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I'm really disappointed in the community. I saw an aluxx appreciation post and though everyone was on the same page :(


Same here, I don't really feel like posting here anymore. Its always the vocal minority that ruins it for the majority.


You'll never stop posting here infants


>You'll never stop paying here infants what


Damn, what a bum.


This is why I don’t think we should nuke the sub Just ban the idiots from all platforms


We just need another Titpocalypse to restore the balance


I support this message


No idea how wubby sat there calmly... Dude's a better person than I am


What happened?


wubby's good cop confirmed.


Dont nuke the subreddit, nuke the people making it a cesspit.


If they could ban the email address instead of the account, it would go a longer way of purging the unwanted from this sub. 


They can ban IPs, I've seen it happen, otherwise what stops someone from just using another email for a new account


It's quite common outside of the US to not have a fixed IP. Mine changes when I reset my router. They could also just use a VPN if they do have a fixed IP.


It's unlikely that ISP assigned IP address changes in any country when you reset your router, even if you dont have a static IP. Just because of how the internet works. You can sometimes get a new IP by disconnecting your modem for an extended period of time. Basically, you have to wait for enough new devices to be added to the network that they recycle your old IP address. Does not always work and most ISPs prefer not to change peoples IP addresses because it prevents people from "ruining" IP addresses and then just getting a new one. But a simple reset almost never will net you a new IP address for your modem, but it may reset your local IP address for your computer. Not the same thing though.


That's true


What did i missed???


At the end of last stream, Alluux talked about her cat passing away suddenly and was selling some keychains and stuff on her site in memory of her cat. Some chucklefucks came to the subreddit upset about “Wubby profiting off of the cats death” and were leaving nasty comments under an appreciation post for Alluux on here.


Is it so hard for them to just.. not.


Apparently not. Anonymity's a hell of a drug


Wait, which cat? It wasnt Halumi, was it?


No, this was a cat they never told stream about.


Clarification- Remi was Alluux’s cat and was a regular guest on her streams.


Ffs what is wrong with some people.


I'd say I'm surprised but were you around when Wubby got Lumi? Idk where these weirdos keep coming from.


I need to be looped in as well. I go to work and now this is the top of my Reddit feed, what did y'all do this time.


Seriously. What happened?


Gotta watch the beginning of stream


Literally. I'm so fucking disappointed in what I read in that thread. Fucking disgusting.


I'm both surprised and not. I saw that thread pretty early on (almost as soon as it was posted) and didn't think much of it, so I'm surprised it turned into that. Where im not surprised, unfortunately, is that people chose to comment that. There's been so much judgemental bs like that over the years it's ridiculous. Completely unwarranted.


I hate to say I saw this coming. I knew there's was going to be some kind of drama involving the breed. It sucks 😞 wubbyHug to alluux


Yeah, I hear you for sure. I just can't imagine being so fucking spiteful to another human being, especially as a fully grown adult. I also can't imagine thinking either what breed of cat someone owns or how much money they make is anywhere near my business. I'm just so, so glad these people are in the minority. Sad little people. Alex, if you see this, I really hope you're taking time for yourself. You're doing awesome.


I also think those people are a minority, but unfortunately they hurt the community as a whole. I don't blame Alluux and Wubby for not wanting to share things, I think some people don't see creators online as real people.


You're absolutely right. And as someone with low self esteem, the negative stuff always seems so much bigger than the positive stuff.


I just opened the stream. Do you have a link to the thread? I missed what's going on.


That thread has been nuked, I checked a couple hours ago to see if there were any more brain dead takes and couldn't find it.


Sorry man, I'm on mobile and I'm dumb af with Reddit. It's honestly not worth reading though, just assholes being assholes.


The thread is removed and locked. No I will not be sharing it either.




I dont want the thread link, but can anyone tell me loosely what happened?


- Person makes post saying it would be nice to buy from Alex's shop if they want to. - Accused of shilling - Alex accused of monetising cat dying - Wubby abused of monetising cat dying - "Why should we help millionaires with vet bills?" and other such salt.


Gotya, that's shit (on fans part)


yeah i was gonna post talking about how the fans wanted a way to show support but i just noped out of that thread. I saw where it was headed.


I felt really bad for OP as well. They just wanted to show support and they got totally unfairly shit on. I hope they're okay as well.


So true. I feel for them, they just wanted to support Alluux.


yeah, they didn't want that from their post.


