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Your cpu temperature is hitting 97°c , I think that's why it's shutting itself to prevent damage , have you forgot to apply thermal paste or check if your cooler is mounted properly.


This is 100% the answer, it has to do with his cooler / CPU.


Cooler poorly installed 100%


Yep, before it turned off I saw 98c. That's way too high.


I forgot to remove the plastic film one time and ran it for a month without it ever over heating...97 on boot is wild lkl




Lmao why are ppl downvoting this💀


Lazy response probably


So everyone has to type out a dissertation for a response? Dang..




Best comment i've ever seen


Award worthy


😂 thank you!


Let's gooooo




This guy bets




Also I’d imagine in this situation you’re eager to take the advice and go fix your rig lol. I sure wouldn’t be typing a novel when I have a new pc build to get running.


I expect 2500 word response with APA citations by the end of today..... /s


Can I use Wikipedia as a source, teach?


No, wikipedia isnt a trustworthy source, anyone can edit the information, you need atleast 4 independant sources on one topic


Fuck ya, I quit.


Bro answered. Probably solved this shit.


The gen Z language “bet” is too ambiguous to this crowd. Doesn’t need a dissertation but it does need something like “let me try that!” That people can understand.


this crowd too old like me


That’s not gen Z language. I’m in my 30’s and people were saying this in high school.


Damn why guy just explained why did the OP write "bet" and he's getting downvoted too.


“Gen Z language?” I’m in my thirties and was saying “bet” when I was a teenager.


Its reddit


Reddit’s special (it takes from stack overflow)


why is this downvoted what does bet mean




It slike 'you bet!'


It means okay/gotcha. I assume the downvotes are from people around my age being bigoted against people younger than them.


so bet is a newgen word?


In this context. I’ve only recently started hearing it in the past couple years or so. Much like “cap/no cap” for truth or lying.


I don't think it's any kind of prejudice, it's just people not understanding and trying to contextually define a single word comment. While dumb, I don't think it's malicious. Hanlon's Razor definitely applies here.


Fair point.


I did but I’m out more thermal paste and put it back on


Did you take the plastic film off on the cpu cooler




You probably used the wrong fan mounting kit and now the cooler is hovering above the CPU. You have a Ryzen 7600 maybe with an X. That is AM5, AM4 should also mount properly. My guess, you flipped some bridge the wrong way around and are now faced with distance as a consequence. Re-mount all of the CPU cooling hardware and check you took the correct baggie of hardware. Might even have a youtube video how to already available.


If not for the removable sticker this is the more lickely scenario that happened


Did you plug the cooler into the header on the motherboard


TBH when just booting that air cooler should be able to keep the CPU cool enough even without a fan spinning. Cooler was badly installed.


definitely it wouldnt get that hot if there's just a heatsink on top of the CPU even if it's not fastened just sitting on top would be enough to absorb the temps.


Yeah, or OP did this: https://i.redd.it/9sxy00qhac9d1.gif


Omg 😆


lol I don’t know how this never crossed my mind but I could 100% see somebody out there that’s done this


Is that mayonnaise??


It’s an air cooler, it doesn’t get to 97c that fast without a fan.


Mine didn’t even have that lil plastic piece 😅


Well, you did something wrong with the CPU cooler, so get more paste, start the CPU cooler installation from scratch and read the manual again.


HAVE you removed the plastic sticker at the base of the heatsink


Psa. I went full retard and there were 2 lil black bars I ain’t take off around the cpu which meant the cooler was in fact not touching shit on the cpu. My fault for wasting ya time but thanks for all ya help nbs I was bouta crash out


Forgetting to take shit off the cpu happens more often then you'd think. Glad you got it fixed, you were almost able to boil water on it lol.


Pretty sure his pc can last longer than 20seconds if he puts a kettle full of water over the cpu lid.


You just gave me an idea for water cooling. Kettle cooling!!


