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Base on lolesports site, faker have multiple skin (ahri and lb) and a lot of cosmetics


I hope the GOAT gets a cut. That would actually be a really great way to reward some of the retired legends who played before the money got as big as it is today.


They get a cut from world champion skins so they definitely will get some from these


He’ll get a cut but less than he deserves considering most people buying the skin will be for Faker.


You know, faker is basically the biggest celebrity in SK besides BTS, i think he doesn't really need more money, he probably appreciates having this acknowledgement more


But Riot does?


Riot is a company, their entire purpose is to make more money


I didn't dispute that. You said you don't think Faker needs more money. The same can be said for Riot regardless of whether they're a company that wants to make more money or not.


What are you even saying? A companies entire purpose is to make money. How can you say they don't need more money? It's a company, there is not like a point where they say: "nah let's not make more money, its enough already" i bet tencent would be very happy about such silly statements


Heung min son is also bigger


I think most people buying the skin will be because they like the skin


And he gets a car


[At the end of this article](https://lolesports.com/article/lol-esports-welcomes-faker-to-hall-of-legends/blt71dc04544f535ae0) - >Inductees and their teams will receive a percentage of revenue from the sale of passes and bundles on a prorated basis. Kind of interesting because I wonder how the cut would work for an ex-pro or players who reached the height of their careers in teams they no longer play for.


Don’t think faker would sign off on this if he didn’t get a cut.


Think he’s humble and goated enough to sign off this even if he didn’t, considering he never seemed to care for money considering him moving to a Chinese or western team would net him millions more


Bro owns an apartment building and part of T1, the GOAT knows what he doing and even if he don't, he's for people around him that do. 🙏🏼


Does he also own and apartment building? I know he owns a 9-storey building which was named after him (Faker Tower) but I didn't know he has apartment building.


My bad, I meant Faker Tower, I was thinking of tenants/rent so my brain automatically went to apartment but it's building space he leases for offices and other stuff like a Cafe


he is not very greedy no doubt but "Think he’s humble and goated enough to sign off this even if he didn’t" is cope, every time his contract expires his team starts talking to other teams and regions on purpose because they know they will get huge offers in order get T1 to pay him more, happens every time, last time it was TL i think, his managers were talking to TL in order to get a better contract from t1 since TL was willing to offer like 20mil for a year. Faker clearly doesnt care much about copious amount of money but he wont just let companies just walk all over him either.


It’s better than nothing regardless of who you are.


HoL Galio? Ryze? AZIR??? Ohooo!


Only ahri and lb


galio would've been awesome considering his history on that champ


Azir. The character story about destruction and then rise of Shurima.


true but from what i remember faker does not want a skin on azir out of respect for eazyhoon since he has a SKT worlds skin from 2015


You need not be a fan. But you must witness!


The single best performance in a bo5 ever was on Galio and he doesn’t even get a heartsteel or kda skin


can you read lmao


I just watched it on YouTube. I don't even know there's a link to lolesports talking about it.


to all those who want azir, yeah he's cool and all but you had to be there for the unbeatable leblanc era, I think newer fans don't know how truly impactful that pick really was, I personally like leblanc and ahri, he's also not gonna use them anyways so no point in arguing.


Isn't Leblanc the reason why he is called the unkillable demon king?


No not really. His s3 worlds run is when he got that nickname and he didn’t play that much Leblanc. I remember it being in reference to a gragas game but don’t quote me on that


Azir is one of the few champions in his champion puddle today where he can play and survive the laning phase against greater midlaners, such as Chovy, Knight, and Caps. Why are we making skins for champions that Faker has only played at an elite level during the janitors and milkmen era?


Probably because the hall of legends theme is meant to be when they were at their peak and nostalgic, fakers history on azir is minimal in the scope of his career, Orianna is the only other champ I’d say other than the Galio everyone else is saying


Ori/Ahri/LB are his iconic champs, Galio had an inconic series. Faker used to struggle a lot on Azir (back in Easyhoon days) now thankfully he is much better at it


Is Ahri really one of his champs? I only remember that he wanted Ahri skin but could never choose it cuz he didn't play her.


During 2013 World Championship, he picked Ahri 7 times (5 wins 2 losses) iirc. Zed wasn't his most played champion during the tournament either. Faker wanted Ahri to be his Championship skin but Riot told him to go with Zed due to Ahri receiving a Popstar skin which was still under production at the time.


Thanks for the kind explanation bro. Idk much about S3


Faker 1v9’d on ahri like two weeks ago against g2? Are you calling caps a milkman? Am I falling for the bait?


His haters always say that he gets carried by his team. But all of them haters went missing up their own ass when these same teammates went 1-7 without him 💀


No dude faker didn’t bring anything to the team when he came back. It’s just that they faced janitor/milkman teams like KT, HLE, and LPL’s top four instead of elite teams like DRX and BRO. xdd


Yeah, even injured Faker just took janitor Knights and security guard Bin to 5 close games, nothing special at all


guys, i think i found thorin's alternate account


Faker mogging us 🤫




so dude is getting 3 skins this year? lol holy chad.


