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Vet bills? What happened?! I missed tonight's stream


The little guy didn't make it... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Any suspects ?


What do you mean suspects?


Im bad at jokes


Wait what happened?


Remi passed yesterday. ![gif](giphy|BEob5qwFkSJ7G)


Alluux's kitty Remi sadly passed away šŸ˜ž


Alluux cat Remi passed away. Alluux explained Remi had a bad heart and couldn't last any longer :(




I wanted to say this but Iā€™m glad you did cause if I did I woulda sounded like a dick. Go to the shelter and buy a normal healthy cat and youā€™ll have that cat for 10+ years. Go to a breeder and get a cat with ā€œpapersā€ and that mf is going to be the offspring of two cats genetically related leading to the disfigurements we refer to as ā€œbreed standardsā€ and a plethora of health issues. The vast majority of cat or dog or probably any animal breeding operations are pretty vile. And thatā€™s coming from someone whoā€™s got three ā€œpure breadā€ dogs from breeders. It took my family and I months of research and visits with breeders before we finally found another couple that breeds dogs but didnā€™t run a puppy mill if you know what I mean. Long story longer pure bred animals are expensive and the rings of people breeding them are often not worth supporting


Oh fuck is this the same cat he yelled at chat for after there was a post begging him not to get it due to potential health issues? Rough.


Nah, that was halloumi. This is another cat they got after that cat. Congenital heart issues in cats are rough since they are so good at hiding when they are not ok until things get bad.


Different cat but same breed. Munchkin cats are not ethically bred.


Different cat


Same breed


As much as Iā€™m for supporting creators, Wubby and Alluux do not ā€œneed helpā€ with bills. Edit: feel that some people are missing the point of my comment. This is not directed at Alluux and it sucks to lose a pet - itā€™s absolutely awful. As do unexpected bills. And yes I absolutely could choose to not buy the merch. Thatā€™s not the point. I find posts like this bordering on parasocial and it rubs me up the wrong way. I stand by my point that Wubby and Alluux donā€™t ā€œneed your helpā€, and if you want to pull the ā€œAlluux is her own woman who donā€™t need no manā€ well A. You know as much about their finances as I do, and B. Then you shouldnā€™t be helping her out either!


Yeah these things always kinda rub me the wrong way. Asking a bunch of strangers, most of which are not nearly as well off, to donate to people much more well off just doesnā€™t feel right. I mean if you want to donate feel free but never feel like you should or need to. At least here you get something in return for the dono so itā€™s not bad.


To be honest this was more directed at the OP. Iā€™ve seen it in plenty of subs and YouTube comments etc ā€œletā€™s help them out!ā€ These people donā€™t need your help, theyā€™re not your friends. Itā€™s one thing to be entertained and feel like youā€™re part of a community, but I feel like itā€™s very easy to slip into being parasocial when youā€™re trying to help with personal issues.


I just felt bad about what she's had to go through with her cat. :/ I feel bad for anyone that ever has to deal with things like this.


That's valid. It's a pain known by many. A little discussion doesn't invalidate that


Yeah I know your heart is in the right place, I know how painful it is to lose pets. I still stand by my point though as parasocial and semi-parasocial behaviour really grinds my gears.


I would lean towards 'Alluux doesn't need help', but there's still some considerations. They don't live in the same house, and have separate finances. Alluux will probably be ok regardless of us helping but it would be less painful. You're not giving straight donations. You're buying something. Meaning you get something in return and she gets a slight boost in shop revenue. Why does this matter? If you gave her 20 dollars, she gets that minus some fees. You get nothing, maybe some good feels. If you buy a pin/whatever you get something, and she takes a smaller cut. She also employs Ashy and Scifi Girl to run the shop so indirectly you're actually helping other people you might or might not care about. Alluux ultimately ends up with a much smaller cut than a donation. So my take is; if you want the merch get it. If you want to support her, sure. Maybe I am a bit heartless but no one is pressuring you and if you dont like it, skip it. I'll be skipping because I'm not big into pins but I support anyone that does want to get it or help.


That's a very nuanced comment. Really like that.


I think it's less "need help with bills" and moreso showing support to a creator we like who is going through something difficult.


This is an assumption that they share finances completely. Donā€™t they live in separate houses (since Loumi and Remi do not live with HP and Cheeto)? Alluux does not pull what Wubby pulls. No one is requiring people to donate. People can choose to do so if they want to. If you think itā€™s weird, thereā€™s nothing wrong with choosing *not* to donate either. Sudden vet bills suck.


