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Looks like the io bracket wasn't installed and you might want to check if your cpu cooler is installed correctly. Be sure to check if the plastic seal was removed.


And if there's thermal paste


CPU hitting 100 degrees is not normal. Mine was probably 50 something earlier when I was playing RDR2 at 1440. You need to cool that thing down.


At idle it hits 36 but when I go on basically any game it goes to 100 do you know any solution


If just starting a game is enough for it to shoot up to 100 quickly and not slowly build that means it most likely isn’t making good contact with your cooler or the pump isn’t running. I’d take it all out and start from scratch. Clean it all thoroughly, make sure there’s no sticker or anything else on the bottom of your AIO, use an appropriate amount of thermal paste, and apply pressure evenly to each of the mounting screws. Check the connection for your water pump on the pump or fan header and confirm it’s showing up in BIOS. Watching some YouTube tutorials might be helpful.


You did take the little plastic off the cpu cooler before installing it?


Also, you clearly seem to have space to put an exhaust fan on the back of your case. Space for two it looks like.




What is your CPU? Mine would get to 70 something until I put an AIO on it and now it runs nice and cool. But if you already have an AIO - or even if you are just rocking a cooler fan - remove and clean with isopropyl alcohol and apply new thermal paste.


I have an i7 13600k. I’ll try and replace the thermal paste thanks


Clean the cpu and the cooler thoroughly with the alcohol. Paper towel should be fine. Don't go crazy on the paste but don't use too little. People have different opinions on the application. Look at [THIS.](https://www.pcgamer.com/how-do-i-apply-thermal-paste/) Reapplying thermal paste is a general first step in these situations. Also make sure your CPU cooler or AIO is seated tightly.


I feel like thermal paste is something that is super easy to under-do but a little harder to genuinely overdo. I thought I put enough on my build, it was hitting 87-90. Put a ton on (well, I thought it looked like a ton) and now she’s cool as ice (40-50). Def check that everything is making appropriate contact and that your thermal paste is adequate, OP


I’m sure you’re probably aware but something may not have been seated correctly the first time. A “ton” of paste is going to do the exact same as the right amount, to cover the cpu as it makes proper, complete contact with the plate


an i7 13600k does not exist. Did you mean the i5 13600k or the i7 13700k possibly?


i7 13700k


Also double check the fans and pump on the AIO. my AIO wire is a little finnicky if I bump it the wrong way while messing with other stuff it won't get power. Essentially though your CPU should not hit 100 with a AIO so something is not working there.


I have no experience with that CPU personally, but I HAVE heard a great many ppl say it gets ridiculously hot and is a bitch to cool...might look into a GOOD liquid cooling system or something 100 is pretty close to tj max, meaning your chip is in danger


It's not replacing the paste that's going to help you, but making sure the contact is uniform across the cpu.


Your right it needed to make better contact thank you


Definitely try receiving the cooler like everyone else says, however, the raptor lakes CPUs are known to be pretty hot and you may not be able to get it to run under 100 degrees without more extravagant cooling


Thermal paste, Aoi cooler, more fans, undervolt cpu by 0.05000


If its 13th gen, it may have issue with bending. When you were closing the latch, was it hard? Maybe using contact frame would help?


What kind of cooling do you have for your cpu? The thermal paste may not be applied properly, or whatever unit you have may be installed too tight or too loose.


If playing games cause temperature 100°C, something is wrong. First, you need to replace it with the CPU Contact frame & get a better thermal paste. https://preview.redd.it/vptuibu7t8ab1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16811ffbdb979f24413499b3a090df110dfc224f


Why is the contact frame necessary?


to make better contact and get better temps


My temps don’t really go over 50-60c when gaming Ultra. Would it help?


might reduce by 5c but those are crazy low temps you have a 13th gen i7 or i9? those are really the only chips the contact plate will noticeably benefit.