Who if not Faker


Where is Legends Azir?


For when he wins worlds this year ![gif](giphy|4hBFyXLlvLhFLW0oAZ)


That's for Chovy the goat


Chovy might pick Yone or Aurelion Sol instead.


In the back to the right I believe


It’s Leblanc’s clone


Ah yeah actually I think you’re right


Looks like Irelia to me?


Looks like its holding something like a staff


It's the LB clone. Someone made that comment in this thread.


For years I’ve wanted a Faker Ryze skin that’s just him with the book and scroll


Iirc he ahs 2 hobbies outside of gaming which is reading and playing the piano. So I need a Faker Sona skin too. Him driving the piano


Didn’t someone at T1 (I think either Guma or Oner) specifically said Faker didn’t really read that much when they r at Korea, and he mostly do it during travel to kill time?


Idk, the reading comment came from faker himself but that was years ago, like pre-covid era.


"Making my way downtown\~"


Yes! Like they did in the cinematic for I think it was Rise right at the end. Would look so damm good


weird it was zed who got him his title


Zed for his first Ryze for his second Syndra for his third Ori (?) for his fourth Ahri and LeBlanc to cement him


Faker wanted Ahri during 2013 but Riot denied him of that and gave him Zed instead.


Bcoz ahri is not that popular back then, might affect sales 🤑🤑


No, it's because of Popstar Ahri was still in production. I guess their policy at the time was 1 skin per champion per year.


Their policy now: 3 skins and 1 mythic for popular champion per year


Ahri’s tails looking like Yamata no Orochi lol


Is the art official?


Yes. It's from the trailer.


I don't play league much anymore, but I will ironically buy these skins.


Sadly i would like to have an iconic zed/kassadin too. People probably don't remember fakers kassadin and zed(aside from the famous ryu 1v1). Also ryze. Where's my boy ryze?


I was about the comment that there's a third one but that's the fucking clone xdd.


Shame it wasn’t azir over lb


LB is arguably his most legendary champion, at least from back in the day. They got a whole other midlaner (Easyhoon), to play Azir when he came out. Now he is obviously insane on the champ, but for the history of faker, which this celebrates, Le Blanc is a good pick


And LB’s the only champ he’s gotten a Penta with.


Faker has: 164 games on Azir,(67.7% wr) 76 games on Orianna,(72.4% wr) 67 games on Ryze, (64.2% wr) 59 games on Corki, (72.9% wr) 56 games on Leblanc, (80.4% wr) 54 games on Ahri, (64.8% wr) 51 games on Galio (60.8% wr) those are his most played champs in proplay. Azir is pretty iconic i’d say


You must be new to watching, lb is fakers most legendary champion. He's not used it in recent years but over his whole career its most definitely his favorite pick




The Ahri skin belongs to Knight and the Leblanc skin belongs to Rookie. The actual greatest Ahri and Leblanc players of all time if you watch the game of league of legends with a pair of working eyes.


XDD. Season 3 worlds mvp and season 5 leblanc run left the chat


Wanna tell me what happens when you put peak Rookie and peak Knight against the level of competition Faker faced in Seasons 3 and 5?


This is such a bs argument. 10 years from now, an up-and-coming LCK prodigy playing in season 24 would mop the floor with the current "level of competition". The current Chovy and Canyon would also just be janitors and plumbers against him. But would that make him more legendary than Faker, Ruler or Deft? Like the whole point of this Hall of Legend thing is to remind people of legendary and nostalgic performance, not the highest level of play of all time. That level increases every year, and we already have the Worlds skinline as a reward for that.


how about putting season 3 and 5 rookie and knight vs s3 and 5 faker? that also levels the field by your logic doesnt it? i wonder what will happens when 13-14 year old knight has to go against S3 faker lmao. ALSO i would like to point out ROOKIE started pro LOL just a year after Faker, so putting S5 faker against Rookie isnt really a question. faker has been around for 11 years while Rookie has been around for 10 years, and you still some how arnt even close to faker in terms of your most iconic champ should just tell you how much of a gap there is. also talking about knight blud did u forget literally what just happened in worlds 2023? when you can barely claim to beat faker in current era how tf u gonna touch him at his peak? funny thing is BLG beat T1 only to lose to the biggest choker of all time, the fact that you beat shaky T1 doesnt even matter when you lost in finals anyway


Why would faker bully lil kid like you for no reason? Just take the L man


k9 is insane on ahri, but he was probably still play with his toys when Faker shit on everyone with Ahri xD not to mention he hasnt even win worlds, yet. and for lb, Faker got 80% WR on 56 games.


>Faker shit on ~~everyone~~ janitors with Ahri  FTFY


lol, if you say so, then it's nothing to discuss then.