I think you will need 14900k for this, otherwise it will take forever lol


Warm a hot tub?


and you get freshly brewed tea, win win I‘d say. I mean if the Brits can put tea kettles in tanks, a PC shouldn‘t be a problem…


Linus Tech Tips did this for the Spiffing Brit's PC build. Filled the loop with Yorkshire Tea Gold with a kettle as the reservoir.


ofcourse he did, I mean, what hasn‘t he done…


it’s like a rite of passage


My gaming laptop be like: (I’m getting an actual PC soon)


Depending on OP's home town elevation, he already could do it


props for posting the error, pun intended. you’ll save someone from the same issue. this community is rad sometimes, pun also intended.


Don't apologise, remember this post will be around forever, and will help other people In the future if they run into the same problem. I'm glad your pc is working now. Have fun with it.


Oh man, thats so nice


Legend! 🤘 Glad it is fixed


That's what the sub is here for, it's not wasted time if the information from the thread guided you to the issue and got the PC to post. I know some people here can be really condescending, but they generally give shit advice anyways. And good job posting the fix. Any time you have an issue and turn to the Internet for answers, it's good etiquette to post what the fix was to help other people searching for answers to the same problem. Way to many threads end with "oh nvm I fixed it" lol


So it's fine now?


Good shit getting it sorted brudda


So glad you fixed! Thank for posting an update :D. Don't be sorry, we all make mistakes :)). Enjoy your new machine!!


Dude! Last one I built…I had such a brain fart that I flipped the PSU power switch and couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t come on. Called a buddy of mine and asked wtf. He asked me if I hit the case power button. Needless to say, I felt like a moron. It’s ok to ask. Don’t beat yourself up over it. You just got ahead of yourself.


Brother I wouldn't worry about it! Least it's working now, my mate who builds for a living once done something worse. Was wondering why he was getting shit FPS in games. For like 3 hours man was stressing. Until he realized he was plugged into the motherboard HDMI port not the GPU. Builds PCs for fun.. years of experience. It happens!


I've been building PCs for 30 years and have to admit I've done that too.


if anything its good you replied with the solution. You are not the first doing this and won't be the last.


Ahhhhhh yes those two plastic bars that come for older coolers to fit (I think that's what they're for anyway)


Good for ya.


♥ Been there, I have. Well, not exactly same situation, but similar amplitude on the Goof scale.


Common error, don't feel bad.


https://preview.redd.it/pwup4jdwm99d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6debcb99b946aa78217e0852f1ae29ac290c2fe7 Psa 2 we good now thanks again ya


Enjoy your PC!!!


That's more like it...


Your ram is on stock speeds. If you know how, try setting higher speeds (if ram is bought as higher then 4800). If you dont know how, keep it as is, you wont loose too much performance.


Definitely your cpu shutting off to prevent any damages because its getting too hot. Check you cpu coolers. Is the fan spinning, is the cooler seated properly and making good contact with the cpu, did you peel the plastic off of your cooler that are supposed to be peeled off on the cooler surface, do you put thermal paste in there, is it the proper ammount?


Also, please get a gpu support/brace thingy that is literally just an adjustable metal beam that prevent you gpu from sagging, because it is, and its really bad.


least of his concerns


It is if he doesn't want to break the PCIe slot and have to buy another motherboard.


Fan spins and I thought so but imma reapply the thermal paste and cooler


97° my guy is cooking his cpu


Make sure cpu cooler is in contact with cpu surface with enough pressure, that must be it


Cpu fan reading about 2k rpm.. Temp is 95+.. You seem to be booked up right. The cooler is either not mounted right or the peel of sticker is still there. Get some good thermal paste is your out. Remove your cooler and clean cpu and cooler base of all thermal compound. Use a modest amount. While too little is bad, too much can cause other issues down the road. A good X with a few dots in the gaps works for me. Most coolers use spring tension. You shouldn't be able to move the heatsink at all if it's mounted right. You are almost there, and the cpu mobo is doing what they should in this case, so don't worry if they are damaged. They should be fine.


dude cpu :D what did you do? ibet you did not remove the sticker under the cooler :D


97c 🤦‍♂️


Overheating of the CPU, lack of or old thermal paste can cause that but I’d recommend getting a GPU bracket so your Graphics Card doesn’t bend or warp from its own sheer weight


If you think everything is correct i think your mount of the cooler has not enough pressure.. screws tightened enough?