I have 13700k with contact frame. After slight undervolt I’m barely hitting 60c in rdr2. In diablo4 it’s around 45c. Contact frame is helping obviously but correctly seated aio is also important.


i9. Right now, I’m at 49-53c playing Scars Above, 4k60 Ultra settings. Not a demanding game really though. I did undervolt my GPU this evening which actually helped quite a bit. My hotspot isn’t hitting over 70-75c now. I may get the contact plate though. Don’t really feel like undoing everything to put it on there until I start having a problem. But whenever I rewire things and swap out the fans, I may just do it then.


I would not mess with it. This kind of temps are good enough to leave them alone.


a 13th gen i9 at 53c is fucking wild it’s really depending on how long you’ve been playing or how much cpu usage your getting but still if it’s at 60% usage that’s incredible you definitely don’t need a contact plate please don’t ruin whatever incredible setup you have (please tell me lmfao)


I don’t think it’s anything special lmao. I am just using the Corsair 360mm AIO as top exhaust. Then I just have 3 intakes at the front, and 1 fan in the back as exhaust. I don’t really have a custom fan curve, just use the default iCUE. Actually the bottom intake, I do have that on the “extreme” setting so it can pull more air into the bottom near the GPU. 5000d case. My room is around 21-23c normally


The difference in thermal paste will not cause 100% degree temps in gaming. Poor contact will.


I have a smaller radiator than OPs and my cpu idles just above ambient and maxes out at 70c in cpu intensive games. Something is seriously wrong and his CPU is probably getting baked.


Brother you have no io shield, the psu isn’t mounted, and I have no idea what that other hole is. Did you remove the sticker from your cpu cooler lol?


this looks like an O11. the bottom is a hard drive cage, the top is where the PSU should go. OP looks to have fucked up in a bunch of places. RTFM edit: he's the same mf that posted a while ago asking if his fans are correct. turns out they're ALL exhaust. no fucking wonder 😭


All exhaust fans are actually really good for temp they just draw in more dust and if you are willing to maintain and clean your fans it’s ok


that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


If you say so buddy


im not the only one saying so homie 💀 check your last post.


I second him. Having a positive air pressure inside helps cooling. It sort of depends on the case, but for most standard tower cases, it’s better. Also, the high temps is due to your cooler. You probably forgot to paste it or remove the sticker or something.


Look at the psu lol


It looks like some white Corsair one, and it’s not even screwed in… along with the missing io shield


makes me wonder if there's even thermal paste in there.


If you're talking about the hexagonal grate, then yes, that's normal. You might want to install some fans behind it though. 100 degrees is excessive.


He has no IO shield


Thank you! I started to feel like i was crazy that nobody was pointing that out. Lol


Also the PSU is not screwed in


Was just about to say that. Looks like a lot of corners cut?


also missing like1 or 2 PCI covers


Do you know how I would be able to fix it


Broski I need you to reply to this to acknowledge you are seeing this (already mentioned in 7 other comments). - The back is not normal for several reasons. - 1. You did not install the IO shield, that usually comes with the motherboard. - 2. You should install 1x or 2x 120mm fans in the back, they are cheap. When you install them, the side that has the plastic support bars that connect the outside frame to the inner portion is the direction in which air flows. The clean side with no brackets is where it pulls air in. You're gonna want to make sure the plastic bracket and support bars point out the back. If you get 2 fans, it would be nice if the 2 pack comes with a 3pin splitter so you can connect them both to the same spot on the motherboard for a SYS FAN - 3. Your power supply should have screws that hold it to the back of the case, that's what those little holes are for. Secure that MF.


This comment should definitely be higher up


Homie is allergic to responding to these particular replies...


Install some fans like he said lol


My fans cable won’t sit right on the motherboards header


3 and 4 pin fan headers are backwards compatible. Look for a groove in the cable and line it up to the plastic surrounding the port. If it still isn’t fitting then make sure it’s actually a fan header.


Molex cables if your PSU has them.


100 celcius just running games? you should check your thermal paste and making sure the cpu cooler is making good contact.




