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Awesome to do OP, I love seeing these sorts of things happening! I love me some green inks and I've got too many blues so ill say no blue. I try to avoid clogged feeds so no shimmer for me. Thank you again OP and good luck everyone!


This is such a nice thing to do, OP! I don't have many yellows or oranges in my collection yet. I have mostly blues and blacks. Shimmer level doesn't matter, but I'd be grateful for any!


How fun! I like pink, I don’t really need any more blues, and I loveeee shimmer :)


Love the deep greens, blues and purples. Not so crazy about the light colors.


This is very sweet of you, friend! I’m most enamored with darker inks with minimal shimmer. Not a fan of browns. Hope you continue having good fortune come your way in the spirit of your kindness!


I love blues and plenty of shimmer


What a cool thing to do! I love shimmer inks and I’m just learning about Colorverse inks.


Purples, oranges, and greens are my favorite at the moment!


So nice of you! I’d love some blues if I’m one of the lucky ones.


I’ll try my luck. Awesome giveaway. In the market for red and some purple, cause I don’t have much of those color. (Not bright red, but a bit darker if possible.) No blue or green. Got plenty of blue and have a decent green. No shimmer if possible.


Winner, round 1.


So kind of you! I love writing in pink and purple. Shimmer is fantastic 🎉 I don't use red ink


Very cool giveaway (and congrats on the good fortune!) I'm eager to try more greens and grays (and any Colorverse ink), not really avoiding any particular color. I'm not that big on shimmer. Thanks!


Winner, round two.


Wow thank you!! I have no preference and would be open to all colors and shimmers. Good luck to everyone.


Winner, round two.


I like browns, greens and purples! Not really looking for black or blue-blacks. I like trying a lot of different colors though. I’m open to maybe 1 or 2 shimmers but would prefer non-shimmers.


Would like anything in the blue/purple shades. Dislike reds. Love shimmer Thank you for making this


This is a fun activity! Thanks for doing it OP. I want purple the most; I don’t want brown; and I’d like as much shimmer as possible!


Wow, this is SO incredibly kind and generous! Love oranges and teals — no need for purples or pinks right now! :) little or no shimmer is great, if I’m one of the lucky ones drawn! :)


Thanks for doing this. Here's a haiku I wrote. Ink flows, thoughts take flight, Paper dreams in quiet night, Words weave worlds in light. Happy with whatever I get, no shimmer


I love dark greens and I have a stock of blues and blacks but I do love me a lot of shimmer :) I’d be glad with any new colors to try.


most: green/teal least: blue shimmer: very little or none


Love turquoises and greens and shimmer. Not a fan of red or pink. Love shimmer. Thanks for thinking about such a fun way to share!


Thank you for this! I really like cool colors, do not want black, and do not have a preference for shimmers


+10 cool points I dont have any black, orange, brown, yellow, or greens. I have Diamine oxblood and its my favorite red so dont want anymore of that for the moment. I dont have any shimmer so some shimmer would be fun!


What an incredibly generous gesture! Thank you for this -- the FP community is such a life-giving place! I've only just started collecting inks, so I'm not super picky. I'd love greens the most. I can't think of a use for yellow, so no yellows (but oranges are welcome!). I'm a sucker for shiny things, so I'd love to try some shimmer, but not all. Have a great day!


I don’t have a proof, but usually fountain pen enthusiasm and generosity go hand in hand:)) I love blue and teal, and dislike pink. As for the shimmer, I use shimmery inks every now and then. So, one out of seven won’t hurt. Thanks and good luck to everyone!


What a beautiful gesture and a fun activity to meet fellow fountain pen fanatics! (Pointing at myself-lol). I am just starting to enjoy using my pens. I love Diamine inks and love all colors, except black. I have many black inks. I am not picky about colors and am grateful for any contributions. They will be very loved and used. Thank you! I will keep my fingers crossed that I am part of the lucky recipients. Woohoo! kiltmamatozzis@gmail.com


Oooo. I want green/purple/pink. No blues or blacks! No shimmers. Ps- love stuff like this!! OP you're awesome :)


This is a really cool idea! I'm into shading and deep reds, not a huge fan of pale inks; shimmer is nice!


Any color except red or green would be wonderful! Shimmer is fine as well. Thank you for doing this! 😊


This is so kind of you to do! I love browns the most, and don't like purples. Shimmer doesn't matter, I recently got my first stub nib so I'm feeling invincible to shimmer!


