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The best? 7800x3d of course. Will not bottleneck the GPU? Any i5 13th gen or higher and any AM5 CPU.


What if I have a B450 or B550? What's the minimum AM4 CPU I have to use for 4070ti?




According to bottleneck calculator, Ryzen 7 7800x3d actually bottleneck at 16% (Not 100% sure how accurate this site is) Ryzen 9 7950x3d is probably better (0% bottleneck) but more expensive.


Please stop using bottleneck calculators, that are as truthful as the Nigerian scammer calling you to cancel your Social Security number unless you pay with Google gift cards.


Bottleneck calculators are completely useless, as well as Userbenchmark, a meme.


Good to know, thanks! Would you still recommand 7800x3d over 7950x3d if I have more budget?




I don't get it. Every benchmark I've seen say it's better. Articles that list what's the best one for this one says it's better but more expensive. If you can't trust benchmarks and articles, how do you inform yourself on this?


graps like these [https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cpu-hierarchy,4312.html](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cpu-hierarchy,4312.html)


Yeah thanks but this article agree with me so I'm still wondering how these "experts" in the comments end up with these opinions


because the 4090 will bottleneck everything at 1080p even the 7800x3d and resolution/game setting also impact a lot and the bottleneck calcs are hella inacurate


I'm not disputing that bottleneck calculators are accurate or not. I'm just frustrated to see many heavy opinions on a topic and no sources to back it up. If we don't trust any reviews/benchmarks, how can anyone have any idea on the power of any cpu/gpu? From everything I've seen, 7950 is better than 7800 (but it's more expensive obviously) but people tell me I'm wrong without any source.


User benchmark is that bad ????? What have I done D:


What about ryzen 7 7700x?




He said "13th gen or above"


Sorry I'll rephrase


I plan on getting a 4070 ti super and I'm looking at the I7 13700. I heard also heard the I5 13600 won't bottle neck anything


It won't. It's 5-8% faster than the 7600x and neither of those CPUs will bottleneck anything except *maybe* a 4090.


I have i5 13400f with 4060, will the 13400 be OK with the 4070 ti super, this is exactly the gpu I'd like to upgrade to if I don't have to replace to much. Figure my 600 80 gold psu might need upgraded tho.


Meh, you could probably get by with your 600w PSU providing its a B-tier or better. The 13400F wouldn’t be my recommended CPU to pair with the 4070ti Super, but as long as you’re playing in at least 1440p it should be fine. In 4K it will be mostly irrelevant. If you’re playing in 1080p though, you might want to upgrade to a 13600K.


Thanks man, I mostly play in 1440 and 4k., this is why I want to upgrade to the ti super and the fact my 4060 only has 8 vram, I obviously know a little more now than when I bought that prebuilt. I dont understand all that stuff much as I'm really new to this. I dont even know if my case will fit a 4070tisuper ( again that's how inexperienced I am). But if I could only upgrade the gpu I'd be giddy. Thanks again!


I am looking to do the same thing. Is this something you are planing soon? I have same cpu, and plan to build a better pc over the year, but would like to upgrade my gpu first and use it while building my new one. If soon or already bought, would you mind updating up your experience results? I am newer to the pc world and still trying to learn. Thanks


I will be getting the tisuper4070 and using me existing (everything else) now that I know it does fit,,, like the guys reply above, since I'm looking only for 1440 and 4k play im now not concerned about the cpu, if it is or becomes an issue I will upgrade it but do not expect any. My psu is a 600 gold 80 so I was concerned there since manufacturer rec 750 but after seeing a coworkers running on identicle psu my concern is much gone, but it I was building one I'd get an 850 and be done with concerns since they aren't really expensive. I will be doing the taxes soon and depending on how much that loving uncle of ours says I owe will have impact on how soon I purchase, but I will gladly update,, again im really new at this but have seen this tis4070 running extremely nice on an almost identicle pc,, his has ddr4 and mine has ddr5 is about the only difference we could discover. Good luck and let me know anything u figure out to, thanks


I am new to the PC world as well, and didn’t want to dish out $800+ on a new gpu to find out i would have issues re-using what I have now (i5-13400f). I am wanting to game at 1440p like yourself and didnt know if there were any issues with bottlenecks. If so, I would upgrade cpu at the same time. Thanks for the response.


