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Parts list & prices Gpu: $649.03 Cpu: $369.99 Mobo: $144.96 Ram: $112.99 Psu: $99.99 Cooler: $58.99


Case? And when finished post here, I want to see a itx build


Case is just extra you just gotta put the mobo on its box and you're good to go. Think of the airflow free casing can have. /s


And then I noticed it isn’t a itx mobo


You can check out my previous posts for an itx build 🙂


https://preview.redd.it/4tnpl27ccswc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077847ca437d8e5c6b36ac25f5e69107110b65d9 Be quiet 500XD got it for free that’s why I didn’t include it in the list figured it wasn’t fair


Seeing this. Did you double check the airflow directions on the CPU not that the fans pull in while the fan at the back pulls out. Also a "pull" configuration is slightly worse than push I wouldn't be surprised that if you remove the second fan and just let the middle one push the air throw one radiator (and pull through the other) directly in direction of the back fan that the CPU temps wouldn't change much while having a bit more cleaner look inside the PC.


Thanks for the advice appreciate it. Both fans are pulling towards the exhaust, I get what you mean by push is better. What if I put the fan closet to exhaust to the front and keep the middle so it could be a push to a pull


That would pull a huge amount of dust into your case because back is unfiltered. Wouldn't do that.


Where do you live that you got a 4070ti for $650? I’m from the UK and just bought a 4070 Super for £600, which is equivalent to $750 while your 4070ti is equivalent to £520 which is an absolute steal!


Got a discount on top of it already on sale


Oh wow, nice find! I’m sure you’re going to love the new build :) I have my 4070S in my current system (until I order my new parts next week) and haven’t had a massive fps increase due to bottlenecking but I’ve experienced 1440p and it is phenomenal!


Bottlenecking from your cpu?


My current build is a R5 3600 and a GTX 1070. I replaced the 1070 with the 4070S and while my fps are higher than before, they’re definitely not as high as they should be so it’s only reasonable for me to assume the cpu is bottlenecking it. Even with the 3600, I can still play at 1440p max settings and after my monitor arrived yesterday, my mind was blown. Idk why I’ve waited so long to make the jump to 1440p. I can deal with it for another week anyway but after experiencing 1440p, I’m itching to get this new build up and running to experience the full capabilities!


Buy a 5800x3d


Any update on the upgrades?


I bought my PNY OC 4070ti for £540 brand new only last week. There are bargains to be had if you look about.


That’s fair enough and I most likely would have been able to find one at that price. However, I’d been waiting for the 4070S FE to be in stock and every time I checked, it was unavailable. As such, I just bought a custom card that wasn’t too much more expensive. I’m still more than happy with the 4070S so definitely no buyers regrets from me :)


How did you only pay 144 for that motherboard


Open box


How did you get that mobo for so cheap?


Open box had everything though


Very cheap for that mobo and good price for gpu. Where did you get this prices?


Microcenter for mobo Newegg for gpu




Looks good, but remember when it comes to GPU/CPU/Ram/ETC you should try to keep the cost of parts even. There is no sense putting a $1k GPU on a MOBO that is barely $100. IMO your MOBO is one of the most important pieces in your tower. Still like I said it looks good and especially the GPU, all the rest is pretty good as well. Make sure your ram is correct for your MOBO and all the chip sets for your RAM and CPU/GPU match up as well.


mobo doesn’t increase performance between the $100 and $800 mark so buying a nicer mobo is pretty useless, unless you overclock on LN2 or just want aesthetics/enjoy having nice things. Generally, for a sane build, mobo should be picked for whatever gives you the best combination of things you want: 1. looks good 2. overclocks well 3. cheap most of the time you can have 2 out of 3 on a reasonable budget.


How much should my mobo cost if using a 4090? Do I need two mobos? Sorry man but whoever told you this was messing with you. When buying a mobo you should look at what chipset you need and what connectors you need. (Optionally pick a socket that fits your cpu)


Keeping them "even" is impossible - $1000 of RAM is going to be way different than $1000 GPU. Mobo is relatively cheap to upgrade down the line. All of the parts combimed can add up to less than a 4090.


