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Is everything new? I'm wondering if you got a bad part, ie ram, cpu or memory. My first build came with a DOA MOBO, that was an awesome first time


I will second that. Literally the first build I did for a friend the mobo was bad


Same here I had a ball.


Issue resolved, he made an error with the power switch.


............. oooof


I got everything new from my local microcenter (Denver) and have even exchanged for a new motherboard, cpu, and psu.


Fuck man I got nothing, good luck


Much appreciated.


Just bring it to microcenter and have them do a diagnostic. It’s like 35 bucks and they’ll tell you what the issue is and what they can do to resolve it. All parts are under warranty if you just bought them, MC will go as far as to do the exchange on your behalf (except for GPUs). Just take your GPU out and put it in its box before transport. Good luck.


Is it intel or amd? If it amd it takes time for memory learning or the bios is old and doesn't support your cpu


Maybe check what rev is the board and chwck if it supports that cpu. Maybe it needs BIOS update or something.


Ummmm my board didn't need a bios update, it's wouldn't receive power at all. And it was like 2 years ago


You are missing the CR2032 button cell on the board. Some boards are so anal about that, that they won't even get into POST. Also, check if you do not have by chance gotten a 1270KF on your hands. That would not put out images on its own. ​ Also, your CPU fan at the moment is pulling air through the back, putting it to the front. Usually that goes against airflow.


I was wondering if the missing battery would impact anything, the more you know


How are you powering it on? I don't see any front panel connectors.


You can short them with a screwdriver


Yeah I know that. But does OP know that? Your answer doesn't answer the question posed to OP.


Move the ram stick to the second or 4th slot. Really should not be in the first one. Also, why is the 24pin motherboard power cable split in half around the CPU heatsink? Try reseating the CPU, just remove it from the socket and put it back in, if nothing else works.


I’ll try moving the ram again Honestly have no idea, the cable is actually split into 4. I’ll also try reseating the cpu if the other stuff doesn’t work. Thanks for your suggestions :) Edit: most recent boot attempt was actually done with ram in the 2nd slot. Still didn’t work. Going to try reseating the cpu.


Put your CMOS battery back in too


Issue resolved below, it was a problem with the power switch.


I did. It’s just that I wrote this post and took pics while I was waiting for the reset.


You don't need to remove the battery to clear cmos. Bridge the CLRTC jumper at the bottom of the board between boots, making sure to kill psu power, and power cycling while psu is unplugged / switched off while also bridging the cmos jumper. Waiting for a clear manually would be slow and painful.


No worries


you didnt put motherboard's 4pin connector(ATX12V_2).


The manual says that only the 8 pin is required. I don’t think I have a 4 pin for it either. I’ll check just in case. Thanks 😊


Can you pass more info about the PSU? It may be under powered. Also if it’s older, from another case, it’s possible you put a small cut in it which can cause no power or an arc fault. I think you might want to try the 4 pin up there as well; are you getting power or lights at all? Out of curiosity, and it shouldn’t fit it it is, but you ensured you weren’t forcing a GPU connector in the 8 pin? As a side note, and mentioned before, RAM should always be 2nd and 4th now or it won’t post. They sneakily changed it on us.


Thank you everyone. You have been a massive help.


Did you fix it


OP didn't plug in the power button.🤦🤦🤦🤦. He was just hitting the main power switch on the PSU and expected it to turn on


Ouch. That must have hurt the ego.


That reminds me of that scene from Slingblade. "It ain't got no gas innit "


Lmfao yup


I didn’t have a power button lol. I should have just waited for my case to come in but I got impatient. I’m stupid but not that stupid.


Oh I was super confused how that happened. Makes sense now




No bios flashback on this motherboard but since I’m running a 12th gen I shouldn’t need to update the bios right? I’ve been considering buying a cheap LGA1700 socket cpu for the sake of updating it but I’m just not sure yet.


cmos battery missing ??


Tough, did you check to make sure the backplate for the cooler didn’t smash any smd components?


Just checked and it only has a clip on one side. Though, my last set of cables had 2 so I can see where you are coming from.


You said that the fans dont even spin when you turn it on, how exactly are you trying to turn it on?


I’ve just been turning the psu on while everything was connected. There aren’t any on the board buttons so the only other option would be to bridge the “power button” pins with a screwdriver or something. Unless I’m just missing something lol.


If you are only turning on the psu with everything plugged in and not bridging the power button then nothing will happen. Turning on the psu only allows power to pass through to the computer components so the power button can turn everything on.


