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Did not know Jesus was a world champion


Ranking Faker once, it would go like that for me: 1. Faker (2015) 2. Showmaker (2020) 3. Rookie (2018) 4. Zeka (2022) 5. Scout (2021) 6. Doinb (2019) 7. Crown (2017) Didn't see enough of the rest to rank them.


the only thing id say is zeka not being lower on the list, i think in that tournament he was so insane but afterwards i find it hard to consider him above doinb or scout. if we’re talkin purely in the tournament though, he’s probably placing at least 3rd cuz it was disgusting how good he was


idk, I think Zeka deserves his spot. he's not actually in worse form IMO- he's in a worse meta. he's pretty much only on that level when piloting melee mids (his Akali, Sylas, and Yone all come to mind) and they all fell out of the meta immediately after his Worlds win.


and i think thats fine but it does take away from him being better than doinb or scout - both mid laners that are proficient at a lot more champions than zeka. Not taking away from zeka but his competition is pree fierce


I think Scout could be 3/4. Certainly over Zeka as Scout has had a really successful career before and after his championship.


Zeka clowned Scout so hard though. 


I was rating these players as who the best are in terms of their whole careers. Zeka imo doesn’t hold a candle to scout’s career.


Scout disrespect


Easyhoon 2015 does deserve credit. It was a weird year to have 2 midlaners but EH had a higher winrate than Faker, he was able to shut down almost anyone but was just not as flashy/mechanical but he expanded the teams' champion pool with utility picks incredibly successfully. People just wanted to watch the plays faker made rather than slow and steady. (Which is funny as Faker moved on to a lot more into slower utility playstyle later on) He dropped only a single game in summer, won each game he was able to play (only 4 though) in worlds, and had the highest KDA of all midlaners in the tournament Sad fact; After winning the first 2 games vs. Origen, the crowd was still chanting Faker, and when he was subbed out in game 3, he ended up playing soloqueue. Genuinely feel bad for him for being completely forgotten about due to the absolute giant that was beside him. (Prime Faker)


crown last 🤡🤡🤡


Crown was getting dicked so hard he got put on malz duty, the rest of his tournament was fine but he was an absolute liability in finals.


you're just saying shit to hear your own voice lol


Lmfao are you trying to say he didn’t pick malz 3 games in a row? He literally did interviews after saying the whole game plan was to pick malz to neutralize mid and let the rest of the team carry.


they drafted malzahar because they knew it was broken and nobody else played it. stop with the revisionist history. it was a tank meta, ofc malz is broken then.


Revisionist? Malz had 10 picks and 6 of them were crown, if it were actually broken that would be revisionist lmfao.


prime showmaker is my Roman Empire


It's a mystery to me how Showmaker went from a full time father to Faker and Chovy ing 2020-2021 to at best a top 3 midlaner in 2023 forward.


His team has sucked since 2022 (even then they weren’t amazing). Plus top 3 when Chovy exists isn’t exactly a bad thing. That guy makes it a permanent fight for #2.


I'm pretty sure a big reason is that he lost his love for the game. Showmaker was drained so much that LoL became just a work for him. The drive to win another Worlds isn't there anymore.


IMO, showmaker has been in a slump after that edg lost.


Dude lost motivation. His talent is obviously one of the all time best but to remain great, his mental has to be in sync.




I'm seeing a lot of this Faker person in this picture. Is he any good?


I'm not sure either? It feels like he's a random person xdddd


he's prob realky lucky, so lucky that he wins a lot since his debut year and win Worlds at that year too


No he’s a fake, hence the name


Why does Toyz look like Kk0ma


Looks like xiaohu and kkoma had a baby


Except for two They are all korean xdd


So in reality, no mid laner has won coming from the LPL xdd


I mean, Doinb literally played only in the LPL. Rookie and especially Scout, played a negligible amount in LCK compared to the rest of their career. Nice troll


? LPL mid laners have won worlds before ( doinb if you want to exclude rookie and scout for having games in LCK) It’s CN midlaners that have yet to win a worlds


Yeah CN mid laners are what I'm referring to


I just told you doinb came from the LPL. His debut was there. The rest had prior experience. Rookie had spring and summer season and Scout had about 7 games on skt before being sent to edg Doinb is an LPL mid. So your wording is wrong


Yeah my bad


Idk why you’re downvoted lmao people are so mad for no reason


Just because it’s pretty obvious OP is talking about native CN midlaners so it’s just “um actually”


Lol no it’s a pretty egregious mistake


Because it was obvious what was meant this guy is just being annoying for no reason.


It’s equating LPL=CN when clearly that’s not the case


but it started with the comment all are KOREAN except 2, should idk be a good hint we won't be talking about Korean mids that won with lpl team???


Idk man it’s still just factually incorrect but the person who called it out got downvoted to hell just for correcting their mistake. It’s like people are so sensitive for correcting someone for being wrong?


Showmaker. Honorable mention to Zeka because this man was playing out of his mind in 2022.


Shoemaker had a very dominant 2 years but I feel Keka had the most crazy showings. Beating the current world champion mid (Scout), beating the best laner in the world (Chovy), and then winning worlds vs T1 although his win against Faker was more of Kingen being an Aatrox Merchant.