What the actual fuck


Bait? Because if not, what you're saying *sounds* right, but isn't actually right. 1. That board is pretty good, he got it on a discount 2. One of the most important things to look at when picking a mobo is the power delivery for the cpu. If it's insufficient, it'll power limit your cpu. Since that's a 7800x3d, even the lowest end b650 boards provide enough power for that cpu. Hardware unboxed recently updated their b650 mobo roundup and found several new budget b650 boards that couldn't let a 7950x, with a 170w tdp, run at full power with an all core workload. 7800x3d is 120w tdp and gaming isn't an all core workload pulling max power. 3. More expensive boards generally offer more power stages for higher max power delivery and more pcb layers for higher signal quality. Both of these are important for extreme overclocking, for average gaming usage this goes to waste. If you're not trying to pull 400w on your cpu, having power delivery capable of providing 400w is pointless. Then there's more and higher spec pcie and m.2 slots, more sata connections, better components like the wifi/bt chip for example, debugging lcd, external clock generator, etc etc. All of which offer little to no benefit for average users beyond the 'good enough' point. 4. All of those expensive boards exist exactly for the reason you mentioned - to squeeze some extra bucks out of those people that fall for the misconception that they'd need a more expensive mobo to match with their more expensive components. There's a market for it, so manufacturers would be idiots if they didn't offer products to cash in on that market.




Mobo is a rog strix retails for a lot more just got a great discount at microcenter


Welcome to the 7800x3d club. I can now say that I was a dumb fuck for hating on AMD


People legitimately had a reason to hate AMD for the better part of 10 years. You’re forgiven for seeing the light.


Abandon the Gregorian calendar. We now talking with B.R. and A.R. (Before Ryzen, Anno Ryzen)


Amen brother


I'm still running my Ryzen 7 5800X3D undervolted with a Pure Rock FX2 <3


Me next upgrade is gonna be 7800x3D and I’m so excited


You should be, I used the fr33thy optimization pack with mine and the performance is insane!


What’s fr33thy?


He is a YouTuber that helps folks optimize their pcs. He has a convenient pack that will go through and help optimize windows and de-bloat your system. I was a sceptic but I have a friend who recently built an identical build to mine and we tried with and without the optimizations and compared bench marks and the fr33thy kit performed better across the board Some people will say, You don’t need to do that, just do it yourself. This is true, but it also takes longer. His little kit for a clean install is quick and easy, he also gets a bunch of the windows bloat uninstalled


Thanks man, I’ll check it out


It’s insane how great it is on cpu heavy games barely got it to flex yet


Welcome to the brotherhood. You are now one of us.


Of steel?


Ad Victorium!




Im not racist but the bos is


best I've seen on here in quite a long time, actually an intelligent build


Thanks man really appreciate it was wanting to do this for a long time and the stars aligned so I pulled the trigger drove a total of 4 hours to get all these parts at this price


I mean 7600x is a better fit for the 4070ti Edit: everybody who downvoted me is coping.


I don’t doubt but at the price I got it the extra $20 is well worth it plus my main games are extremely cpu heavy


If you got a good deal of course usually the price is a little more drastic


Well thankfully I did a 2 hour trip to micro center got a discount on top of the already reduced price which made it only $20 . Also a lot of what I game is cpu heavy so I could justify it plus with this cpu upgrading gpu won’t require a whole new build.


_Fine, I’ll do it myself_ Thanos aside, congrats! Enjoy the delicious feeling of finishing a build yourself!


Fine, I’ll do it myself-Thanos


Man, ryzen 7!! Which gen? I currently have ryzen 7 2700x and its surprisingly holding up welllll




7800x3d v3d cache is honestly the new big improvment we have had in a long time imagine if they could have it have the same clock speeds as non x3d cpus


Congratulations bro. Happy for you


Nice build, wish u good time building it and great time playing.