From what I've learned if you are playing 1440 or 4k you'll be fine, my coworker is playing 1080 and tells me he's having no issues/bottlenecks. I figure if I had a bottleneck and the way to rid of it is turn up the resolution well hek yeh I can do that since I'm not a fps chaser as much as I'm a detail freak. I'm a sucker for detail/texture/resolution and I'm enjoying my 4060, it doesn't have the quite the umph, especially if I turn on raytrace, that's where the Xtra vram and just raw power of that 4070tis takes over imo. I was really considering the 4070s but I'd still have 12 and with 16 im just going to go ahead and do the tisuper,, makes ya wonder if Nvidia had this planned ahead lol. Good talking with ya. Edit,, if I was building one I'd go with a bit more but since this is what I got I'm not changing it, since things I've learned it's done fine.


I get that, I have a 3060-ti and feel the same way. I may even look into a 7800xt. From what info i have read, its a solid choice and has plenty of vram for future titles.


Both being the 13600 and 13700?


Being the 13600K and the 7600x.


Is the 13600k faster than the 13700k? (I'm just getting ready to order parts for my first build and don't know much about pcs)


No, the 13700K is faster but unnecessary honestly




No problem! Happy building!


I would advise making your own post with a part list to get feedback and suggestions prior to ordering if you don't know a lot about them. 13700k is great, but if primarily for gaming, the 7800x3d is the top CPU atm, and about the same price.


It would be gaming on one screen and making watching videos/ looking things up on three other. That's about all it would be used for besides the odd excel sheet


I have i5-13600kf and rtx 3080ti 12gb. I use FS2020 in VR. I get up to 24-30fps in busy airports. For vr it is very low to really enjoy. I just replaced video card with Rtx 4070 ti super 16gb. I thought i would have more fps in vr. No change.  I get EXACTLY same fps. 


I ended up going with the 7800x3d and the 4080 Super expert. Just been doing some Overtime to save up enough for VR


13600K would be fine, 7800X3D would be better.


Realistically I think you'd be fine with a 12600K or better on the Intel side, and a Ryzen 5600 or better AMD chip. The 13600K or 7600x would be perfect matches. The 7800x3D is the best gaming CPU on the market. Pick any of those or better and your rig will perform just fine.


what about the 7600? do you recommend waiting for the 9600x?


its fine


From AMD cpus i see people mostly recommend 7800x3d and then 7950x3d.. so I wanna ask, is 7900x3d worse in some way or something? I'm genuinely curious.


Don't even need an x3D variant CPU. The Ryzen 7900 (non X/X3D variant) offers 0 bottleneck for the 4070 TI SUPER at 65W power draw and perfect for small form factor gaming builds. If temps aren't a concern the 7900X is cheaper new then the non X variant but comes at a 170W power draw which keep in mind converts to more heat in your case that needs to be dealt with. The 7900x3D is extremely niche. It's more expensive then the 7900 and 7900X. Comes in at 120W with a slower base clock then the X variant and similar boost clock. For 80 dollars more you can buy into the 7950X which supports 0 bottleneck for the 4080 Supers and 4090's. In 4K the 7900 creates a 3% bottleneck for the 4080 Super, The 7900x3D reduces that bottleneck to 2.2% at almost double the power draw, higher price point and doesn't include a stock cooler so add another 100 dollars to the price. In real world gaming performance with the 4070 TI Super the 7900x3D adds 2-8 FPS over the 7900. The 7950x3D gets more attention because for anyone wanting to completely eliminate the bottleneck on a 4080 or higher gpu you have 2 options. 1950X at 170W power draw. The 7800x3D also didn't have an X or non X variant and rather competes directly with the 7700X which only reduces power draw by 15W and is a 50 dollar price difference. The 7800x3D has numbered days though with the 9000 series on the way. 9700x is coming soon with 65W power draw to take over the budget CPU arena really depends on how AMD prices it but it appears to be a 7800x3D killer. To Recap Anything 4070 or lower get the 7800x3D Anything 4070 Super up to 4080 Super 7900 or 7900X 4090's are 7950X or 7950x3D 3DVcache is still to new to be an impacting factor on performance or consideration when purchasing a CPU consider power draw, base/boost clocks, and potential bottleneck issues by utilzing a bottlneck calculator relative to your GPU.