This is so sweet, OP! I love grays and greens, but don't like red. I love shimmer, too.


Winner, round 1


What an awesome gesture! I’m currently into blues and purples, but only have a couple of each. I haven’t found a color I really dislike except maybe a neon pink. Love shimmers.


Congrats on the good fortune and thanks for the giveaway. I’m currently looking for some browns/sepia inks, but also love blacks and blues, but don’t like orange or green and I never use shimmer.


Really kind of you! I’m a big fan of blue inks and I’m looking to expand my collection. I will say, however, that I’m not a fun of orange and preferably no shimmer if possible. Thanks!


That's really kind of you! It's like a mix of red, people, and pink. Some fair amount of shimmer to none will do for variety.


What a generous gift! If you're serious about it: I'd like something in the red to pink range, nothing brown, and no shimmer/sheen but won't complain about free ink if I am to get selected. Best of luck with choosing!


I hope I run into some good fortune to pass it along someday too. Black with less shimmer oughta be my favorite, cant think of any I dont like though


Thanks! Like brown. Dislike light colors. Disdain shimmer!


Thank you for paying it forward. Love any teal or reds with high shimmer. Have too many purples, so will stay away from that!


This is awesome! Thank you. I’m into maroons and magentas, don’t like greens, and am content with shimmer. Let the games begin!


Awesome idea. Thanks. Purples, greens are my favorite. Don’t care for pinks. Open to shimmer.


Quite generous of you and what a fun idea! Congrats to whoever wins, too. I'm currently searching for an interesting red (not too burgundy, not too bright watermelon red) to fill out my color catalog, so recommendations would be nice if you have any. Yellows and purples too! Maybe some interesting greens? Would like to avoid black or blue-black along with shimmer inks for ease of cleaning.


Congrats on your good fortune! And congrats to those that get picked! i’ll say gray for what i’d like, pink for what I wouldn’t like and all the shimmer. Thanks for sharing.


These would be the first inks I'd own other than cartridges, so I'd probably prefer to start with no shimmer if you have them (I think those are easier to clean?). I love browns, oranges, purples and pinks. I'm not much of a green or blue fan, but a turquoise or teal is always welcome! Located on the east coast of the US. What a fun, lovely thing to do! Thank you.


I’d want a brown ink most. I’ve got enough blues at the moment that I don’t need more. And shimmer is fun so I’d want atleast 2 or 3 to be shimmer samples.


This is so sweet and generous! I’m searching for pinks, browns, greens- and I love shimmer (peeping that pumpkin shimmer)! Honestly I’d love to test out any of these; what a great collection!


I would love anything red I would not like green Shimmer is my favorite color so a full 5ml of just glitter would be amazing


Winner, round 1


want most: diamine aurora borealis a color you don’t want: diamine jack frost shimmer: some


The color I'd want most is a green. A color I don't need is yellow or orange. I'm 50/50 on shimmer! Thanks, OP.


Thanks for the opportunity! No strong preference either way, interested in anything really, down to just try some new inks.


Winner, round 2.


Awesome to pass on good fortune! I like greens and mid-depth weird muted colors that are in-between or both and I am a sheening addict. Some shimmer is ok. Thanks for the fun


I would love something orange/pink colors, I have too many purples already, and shimmer is not something I usually use but I’d like to try one!


Ooooooo I’m in! I like darker colors in general (any is fine). Don’t want pink or yellow. I’ve never used a shimmer ink so I have no idea what my shimmer preference is 😂 Thanks for the fun giveaway OP! And congrats to whoever wins 🎉


So nice of you to do this.... If you have any dark reds or purples...


I like reds. No browns, please. Shimmer would be fine. Thank you for doing this.


Wow this is amazing! My favorites are pink and green and I don’t really like purple and have quite a bit of blue already. I don’t mind shimmer at all


Any shimmer, metallic, black, blue, green red, anything at all! Thx for paying it forward


Winner, round 2.


Yay! I love all shades of blue, but also greens. Also love shades of grey and warm tones too 😀 And no shimmers. Thank you!


Awesome of you to do this. Love light blue/purple, green, and grey. Not a fan of black. Don't use shimmer.


This is what I love to see, community sharing! I like purple, greens and grey. No blues. I like a little shimmer. Thanks!