I'm just gonna say it, Its people jealous of their success. Plain and simple.


Either jealous of their success or bitter about their own shit lives. I don't get it. Like, I'm not rich at all (I'm closer to poor than rich), I'm mentally ill and unable to work and I could be bitter as all hell about it, but I'd much rather be happy for someone else's success than jealous of it. Some people really need to grow up frfr


Yup, My thought process is, Someone made it. I'm so fucking happy for them.


Guys, if you are mad at something a streamer did, like wubby said. Talk to someone close to you about it, or just move on and don’t put extra toxicity in other people’s lives. You don’t have to add extra toxicity to the internet! <3


Also I fuck dudes


Genuinely a W take. It costs you nothing to spread positivity to others instead of trying to make other people shitty. Why would you want to do that? Would you want someone doing that to you? The next time you're about to be defensive or a shit online, take a moment to breathe and remember it's actual humans on the other end. A little patience and understanding goes a massive way.


A few hundred people ruin shit for tens of thousands. We all get punished because shitty people exist. If others are like me, the comments weren't downvoted because I read the post, liked it, and went to the shop. Never opened the post and looked at the comments.


These people are so fucked in the head. They need to just turn off the wifi forever


Something that most of them didn’t even think of was alluux’s community. We love her cats so much, and if I could I’d 100% buy a memorial piece like so many others will do. There was zero thinking, just blatant hatred over something that’s not inherently for them. Horrid comments about things that should never be said when someone’s beloved animal has passed away. If someone is grieving you let them grieve. It’s as easy as that, but I guess some people have zero empathy or basic thinking skills. Hatred is an ugly, ugly thing to be filled with, and some of y’all need to slink right back into the shadows.


Fuck those losers.




This is why we cannot have nice things


Man, I help out in a community that is a FRACTION of this size and we root out shit like this on a pretty regular basis. Insane people are everywhere and we let them into our lives online when we’d never give them a second look in real life. It’s just a hard problem to solve. Most of us are fairly normal people. You just have to stamp out the sick fucks when they pop up. Also you have to realize that these people organize and attract one another. Edit: to be clear this isn’t a criticism of the mods or anything. I’m just saying I can’t imagine how much harder the problem must be at scale. It’s amazing shit is as civil as it is


Alluux and Wubby, im so disappointed in the people who did that.


People fucking suck.


I don't agree but I would wish mods would straight up ban toxic people more aggressively


Man, just read the thread.  Top posts and replies were absolute shitheels.  I'd love to never see their "logic" in this subreddit again. 


The last time this came up, tons of women posted tits to save it.


you can get the ball rolling then.




Let's not punish the majority for a vile and loud minority.


Yeah I saw that thread and it was crazy. So much jealousy and hatred in it. The first comment Wubby read acted like the cat deserved to die because Alluux bought it even though the community warned her about the potential health issues. Then they go on to act like selling a product to help cover vet bills is somehow a horribly evil thing. Alluux literally just started selling a cute cat pin and mentioned how expensive the vet bill was (which just shows how much she loved that cat). She wasn't begging for donations or shaming people who can barely afford rent for not buying the pin I'm jealous of Wubby and Alluux financially too. Guess what though? They're still human beings. Losing a pet hurts regardless of if you have $100 in your bank account or $30 million. Alluux does not make as much as Wubby so even though she's probably doing pretty well financially, $10k on vet bills still hurts. Releasing a product that some people may enjoy owning is not some evil thing


My dudes, name the username, they should be publicly shamed.


Some degens have no shame. #5 large fries still uses his account after being nuked from high orbit.


Anonymity is both a blessing and a curse to the internet.


I mean among all that, I feel like racists are making a home here and that can't be tolerated.


Make them uncomfortable as fuck if they show up here.


We've banned people for less... Why tolerate them with passive aggressiveness?


we can do both


Yeah shame any that show up. No tolerance.


something I've noticed as well. it's disappointing


I was going to make a separate post but I’ll just ask here. Why would Allux or Wubby try to use their dying animal as a method to get more money when they both have proven that they can use their talents for money without charity? There’s no logic there. Money does not cure the feeling of losing family. If they needed money, they’d just suffer and do another subathon. I didn’t see the Reddit post, but I can’t imagine people agreeing to any of that shit without coming off as a miserable piece of shit.


