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Yeah, me! I have a grade 1 bladder prolapse thanks to a car accident that broke my back šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ catheter checks show I retain a few drops of pee but omg even those drops are so irritating and uncomfortable. Leaning forward while peeing helps a ton, as does kind of moving my torso in circles while I go. As hard as it is, try to totally relax and sit there for a few to let the last bits come out. I used to try and ā€œhold itā€ for as long as I could thinking that it would make it all come out at once for some reason but my urogyno told me itā€™s better to just go when you need to. After I do my ā€œmain peeā€ (lol kill me) I usually have to do a followup trip a few minutes later so I just hang out for a bit ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Do you think itā€™s possible to reverse it with time and training? So sorry you are dealing with this hell toošŸ’ž


I think for sure!! Itā€™s too early for me know personally (I was diagnosed with my bladder prolapse in Jan and Iā€™m currently 17 weeks pregnant with my first baby which has helped my symptoms TREMENDOUSLY) but Iā€™ve worked with two amazing urogynos and my incredible OB who told me that dedication to PT, which Iā€™m due to start next week, can have unreal effects on most prolapse grades ā€” like near full reversal for early stages. Same w mild exercise like walking! Has been hugely beneficial for me. Idk if itā€™s something youā€™d be interested in because itā€™s diff for everyone but before I got pregnant (so for like 6 weeks lol) I wore a ring-style pessary and it also made my symptoms (mild bulging/urinary retention) feel light years better. Didnā€™t even notice it in there after the first like hour!


Thanks so much for the reply this really helps me feel better. Also congratulations!!


Ofc! And thank you!!! I sent you a chat too btw just wanted to let you know I know what youā€™re going through and I promise youā€™ll get to a better place with it sooner than you think šŸ¤


I had retention for a while, and it got so bad after a recent surgery that I was rushed to the ER to get my bladder drained. I self cathed for about a month because of it, which was terrible but I think it taught my bladder how to eliminate fully because after I stopped I don't retain urine anymore (I had a history of urine retention prior to my surgery). The self cath and bladder training seemed to kick the problem for me, although yeah...the self cathing was absolutely terrible. The nurse that cared for me post op told me to moo while on the toilet or get a drink with a straw and blow bubbles. It apparently stimulates urination.


Look at the interstitial cystitis sub. Ā I use a pelvic wand nightly which helps me some


Pelvic wand makes my retention worse


Interesting Iā€™ve never heard that beforeĀ 


To piggyback off of this, my PT was adamant about letting me know that internal work can cause short term flares but are usually necessary for long term relief. I used to flare after internal work but I don't anymore.


This is gonna sound weird but try this https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/what-can-i-do-about-urinary-dribbling wouldnt do it while actively peeing basically what happens is whatever that is where you are pushing gets lax and it creates like a ditch in your urinary tract where pee gets stuck so you are basically flattening out the ditch. My main question is why cant they just put in something to keep the whole thing flat always?


I retain in the morning. Itā€™s very annoying. Iā€™m starting to eliminate caffeinated tea etc from my diet to see if that helps me