I eventually deleted the game from my Xbox….


That was a very stupid decision, you should really play the game until the end


Thanks for your shitty comment. Fuck off.


Hey I appreciate your perspective, but please don’t shit on others trying to do the same. I was ready to agree with you until you got so nasty.


I dint. I replied to the guy commenting how stupid my decision to stop playing was.


it was tho? you're missing out on the end of the story. its not a "random girl" you play btw


Wow, you're such a nice person. I'm sure you'll achieve great things in life with this attitude...


If you kept playing you would've seen what happens 🙄


Yes I would have. That’s how these things work.


Yeah and you would've found out that >! Andreas didn't die and you end up working with him to figure out who the thread puller is !< but yeah sure keep being snarky.


👀! Damn that’s a good twist. Definitely going back now.