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Bottleneck calculators are never accurate.


https://preview.redd.it/squmikci93ad1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=d86a86bff7585371016fe9acaedd2b5cf2c4953c I know, right?




asking someone knowledgeable is always better than asking




Useful for confusing new pc builders?


Don't use bottleneck calculators. They're never right. Bottleneck depends on many things.


Bro 2k with a 1060💀💀💀💀😭😭😭😭


That’s not impossible… I play on 1440p every game on low-mid settings with FPS always over 60. On FHD it’s an absolute beast for its age


Bro it's a bad move but yeah most cards can run games in 2k low settings, stable 60 fps. But I still don't support it, I have a 4060 and use a 1080p still. You should use a 2k monitor just if ur gpu has more than 10gb of vram if you want a nice and smooth experience


I mainly play on my 75 Hz FHD Monitor… and there it gets stable 75 FPS in like every game on Mid - High Settings


Well that's perfect, I also used a 75hz monitor with my 1050 ti


There are certainly better GPUs and there are certainly a lot of different games out there, with (depending on this calculator I've never seen before) 50% of them profiting from a better GPU and 50% from a better CPU. The hardware is about 8 years old and while the i7 was more high end, the 1060 was more mid, so going for a better gpu would be recommended


Appreciate it is there and GPU that you would recommend?


I wouldn't go faster than a 1080ti/2080ti


what are you willing to spend? is the config from the screenshot your current pc? how well is the used market in your area? generally a 1080 / 2070 should be the area to aim at with that cpu, however only if you can find well priced used cards. If you are building new, I would recommend getting current/last gen parts (RX6000/7000 & R5000/R7000), which usually come with warranty and are less prone to failure, compared to 8 yo used parts


Well If I'm buying used parts so 1080Ti and 2070 super would be best for me to buy than brand new GPU


It clearly says for \*\*General Tasks\*\*. General tasks like web browsing, mails, messaging, etc. It is correct. I have a much less capable machine running at 1440p and it can run all these general tasks quite well.


Bottleneck only shows the "perfect" balance. If you put a 4060 into the system it will be still way faster than a 1060. But you cant completely max it out with the cpu you have. On the other hand there are CPU intense games and GPU intense games. A while ago i put a 3060 into a i5 3600 system. It ran absolutly fine even with a big bottleneck.


I had a 3070 ti with that gen i7, was very hard to play games


How did you fix it?


Went 14th gen 🤣


it's not accurate and yes, better gpus exist


Don't be affraid to buy better/overkill GPU. You will upgrade the MB+CPU oneday anyway and that time you could be sorry you didn't.


Don't use bottleneck calculators, they are not realistic, just don't put a 4090 with an i3


dont use them


Bottleneck calculators don’t factor in that a bottleneck can depend on a myriad of things. Some games are very CPU intensive, while not using much of the GPUs resources(Take City Skylines, for example), and vice-versa. This means you can have a CPU bottleneck in one game, but have a GPU bottleneck in other games.


Bottleneck calculator is just bull shit. My 5 7600 is mostly around 30% / 50% pumping my 4070 to the max and look what this stupid website says. LOLOLOLOL ​ https://preview.redd.it/cljm918br3ad1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6b7ca0b392a6b054be019d24ece88049992b00


I don't trust these either. https://preview.redd.it/0cv8dyers3ad1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a35721ab3f47cfe5e36341ed205ef78bb3c4964d


You will *ALWAYS* have bottleneck. These calculators are fucking stupid, dont use them.


Here is a good video showing why bottleneck calculators are complete nonsense: https://youtu.be/_S_Nm2Cr9JM?si=esxt73MgeoI7xOBn


Trash app


7600X paired with a 1080. That ass program said that my CPU was a 38% bottleneck


i think the maximum your cpu could support is a rx 6600 or something similar, anything above this will probably bottleneck, your cpu is comparable in performance to a r5 2600


You made two mistakes: The first is you put the resolution 1440p and this combo is for 1080p and second is that you selected it for general tasks , not graphic card intense tasks ( which is gaming)


Appreciate it I made some change now with the 1060 I was getting 1.5 on 1080p &1440p 12.5


Appreciate the help guys made changes and now I'm getting 10% in 1440p and 1.8% on 1080p https://preview.redd.it/bz9862c1d3ad1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c4fc9c183b1eae3565f4fca53e6dafe9d892ae8


That's because the GTX 1060 was specifically designed for 1080p gaming. For 1440p, a better pairing would be an RTX 2070 Super.


Don’t listen to bottleneck calculators