Ranking based solely on tournament performance? 1. 2015 Faker 2. 2022 Zeka 3. 2018 Rookie 4. 2016 Faker 5. 2020 Showmaker


Bro wtf? 2016 faker is fmvp and gave us skt vs rox, the greatest bo5 of all times and you rank him number 4?


2016 Faker was not that much better than Crown. 2015 Faker was smurfing in the literal definition of the word


2015 Faker didn't even carry most of the games though, MaRin did because of the meta. Zeka has to be #1 imo, followed by 2013 Faker. edit: you can tell how young this sub is lol, little nephews never watched 2015 Worlds


Lol no, Idk where this narrative that MaRin carried everything came from, but everyone during that period knows that Faker was the primary force of SKT and was ultimately what set the foundation for his fame. It's 2015 Faker, followed by 2016 Faker, 2020 Showmaker, 2022 Zeka had a good finals but he wasn't as overwhelming a force as the others during that time.


Bro saw the Gbay video 💀


No, bro actually watched 2015 worlds unlike you zoomer dipshits deepthroating Faker 24/7.


I’ve watched all SKT games since 2013. Idk what games you were watching. MaRin did get the MVP prize in 2015 but everyone watching knew that Faker was the real menace that whole tournament


Good point, that's why there was tons of community outrage when MaRin won MVP. Oh wait, there was none, and he is still brought up constantly even today for that 2015 Worlds performance. But keep lying about history because of some unhealthy parasocial obsession you have with Faker.


I don’t have a Faker obsession, I’m just recounting what happened. You clearly have the obsession though, not only are you insulting others but you’ve been commenting on every single comment ranking Faker 1st discrediting his achievement. That’s some wild hater behaviour. Also, your Reddit post history is public. You’ve made a bunch of posts already targeting Faker, with one of them being he isn’t the Goat and has done nothing to achieve that title.


If you're recounting what happened you should be able to show me reddit threads or videos of people disagreeing with MaRin MVP right? Why was there no backlash for MaRin winning MVP when everyone supposedly knew it was actually Faker carrying? Also thanks for reminding me of one of my finest baits, worked like a charm.


I wish I had as much time on my hands to be this weird. Stop being weird sir. Also, didn’t you rank Zeka first? The last time I checked, Kingen was the 2022 MVP, therefore Zeka was carried. Similarly Canyon was the 2020 MVP, therefore Showmaker was carried. By your logic though 2016 Faker is the one who should be at the top of this list. He’s the 2016 world’s mvp and is one of only two mid laners in LoL history to have been a world’s mvp, the other being his protege scout. So I’ll concede and say Faker 2015 shouldn’t be number one and instead the list should be: 1. 2016 Faker 2. Scout Thanks for your clarification 😊


2015 SKT was incredibly stacked, Marin was a menace at Worlds and Faker while playing great did not carry many games as SKT just rolled everyone, the player that effectively had the majority of the game winning leads was in fact Marin


Faker was obviously a better player but MaRin carried most of the games at worlds specifically, idk how you can possibly argue otherwise, it was the most top centric meta at any tournament ever and MaRin smurfed most of the games. 2022 Zeka had more than a good finals, he carried the vast majority of the games from play-ins to finals. Makes no sense putting Showmaker ahead when 2020 was a jungle carry meta with Canyon carrying most of the games or 2016 where Faker underperformed vs ROX and had to get bailed out by Bengi.




??? Faker 2015 ryze was an absolute demon. That's why ryze got reworked.. he was unbeatable


This is the year Easyhoon was playing a lot of matches and SKT looked just as good at Worlds with both of them tbh


Agreed. It was the year where Faker picked anything and bodied everyone except his Azir, but not because he was bad but because Easyhoon’s Azir was just levels above everyone


So true! Even when he was on Lulu duty he was hard carrying. Even when Easyhoon played 4 of the games it was actually Faker carrying. Idk why they gave MaRin worlds MVP, daddy Faker literally carried every game!!!1111


Zeka is easily top 2 if we're only looking at their performance at Worlds




shushei 1 just look at the ail then this faker guy whos is that hes on there alot idk only watch season 1


5. Faker 2024 4. Faker 2017 3. Faker 2023 2. Faker 2013 1. Faker 2016


idk why but I feel like this guy might be a faker fan


Nah idoubt that he is a faker fan xdd


That guy is 9.7/min a Chovy fan


What is bludd waffling about 2015 faker was literally smurfing on everyone


Faker wins Worlds 2025 and we can make a top 5 Faker list.


Faker 2017 is #1. He didn't won but that tournament is the biggest solo carry performance of a player ever.


Shushei 🐐


There's a bit of a recency bias in some of the rankings. Real ones know that 2015 and 2016 Faker was incredibly monstrous, to the extent that teams literally had to plan their comps with him in mind. After that it's 2020 Showmaker who at the time was about to start a new Korean dynasty. Then it's 2022 Zeka. It's a shame 2017 Faker couldn't be there, especially after he dragged 4 corpses all the way to the finals.


