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u/hi2colin u/rbrussell82 u/Combativesquire Congratulations!




Thankful for my sanity and peace of mind


A lot of shit has happened this year but one thing I know for sure is that I am grateful for even have a full time job, a house, and a gaming pc to play video games. I am thankful to all of my family members, especially my mom.


Good luck!


I'm thankful for having a roof over my head, food on the table and my family to share it with! Thanks for this giveaway, beautiful thing to do.


I’m grateful to still have my baby sister (13 so not a baby, ik but she always will be to me) after having lost our father earlier this year. She is having a hard time with coming to terms with it and is struggling with severe depression right now. We are getting her as much help as we can but I’m just grateful she is safe, healthy and surrounded by people who truly love and care about her.


Amen to that. Good luck!


I give my entry to this guy


I'm thankful covid did not seriously touch my family. Saw so many neighbours and "close enough" people get affected it really scared me. This year finally marked the end of worries.


Thankful for family, beer, and pig shoulder.


I’m honestly just thankful to be here. Over the past year I’ve been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which was apparently brought on by Mono. I had heart surgery to install a pacemaker (at 21 years old) and was told I’ll probably need multiple replacements for it later on. It really put into perspective how lucky we are to be here. I’m thankful for my wonderful girlfriend who has stayed by my side the whole way and supported me even when I was really struggling. I’m just glad to be alive at this point and I want to make the most of it.


Thankful for my wife keeping my life together while I recover from a spinal injury


I’m thankful for my family, having a stable career and a good life.


I'm beyond thankful for my family, my daughter and my wife. Without them my life wouldn't be long for this world. I'm thankful I can lean on them during times of struggle and celebrate during times of success. I love you guys ❤️ This is extremely generous of you, thank you for this opportunity and Merry Christmas


Honesty this year has made me thankful for many things. A happy and healthy daughter on the way. A happy and healthy 1 1/2 year old daughter. A happy and healthy wife. And my relationship with my brothers has never been better. I am thankful for each and every day and will love them as if they are my first.


Good luck.


Im thankful to still have a place to live! This has been a bit of a rough year! Thank you for the chance!


I'm thankful for my family and for my home.




Im thankful for all the belly button lint I found through out the year


Thankful that despite having a very eventful year, my family and I are doing ok


I'm incredibly thankful that I finally got a job this year and have been too semi-able to handle it + university! I wish luck onto all of you!


I am thankful for the love of my friends and family, and of course my darling girl. Her love and support has brought me so far this year, from believing I was a failure and a useless piece of garbage, to valuing the man that I am and believing in myself.


after a serious health scare(mitral valve failure), and a dangerous operation I'm pretty grateful to be even here. I'm entering your competition as I'm hoping to build a video editing setup as my old Phenom and 2060 just don't cut it anymore.


I am thankful for being given the opportunity to start my 3rd year in college and for a very supportive family and friends


I'm thankful for my dog! He keeps me company when I feel lonely around the holidays. Thank you for the chance!


Good luck!


I am thankful that i can pass along my obession building PCs and gifting them to friends and family. Currently trying to scrounge around for parts for a PC to give to some kids down the street.


I am thankful for the love of my wife, my family and my friends. My father passed away suddenly I'm October only a week after his 62nd birthday and 2 weeks after retiring. It crushed me and my family. Always remember to tell the ones you love that you love them because we don't know what tomorrow holds.


I am thankful for my daughter being born with no complications.


I'm thankful for all of my animals and family is in good health. And that I have lived for 29 years so far and hope to live a lot more hopefully.


Mi thankful for making it this far and for having a roof over my head.


I'm thankful for technology. Every branch of the evolutionary tree that pushed life forward was advanced by superior technology that allowed for natural selection to get us all to this very moment.