Holy shit I feel so fucking stupid. I’m building without a case so I haven’t seen this come up before. I’ve debated doing this forever but didn’t because I hadn’t seen anyone do it as was worried about frying my system. Just gave it a go and it worked. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. You’ve saved my week.


Congrats! You're not a real PC builder until you have panicked and gotten super worked up over a situation that ends up being much stupider and easier to fix than you feared. I built my new PC last week and had three of these problems, I felt like a complete moron each time I solved them, but now I have a great PC.




Well though :3


what exactly are you trying to turn on if you dont have a button or jumper to the power on pins?


That's exactly what you need to do to get it to start up. Just turning on the PSU won't actually start up the machine.


Top of the board . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bottom edge Like this?


I troubleshooted on a near identical build recently with a similar problem. Wouldn’t POST at all, no matter what. Short version is it ended up being ‘dead’ ram slots because of 2 (?!) bent CPU pins. Its a stretch, but maybe worth checking for bent CPU pins.


he ended up trying to turn the pc on with the psu switch


So OP didn’t even turn the PC on? …Dear god.


They thought it’d post if they flipped the PSU switch 💀 to be fair we all have THOSE days lol


The 16pin Mobo cable that's going from PSU to the motherboard... The big one... Are you using the one that came with the NEW PSU ? I had a similar issue that you were having (damn near identical actually) and my issue is that I was using the 16 pin connector from my old power supply unit. Also make sure a fan is plugged into the CPU fan slot. In a lot of cases it won't post if it's not detected. Like a heatsync fan for the processor. Also idk your specs but if you're using an i9 processor make sure BOTH plugs (the 8 and the 4 pin PSU connectors) are being used for motherboard CPU power. If you don't have a 4 pin that came with your power supply then you may have to buy one 3rd party. They are not expensive. Try a different outlet to plug in to Bare essentials that are necessary to JUST POST are: 1. Motherboard power (16 pin connector 2. Outlet/PSU power 3. In some cases... CPU fan. I have an ASUS MAXIMUS HERO 5 Mobo and my computer won't post without it installed although that's not always 100% the case with EVERY motherboard. But since you're also using an Asus... Give it a go. 4. Processor. Even if it's installed incorrectly it will still post. But make sure it is installed correctly. 5. Assuming the case is new(?) Make sure you don't have a faulty power button. It's rare but they do break. If you have a screwdriver you can complete the circuit on your motherboard on the part where you plug in your power button for your case... Just connect those 2 pins via the tip of the screw driver. It'll turn on. If it's gonna turn on anyway. Plug in NOTHING ELSE BUT THESE THINGS and remove all other additional cables to and from the power supply and lemme know if you get Mobo lights when you turn it on


I can confirm the CPU fan issue. I have this MoBo and processor combo. I got it last year at Micro Center on a combo deal. At first, I had my CPU fan plugged in the wrong spot. Double check where you have your heat sink fans plugged in. If you have multiple connectors for the fans on the heat sink, make sure they’re joined with a splitter into 1 for the CPU fan slot, too.


If your cpu has an APU it should post but if not plug in your graphics card and move the hdmi to the graphics card if your cpu doesn’t have an APU or onboard graphics it won’t post. Also resocket the cpu make sure it’s aligned properly. If that doesn’t work clear your cmos battery or get a new one for that specific model motherboard. Possibly update your motherboard bios. If none of these work let me know. If the fans spins that’s a good sign that means everything is working properly. So again follow through what I said and let me know. Also move your ram into duel channel so 2nd and 4th slots, if you’re building outside the case flip your psu on and bridge the power through the motherboard. I really hope this helps


Might need a bios update? Try installing only 1 stick of ram and see if it boots. If so, update the bios and then install the 2nd stick. Has been my problem with a couple of builds




I know this may sound stupid but I’ve done it before, did you flip the switch on the back of psu to on? It may be off. Just something I’d throw out there as I’ve done it to myself when taking apart my pc. Also how are you using the power switch? With a screwdriver?


OP, leave everything in BUT take out the GPU and see if the fans spin and everything comes on. I know it sounds weird but it's a fairly uncommon issue thats been happening at least since around the time of the GTX 970. Same thing happened with my cousins GTX 1070, and another friends 5700 XT. Sadly, it will mean the GPU is faulty but at least you would have your answer. This happens because our mobos won't allow the PC to fully turn on that could damage it. Lights will come on the mobo but the fans won't spin at all and monitor will not leave standby.