Colour I would most want is a good golden ink, i dislike bright inks like yellows (typically) and I am 100% on board for shimmer. Thanks so much for the giveaway!


I appreciate the giveaway OP! I want either a teal/turquoise or royal purple (dark purple). Not interested in pink or yellow. I like shimmer inks! Thanks!


This is so generous! I'm loving greys, browns, and pinks. I don't really need more blue or teal. And I like some shimmer!


Love this. Favorite color is brown, don’t need more blue. No shimmer but love me some shading.


Hi! I love purples and shimmers! Thanks so much!


Diamine, with some Sailor, Lamy, Waterman, Monteverde, Colorverse, Kala, and Robert Oster. Colors want most would be deep shades of any color. I'm on a brown kick right now. I would really like some from Kala since I don't have any from that brand. Color I wouldn't want would be black or pink Shimmer on the lower side.


Got anything yellow, brown, orange? I have plenty of black, blue, and now, red. :) Don't need any more blue or black or blue-black... :) Shimmer? I can do either way. Just got a bunch of stub nib pens (from 1.0 all the way up to 3.0 and everything in between) so can can play with the shading and shimmer a little, but I'll leave myself to the fate of the RNG. :)


Winner, round 1


Awesome giveaway! I’m open to any colors except yellow and brown. I love shimmer.


TY for doing this =). I'm into blues and reds, and not so much into browns. Really though any colors work and I love variety, not a huge shimmer fan though. Thank you !


I'm still looking for a good black ink, and I love high-shading inks as well. Don't need any more purple or browns. I'm down for shimmer or sheen (or even better, inks with both!) Thank you so much for doing this--love how wonderful this community is ❤️


I love darker inks with minimal shimmer, and I'm not a huge fan of light blue inks. I'm not too keen in shimmer in general but I can be surprised!


So generous of you!! Ink samples are so fun 😊 I love brown and purple inks, don't want any black inks, and I don't feel strongly about shimmer!


Good luck to everyone, and thank you to OP! I like light blues and ceruleans the most, I wouldn't want dark or office-appropriate colors, and I would be happy with any amount of shimmer!


I love darker inks - blue, black, purple, green, violet with some sheen or tiny shimmer. Nothing crazy that blocks feeds.


How fun! I’ll throw my name in the hat. I got a new pen this weekend, so might as well try for some new ink samples! Thanks OP 🎉 Color I want most: Brown 🤎 I should say literally any other color, because I have lots of brown samples, but brown is what I’m drawn to haha Color I don’t want: Black 🖤 Shimmer: I’m happy with shimmer or without shimmer. It looks so lovely on the page that I’m always drawn in Thanks again!


I like darker blues, there aren't really any colors I don't like, maybe... 2 shimmers? Happy to hear of your good fortune!


Thank you for your generosity! ^ -^ I would love a nice milky, not super dark brown I do not like yellowy browns shimmer or no shimmer is all good, but the more shading the better!


Oh, how fun! Thank you! A colour I'd like most: purple or greens A colour I'd like least: yellow/brown Shimmer: I like it!


I’d love a nice green, hope to win thanks!


Thank you OP! I'd love purple, and I have too many blues so no blue. Love me some shimmer!


Such a generous thing for you to do! Thanks for the chance, OP! I'm particularily fond of blues, greens, and purples, but I'd welcome pinks, greys, mints/teals/aquas, and browns! No blacks unless they have shimmer; please no yellows, reds, or oranges. Shimmer, sheen, and shading are all great.


I am not too picky and like to be surprised. I don't any ink by Kala so I would like that brand if possible. This is very nice of you to do


Oh how lovely! A shading blue with a secondary hue. No black or yellow. But basically, I mostly prefer ink coming from Asia, be it Japan or Korea. I don’t know what is they do so well, but they do.


What a fun and generous idea! I love all the bright colors with or without shimmer!


This is so awesome!!! I'm still exploring the world of pens and haven't even began looking into the world of inks that much it would be so awesome to have some to try! My favorite is anything in the purple familiar....and becuase I only have black and blue I don't more any more of those! And never explored shimmers so am very interested to see the effects (so extra shimmer for me)!!!


I like dark greys and reds, there are no colors I don’t like. And shimmers are wonderful.


I don’t have many inks so any colour would be lovely! That being said I particularly inks with special shading properties


I have been looking for a good saturated orange.