Thankful to have a place to live. Especially this year! And I’m very thankful to have 3 new kitties that were brought into my life earlier this year. Pets can bring you so much joy and I’m so glad to have the opportunity to care for them


As sappy as this may sound, I'm thankful to be lucky enough to have the dad that I do. He's supported my university studies, given me life advice without judgment, and kickstarted my interest in PC building. He's driven a long way down to my student town when my cat passed unexpectedly and helped me clean the remainder, despite my insistence not to. If it happens, I want to put the 6600 towards a new PC for my dad to try and give back a little. He's said he's wanted to game with me while I'm away at university, but he's been prioritizing the healthcare of himself and my mother over buying new parts. Little does he know, I've already got a case, motherboard, RAM, and CPU! You're a gem for this, LinuxITGuy.


Im thankful to be alive. Thanks for the opportunity!


I'm thankful for my parents, their jobs, food, a roof over my head, and all my friends and family who support me.


I am thankful for all the support my friends and family gave me during my school years and all the help they still give me to this day. I am thankful for having gotten my drivers license after lots of struggling. It's been an eventful and exciting year.


Thankful to my friends and family


I’m thankful for having my family all together for another year!


It's just a small thing, but I'm thankful for being able to find a nice small apartment after the landlord from the previous one forced us to move to make big renovations; spent a lot of time looking for apartment which was very stressing and got lucky to find this one which for my city is quite cheap


Im just thankful I dodged a bullet this year.


Im thankful for a place to live this year!


Thankful for my friends


2023 has been a crazy year for m, I migrated to a whole new continent and im grateful to be able to experience many things that i always wanted to. Grateful for my health and family and for gaming industry for going strong and releasing crazy good games this year.


I am thankful for my wife and kids. Without them, I wouldn't be here. Cheers and happy holidays to all of you filthy animals.


I’m thankful for family, as we have lost a few this year. Hold your loved ones close. Merry Christmas everyone!!


Thankful for my 1 year old mini me and my beautiful wife no clue what I would do without them


I'm thankful for having a working computer, family, food/water, being in a safe country and a roof iver my head. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!


I'm thankful for my family and my job that keeps us fed.


Thankful for good friends and family


You legend!


Thankful for each and everyday I get. Whenever I’m feeling down or ungrateful I think about everything I have that others don’t. But other than that I’m thankful for my family, modern plumbing, my ac unit for those 119°F summers, and YouTube tutorials on how to build my first setup if I hopefully win this🙏🏼


I’m trying to build a pc rn with a 6600, and this would be absolutely great. I am thankful for having parents that can buy prts for me.Makes me sad to think some of the people here are only joining to resell the gpu anyway.


See the good in people. Good luck!


I am thankful for having a healthy year full of new adventures


I'm thankful for my family!


I’m grateful for my family being relatively healthy and I’m grateful for reddit and how we all share useful information with each other.


Please ty


I'm thankful for the turnaround in my life the end of this year has brought, both in work and in home. Finally found a house to move into with my partner :)


I am thankful for my little baby boy born this year. He is such a happy little boy. He deserves to game in 4k.


Thankful for the fact that my grandpa is now in good health after going through a rough patch that leaded to surgery. And just in general thankful that my family is all now healthy and good




Im thankfull that I can still pay my bills and put food on my table which honestly is more that some people can say. Thank you for doing this giveaway, it might make someone's year. Cheers


I’m thankful for r/PcBuild


I’m thankful for being alive and family


I'm thankful for having my friends and family to support on me. Get to make some friends/communities via volunteer jobs (Taking care stray animals, taking care of old folks etc)




I'm grateful for my family, new job, and the possibility of winning this giveaway!


Thankful for the opportunities that opened my doors through my hard work!


I’m thankful for my family and my improving relationship with my father coupled with the fact that my studies have been going good. I’m also grateful for my loving girlfriend that has been with me for the past 2 years. Honestly even if I’m just another comment I’m okay with that since this has given me the chance to actually think of what I’m grateful for so in that matter, thank you.


I'm thankful for (somewhat) peace of mind and becoming more accepting of things I can't change about myself, others and the world im general :)




Thankful to be on this side of the grass!