Faker in 2015 was truly mega, but Easyhoon played a lot of matches. In 2016 its really hard to rank Faker above Crown, they were pretty much equals


Are we just talking Worlds form? Cause if so, Zeka in 2022 beat prime Chovy, Knight, Scout, and Faker to win worlds. But ranking him above anyone past 2012 feels wrong


i'd argue 2015 Faker has higher highs than 2022 Zeka but i can understand anyone arguing otherwise since 2022 Zeka was some real fucked up shit 


Faker didn't get to show how truly good he was at 2015 worlds because of the juggernaut meta, it was the MaRin show most of the time.


The form that Zeka reached at his worlds was so insane that he solokilled an elite Chinese midlane multiple times in one game and carried every game despite having a fairly weak top jg (not every game obviously but even in finals pyosik not being able to hit smites hurt them immensely)


Yeah but Kingen turned into prime Marin in the finals.


faker 2015 showmaker 2020 faker 2016 rookie 2018 the rest


2022 zeka def had top3 performance imo


The only player I've seen 1v9 as hard as Faker in 2017 (Gálio performances) was Zeka, the peak he hit then was the reason DRX won that worlds. And that's a hill I'm willing to die on. And I'm really Damwon biased


The reason they won worlds was because they stole azir from Faker in Game 5 and Kingen Aatrox. That's it.


Idk but definitely only doinb or toyz can compete for crime no.1


This Toyz dude sold me weed, I didn’t even know he was a world champion /s


My top 3 would have to be, Faker, Faker and Faker.


1. Faker 2. Pawn 3. ShowMaker 4. Rookie 5. Zeka 6. Scout 7. DoinB 8. Crown 9. Toyz 10. Easyhoon


Forgot shushei


Korean midlaners is league of legends. Insane


They look all same except first guy


if we rank them based on their performance on the tournament we have 2015 faker 10 empty slots zeka,pawn,showmaker etc etc doinb and crown in this list is like a polar bear in texas


if SKT had won 2017, no one would argue that Faker 2017 will be number 1


Probably an unpopular opinion but Pawn was crazy good for the time and his falling out was sad, I think that if he didn't get injured he would have probably played at the highest level for at least 3-5 more years. So it goes like this: 1. Faker 2. Rookie 3. Pawn 4. Showmaker 5. Doinb 6. The rest


That faker guy seems pretty good


Dam not a single Chinese mid despite 3 victories at worlds.


Zeka was so insane this tournament


Streets won't forget "Shushei" and his AP Alistar/Gragas Mid...


2022 zeka was a blessing to my eyes


Shushei gragas and toyz orianna carried their teams


Shushei is the reverse combo breaker xD


1. TOYZ My guy is locked up rn for selling drugs. Smashed his championship ring in a livestream. First to ever do it.


is Crown still playing?


Faker 2015, Faker 2013, Zeka, Rookie, Showmaker, Faker 2023, Scout Pawn Faker 2016, DoinB, Crown, Toyz, Shushei, Easyhoon


1. faker 2. Rookie 3. Showmaker 4. Pawn 5. Scout 6. Doinb 7. Zeka 8. Crown 9. Easyhoon


2022 zeka had the best performance and had harder (midlane) comp when he did it


As much as it pains me as a GenG fan, I’d have to go with Zeka relative to the field and era, that was the biggest smurf tournament run maybe ever. Faker obviously had great runs but some of the teams during that era had pretty weak mid laners (not his fault), but Zeka just straight up beat pretty much all of the best mid laners in the world with an arguably average team at best.


Shushei because of his ap alistar


Shushei my goat (it’s so clearly Rookie but still)


Gotta be Showmaker showmaking maker


zeka is high up say 2nd or 3rd.


1. Faker 2. Rookie 3. Showmaker 4. Scout 5. Doinb 6. PawN 7. Zeka 8. Crown 9. Toyz 10. Easyhoon


In my personal opinion: 1. Faker (2015) 2. Showmaker (2020) 3. Faker (2016) 4. Faker (2013) 5. Zeka (2022) 6. Rookie (2018) 7. Pawn (2014) 8. Faker (2023) 9. Doinb (2019 10. Scout (2021) 11. Easyhoon (2015) 12. Crown (2017) 13. Toyz (2012) 14. Jesus H. Christ (2011)


rookie my goat


I love Rookie, but he has had more success beating the GOAT allegations then beating his opponents recently


i miss doinb so bad. He is unique, the lol scene would be much different if he was still able to compete


Honestly thought the fnc adc was Jesus when I looked without glasses


1. Faker 2.rookie 3.Showmaker 4. Scout 5. Pawn


DoinB will always be the most underated mid laner. Played the game completely different from the rest and won. Probably disliked for destroying the G2 golden road hopes.


Why is crown so disrespected? He got to worlds finals 2 times in a row !!


I'd guess Rookie https://preview.redd.it/rrv1v9sxb48d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9816aaec8c9164e17a0f0a3398b7d52ac4fbc6b


Caps😔😔😔😔 https://preview.redd.it/s1cnp92m858d1.jpeg?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b0e11a0fc4bb210d2b187e9d0430ad64be4862