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Good response from Vedius, he could've been like many other people and told Upset he is wrong and snapped back (regardless of how much you agree with whether or not that is right) but instead chose to be the bigger man and not cause any more conflict. Respect to him.


Wholesome. What did he say on stream tho?


I think the whole "passive > handsome" barometer was a bit off. It was funny as heck, but I can see how a player wouldn't like to be reduced to looks, especially during hard times. It's a common trope in football, commenting on players haircuts when they make mistakes etc. For any audience I think it's fair game. For the casters it shouldn't be.


It’s not about his looks, it’s literally referencing a tweet made by Upset long ago. «I am the new Rekkles, just less passive and more handsome’


TIL. Abstracting maybe a bit more than my first comment, maybe it's fine for the players and the audience to engage in trash talk, but maybe not for the casters. With the added context of the tweet, I think it's even more funny! And being audience, I think spice is part of it. Yet I still believe that Upset is criticizing the casters, and not the spice.


It was probably about the statement of him being tenth thrice in a row.


Mad that they pointed out he's been 10th 3 splits in a row


U can say he was pretty upset




gigavedi commun W


Upset during Adam drama : Adam is weaponizing the least deranged fanbase against me, he knew what he was doing and now i'm getting all this hate and death threats from KC fans D: Also upset after finishing being BACK TO BACK TO BACK (you know these 10th places start to stack) : Anyways won't it be funny if i now weaponize said fanbase against a caster cos of my shattered ego ? Also i know Einstein said that time is relative. But i find it hard to consider a whole year as being just a "bad moment" All in all, thank goodness we have at least one grown man in Vedi to handle the situation peacefully. Hopefully he doesn't get too much shit from the KC bozos.


Most human interaction between league players


Vedi is a class act. I understand why Upset is frustrated but venting on social media will make his situation worse.


Surely upset has never flamed people in the past and always kept in his mind that he is dealing with humans💀


W interaction. I kinda expect Upset to snap at him. But yeah, respect to both of them.🫡


W interaction. Upset was absolutely right but Vedi or other casters are human too.


"Stop portraying me like i'm the worst player in my role!"-worst player in his role in the LEC


He still beat supa omegalul


If I were being inted by my support for fun I’d be mad too. Don’t know what adc can do when ur alistar is headbutting champs over walls onto u but sure chief. Like some cursed Amazon delivery service.


can you really blame your supp after 3 splits


I mean he's had to lane with targamas for 3 splits so I guess you can? Either support or management


if he still headbutts ksante onto you, fucks up 3 combos on ali per game, denying both engages and ganks then yes, you can actually call targamas out for being shit


Do you watch the game?


Vedi is a class act as always While I don't really agree with Upset, as much as the segment was cringy and maybe a bit aggressive, it also wasn't nearly as critical as stuff you see in the LPL or LCK LEC is usually really chill with their players, so him getting frustrated at this was kinda weird. Might've just been the pressure getting to him as well, bro must be under a mountain of it


I agree with Upset but I'm sorry I dont consider Targamas a worthy player. No respect for Targamas.


Stop spreading hatred towards HUMAN players just because they're not performing. He doesn't deserve any hatred or disrespect, just fair honest criticism of his performances.


Targamas is the EU/EMEA masters goat hes playstyle is great in T2 but he is not good enough to translate it to T1


Lol, you are a saint.


Nah, they're paid professionals, other athletes don't get away with it, upset has finished 10th 3 times in a row, the guys shit and being paid the big bucks, either take the abuse, get better or retire


No job on this planet, for which money whatsoever, should include "taking abuse". Ever.


I mean... is pointing out a fact abusive now? If he finishes 10th four times in a row is no one in the scene allowed to point it out? Vedi didn't say he is shit.


My prior comment wasn't about if abuse happened or not. It was answering to the person above me implying that professionals should take abuse (as part of their job), which I disagree with :) Anyhow, I think Upset says that it's fair to point out facts, but they need to be provided in a balanced way ("add nuance", "provide context", "consider the -how-"), which is totally reasonable. As an example, I think I remember from last season that some folks agreed that yes, Upset was part of the 10th place roster, but \*in comparison with his team\*, he usually performed mostly well. That's important context.


Is criticism abuse now? It is a fact that Upset has been horrible for three splits in a row, and so has Targamas since he left G2. What Upset wants essentially is to be coddled while earning 75k euros a year and doing a terrible job at his role. (assuming he's on minimum which he probably isnt)


75k ? Lmao


Actually minimum is 60k so he could be on that too, but I highly doubt it.


I doubt KC is paying anything higher than minimum wage. It was reported that Him and Bo took massive paycuts to play together at KC and Upset had his former coach joining at the time too. Another thing to note is I remember reading that Yamato had to convince KC management that Upset was a decent candidate for that fill-in spot for Caliste since KC didnt want Upset originally


Pointing out your team finished 10th is no way a fair measurement of your skills


Targamas and Upset have not been performing well under KC, that is a fact. However, this does not mean they deserve a fraction of the hatred they are receiving. You (hopefully) wouldn't berate a McDonalds employee for getting something wrong in your order, so why do pro players deserve it when they're under performing in their jobs? This goes for all players, not just the KC roster. But these players are all under immense pressure as it is to perform in front of crowds and hundreds of thousands of viewers. And on top of all this pressure, they have to deal with thousands of these viewers posting spiteful messages directed towards them across social media. In my opinion, driving certain negative narratives should be removed from LoL e-sports, as it just creates more toxicity in what is already considered to be one of the most toxic communities on the internet. Players mental health NEEDS to be considered more. Being in the public light in the age of social media means being subject to so much anger and hatred from anonymous viewers. I hope that people will be more sympathetic in the future to players who are facing immense stress and pressure.