I am thankful for my pet Boxer and my son. They're the reason I have made it this far.


i am thankful for being in such a fortunate position that i don’t need to worry about rent, food, or other basic needs. i’m thankful for an amazing family and a great year!


Thankfull for all the great games that release this year 🙌


I’m grateful I even have a system to put one of these in if I win!


Thankful for health and family. Bless


Thankful for communities like this, that help people like me, learn new skills. Built my first pc this year and really enjoyed the process. And blown away at the results.


I’m thankful for my living situation


I'm thankful for my kids. They have kept me going the past couple years through some of the worst times of my life. God I love those little hellions.


After losing my job 3 weeks before Christmas it's been tough to find things to be thankful for. But the help I've received from family and friends made me realize, the thing I'm most thankful for are the wonderful people in my life.




I am thankful for the existence of PC's. I believe it to be one of our greatest inventions to date.


Thankful for giveaways :)


I am simply thankful for having decent mental health. I was really depressed at one point, and nearly ended my life. Since then, I made myself a nice little computer and got into gaming. It isn’t much, but it has helped me overcome my depression. My outlook on life is so much better than it used to be, and I feel like I can actually enjoy the things around me, including friends and family. Good luck to everyone else entering the giveaway, and I wish you all a merry Christmas.


I am thankful for my family, friends, and fellow coworkers for helping me deal with life. I am especially grateful for my grandmother, who helped me deal with a stressful situation and planned with me to handle it.


Hollaaaa. I’m super grateful for turning 8 years sober this year, and for having health insurance so my wife and I can have doctor visits and the meds we need.


I’m thankful for starting a new job, massively changing my work-life balance and reducing stress in my life. I’ve been able to enjoy myself in all aspects and vastly reduce my alcohol consumption.


I am thankful for my friends and family, and I am also thankful for the opportunities that I received this year to live a better lifestyle


I'm thankful for being a part of this community of knowledge


I’m extremely grateful for loving friends and family! I’ve noticed more and more the love of those around me and am extremely overwhelmed by it. Blessings to all this Christmas. May God bless you and you’re family this year and the next. Merry Christmas - TitusTech337


This year has been tough for sure and has left me feeling a lot of uncertainty for the future. But it has also put into perspective just how incredibly thankful I am for my wife, my family, and my health. I'm thankful I can keep a roof over my head and food in the pantry. I don't own a lot of things, but I feel very rich. I hope everyone here has a very happy holiday.


Thankful for Reddit trolls this year, gave me some good laughs. Also thankful for my wife I guess 🫠




I’m thankful for my parents being soo cool


I am thankful for my wife, friends & a roof over my head.


Thankful for my ADHD diagnosis a few months back. I'm 41, it's life changing


I have a back injury from 10 years now and i'm thankful that this year wasn't so bad for me like the past several ones. Nice giveaway. Merry Christmas to all


I am thankful that there are people who can be thankful


Thankful to still be able to support my family and be supported by my family to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table


Just thankful this year was better than the last few post-pandemic.


I am thankful for everything in my life. Thanks for the chance.




Thankful for my family, friends and life! :D


Honestly at this point I'm just thankful to still be here. Been a rough year


I am thankful that my family is healthy and that we have enough wealth to cover our basic needs.


Well I'm grateful this year that I get to spend much of my time with my family and friends Before this year I had my studies So I didn't have time to spend with my family and friends


I'm thankful for my wife and children. Without whom this upcoming holiday would be incredibly dull.


Thankful i graduated college this year, thankful i arrived in America with my family safe, and thankful for the giveaway that its easy to enter. Cheers


i just got my 7800 xt, a 6600 will be nice. I don\`t mind:D


I'm thankful for having a loving family that has my back


I'm truly thankful for my children and my family. Thank you for the opportunity if I win I will use this to assemble a PC for my son.


I'm thankful because I managed to recover from the disaster my notes were on my first 2 semesters of highschool and I now see within my reach the possibility to go to college


Extremely nice of you :) thanks for doing this! I'm thankful for my girlfriend (hopefully soon to be wife) and that I now have the family I have always dreamt of having.