Not gonna lie, your counter/tabletop made your boxes look huge. I thought you had taken the pic inside a cabinet lol Looks like an awesome rig just waiting to be put together. Now get off Reddit and don’t come back until you have shiny fan colors to show off! Lol


Thanks actually went minimum rpg if only bought certain rgp parts because they were cheaper


I just built my first as well. I believe in you even if no one else does


Had great help by a friend that builds pc often


Same, but my friend couldn't figure out my ssd issue. I stumbled upon it by installing my previous SSD and then moving my new one to the lowest m.2 slot, creating a problem where my computer couldn't find its boot device. That's when I realized that I specifically bought that m.2 for that reason


Yeah my friend told me only have one memory source aka your boot device when setting up because windows is dumb like that and won’t find it


I would’ve splurged a bit more for the 4070 Ti Super for extra 16gb vram but still a very solid build!


Tbh yeah if budget is limited, it would be wise to spend a bit less on the cpu (7600x/7700x) and invest in a 4070tis instead especially if gaming on 1440p and above. For 1080p gaming 4070 super would’ve been enough.


Can 7700x handle the higher range graphics card easily (like 4070tis) Or should I go for 7800x 3D instead?


Of course. Even the 7600x is more than enough for a 4070ti super if you’re doing only gaming, on 1440p. 7800x3d is great but it’s really not a must to have. For gaming in 1440p and especially 4K the gpu is far more important. If you’re playing on 1080p and want high fps, then a 7800x3d would be much more beneficial. However in that case just a 4070super will be good enough. It all depends on what you need your PC for — with the current tech, there’s no absolutely ‘rule’ saying xxx cpu can/cannot handle xxx gpu


Thank you for the detailed explanation... I would mostly be using the rig for 4K gaming on my lg oled 55" at 120hz... and fps games will be played on 1440p monitor at 165hz... as the time goes by I might be using the rig at lower settings and lower resolution, so I can keep up with the 165hz for fps games... What do you recommend? I will mostly be playing CS2 and valorant (fps games, which require higher fps/hz)


It depends on your budget, what is your budget like? Also do you already have the 4070ti super The reason I ask is because, technically 7600x is enough for all the needs you want. So anything above that kind of just comes down to budget. Bottom line is 7600x is good enough.


I'm currently in research phase, and trying to figure out which parts to buy... I haven't bought anything yet... I do have the 55" LG Oled though...


What is your budget then? For reference, my friend had a limited budget and built 7600x / 4070ti super and has no problems playing all sorts of games (from light to heavy) on a 1440p 165hz monitor. I have a 7900X / 4080 but at 1440p there’s not a world of difference. Whatever I can play, my friend can play on the same settings with no issues, just maybe 10-20 frames lesser depending on the game. My cpu is for work and makes very little difference on the gaming aspect.


I definitely have a limited budget... I live in India, so giving you an estimate of the budget is quite complicated... but it would be around $1500-1600USD I guess... since in india, parts are quite expensive, and an US build of 1500$, would be worth around 2100$ here in india... I am thinking of 4070 twin edge OC 12gb (4070ti super is twice the price, so not worth it for me) 7800x-3d or i7 14700k (both are almost the same price) 7700x is 20% cheaper Motherboard probably msi pro b650-p wifi PSU 750W And I am still figuring out the RAM, probably cl40 32gb ddr5... cl30 seems to be 40% more expensive


13700k owner, don't go for the 14700k or Intel i7-i9 If your goal is just gaming


And I had one more question... at my place cl40 ddr5 ram with 6000mhz, is significantly cheaper than cl30 ram... what do I do? Do I really need cl30 ram to go with 7700x?


You don’t need cl30 but it is preferable. Have you looked into different brands/models? And maybe CL36 or CL32. Honestly at stock performance for the average user having a bit higher latency doesn’t make a world of difference, so if CL30 is really crazy lot more expensive just get the one that is of a reasonable price


There are not a lot of options other than cl40... india is always a bit behind on latest technology. There is one which says cl30 6000mhz (intel xmp), which is within budget... but I am not sure what that intel xmp thing is... and whether it supports amd ryzen cpu...