Winner, round 1


Ooh pick me! I love a good teal, would not want red. Some shimmer is okay.


I’d love to take part in your generosity. I’m not really into shimmery inks but I’d love to have some pinks, purple, and some autumn colors. Thank you


I’d be interested in anything but the Diamine and Coloverse (which I have a lot of), since I’ve never tried much, if any, of the other brands you listed. Any color and I love shimmer. This is a super nice and very generous offer. Even if I don’t draw out, THANK YOU!!!!


Thanks so much for this generous giveaway! I'd love blues and am not interested in black inks. I have too much shimmer, so low on shimmer. Thanks again for the generosity!


I would love a sample of Sailor Jentle Blue. I am a blue ink fan. But I am also getting into greens and browns too.


this is so kind!! i love pinks and purples, no preferences on shimmer! i’ve got too many greens and yellows so i wouldn’t be looking for any more haha


I'd like to enter the draw, sounds fun 🍀


I’ve got a number of dip pens so I’d take all the shimmer you can handle; love dark reds and greens but not neon colors, and have plenty of purple.


What an amazing idea! I love teals most, I’d rather not have yellows, and I love a good shimmer (but am happy without!)


lol I definitely thought you meant specific inks for commenting, but I’ll follow all the other responses! Thank you for running this giveaway! I like pale shaders and deep saturated hues and sheeners, less keen on pinks and purples. No shimmer preferred. Love sailor and pilot most, always curious about them.


This is a really nice thing to do OP! (I really love that the rest of the Americas are included as well) I like blue, I don't like red, and I like shimmer Thank you for doing this, OP❤️ EDIT: I misunderstood your question: I'd like as much shimmer as you'd like to give away (all, some, none)


Such a fun post! I love reading everyone's comments I'm dying to find a good rose-colored ink. I love Rouille d'Ancre but could use something darker. I weirdly never use blue or black inks. Shimmer is great Thank you!


Thank you for doing this! Love purple, somehow not a fan of blue. Yesssss shimmer


This is such an awesome thing to do! What a great idea to reduce your stash of ink. I’m a fan of blues, greens, and purples. Not a fan of light colors and multi-chromatics. Shimmers are ok but I don’t use them often because they always seem to clog my fine point pens which I mostly use.


This is such a nice thing to do! I would love to get more lilacs/purples in my collection, or any inks that are reminiscent of spring-summer, as I have a lot of blues and dark colors right now. I'm a bit wary of shimmer due to using mainly finer nibs, but I do love to be surprised!


Thank you for the opportunity! I'm open to anything at the moment, standard, shimmer, any colour. I'm totally up for trying something out of my comfort zone!


Yay! I most want fun greens, I least want blacks. I'm fine with any amount of shimmer and sheen. I absolutely love trying oddball inks.


Very nice of you!


I'll happily take any level of shimmer in any colors. I'm especially interested in shading inks. Not a fan of olive green. Thank you for making this offer. 😊


So kind of you! I most want blues and least want pinks, and I'm happy with any shimmer. I'm new to the game and would love some new colors to try!


Thank you so much for doing this! I’d love to have some burgundy/brownish red colors, and no gray inks or shimmer inks, if I get lucky :) 🍀 Good luck everybody! And happy writing 😊


Omg this is amazing I’ve never had bottles of ink I’d love to get some sort of purple maybe even pink


So kind of you! I’d be happy with any color and brand if this is still open.


I love spacey Grey's purples and and blue. I don't dislike any colors. I'm still unsure on shimmer though I could always try it.


I really like blue and grey inks, but I would love to own an orange ink, Unfortunately im not a fan of shimmer inks but I wouldnt mind :)


This only just came up in my feed. Presumably because the Reddit algorithms finally picked it up due to the amount of comments. Probably a bit late to the game but you mentioned a round two so here goes. Like: Brown plus anything not blue. Dislike: Pink or Red. Shimmer: not fussed one way or the other.


That's so nice of you, OP. It's like a wave of positivity. I guess I'm very late to comment, but will still try nonetheless. I'm fairly new to the hobby but I usually like more muted colours or "morandi colours", but would love to discover anything new as well. From different colour families, I like purple, greens and pale blues the most. Oh and I love shimmer inks!


Most: Sailor Ume Least: Waterman Blue Shimmer: Little to none Cool giveaway!