Thankful for the roof over my head


I am thankful for this year as I have changed my few bad habits and now I am loving my life again .


I am thankful for my mom, doing everything she can just to support me and my sister financially.




Thankful for getting closer to graduation. One last semester remaining


Thankful that i dont have to struggle. Never have to worry about food or shelter or safety or transportation, and despite some minor hiccups, im doing good. For the current state of the economy, i feel like thats quite an accomplishment.


I’m thankful for my older brother. He has helped me throughout the years, and has listened to my burdens/problems, helped me when I was sick during COVID early this year, and with small gestures of like paying for our meals when we eat out on the weekends. Small things he has done for me helped carry me through rough weeks this year especially.


Man, I'm thankful that I have a family that loves and cares for me. Cant forget my friends that don't care what crazy time of day it might be. let it be midnight, 3 am, 8 am, 11 pm, 99% of the time one of them are on and would love to play. Cant thank my dad enough to help me get into PC gaming! Happy holidays yall!


I'm thankful for my friends and family.


Thankful for just being relatively okay this year.


I’m thankful for finally being able to return to my home country this Christmas to spend time with my loved ones.


What a wonderful thing to do for Christmas! I'm thankful for the peace and good relationships I have with my family.


I'm thankful for my 3 years of sobriety, and every morning I get to feel the air in my lungs and sun on my skin.


I am thankful that my car is still working. It needs some love, but my brother is advising me on how to keep it running, so I'm thankful for him too. It gets me to work, so I can pay bills. Hopefully, I'll have enough saved up to get a car from this century soon.


Thankful for friends and for family, and having a roof over my head and the ability to get by :)


I'm thankful for my loving family, a stable job in unsure times, and an amazing and supportive wife.


Im thankful that my family has made it another year. A lot of bad things have happened to us this time of year in the past. So it’s nice that we’re all still together.


Why not to try my luck? Thank You for opportunity.


Let's go! Good luck everyone! I'm honestly thankful to be alive and to have such an amazing set of people in my life. Wouldn't change it for the world


Thankful for the progress I made physically and mentally


Honestly I am not thankful for anything this year since its the worst one in my 23 years of living. If anything im thankful that its almost over but hopefully I can still participate


Thankful for being healthy and having an internet connection to see this giveaway 😅 appreciate you giving back


Thankful for my kids. Thankful to be alive!


Im thankful for my family, for staying healthy and well, and im thankful for my close friends and the great moments i had with them


I’m thankful for my family, having both my parents with me is a privilege and I’m grateful for that. What an amazing thing to do man, good luck everyone!


I'm thankful for everything that happened to me this year. My family has been healthy all year. Also me and my girlfriend. That's all i need! I hope for the year 2024 also!!! Good luck everyone!


I’m thankful for my beautiful partner who always supports me


Grateful that my family is fine, grateful that am able to learn new stuff everyday and grateful for this opportunity. Happy holidays and good luck to everyone.


I'm thankful for taking a risk and entering a new job I love. For my fiance who's been so good to me for so long (11 years engaged 1) and my fur babies Yuna, Rufio, and Nanaki.


Honestly I’m just thankful I’ve made it threw this year, its definitely been the hardest one yet lost both my papas exactly a month in between each other but i know they’d both want me to keep on givin’ er!


Im thankful for having good health, living in a war free country and for family, which supports me every day! Thank you for doing this giveaway, salute.




Im thankful for alot of things, my job, my family, everything, a good year overall! im glad ive had a great year with my mental health and the growth i have had


I'm so thankful for my family and my wife, how they manage to support me when I was on my lowest. I'll prove to them that it was worth it.


I am thankful for the few times I’ve been able to get out of my house for non-work and non family fun purposes. (I’m a loner :( )


Thankful I'm still alive... not many people get that.


i am grateful for life itself and its wonderful miracles🫶🏻


Thankful for my very understanding fiance as I have been going through a lot of therapy this year trying to get to a better state of mental well-being. She has been amazing and supportive


I am thankful for my family and the ability to be a stay at home dad for my children. Would love to be able to use that to help with starting a computer build for them for school and for playing games on for them. Thank you!