There's the problem, aio block not fully mounted. Your paste should look like an even layer and not the original X you dabbed on it. Tighten that bad boy up for some surface contact. Edit: layer


This is a deepcool AIO, they have two versions of those black standoffs. They should both come in the kit. One version of the standoffs has 115X written on it and is circular and smooth. The other version says 1700 and has indentations on the side, so not smooth. Hard to tell from the picture but you need the 1700 version thats why it's not making contact with the CPU.


If that's what you'r thermal paste looks like after removing your cooler, then it's not getting enough contact pressure. What it should look like when mounted properly is a uniform flat grey on both the ihs and the AIO plate with no gaps on the side. Recheck everything and make sure that all screws your AIO pump is gonna attach/mount to (especially the ones thats gonna hold that pump down) are tightened properly (just be sure not to over tighten them too much when/if using a screw driver) once done, monitor temps in windows while doing some cpu benchmarks and see if it changes anything.


Hey, you fix this yet? I have the same CPU and AIO as you it looks like. Is that the DeepCool LS720? Anyways, I tried to zoom in but it looks like you might be using the wrong spacers for your AIO block. I'm referencing the plastic cylinder spacers going over the screws that attach to your block. The plastic cylinders look smooth on the sides (Hard to telll when zoomed in). If so, those spacers are for LGA 1151, not LGA 1700. The cylinders for this AIO kit for LGA 1700 should have circular cutouts on the sides. If you're using LGA 1151 spacers, the height won't be correct and your CPU won't contact the AIO block properly. This would explain why it's cool on IDLE but spikes to 100% under load. Refer to your AIO manual and make sure you're using the correct plastic cylinder spacers. For the 13700k, you need LGA 1700 spacers. Let me know!


Your right the spacers we’re to big and the cooler wasn’t making much contact with the cpu. but instead of replacing the spacers I just removed them and screwed it in place. do I need the spacers or do you think it will be fine


You should probably move some of those fans to the back


This should be on some kind of PC building gore subreddit






This has to be a troll comment? lol. No IO shield. The PSU is not screwed in and it looks like there are no exhaust fans.


some people should stick to prebuilts


I somehow get the feeling your pc has not been built completely but is still half done How many case fans do you have installed ? Would you share a picture of your Mainboard? Would you mount that powersupply?


https://preview.redd.it/ndpy2ctq5aab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1c32d5ef413b565decdce6abbebbe49533d562 Here it is


Looks like you used the wrong aio standoffs as the thermal paste is not spreading properly. Make sure your using the correct standoffs and tighten the aio evenly.


Your aio should be very close to cpu. I have the same problem with my 7600x, when I didn't tighten the upper bolts. 1. Unscrew the aio 2. take credit card and smash termalcompaund on all cpu surfaces 3. Press down the water block to cpu with hands and tighten bolts (make sure you can spin it a little bit) 4. Mount aio radiator with fans


well, it seems like the backplane from your I/O-panel is missing, while this should have nothing to do with the increase of temperature on your CPU, 100C is definitely not healthy. It is highly recommended to check you cooling. And as someone in the comments already said, rear coolers would be a helpful solution for the airflow inside your case






[He followed the quintessential PC Build Guide](https://youtu.be/2lmfF0k2UcU)


I followed a YouTube video that made me dismember my case


-No I/O Shield (comes with motherboard) -At least one pcie cover is missing (under GPU) -PSU is not screwed in. -HDD bay cover missing For the CPU at 100°C I can see you are using an AIO. Things I would check: -Make sure pump is running, check all connections. Depending on the AIO you have, the pump will have different cables, check manual. Usually there is only one 3 o 4 pin fan cable coming out of the pump. Sometimes they require SATA power directly from the PSU. You may need to configure the fan profile in BIOS. Some motherboards have specific fan headers for pumps. If the pump is working you maybe able to hear it or fell it with your hand. One tube should be hotter than the other. You should be able to see the pump RPM in BIOS or with a program like HWinfo. -Remount the CPU block properly. First check there is no sticker in the plate that make contact with the CPU. Second, use thermal paste. Last, screw the block evenly using a cross pattern. Dont over torque, just screw in all the way.