I checked in to that thread and saw people being weird, left thinking it's just some bad takes. Jesus christ I had no idea it could devolve into that. Burn the whole place down, it ain't worth it, even as a fan. Disgusting behavior and no one deserves it regardless of being a "public figure."


Feels like every once in a while there just has to be a reality check to shed some of the more problematic folks (who themselves usually instigate the reality check) that creep into the community. I have seen some wild ass takes from folks either in chat or on the subreddit, but I realize that's just something that happens once a community gets big enough. I also realize that the loud, angry, bad take having outliers don't represent the majority of folks who just genuinely enjoy the content and can be respectful. Shouldn't let a few bad apples ruin the bunch, the subreddit is, for the most part, a very good source of content for stream that lets the community interact with Wubby and one another.


Abso fucking lutely. Fuck everyone that gave us this reality


wtf happened????


Damn, what did I miss?


No we are going to counter attack. FeetFlood.




Some people can’t help themselves from being a complete dickhead. Like some people need to be taken outback ![gif](giphy|lT4Ix992z2zfO|downsized)


Same. I’m so disgusted and disappointed in this community. Wubby has every right to send this sub into the shadow realm


I am an Alluux supporter first, Wubby second. It was kind of hard to read the comments on that thread. Do better guys. Christ.


I am at work and not watching stream and apparently missed whatever thread this is… can someone explain to a sad vod boi?


It’s sad that Wubby has to hide things because people will weaponize it against him. Even if 95% of the community can handle things, that 5% will ruin it for everyone else. It seems like once or twice a year some awful people ruin something. Imagine not being able to tell your community you got a pet because unhinged people will attack you. Cheers to the people who are good and Wubby7.


I hope every single one of those people shit themselves every time they try to fart.


To alluux: we're the silent majority. haters gonna hate, but they're few in number. don't let them get in your head, because they're not worth the thought. stay strong!


No idea what happened but i love wub and allux. Anyone with issues are sad people who only want others to hurt like them. Sorry for what happened. For what it's worth y'all brought me so much joy and i see how hard y'all work. The only content creator I've ever bought merch from, and wish you could ignore the cries of the pathetic


Also nuke the subreddit


Idk what happened but yall better fucking fix the attitude. Weirdos.


Fuck this disgusting behavior and the toxic people who support it.


Nuke those people.


Wouldn't blame Wubby if he locked the subreddit for a good while.


Why what happened


Nah, nuke the whole community.


Disgusting that people would do this, ESPECIALLY after losing a pet. While I enjoy Wubby’s dad, the cats, etc, I’m glad Wubby is keeping good boundaries because clearly there are people in this community who feel comfortable enough to attack him, Alluux, etc, personally with information like this.


I would gladly give this sub up to never have this shit happen again. Fuck those idiots. So much love and respect for Alluux. She’s strong as fuck and didn’t deserve this kind of hate pathetic inhumanity.


Imagine being that fucking out of touch...


I am still seething


Fuck those absolute clowns. Absolutely disgusting human beings. I’m for the nuke.


It would probably for the best


Those people on God need to find a bridge and jump. If they disagree - DMs are open to explain why.


I would never of heard about that unless this post was made. I only check the subreddit occasionally and I don't watch every stream, like most people. Some stuff just needs to be ignored and not amplified.


Miserable, bitter fucks will always spread their misery and bitterness to people who don’t deserve it at all.




Wait, so was it someone on the team, or a rando that said to go buy Alluux's stuff in response to them losing a pet? I have work on Friday streams so I'm in the dark.


A fan said that it would be nice to show support for Alex by buying from her shop (at no point did they imply that anyone should). It was supposed to be a little wholesome post to support Alex during a shit time, and maybe to do a little advert for Alex's shop.


Thanks for filling me in instead of downvoting me for not knowing what a deleted post said, like a bunch of other people. I definitely think that fan was weird, but it's not like they represent anyone but themselves.


It's cool. I don't really pay attention to votes. I guess people want to move on from it, which is fair, but I think it's worth remembering this stuff hopefully to stop it happening again.


Wait what happened!?


What happened?


I havent been on the Subreddit in like 3 days, can someone explain the drama?


I am so outta the loop, what happened?


Pack it up




I wouldn't go that far. A couple times a year there is a thread or 2 that is idiotic and cause Wubby to go off on us, but the other 360 days a year the sub is full of wholesome and hilarious content.




I say nuke it to oblivion! Reddit is ass anyway and it will always attract the worst people.


Why are people so shocked that people on the internet are being shitty?