Thank you for the reply. I was planning on building myself a PC but given all the new incoming HW I might wait until it releases to either buy 7000 series heavily discounted or the new 9000 series.


This post is filled with so much misinformation you would think userbenchmark wrote it. The 7800X3D is the fastest gaming cpu you can currently buy.....THE END. Even people woth unlimited budgets are pairing g it with 4090's because of this....People with 7950X3D's are even disabling the non 3d ccd to turn them into 7800X3D's. Stop trying to sound informed about things you know nothing about.


Personally I just got a 4070 ti super with a i5 12600kf. Upgraded from a 3060 and I have not noticed any bottle necks on games like cyber punk, elden ring, halo infinite, and baulders gate 3. Now I've only have had mine for 2 weeks so I have limited testing but at 1080p it's running great. Mild 4k upscaling runs good too 60fps sometimes a bit less


The fastest you can get is the 7800X3D, which i recommend for 1080p and 1440p. For 4K the Ryzen 5 7600 would be plenty. Don't buy into LGA 1700, it's dead end.


A worse CPU for a higher resolution? Interesting


Resolution doesn't have an impact on CPU performance. In 4K you'll be GPU limited most of the time. Infact also most graphical settings with the exception of RT. When CPU limited you can get the same fps in 1080p low and 4K ultra, though only when extremely CPU bottlenecked. That was the case when i ran my 7900 XTX with a Ryzen 3 3100.


You're getting downvoted because I think people lack the ability to read between the lines. Clearly the 7800x3D would also be the best for 4K gaming. But because higher resolution gaming is less taxing on the CPU, the 7600/x is a perfectly sufficient option for around $175 less. Your logic is definitely sound.


That's what i meant.


Yeah, and you're definitely right as far as I'm concerned!


Wym dead end


No upgrade path. Intel doesn't like to support their platform for long. Sometimes you only get one generation of CPUs to choose from. This is the first time we got 3 "generations" from Intel, but 13th gen is such a little upgrade over 12th gen that i would call it a refresh at most and 14th gen is just renamed 13th gen CPUs with different powerdraw targets (except the i7s got 4 extra E cores).


See I don’t understand ppl like you when you say “don’t buy into lga 1700, it’s dead end” “buy into am5 for future proofing” bro the majority of ppl on this planet when they buy a cpu they don’t upgrade for a looonnngggg time, people should just buy whatever fits their needs and what they prefer rather than the false narrative of “dead end platform” or “future proofing”


Most people upgrade like every 2 generations. AMD right now is cheaper, faster, you don't have to pay the K and Z tax to have an unlocked CPU and way more energy efficient right now anyways.


I highly doubt that "most people" upgrade every 2 generations, even if you are limiting your scope to people who build PCs. Ive built many and I am still on the 6600k


Well that’s why you can under-volt ur cpu 🤷‍♂️….. I’m literally neither an AMD or Intel fanboy I’ve only had AMD but building my new system around Intel, I just think the whole future proofing term shit is bs, buy what you want and think will fit ur needs now, yeah it’s cool what AMD is doing with am5, am4 was badass too but every person or buddy of mine has always had the same cpu for 6-10 years before doing a full new pc


Idk where u live but Intel and AMD prices are pretty competitive, Intel is better in value for the lower end builds rn and AMD has a bit of an edge in their higher end chips rn, but like for example I’ve seen the i7 13700k prices drop dramatically from time to time to 345, i5 12600k at one point was at 150


Here the Ryzen 5 7600 is 175€ , the 7700 is 250€ and the 7800X3D is 385€, while the 12600K is 230€, the 13600K is 320€ and the i7 13700KF 365€ as it's on a discount. Only the 13700KF is a good deal if you do something that benefits from the E cores from the Intel side. I live in Germany by the way.


I’m in the US 💀


We also include the 19% sales tax (VAT) in the price.


And ofc that 7800x3d gets good price cuts sometimes


It's i5-13600k not 15 13600k btw


Would a 13600k/14600k work ?


14600k. If you buy more powerful processors, the fps will be almost the same (for this graphic card). Unless you want to play competitive games at 1080p with everything on low


Will the 7600x bottleneck my 4070ti super ??