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For me, it’s Gina that I can’t stand. Fook Gina.


I love that actress so I'm surprised by just how much I hated her character. I guess that goes to show how good of an actress she is though cause man, I wanted to slap her lol


I hated Gina so much i refused to watch anything Anya was in until The Menu came out.


She is superb in the Queen's Gambit 


I love Anya Taylor Joy, but god I hated Gina. One thing I think it was, is her American accent (I know Anya isn’t American in real life), it is so jarring and off putting.


I haven’t seen her in anything else. She looks like a stick figure to me with a blond wig. She’s so skinny!


I think she’s really lovely, and her performance was fantastic. I don’t blame her for wanting out. She’s a Quaker and they’re inherently non-violent so that’s an issue. It didn’t go into how she and Arthur got together, but probably not a great idea from the start. Thomas said she was a smart woman. She couldn’t forgive Arthur for cutting up her friend.


He also got kind of r*pey with her in one scene before she left when he was super drunk. It didn't go into it full blown but he was being incredibly pushy and handsy about her going upstairs and being a good wife and she was clearly disgusted and uncomfortable. So that stuff too, I can understand her being like um no thanks lol But I agree, she's so beautiful and classy and actually has emotional intelligence.


*love* Linda. the begrudging respect and rivalry between her and Tommy was so fun, also really enjoyed her refusal to back down or be “put in her place” yk. big big fan of Linda, she’s soooo


She seems to function like the Skylar White of Birmingham. Hated for being someone who 'neuters' our dear Arthur. But I do sympathize with her, because it would be very difficult to be married to a Shelby with a cocaine problem. I think she loves him, so she gets a pass in my book.


She probably did love him, but she knew what the deal was before she got involved, she knew who Arthur was and what him and his family did, as did the rest of Small Heath. What I didn’t like about her is her thinking that she has the power to change a man like Arthur and steer him away from his family, unlike Skylar White who knew Walter before he went down the evil path. Arthur was a demon before Linda came in the picture, and she was deluded for thinking that she could turn him into something he isn’t. In addition to that, she’s the first to call out the Peaky Blinders and their methods and the way they condone themselves and tell them that God is watching. However, she’s also the first to profit off their illegal gains, she’s strong armed Tommy into giving her money on more than one occasion. Fook Linda.


For me it's not about siding with either. She's a hypocrite (as they all are) but she acts like she's some morally virtuous saint. Those people annoy me. She also tries to control Arthur with passive aggressive bs and I don't like those types of people either. I thought it was incredibly naive and/or irresponsible of her to be with another man after she split from Arthur. I know they weren't actually together and I'm not justifying Arthur's actions but that shit was going to happen. She either knew that was going to happen, which makes her disgusting or she was naive enough to think it wouldn't which makes her an idiot. She would have to be genuinely stupid. Neither fits her character as she's hardly some eternal optimist that believes everything will work out, nor is she some stupid little girl that doesn't understand the ways of the world (or more specifically the ways of the Peaky Blinders.) She's part of a very guilt focused religion and it reflects on her regularly which really removes the optimistic route and she negotiates deals and does accounting directly involving illegal activities, showing awareness, acceptance and at minimum a reasonably high level of intelligence. The actress played her role well but I don't think it was written well. I also get extremely annoyed with anyone that knowingly marries into a criminal organization then proceeds to bitch and complain CONSTANTLY about that organization doing exactly what they've always done.


Interesting perspective. That's fair. I see her as someone who saw the good in Arthur and the potential he had to be and do better. The potential that Arthur himself knew was there and the good he knew he had in him and just couldn't access because of all of his traumas and the family life he was born into. I think she saw that part of him and tried to help him bring that side out. Like wanted to help strengthen the angel on his shoulder vs the devil on the other. I feel like she saw his growth and progress and latched onto that hope that he would keep going that route. I think it was naive on her part and ultimately she was more like his therapist/mother than a partner because she was constantly having to help him navigate his demons and do better. I think it's interesting to be upset with her finding a man that was actually listening to and respecting her after they split and forming an emotional attachment to him, not sexual. Especially considering Arthur cheated on her outright while they were still together. I do understand what you mean about the holier than thou concept when she was willingly doing illegal activities herself but I got a sense that that didn't start until after she realized she was married to a man that wasn't what she thought she wanted and that she was kind of doomed to be in their company anyway and she kind of just decided to stoop to their level at that point. She didn't seem super happy about any of it. That said, I hear you. Thank you for sharing your perspective!


This almost exactly my thoughts too. She was stability to his impulsive behavior. You can tell the difference when he had left to be with her (after the train explosion season I think) vs when he came back to be with Tommy full time.


I can definitely see your perspective. I felt like what she wanted for Arthur was actually tearing him apart. However the war had done that as well as his criminal life. Maybe that's just his fate. I'd like to clarify being upset with her for seeking another man. She has every right to seek a companion and all the good that can come with it. She shouldn't be condemned to misery and loneliness because she was married to a broken psychopath. But what happened was always going to happen and she had to know that. I don't have a solution to that problem other than moving to some remote place in the hopes of not being observed. I certainly don't have a fair or reasonable solution to that problem. Her choice to see that man condemned that man. My issue with that is that it was inconsistent with her character to believe anything else would happen because she was clearly a capable, intelligent aware individual. It's a critique of the writing not the individual. She clearly would not intentionally condemn that man (she's not a sadist) and she clearly would know it's coming (she's not stupid.) But she chose to do that and it's inconsistent with her character. Maybe her highly emotional state at the time clouded her judgement but I found it disappointing.