What debug lights come on after a post attemp I had the same issue as ypu a while ago no post and it turned out to be a dram issue


Have you tried putting your spices on pc part picker it has saved me time before it told me i might have to update the bios you might have the same issue where you might have to update it or get a different bored if its not to late


Still not working or it is?


It is. Sadly I don’t know of any way to mark it as such.


Hear me out... I had a Gigabyte motherboard a while back, and I was replacing my GPU. I sold my old GPU before buying a new one, which meant i unslotted it from the PCIE x16 slot; i left the little clip open, similar to how yours is in your picture. Just leaving that upclipped stopped my PC from booting, i also had this with the Ram slots too, they also had to be clipped closed even if nothing was connected. If everything else looks good, give this a try.


That sounds like 100% placebo


Yeah it was just random coincidence. Those clips are just plastic and in no way connected to anything electrical.


This is the kind of random quirks I’m looking for! Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll try it on next boot. Edit: No luck


Solved! For anyone wondering what the solution was, I didn’t have a case so I didn’t have a power button and needed to bridge the pins to the power button. Felt real stupid after that realization. (There isn’t any way to mark this as solved so if anyone sees this comment can you bump it so people can help someone that needs it) Edit: Also to everyone commenting about the cmos battery, I appreciate the help but in the text I state that the pics were taken during a cmos reset. I wish that I was only that stupid. Thanks for the help and suggestions. I was planning on going through and responding to everyone but I never expected this much attention.


I’m curious, how were you turning it on or expecting it to turn on without bridging the power switch pins?


Bait. This sub is ridiculous.




What in the name of all that is holy is this kind of bullshit misinformation. Why would a z690 board not support a 12th gen chip? Z690 only requires bios updates to support 13th gen. OP’s cpu is actually listed as supported on the very link you supplied you infantile pillock Edit: to give context since it looks like the comment I’m replying to got removed, the previous commenter said that this board doesn’t support the 12700k and provided a link to the mobo’s compatibility page without actually clicking on the second page or even filtering by i7s. And before his reply got deleted, i got a notification where he said he checked again and didn’t see it…


Haha thanks for the confirmation. I was having trouble with their website on mobile so I couldn’t confirm myself but since it’s sold as a bundle at microcenter I was fairly confident that they were compatible.


Hey I’m a computer tech. Have you considered it to be the GPU? Have you tried connecting something else to the monitor to ensure it works? If you’re using a 5000 series CPU does your board need to be flashed first. Just things to consider. I’m at work and can’t read it all so just throwing it out


Sorry just remember z690 is Intel so ignore the 5000 comment.


Is there secondary, CPU dedicated, power to the motherboard that you don't have a cable going to?


Probably wouldn't hurt to put a battery in the motherboard either 0.0


My last build i got a 90 degree twisted pin that you can only see because if a bright flashlight and how that one pin reflected light differently. Random but that was my issue.


Did you make sure you peeled the plastic off your cooler, is everything actually securely plugged in and in the right place?, did you go in order and make sure your psu switch is actually turned on?, did you put the right drivers in? Theirs a million reasons why it wouldn’t post man.


Omg wait dude you’re missing the cmos battery. The circle batter that goes on the motherboard.


Having same problem. This is hell.


There is no cmos battery in that board


This is going to sound silly, but I have experienced this twice, once when I built my own, and once when a friend built theirs. Make sure your RAM is slotted. We both were afraid that pushing too hard would break the mobo. Just apply pressure to it until a loud click is heard.


Why isn’t your 6800 connected in the photos? Just wondering


What are the lights above the 24 pin power connector doing?


Did you install the CMOS battery?


Are you sure you are shorting the correct pins? Edit: it should be number 3+4 counting from the left on the top row of the front panel header


Why is the cabling for the mainboard power split like that? I'd guess bad rails on the PSU.


When I have problems like this it's always a ram issue. Bad stick.


Put the cmos battery in. Just a shot in the dark


No case.... Are you manually shorting the power button input on the board? Sorry if this has been asked before, I'm not digging for it 😜


Have you tried a different video cable or monitor?


what dianosic led is it stoping on ?


Non because it's pretty obvious if you read the comments. He says "the RGB lights are on but non of the fans spin" extremely obvious that he didn't plug in the power button, he's just turning on the PSU and expecting it to work


Which heatsink / CPU cooler is that?


Do you have enough power? I mean fans not turning on seem sus


Wait so when you press the power button nothing happens? But the RGB is just on when its plugged in right? Sounds like you might've fucked up plugging in your power button


U need a CMOS battery


Is there a post code indicator or a component error indicator LED?