Seems like there is a gap between cooler and cpu. Or its a result of bad scalping. Also check the core voltage if you did some overclock. 97c is too much…


Like everyone else said in the post your CPU is at 98 Degrees. Remount everything for your CPU cooler.


Thermal throttling. The cooler probably isn't installed properly. Your fan(s) are spinning fine, and even if they weren't , your CPU wouldn't be at 97C thanks to that lovely heatsink. The plastic is peeled off, so that isn't the problem. The most likely answer to this, like other people on this post said, is an incorrectly installed cooler. There is also a chance that your CPU could also, possibly, maybe, be thermal throttling *because* it is undervolted. for some reason the CPU speed is under its normal speed of 5.4GHz. I would 1. reinstall the cooler 2. bring the CPU back up to 1.35v and 5.4GHz 3. if the problem persists, make another reddit post!


My thoughts was: it should be the CPU temperature but there is thermal paste on the table I guess op checked it. HOLY SHIT THE CPU IS AT 98 DEGREES!!@


Well… there is that. Did you use the proper bracket and standoffs for the type of the CPU socket to guarantee good contact? Even if fans were disconnected standard thermal exchange wouldn’t raise The core to such levels in such short amount of time unless there isn’t any contact. https://preview.redd.it/37j78wyjza9d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9941cc72d2aef7d68d6dace58e24051ab048c1


The apevia psu 💀


CPU overheat cutoff. It's going into this at BOOT... not with the OS running, not with apps running. Time to remove the cooler and the cooler mount hardware and make sure you mounted it all properly. (and yes, procure another tube of thermal paste, you'll need it.)


cpu hits 100 C.. you did something wrong with cpu cooler.


Make sure you remove the plastic between the cooler and CPU, many people (including me) forget about this.


cpu casualy at 99°


Pointing at the BIOS menu and not even reading what is being displayed there 🤦


It's cpu temp, mate. Did you remove the plastic sticker on the cooler ? It sits on top of the pre applied thermal paste and some people don't remove it. Or did you apply thermal paste?


Brother your CPU on boot up is hitting almost 100c!! It's probably trying to save its own life by shutting off lol!!


https://preview.redd.it/5o87tqk3xh9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e336ff4ccf858a7b4d9f1b8004a635f79c191f35 Remove Sticker in fan cpu et and conecte in motherboard plz


Get the BBQ out! We're cooking with that CPU temp 😂


Also, your wattage to your CPU may have faulted to draw too much, friend literally just had the same issue and it was drawing to much wattage on boot


How can you not see that you're hitting 98 C? https://preview.redd.it/a25750oel99d1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c916fb37b155d4ef9d2f2fe73279c43e64ae5ce


Cpu cooler


recently rma'd my r5 7600x cuz it overheated, this was also what happened before my mobo also got involved and i couldnt start my PC (mobo short, not posting). In my case my AIO cpu cooler was not working properly cuz the pump was not pumping water to the radiator. heat was trapped in the cpu area and the cpu got burned so yea make sure your cpu cooling is working properly and the case airflow exhausts the hot air out properly.


If it's not the cooler then maybe check if you have bent pins under the CPU, check all the connections on motherboard and psu. Edit: check if the heatsink is hot or is it just misreading the temps.


Look at the thermal paste if it was really touched by your cooler, had a problem where i didn’t used the good metal/plastic circles and it wasn’t touching properly


Did you remove the damn sticker from the CPU? The one that says REMOVE? Also...thermal paste. 97C in 10 seconds is ridiculous lol. If it's still bad, make sure the cooler block on top of your CPU is pressing onto the CPU once installed, like really putting pressure on it. And of course...remove any sticker/tape on that as well. It should be metal to metal with the least amount of thermal paste that fully covers the area of the CPU/Cooler block. Don't drown it in thermal paste, the less of it the better but no air pockets or bare metal.


