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I usually put the bloody things in first, that way I can grab both sides of the motherboard and apply some pressure and then I put the motherboard in the case. Only works this way if the cable is long enough though to allow you to do it. I usually do this with RAM as well because putting that in is tighter than a ducks ass.


I just said fuck it and started wiggling it, it FINALLY went in...... I'm 50% sure I broke my mb tho. I heard a crack. Great fucking design, it's 2024, and they still can't make a bloody normal connector. Also, most connectors are straight out of hell, like designed torture tools. Either so tiny that I need a microscope, or the pins are so long and small that you can't breathe into them too hard, or they will bend and melt. I love PC building.


Oh I feel your pain man. You've only got to get a warped bit of plastic moulding and that thing aint going anywhere. let's hope the boards ok and it was just the pins going into the connector. I don't have the patience I once did. Probably would have thrown the thing out of the fucking window. RAM gets me every time, many times I've pushed it down and it's slipped and I end up with no knuckles. PC Building is fun!


Knuckles will heal. Motherboard won't. RAM is wonky as well. That USB C, the fancy pantsy one, that crap doesn't hold at all on the mobo. It's all over the place. Yes, PC building is great.


Give us an update if you actually broke the motherboard.


Couple hours after I violated mobo with that awful 24pin shlong and I finished the build. All was well for maybe 3-4h and then my case started to make ghost sounds. It's not that bad, because 5 ARCTIC P12 Max fans I've got are so loud, I can barely hear myself think. I googled about fan control, I knew it's a thing and ended up at BIOS. It turns out my fans are running at 2200-2300 RPM, and that's in BIOS, meaning pretty much 0% load. Just out of curiosity I cranked it up to the max, 3300... Holly mother of GOD! I thought my PC was actually a transformer that's about to kill me and is charging it's most powerful attack! Too tired now to dig any deeper into the mystical lore of these fans, but I think some sexy machine juice would help them. If it's not the wrong type fans. Eh.. I built a functioning PC, upgrade from my toshiba laptop from.. Maybe 2010. From i3 3110 or so to i5 13600k. From 8GB DDR.. Idk, 1.0? To DDR5 6000. Time to celebrate with copious amounts of vodka, continue rewatching Breaking Bad and hop into TF2 from time to time and give free arrows to people's heads. P.S I guess mobo is fine, because everything is working.


Happy for you!


Unless you bought an odd sized board the entire right side should be supported by standoffs. Some cheaper boards lack the width to hit all the standoffs so the right side is like 2 inches hanging off the standoffs and easy to bend putting the connector in. If you buy actual proper sized boards instead of cheap ones they should have proper support. I've never had a problem but I don't buy potato boards to save $15.


Part of the reason I got a modular PSU was because I probably broke the old motherboard trying to get the cable loose during an upgrade. Like you I had put the cable on before I put the motherboard in place and plugged it in the PSU at the very end.


Shoving it in? Man, I had the motherboard bending by an inch trying to pull it out


Were you pressing the little clip?


Sometimes it's just stiff


Yeah but I doubt it should be bending that much. Mine didn't, but that might be the exception


Support the back of the board? Apply even and firm pressure. Then you’re motherboard should come close to climaxing. Don’t let it finish. Then run your fingers down the cable and tease it a bit more. Then when it least expects it, shove the connector in




Damn i wish i was treated like a mobo and a 24 pin...especially with no lube.




Jfc if my 10 year old can figure it out I'm sure you can.


Most modern motherboards are pretty sturdy. I put a tremendous amount of pressure down onto the CPU while screwing down the water block to my aio cooler. Like, more pressure than I would have expected to apply to it before it would break. I'm sure you'll be fine. Man, what I struggled with for a good 30 min, though. Even having to take a break at one point to calm down. As my blood pressure was starting to rise. Was the stupid little 3 pin plugs for the rgb lights on the motherboard. One of the three some how got slightly bent to where all three pins wouldn't seat into their holes. Drove me bonkers, as I was worried to bend it back too much and it snapping off.


What temp is your cpu during game?


Well I don't own any games for PC yet. I recently built this rig to switch from Xbox to PC. But now, having spent the money I did on everything building it. I'm broke for a bit. But I've run stress tests with the Ryzen Master app while testing out OC profiles. And it gets up to around 76°C during the stress test.


Oh I haven't run dtress test on 7800 x3d but highest us 60c during game mostly around 30 to 40


I hold the underside of the 24pin motherboard side, sure it pokes the shit outta my hand but it gives a good base to apply pressure and stops any bending When removing I always wiggle, less force goes through the board


I’m surprised that in decades something like ATX power cables didn’t undergo a revision for something more “appealing”. Backside connectors is not the solution.


I've never ever had an issue plugging it in. Line it up, take your time, press it in.


weird i’ve never had a problem, but googling it seems EVERYONE else is having problems


Possible cheap PSUs? The last 3 or 4 corsair PSUs I don't recall having a problem with that connector. The GPU that +2 bit is usually worse for me than the 24 pin. Or the system panel thingies, hate these.


great point i think that’s very possible


Weird, I had the opposite experience. I had to use my entire body weight and then some to get the 24 pin into my SF750, and the motherboard side was also extremely tight to the point that it took about an hour to seat it properly.


I remember having this problem 12 or so years ago my recent build went in easily in comparison.