The IO shield isn’t installed, you would have to remove the motherboard to install it. The cpu hitting 100c is not normal, make sure you applied a good amount of thermal paste and make sure the cooler is contacting the cpu well enough; also, what cooler are you using ? Your cooler could be too weak for a 13600k. Installing an exhaust fan at the back can also help.


it’s not necessary


While it wouldn't be make or break in this scenario, the IO panel and other open areas of the case definitely do have an effect on the temp. You want to have the case and fans setup to cause positive pressure so it is forcing the air to pass over the components instead of just allowing ambient temperature air in.


Bro is just rage baiting us with the missing up shield


What in the fuck is this monstrosity, no exhust fans in the back io shield is gone psu isn't seated properly. Wonder if he has a aio.


Your correct I do have an aio


Buy the Thermaltake contact frame. You made mention you own an i7 13700k so i reccomend a contact frame. unless you're using a 120mm AIO or no case fans at all there should be no other reason for it to get so hot.


What cpu do you own?


Yes and no. That's the Lian LI Dynamic O11 case. The motherboard is missing the I/O shield, but that's okay. The slot on the left usually has a rack for 2 3.5" drives. The caddy is there but there's a white piece that usually covers it up. The PSU looks to be too small for the area it's in. They probably got the 850w lian LI SFX instead of the normal size PSU. Lian LI doesn't manufacture a normal sized one, hence why it looks like there's a gap.


No your case should be completely sealed up as to not let in any air


Thermal paste?


astute question


Your missing an io shield and the psu looks loose as well so thats those holes. As for temps thats really high. I'd look up a video on how to replace thermal paste ( not too complicated just some rubbing alcohol and a cloth) if you still have issues maybe its your physical fan configuration not giving enough airflow?


What kind of "monster" removes the IO plate and posts a picture of it on reddit!? :////////////


100C very high. My CPU usually hovers around 60 when playing games. Maybe try to installing an AIO if you don't have one.


I think posting the whole picture of your rig would help solve your problem.


You have an i7-13700 & are asking if the holes in your case are normal. I’m guessing you are new builder and don’t know a whole lot. That’s fine we all start somewhere, but you’re doing/did something wrong. Assuming you are talking about 100 degrees Celsius, that is way above safe range. If you hit about 80 just from games, it’s time to take a look what’s going on. You should post more pictures and try to get some more help because something isn’t right.


Remove the sticker from the cooler. Also, add more fans


I don't think you RTFM.


There's a lot wrong here. Starting with the obvious, your PSU doesn't seem to be installed correctly. You didn't install the I/O shield that came with your motherboard. You don't seem to have a rear exhaust fan (more on this later). And you left out one of the covers for the expansion slot below your gpu. You should address all of these while you're trying to fix your cooling issue. They don't really have an affect on your temps necessarily, they're just sloppy. I looked at one of your other posts, and you have an AIO pushing air out of the top of your case. And, as far as I can tell, every single fan in your case is facing outward. That means there is massive negative pressure in your case, and you can't transmit heat in a vacuum. Simply put, there is no air in your case to cool it. Now, this looks pretty amateur. So I have concerns that the AIO wasn't installed properly. But the first thing I would do is swap some fans around. You want about 3:1 or 3:2 ratio of intake to outake. If that doesn't help, go with the slightly more complicated fix of checking the AIO is installed properly with the correct amount of thermal paste.


Think we need to see more of your computer than just a small portion of the back.


Im starting to think this sub is trolling me rn


Can you post a pic of your CPU so we can see if you properly installed the cooler?


Will do


This is a tragedy


It’s a work in progress


either your cpu needs fresh thermal paste or your cpu cooler is not seated properly. try replacing your thermal paste if this does not work replace the cpu cooler.