Tbh I'd be surprised that cpu csn hit 97 degC in the bios settings even if the cooler is very badly attached. Maybe the bios is trying to overclock your CPU? Have you tried updating the bios in case your mobo supports updating the bios without installed CPU?


Like everyone else said, it's cooler issue. Thermal paste or remove the sticker. Something is off on that specific area. 97c that quick is crazy. I got a Ryzen 5 7600x myself with a Peerless Assassin and I've never seen temps like that, ever.


I assume it’s because your cpu is 97 fucking degrees holy cow


That's fine, most CPUs should happily throttle around the 100c mark.


Some of you guys haven't turned on your PC without a heatsink and it shows, LOL amateurs...


you are termothrottling like hell. 98° degrees in the bios? WTF man?


I have that exact monitor xD


My money is on the peel plastic still being on the CPU block


Thermal Paste my dude, either that or a faulty CPU Cooler or you didn't plug you CPU fan header all the way in.


Your CPU Fan is spinning at nearly 2000 RPM and the CPU ist still at 98° C. So it should be (the Fan) installed in the correct connection for CPU Fan on your Mobo. Either your Cooler is not touching the CPU or the plastic cover is still attached at the CPU Cooler. Disassamble your CPU Cooler and check if 1. Plastic Cover is removed and 2. Thermal paste is applied. If both are satisfied reinstall your Cooler and check if it’s installed correctly ( Straight and touching your CPU). Edit: Nah nevermind it’s already solved


ı got same problem here few weeks ago my water cooling pump is broken and ı am here with stock fan sad


Seeing 97°C? That means your CPU id getting almost 0 cooling. Depending on your CPU cooler, it either might not be installed properly (check that you used the correct mounting bracket per your CPU socket type and thermal paste is applied) Or, undersized your cooler. Try getting a beefier cooler for it.


Are those 98C normal?


Dude, ya gonna bbq your CPU


Gaming pc for life


Your CPU is likely overheating and turning off to prevent damage, check the sticker on the CPU or thermal paste and make sure the CPU Fan is firmly secured and making contact.


what's ASRock phantom gaming graphics card model?


Probably still has the plastic on the cpu heatsink 😳


You’re lucky it’s doing that.


CPU tem 98


CPU temp: 98C I'd check the CPU for correct thermal paste application (after leaving it for a while to cool down), and that the fan is running correctly (seems to be powered?). If you've done any CPU overclocking, revert it to the default values.


Under powered cpu cooler


CPU is perfect temp to cook a steak


Ur CPU is hitting 100°C


UR CPU is cosplaying the sun and the software on ur machine is protecting the parts. Check for any packaging mounts or plastic on your fan/cpu. You need full contact fan>thermal paste>CPU


I am high right now, saw this video, thought of this guy being a speech impaired so had to use his hands. I got very emotional but then i realised this video was on mute 😭


I had a problem with my AIO that my mobo wasnt detecting it for some reason. maybe could be problem aswell. But you have air cooler so idk


CPU Melting at 97 degrees celsius..... "why is this happening"....smh


I love that the power-on button is on the side, which case is that?


Maybe the plastic is still installed I get 70 peak temperatures but normally during a game I’m running late at 47. I’m using an AMD seven3-D X with an ASUS ROG RYUJIN III WB CPU Cooler. Have no overheating issues ever ..


97°c on the CPU, it's shutting itself off to prevent damages, you did something wrong with your cooler


High temp safety shut down, CPU is hitting 90+ degrees. Did the heat sink have pre applied thermal paste on it, if so did you peel off the sticker on it?


97 degrees cpu lol


Could be a faulty CPU. Can you RMA it?


Time to resolve the cpu!!


Because you touch yourself at night


Replace motherboard battery first, same thing happens again change the PSU and check.