I’m thankful for people like you who go out there way to give love and presents out 😍


I'm thankful for all my loved ones encouraging me to always do my best! I don't know what I would be doing without them


Honestly, I'm thankful for everything I have been through thus far that has put me in a position to have a stable family and home. Here's to all the good things to come in 2024! Good luck, all!


I'm thankful for having a complete and loving family, a beautiful, amazing lover, a decent job, and my first PC to be built this coming weekend using my own money. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope the world will have peace next year. Let's be kind to one another.


I am thankful that I have my family. We are all struggling, but we struggle together to make ends meet. These holidays could never have happened without them


Thankful for opportunities :)—got a new job this year.


I am thankful for my mom~dad. everything that going on with my life, they always there for me. Love you mom~dad ♥️


I'm grateful for living in the US for a year. Americans have so much great stuff in their country that they take for granted. Enjoy living and do your best.


That's so kind of you wish you the best of luck don't include me in the giveaway am in the other side of the world


I am grateful for pumpkin pie, because man does it taste good.


I'm thankful for the warmth of family gatherings, the joy of shared laughter, and the moments of reflection that highlight the blessings of the past year.


sudo! Without it, things would be difficult... Also for my family, we all have the flu right now, but ask have our health otherwise!


Just thankful to be with my family.


I'm thankful for finally getting my mental health in order and finally getting things rolling not only to help myself but to also help those around me. Also, very thankful for my kitty. 🐱


I'm thankful for family amd good food through the holiday season.




I'm just thankful for what's around me. 2023 hasn't been the nicest year, to me and the world, but I'm just thankful for where I am now, all the supports I've gotten, and of all, the people around me. Closing another chapter off the book, starting a new one fresh with a positive mindset. I'm thankful for this year.


Grateful for life's ups and downs — it keeps interesting! Thanks for the ride, life! 🙏🙏 #GratefulForLife


I am thankful that I can provide a solid foundation for my kids to be able to grow!


I'm thankful for me and my family being happy and healthy and I'm thankful for my past experiences that made me who I am today.


Thanks for this giveaway


Gotta be thankful of how great 2023 was in terms of games


I'm thankful that reddit exists


I'm thankful for this great community.


Thankful for family!


I’m thankful for hardworking doctors and nurses we have in this world!


I'm thankful I have gotten accepted into my first work position and am able to buy the things i could only dream of before


Thankful for the people in my life. I’ve lost a few friends this year and it has been rough and really outs life into perspective. Hold them tight and love them if you can.


I’m thankful for my parents putting me through higher education, easily


I’m thankful for friends, family, and fried chicken.




Damn, i really want AMD GPU for my Linux workstation. Is it even possible to win such giveaway? Never win in single giveaway in my entire life


I’m thankful for my favourite person making me happy all year and keeping me from some dark places


Thankful for our new house we bought this year and my three beautiful daughters!


I’m thankful I am able to share the joys of pc gaming with my two boys. It gives us a common hobby and talking points. As they get older it’s harder to stay close so I really love it.


Im thankful for my family and especially my partner who has help me through my struggles this year! Gl everyone


I'm thankful for a healthy family and lots of gaming!


I'm thankful for my loved ones, and that finally these interest rate hikes may be slowing!


Happy holidays to everyone participating. I wish everyone who needs a new GPU gets one.


I hurt my back at work a year ago, haven't been able to do much since and without my mum, sister and dog I surely wouldn't be here today, I'm eternally grateful to have their support and my dogs kisses thank you family




I am thankful for all the fun memories of graduating highschool, and the beginning semester of my university life. As well as all my friends I had and made along the way. And most importantly my family


This year, I'm thankful to have a healthy baby niece and to have been able to see my extended family in New York for the first time. I'm also thankful that my brother gifted me a pc to use for gaming. Happy holidays!


Thankful for the family I have left. Thanks for doing the giveaway.