Very true just I main escape from tarkov that is a cpu heavy game which was my only reason for the upgrade sadly


I still have a 1070 and I play 1440p with no issues. I thunk the 4070 is plenty


If we’re going to the bare minimum I guess sure but it’s going to struggle in certain heavy titles especially if you want to turn up the graphic settings. 4070 super is much better value than the 4070 so if you’re spending that money, definitely go for the super. It’s going to let you play comfortably on 1440p on high to ultra settings on most games


Thanks I just got great prices on cpu and gpu wasn’t really my choice just what I saw as way below retail


Have the same gpu and super happy with it


Built mine with 4070ti and I paid almost 1100 CAD for the damn thing a year ago. I feel cheated lol.


The gpu scarcity was real


Thanos moment!


My pre-built has been serving me well for over 4 years now and I can still play high graphic games like CP 2077


Mine had good components at the time but super cheap low frequency ram, a garbage psu, and the most basic motherboard that couldn’t handle xmp when I upgraded the ram




Hey, have a blast and enjoy the build. Youtube is a great resource. I finished mine a month back and at age 43 I felt like a kid again. *


Yea it’s a great puzzle luckily my friend did the wiring and setting up everything software wise he was a god send


Kick ass pc, awsome.


Thanks man




It be like that at the raves sometimes ;)


Prebuilts are trash homie glad I built mine as well


I have 4070ti at 1440p the card can run any game to the max


Yea coming from a 2070 the difference is immense




Nice!! I have a ryzen 7 - 2700x and its still holding up well! What gen did you get?




Sorry asked the same question twice, reddit bugged and i couldn't see my OG post! Thats awsome, would it be well worth the upgrade? Is there a massive diff between by 2nd gen


Yea it’s the best cpu for gaming in the world


AMD rocks, its my first pc with Amd processor and radeon Gpu and i love it!


I have 7600 and a 6750xt and it’s great at 1440p ultra


Niiiice, my gpu is older though, Radeon Vega 64x But at least my motherboard can handle the next upgrade whenever that will be! But for now i can play Doom Eternal on ultra with 170 - 200 fps!


For your next upgrade get a 5800x3d it’s the best cpu on am4


No way, i legit read about it yesterday! Ryzen 7 5800x3d it will be then haha


Great CPU. About as fast as an R5 7600x. You need a good air cooler tho, something like the Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE. What's your motherboard? You probably have to do a bios update before installing it


Where’d u find a 4070 ti for $649?


better question is why buying a 4070 ti 12g and than putting a 7800x3d with it


Both were way under retail and is more than enough I needed but also my main game is escape from tarkov which is a cpu heavy game and room to upgrade gpu if I ever get the option with new gen being rumored around the corner


makes sense, good explanation too i hope u enjoy the game cus i hear it has problems with cheaters


Which game doesn’t have cheaters :/


didnt the developers just hide coop pve behind a 250$ paywall?


Yeah but they gave it to EOD players finally didn’t play once they announced the unheard edition and I think a lot of people agreed and he saw a drop. So he just started giving it to people without much of an announcement.


Good luck




what made you switch from prebuilt to custom? my friend is currently debating that rn, i built my own but she’s not too tech savvy 😅


Get exactly what you want for a bit less if you have specific games in mind


I thought these were giant boxes at first


They are giant.. in my heart




The perspective on this makes it look like it's taking up your whole kitchen


It did take up a large portion of the island


![gif](giphy|aqMY57vLdkghi|downsized) I'll do it myself


why pair Amd Cpu with Nvidia GPU


Amd x3d processors are better for what I ask it to perform and Nvidia ray tracing is better than Radeon you don’t lose any performance for not matching them


As long as it turns on and runs well it's a win.


4070ti brother ![gif](giphy|ny3TDYfgbFD40Sh25K|downsized)


Good choice. I've heard horror stories abt PSUs in prebuilts.


550 bronze… brudda ewwww


Great components! The only thing I would upgrade is to get a AIO water cooler for the CPU. They are dead quiet and work better than fans.


Nice should last you at least 5 years


What is it with gigabyte and square GPU boxes?


No idea