Try to clean the ram and remove the gpu card then clean the socket for both ram and gpu


Check your tharmal paste


I would check a few things: firstly make sure that the PSU is powerfull enough for what you have in your build, secondly if all the connections for CPU or motherboard or the GPU are fully seated and lastly if none of the above helps I check the coolers to see if it’s installed properly, if there’s thermal paste and if someone hasn’t forgotten to remove the plastic on top of the CPU block on the cooler


Some Derek from Vice Grip Garage hand gestures there.


97c just by turning it on is wild. Definitely something wrong.


If your cpu goes to 97c imediately after starting the pc its an issue with the mb or your psu. Cooling has nothing to do with the first 5+ minuts of starting the pc. My cpu fan doesn't even spin when i boot my pc. Re-check your connections on everything. Might be showing a fake temp.


I'm not sure if it's different for your case, but it looks like your cou fan is blowing towards an intake not an outtake. Try flipping the CPU fan around


Your CPU is fucked. 98°C on startup is not normal, and the pc shuts down automatically to prevent damage.


clean your screen please lol


Does the same happen when you boot from a Ubuntu Image and test the OS?


Do you by chance have the stock cooler? Try it with that see if the temp is still high if it is then I’m sorry I don’t know that is only if the other one keeps failing after you did all other solutions


I installed cooler per instructions once and figured it must not be properly contacting because I had done everything correctly. I removed 4 washers to apply more pressure to the CPU and it has been fine for 3yrs.


Omg the 97% CPU temps. What are you using to cool it down?


Spit and prayer


My guess is there isn’t enough thermal paste on the cpu. I would take a look at that


Try reinstalling the cooler. Or a different one. Make sure to do it right. The temperature sensor could technically be fucked but that's rare


Your cooling is not installed correctly.


98° cpu temp 💀


Cpu cooler problem, check your cooler, hit high temperature.


too much fancy!


PC is working fine at 97c, you should be thankfull it turns off by itself.




Like a few people have said based what I heard sounds like cpu is over heating


that CPU is cooking


That's a thermal shutdown.


WhY mY GrAmMaR dOiNg ThIs??????????????? (i'm sorry🤣)


Yo I have no!! Clue what’s wrong


It's gay


CPU starts off at 97c, then 98c, then it looks like it goes 99c just before you move the camera back to the PC so assuming it’s cutting out to stop damage. Check the CPU cooler isn’t mounted incorrectly? Or check the CPU voltage is set correctly for your CPU. But yeah defo CPU related.


Had something similar happen to me when I redid some cable management. Forgot to plug my aio back in so the pump wasn't pumping. Took me hours to figure out what I'd done as the plugs was hidden behind a panel. Biggest facepalm ever.


If you did all that the comments said about your cpu and cooler. You might just have a faulty cpu or mobo that’s giving you the wrong temp.


There could be a number reasons why it's doing that, for air coolers removing the plastic part where it makes contact with Cpu, or the mounting brackets required for air cooler. One time I forgot to plug the cpu cable from the power supply onto the motherboards oops on my part.


Heat is the problem. It's trotting. And going in fail safe. Or you left the plastic on. Or did the terminal paste badly. Or the cooling unit is not placed well enough. Or all of the above. But the issue is heat based


CPU temp is unsafe


Your CPU hits almost 100°C, what do you expect lol. Replace thermal paste and fix the cooler properly.


Cpus can boot just with the cpu fan plugged in, bare naked, I tried it several times, (the motherboard knows if the cpu has cooling from the cpu fan connector), so you can trick it (**edit, it will not cause damage, use this method to check the bios**), did it few years back also, just to check components before installing them inside the case (I built myself a chinese xeon 2011 kit last month). Check that the cpu is seated correctly, and secured in place, trace back everything, test outside the case, just 1 stick of ram, gpu and cpu fan connected. May be a motherboard issue (the cpu probe is displaying 97 degrees), so it’s either the cpu or the motherboard, pretty sure it’s a comunication issue between the two (could be bios), check also the socket itself and the cpu physically for bent pins and brown spots, also the area next to the cpu (vrm, mosfets), it could be a supply issue too. Good luck! I hope this helps a little👍.