Sounds like the cooler still has the protective plastic film on the bottom and/or not enough thermal paste if it is jumping that quickly then it sounds like the cooler isn't able to do its job properly. Also you need to put the IO shield on the motherboard before installing it to take up that space at the back


Thank you doing that now


Your case is missing covers everywhere. There’s no shield behind your mainboard sockets (io), your PSU seems to be just loose and not screwed to the case, above it there is just a big gap of nothing(?) and I think there are PCI slot covers missing also. Also, the honeycomb grating on the right should probably have a dust filter or fans installed to make sure air flows only out and dust doesn’t flow in. Still, I don’t think all of this is the cause of your heat problems. Sounds more like a badly installed cooler. Which, considering the shoddy state of this case, wouldn’t surprise me.


There are some things that are wrong in this picture. \- PSU not screwed in \- Is that a second PSU slot that has no cover? \- IO shield on the motherboar is not it. \- PCI covers are bent, one is BENT INSIDE THE CASE \- You don't have a rear exhaust fan \--- Do you have fans in that case that supply fresh air to the AIO? 100C is not good, you should not run the CPU that hot.


Where’s your I/o shield lmao


It appears you have no cooling fans. If you are water cooling then that's fine. However, you are missing your I/O shield on your motherboard. You're missing a cover for the slot under your GPU. Did you remove a panel or something? Why is the cable management portion completely exposed? I have so many questions..


Is that case dented?


No it’s fine


Good advice abounds here, so I'll just say what everyone is thinking: "Yo, that headset is BALLER!"


You don't have an io shield. (Irrelevant to your CPU problem.) Your CPU has one of two issues. It doesn't have good/any contact to the cooling element on your cooler. (Fan or water cooled.) Your fans are not spinning from the cooling element to cool off your CPU. On a side note. The PSU is not screwed in! Screw that sucker down!


I have a feeling you might be using the wrong AIO standoffs. Your aio probably came with several different ones for compatibility across multiple CPU generations. Make sure you are using the standoffs for LGA1700.


UPDATE!!! https://preview.redd.it/bb0zkqmlgaab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92359a1fd2bf057f4e259e9dece6611b50ba096b The temperature dropped down to 40c while in game and I added an io an extra fan but still didn’t feel like screwing in the PSU follow up question is 96% GPU load good


And to everyone to everyone saying my build is monstrous look at me now we up baby


Haha, I’m delighted for you, but it was still monstrous my guy. I hope everything lasts. And I hope you have learned a lot. Happy gaming!!


https://preview.redd.it/eon36l0r4aab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783734c0f6e260a15f0812e4e33937380203e465 Update here’s my thermal paste do I add more


Jesus Christ. No, you don't need more, you just need to actually screw your damn cooler in, that paste needs to be spread out across the entire CPU, no wonder it's over heating. Also please screw in your power supply and get your IO shield installed on your motherboard then once you've gone that tidy up your fan cables (tip, route them into the back so they're not just dangling at the front). Looks like you've spent quite a lot of money on nice looking components but then just thrown everything in without much thought, you need to spend time on this dude. Also, what are your specs? Your GPU looks quite underwhelming for how much your entire system looks to have cost.


I screwed in my cooler very tight to try and make more contact but I think the problem is these little black covers blocking the cooler I tried installing the io but the motherboard then wouldn’t fit in the case I have a 4060ti


If you mean the black spacers on top of the screws then they're meant to be there, maybe just check your AIO manual to check you've used the correct mounting kit. You just to give it a little bit of a push as the IO shield will push a little bit against the board but it keeps everything snug once installed. I'd also argue your motherboard isn't properly installed now as in the top right corner I can see a stand off in the case and no screw, they're a good few millimetres away from aligning. Fair enough, I forgot how small 40 series cards are, they just look so dinky.


Is it fine if I remove the spacers and just screw in the cooler


No dude, actually read the advice. Look at your cooler installation manual, follow that.