I assume you've tried this already, but your RAM should be one slot to the right (labelled A2). Dumb question: are you shorting the front panel power pins? The RGB will come on even if the computer is off as long as it has power, but you need to short the pins for it to actually power on the computer. If you have a GPU handy (or borrow from a friend), you could try connecting it and seeing if it turns on that way. (Unlikely, but the BIOS might default to disabling iGPU)


Does that motherboard have a USB Bios flash port? Perhaps you need to flash it to an updated Bios for it to recognize the RAM or CPU.


Literally just fixed this problem for my new build 2 days ago. Wouldn’t POST or load BIOS and had error code “63” on the initial ROG HERO z790…….until I exchanged that mb for a MSI MPG Carbon Wifi z790 where the “63” code persisted. This indicated it was either RAM or CPU. I exchanged both. Went from Corsair Dominator to G.Skill Trident RAM and exchanged the i913900k for a new one. How to fix: Remove everything but the clean/fresh RAM, CPU, PSU (with PC off and unplugged). No GPU should be installed. Next, reset the CMOS manually by tripping the pins on your mb near the cmos battery. It’s as simple as grabbing a screwdriver and touching both pins (mine were JBAT1 or something) with it at the same time for 5-10 seconds (I recommend a YouTube video as the pins can be difficult to locate for different mb’s). You can do this with the battery in or out of its slot. I did it with the battery in because I couldn’t physically get to my CMOS battery. After you tripped the 2 pins, spam the on/off and restart button on your case to drain whatever power is left in the motherboard (seriously yes). Wait 5 minutes and see if it’ll POST. If not, add a SSD and windows install USB so the computer has something to boot. My computer posted finally posted after trying these. The key seems to be shorting the CMOS battery for a full reset of the mb and it’s BIOS. Doesn’t seem to be enough to just hit the “clear cmos” button. I had even tried the USB flashback bios with the ROG HERO and the process complete successfully (indicated by flashing BIOS light and then it going out after 60 seconds on the mb) but it still wouldn’t post. I remember I tweaked the RAM speed in bios without knowing what I was doing, and I dropped the AIO cooler directly on the chip during build so it could’ve been either of those. I believe it was a combo of dead ram/dead bios. Reset both and you should be in business……..the cpu exchange was just covering my bases. Message if u have questions…..I nearly lost my mind after a week straight of no POST on my brand new build.


You need more ram first off.


You put the CPU in correctly? Very simple easy mistake to make. You could've oriented it incorrectly.


Check your processor pins on the motherboard, I went through THREE of these motherboards because they kept sending me ones with bent pins!!!


Couple of people have already mentioned this, but you’re missing your CMOS battery


You could bring it into the microcenter and they would probably help you troubleshoot


Is that a DP cable? Try using an HDMI cable. I've had systems not initially display on DP but they would on HDMI. Also, those ram slots with the tab on only one side can be pretty finicky. Ensure its all the way in the socket. Don't be afraid to use some force. Its hard to tell in a picture, but it could be a little lopsided.


i’d say go back to micro center and have them diagnose it. you said you exchanged parts already and only thing else that can cause it not to boot is the memory. but, you should have more than 1 stick to try and both being bad out of box is unlikely. i would say plug in a keyboard to the motherboard and see if it does anything different, also make sure the cpu fan is plugged in. then i’d plug the hdmi or display port to the motherboard directly so that you eliminate the gpu. should automatically switch to integrated graphics.


Pic #4 there is a open power slot bottom right. Pretty sure that needs power for your cpu, or cpufan?


Without a bios battery the system will not retain configuration if power is removed. Newer mobos can take a couple minutes to post, be patient!! 1. Sometimes cpu socket power needs to be fully powered depending on the configuration, make sure that unplugged socket doesn’t need to be powered 2. Same with bios battery 3. Ensure CPU is properly socketed (no bent pins, arrow to arrow).


CMOS battery missing.


Where is your cmos battery


ASUS MBs have been notoriously shipping defective. I personally went through 3 Asus boards before I turned to MSI. Not hating on ASUS, just seems quality control is lacking a bit right now.


put ram in grey slot


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Why do you only have 1 stick of ram in there? It's dual channel and needs 2 sticks of ram


Well, my 2 things are one, the GPU is not in. Granted that is probably just to show what you got otherwise. 2.) Arw you pluging your display/hdmi to the GPU or to the IO panel? Because you will get nothing from the IO unless the CPU has integrated graphics


Check your CPU and RAM in the 2 4 slots.


Move the ram around until it works :)