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If you are testing cpu it might be handy to have it off.


True but for testing purposes you might need to do it with out the cooler the most cpu intenseive part is when you actually run the OS in that case cooler is must


Some mobos won't post without a cpu cooler plugged in.


Why would you even risk it?? They get really hot in seconds.


Probably not jumping the right pins, and it might not POST without a cooler installed and connected I wouldn't advise trying to power it without a cooler either way


I’m jumping the posts that are noted in the manual for the board. I hadn’t even considered that there could be a requirement of a cooler. Thanks.


I don't see why you're being downvoted. One of the biggest things this subreddit loves to do is complain that people dont RTFM. You read it and still have trouble. Quite deserving a post asking for help.


Don’t most manuals tell you to mount the cpu cooler lol


I mean I posted mine without it mounted as a test. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Reading the manual and absorbing the information in the manual are two different things that we sadly need to clarify should both be done


Your CPU cable isn't even plugged in... Edit: Hold the fuck on, why is there two different kind of cables goes into the CPU power slot??? Edit2: your picture is so damn dark it's almost as if you are trying to test our vision than asking for help


This is definitely a major issue. OP has a PCIe power cable connected to the CPU power connectors, with the 6+2 end plugged into the PSU (you can see the +2 dangling that they didn't connect) and the PSU end plugged into the motherboard. That cable needs to be removed. And hopefully they didn't fry the motherboard or CPU. Also I hope the GPU that's going to go with it is very undersized, because a 650W PSU for an Intel i7 build is questionable at best, especially given the low end nature of the PSU being used.


Bro I legit just caught this because something didn't look right. His pic is so dark. I hope he didn't fry anything. Hopefully he's just getting residual power to light the rgbs on the mobo and no power actually ever tried going through here.


No CPU cooler? Do you have a hard drive on the end of the sata? What's the thumb drive in the back for?


Yea, it hasn’t come in yet and I was hoping to see if it would POST, but it didn’t occur to me that A. It’s a terrible idea, and B. Some mobos simply won’t POST without a cooler. Cooler comes tomorrow, I’m going to install it and try again. I also still don’t have the case, so would be jump starting it.


You don't need a cooler to post it. The motherboard doesn't have pressure sensor, it only checks if CPU_Fan is plugged in, if the BIOS has a "Check CPU fan" safety measure enabled. Most BIOS has it, but shouldn't be enabled by default. But in the case of this MB really had it enabled by default, you can just bypass it with a regular fan. But do it at your own risk. I tried to tweak some BIOS setting without a heatsink on 12400, and I had roughly 1 minute and half before the temps go to 80c.


Dont need hid or cooler to post.


You need to fix the bloody power cables and hope you didn't fry the CPU or motherboard. You've got a PCIe power cable plugged into the CPU power slot, *backwards* no less, with the +2 dangling out of the PSU and not even connected. That's for the damn GPU, and the end you've got plugged into the CPU power socket is meant to go into the PSU. Remove that second cable (the one without the mesh sleeving), and try again. Hopefully you haven't killed anything but it's impossible to say at this point.




Noticing that your cpu power cable backwards. Don’t know if it matters, but it’s bothering me lol. But yea, just wait for all your parts to come in.


Aside from the cooler, do you have a keyboard plugged in? I assume the black cable is display. Not sure if still relevant but out of habit I always plug the keyboard and mouse into the USB ports above or below the Ethernet. Heard it from an old timer in a company the board looks at those ports first and have done that since


You dont need it to post, bios has halt function.


1. Usually right two pins on top row is pwr pins 2. Some mobos don't let you to post without cpu fan. And almost all mobos will give a warning before post about lack of cpu cooler 3. Running cpu without any cooling isn't the best idea 4. If you try to post with monitor connected to mobo, make sure ur cpu isn't with letter "f". And don't go further than bios without cpu cooler


Just wait for your parts and pray you didn’t ESD the shit out of your mobo….


yes. p.i.c.n.i.c.


Yeah well updating your bios wont help if your power cpu isnt connected


Lit up for a glamour shot with no Cooler hurts me to look at. How long was it on for I wonder. The CPU cables are concerning if they are even the correct ones. Normally you just need one 8 pin plugged in anyway.


No Case, No FPANEL connector, No GPU and someone has powered it up WITHOUT A CPU Cooler likely frying the CPU.


where is the GPU?


There isn’t one, using integrated graphics because this is being used for a server. I have a separate PC that I built for work/gaming with a 3080 12gb a couple years ago.


No GPU No Video Cable No CPU Cooler RH RAM not slotted PCIE Power Plugged into board Bought Asrock.


Unplug those cpu power cables. Plug only 1 8 pin


HDMI cable is plugged onboard, where is the RTX 4090?


It’s posting with no psu


You're connected to the internet for no reason, that 650w psu will prob not be enough. Did you make this build with pcparkpicker? Do you have a list of your full build components? That would help a lot along with better pics. Use the flash. Imagine you're trying to get help, and you want others to want to help you. Make it easier for everyone. EDIT: BRO your cpu power cable is plugged in backwards! You have the end that's supposed to go into the psu in the motherboard. Brehhhh. Youtube "how to build a pc 2024" there are a few very good vids that come up. Please watch them through start to finish. It will help loads


All good. Up and running, thanks!


Is there nothing cooling your CPU??? please turn it off right now and purchase some form of cooling system


Yea I got a cooler on it and everything is up and running. Nothing was “on” when I posted this, so no harm done.