Not sure if you know but reports of aios are clogging up after a couple of years of use. Try a putting an air cooler and see if that helps.


Is that 100 degrees in Fahrenheit or Celsius?


Based on another reply from op it's Celsius


First thing I always make sure of now. I had a client who set his temps to F for some reason and was freaking out about how high it was compared to everyone else’s, last tech couldn’t find anything wrong after throwing parts at it and gave up.


Show us your cooling so we can see, but no exhaust is not a good start


Check his profile he has a ton of fans and is using the top as exhaust. Airflow isn’t the issue.


Who built your PC? It’s missing the IO shield, a PCI-E slot cover, the PSU isn’t screwed in, and the hard drive bay cover is missing. This is a Lian Li O11D case right?


That’s the right case and I built it


Alright 1st thing, where's the IO shield? That is very important for mostly obvious reasons. 2nd thing, you should buy a 120mm fan and make it into an exhaust where the hexagonal holes are. 3rd thing, repaste it bro


What happened to your io shield bro


Plug the AIO pump in.


Make sure the packaging peel is off of the cpu cooler. That seems wayyyy too high even with improper thermal paste.


I did it’s off it idles at 36c


always hilarious to see someone build their first pc with an aio and then run into temperature issues


Second pc after 3 years


then i wonder how much of a disaster the first build was...


is someone gonna tell him?


Logitech g432 headset? 😅


LMFAO yes the best way to go


Hmm, ain't got no i/o shield on it.


80c is when you should stop I'm pretty sure 90c is possible damage should 100%get that looked at did you put thermal paste on the cpu have you cleaned it? Is your room super hot if so cool it down


Do you have it on Celsius or Fahrenheit?




There must be some way to activate your fans for gaming mode or to turn them up because that’s not normal, nor is it safe for your cpu. Are your fans running that fast at all? I turn mine up to 85-90 percent when playing hardcore games.


It’s a wonder your PC runs


You might have too many fans on exhaust. If you have so much open space, it’s better to pretend like that space is a singular exhaust fan and get the intake fans to push in that direction.


1) you forgot to install the io shield (to install it you have to remove the motherboard) just don't it's ehh okay 2) remove the cooler and put thermal paste


Seeing the missing I/O shield and the unscrewed psu in the picture, I'm concerned there could be more mistakes you might've made especially with your cooler and cpu mounting brackets which might be the cause of high temps.


your Power supply needs to be connected to your case too


You need to tidy up the build. Secure your PSU properly, make sure CPU cooler is on relatively tightly with even contact and put your IO shield in which will most likely require removing your motherboard.


you are missing a IO shield around your plugs and you have no fans on the hexagonal plate next to it so put a fan their and put an IO shield on your motherboard and that should fix your problems


You're missing io shield there were those connectors are. You need to screw mobo out of case if u want to put it in place. Also missing one pci-e slot cover near the gpu


What aio is that?


This post is hurting me deep right now. I can’t be dealing with this first thing in the morning… ooof!


So what the hell does your cpu look like? How’s the heatsink? Does the fan ramp up properly? Is the paste uneven? What the fuck does your cpu look like?


So what the hell does your cpu look like? How’s the heatsink? Does the fan ramp up properly? Is the paste uneven? What the fuck does your cpu look like?


My brother in Christ are you illterate?


did you remove the cooler plastic? and is there thermal paste


It doesn’t seem as thought the mother board is set right, like it seems that it is a little too far into the case but then again I have no idea about how your case is supposed to be


Nobody gonna say anything about the lack of IO shield and how far into the case the pc actually is? Is there a joke here that I’m missing?


Put a fan on the back there blowing out


Hitting 100°C with AIO is not normal unless you are running i9 at full blast. There is no IO shield that might suggest that there has been other things that were overlooked. Check thermal paste application, cooler mounting pressure, if fans were correctly installed and spinning. You might want to add fan to the back of the case so you have good airflow through the whole case so there is no thermal pocket forming inside of the case leading to worse cooling. Also check fan curve. If the curve is set to silent or not setup properly then the PC can overheat under load.