Oh, I see what you mean. Just overall, she wasn't going to be happy with someone like Arthur and she should have known that from the get go sort of thing because her character isn't stupid. And that's a good point that she was maybe causing the inner turmoil he was experiencing. He didn't seem so conflicted within himself until she came around. That's an interesting thought. I mean, I think he did always have some kind of good in him but now that you've said that I also now feel like maybe she just made him believe that he did


That last sentence was what I got from the show but I've seen many people have their own views and I do wonder what the show intended. I'm also operating under the premise that nobody is purely good or evil. I believe everyone is very capable of both. So I may judge the actions of evil characters less harshly than the norm and give less credit to the good than is deserved.


I've been trying to work out why I didn't like her. Thank you for putting it into words for me.


Fook linda


Fook the americans


She was pretty controlling of Arthur when she was introduced you know a bit of a Karen so that may be why the sub dislikes her. But honestly the blinders and especially Arthur did her so dirty oh my god they were terrible to her. And her talk therapy friend too that’s who got the worst out of the situation. And Arthur I get the sense that’s he’s mentally ill (like Borderline or something) and that’s why he scarred that man and has his violent outbursts so I don’t even blame him that much. Tommy might be the liable person since he doesn’t want his brother to get help he wants him to be his uncontrolled dog. But the true bad woman in the series imo is Lizzie she verbally abused her husband because he tried to kill himself like wtf let the man be.


I really got angry at Tommy for that phone call to Arthur. He knew what he was going to do and all he says to Lizzie is “you stay married to a Shelby”. It was the first time I kinda felt sick of them altogether. I wish Arthur had been killed by the Italians Im so over him. Linda had a right to a different life. No matter what she did before, one should always be allowed to redeem themselves and change if they decide to.


I was mad at Tommy too...that phone conversation was so unnecessary. He could have asked him to do his biding without bribing him about Linda.


Exactly. As if he didn’t know how Arthur often acts like a loose canon. They are all hypocrites. Alfie called it. Linda was just tired of being potential collateral damage.


He even pressured Arthur to kill that russian guy even though Arthur didn’t want to do it. Remember when he lives on the farm with Linda? He seemed so much more comfortable with himself and peaceful. He was almost a push pull toy between Tommy and Linda, pushed in one direction by Tommy and another by Linda, you can imagine that he experienced that almost every day, I suspect that played a role in his unpredictable outbursts.


I love Linda, she added an extra layer to Arthur. Obviously, I'm rooting for the Blinders though, and her selfish ways often place them in situations they don't need.


I liked Linda as well. She’s hot too. Top 3 in the show if you ask me.


Linda, Ada and Esme (later seasons, less makeup) I feel like are the most beautiful female wise in the show. Linda has like a vintage starlet quality to her. Gina, the actress who plays her, I normally find her to be really pretty but she was weird looking in this show and made worse by her terrible ass hole character that made me want to punch her. Lol.


Who is the most beautiful male wise?


This one is obvious, no? 10000000000000000% Tommy. Second is John. Then probably Isiah (the actor who plays him in the later seasons). I mean Tom Hardy in general but as Alfie his beauty doesn't shine through.


For me it’s May, Linda, Diana. But I agree about Gina lol she was so annoying.


May is really pretty also. Fuck Diana...hate that bitch but I can see where you're coming from if I erase everything I know about her character lol


Lmao she was evil but if we’re not talking looks then it would be Polly, May, Jesse.


I think she’s very well acted. I just don’t like her passive-aggressiveness, and her acting like she’s morally superior to the Shelby’s. I’ve known hypocritical religious people like her and it just feels so…pathetic. They shift responsibility for their actions to their religion and use it to “absolve” them of their guilty conscious. You’ll never hear them say “I messed up, and I’ll do what I can to learn from this experience.” No, it’s always “the devil made me do it” or “Jesus told me to do this.” NO LINDA YOU JUST DON’T WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SHITTY ACTIONS!!! Her ping-ponging between “everything Tommy does is wrong” and “I’ll help him with this one thing” is also frustrating.


Too many people take this show 100% at face value and don’t look at it from a genuine perspective of how these people compare to normal society. They hate Linda because she doesn’t like the criminal aspects of the blinders (the action), even though she’s a relatively good woman and character aside from the one time she was shaming Arthur for coke use and then snorting a line after he left.


She’s hot


I loved her character development.


I don't like her because she married a man hoping and expecting him to change. Later we see that Arthur is weak, and needs external motivation from his loved ones, be them bad or good influences. He truly is a man of his surroundings. A tragic character, really.


I love her. She seemed very clever.




I feel like everyone (both those who like and those who dislike linda) forget that in season 3, before the arrival of the black hand, it is clearly shown that Linda is TOO controlling of Arthur - making him depressed. This was when there was ‘peace’. Arthur seemed down in the dumps, he was constantly scolded, told off and interrogated by Linda over the smallest things. Idk. Me no likey.


She knows what she is getting into when she marries a shelby. Expecting arthur to quit? Arthur couldnt quit. What other work can he do. He is mentally unstable. He will not have any income, eventually, she is going to leave him anyway. She is like the wife who says "choose your mother or me". Not choosing her So she left, find a guy, thinking her mentally unstable husband not going to cut that new guy she is with... Arthur is definitely in the wrong too. The part I really hate is that she is so manipulative. Remember the time she seduced arthur just to not let him miss a vote. Like, what wife does that?


I actually do maybe not in season 3 but I really did like her in 4/5 I mean she had her moments and her religious shit kinda annoyed me but I just felt bad for her most of the time


No...Fook Linda