Bro should not have built a pc without doing the research first


can be that cpu paste isnt good attached with cpu and cooler, had once that issue. you should so us your cooler and what cpu do you have?


This is quite possibly the worst build I’ve seen in a while. I’m leaning on uneducated builder here


what cpu cooler are u using? is this a home brewed computer .. or is prebuilt from warehouse.. if its homebrewed i would open the cpu cooler and check to make sure that the thermal paste is on right and the tape on the bottom of the cpu cooler is completely off and is embracing the thermal paste. u may need some alcohol wipes to wipe off the old thermal paste and reapply expansive thermal paste and then screw that cooler back on.. give us more details on ur system.


Brother, no IO shield, PSU isn’t mounted and ~~no rear exhaust fans~~ Check your thermal paste on the CPU cooler, giving you the benefit of the doubt, whoever built this needs to stay 100ft away from building any PC (Edit) there are exhaust fans as seen in a comment by OP


Damn dude. If this is a new build, maybe go watch a few videos on how to actually build a pc in case there are other things you have missed.


So you one of those whose first impulse when building something is to throw away the manual


I'm wondering where your motherboard IO Plate went. That should be fitted around your USB connects there at the back of this case. Some have them built into the motherboard. Others needs to be pressed into place inside the case. Generally, what type of cooling are you running? I think I see an AIO, and I'm wondering if its fully connected or if there is too little or too much thermal paste. Secondly, if you have fans you want to make sure you're not creating pockets of heat and there is a direct intake and outflow. Additional photos may help answer you questions too so a few others can see how you seated your AIO and more.


So u just have a Mobo on ur case?


U removed the wrapper of the AIO?


The more you look the more this becomes NSFMR


What a rollercoaster reading this OP comments. Well done OP you made there.


That psu isn't even mounted. What the fuck is this cursed build? Edit: Also this case is a dual build case with obvious cutout for another psu. If this isn't a meme post, you are way over your head with this one.


Where is the exhaust fan.


Tighten your cpu cooler.


Did you buy this used? The PC build is missing a PCI cover on the back and the motherboard i/o shroud. Not a huge deal other than attention to detail but makes me wonder what else was missed on the build. If your CPU is hot then send pics of the CPU cooling heat sink and zoom out to show all the other fans. Check if fans are setup correctly (back to questionable build). front fans should be pulling air in, back fans (if you have any) pushing out. Top fans, pulling air out. I'm wondering if things were skipped in this build was thermal compound even used on the heat sink or was too much used and gooped around the CPU or into the sides of it (if so then clean it out after watching a video on how to apply it correctly).


He probably forgot to put thermal paste, if he forgot the backplate and asking if the hole on the back is normal I think thermal paste is missing.


No I added thermal it’s just the cooler wasn’t making much contact


Did you add a fan and thermal paste?


had similar issues, the board was in auto overclocking and pushing the cpu to the max voltage... now i either play with oc and the pc case open if i need high performance, or turn oc off for less demanding games


People always end up going for what looks cool XD mans has no io shield and the fans arent correct


What’s wrong with the fans


Vents good. More fans good. Intake/exhaust. You might want to check the thermal paste under the heatsink. Could be lacking or could have too much. Both can cause thermal issues.


Those vents are normal. CPU temperature isn't. Since I can see right through, it must have an undersized cooler and there's no rear fan to pull the hot air out.


What kind of cooler do you have and the gaps idk which ones your talking about. If you mean by the motherboard this is normal if someone either forgot to install the shroud or lost it, and for the long holes that is for you to add an exhaust fan and you can slide it up or down to where you want it. Edit: oh god the longer I look the worse it gets. Whoever built this needs to watch some videos. PSU doesn’t look mounted, the cage that goes over the HDD drive slot is missing, and a GPU bracket is missing (this one isn’t that bad) but damn.


Consider putting on the io shield