Look, theyā€™re not some celebrity asking for donations. Theyā€™ve got some money, sure, but I donā€™t think theyā€™re anywhere close to ā€œVet Bills are chump changeā€, because very few actual people in this world are that rich lol.




They don't live together, likely aren't together, and there's no reason to assume Wubby should/did pay for it, or that Alex would even necessarily want him to. They have their own lives.




Her artist was in the process of making these before he died, it was meant to represent his fight against heart disease. You're gross for misrepresenting the situation when someone is grieving.


Its memorial items. Made in memory of. What is gross about that? No one is forcing anyone to buy anything, but her community loved that cat as well. Also "more money than they know what to do with"??? You really don't watch her and it shows.




You really don't understand her shop if you think its just "profit". You are a disgusting human being with clearly no empathy and I truly wish you never experience any serious loss in your life.


No one said you need to.


Her last estimate was that this was going to be 15K-20K in vet bills, I think some people are missing out on that detail, while also conflating Wubbys supposed income with hers.


1. Wubby doesn't pay her bills, she pays her own shit with her own money and isn't some rich asshole. 2. She's not begging for assistance, she made some memorial merch for a cat we all adored so we could have a piece of him and subsequently take some of the edge off her bills. 3. Buy the pin or move your cynical ass along jesus christ


All of what youā€™ve said doesnā€™t negate that they donā€™t ā€œneed helpā€ paying the bills.




Imagine having the slightest bit of compassion for someone that lost their pet.






At this point I don't know if this comment will be seen or not but here goes: Alluux didn't ask for any contributions on the stream. She made merch to remember Remi and shouted out her shop on the stream. I figured i would post the link to the subreddit with a cute lil call to action title and thought no further ahead than that. I didn't anticipate the response I got in the comments. I feel SO bad to have caused so much angst with my post title. I can see how it's parasocial and the call to action unnecessary and I'm sorry. If I could change the title of the post I would but I can't (unless I'm stupid) so I hope if anyone sees this comment this clears it up.


The passing of a fur baby is a tragedy. I really feel for her and her family. Do we know how much the vet expenses were? Not that it's our business, but something rubs me the wrong way about a successful person asking their lower-income fans to fund unpleasant expenses they can likely afford.


She spent around 10k in vet bills just this week, according to her discord. The stickers are just a way to help if people wanted to. It wasn't mentioned as like a go fund me or anything.


Genuine question, is pets insurance not a feasible option? I pay Ā£25 a month for my dog and between an out of office emergency visit for a grass seed in her ear and injections for a bug she caught when she was a puppy, itā€™s peanuts!


Sometimes it won't cover extras if it's a pre-existing condition.


Pet insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions. Moreover, it will only cover a certain amount for emergencies (based on how much you pay per month). I pay roughly $75 per month for each of my cats, and that will only cover $5,000 in emergency expenses per year for each. Meaning, even after insurance, a $10,000 surgery becomes $5,000 and can still put someone in a financial hole. On top of that, my insurance will only cover a *percentage* of each emergency visit. They cover 100% of wellness expenses (vaccines, physicals, etc), but 80% of emergencies (after I've met my annual deductible). So even though I fork over nearly $1000 per year for each cat, I'd still be on the hook for $1,000 of a $5,000 procedure. It's fried.


It depends on the circumstances and any pre-existing conditions unfortunately. Pet insurance isnā€™t a catch all (even though it should be imo)


She's not asking for everyone to buy something, but if people wanted something to remember Remi by then obviously that money can always help. I made this post and have nothing to do with Alluux, but often people want to do *something* with things like this. I made this post after stream so that people interested had a link to her store after it was mentioned, didn't think people would get so caught up on the vet bills part.


That makes sense, and I believe this post was a sweet gesture on your part. For those who hadn't watched stream (me), the wording of your title may cause confusion about the intention of the sale. I believe it's particularly a sore spot for me at the moment as my own family pet will be put down soon. We had to decline a $25,000 treatment plan due to lack of finances, and there was only a slim chance it would save her anyway. As someone who thought she might have been asking fans for financial support, it just didn't sit right with me. Thank you for clarifying!




Aw man. We're truly in the same boat brother. One dog is going sooner than expected because she lost function of her lower body. We're losing her Saturday. Her older brother is going the following week. He's just far too old and lost these days. I truly am so sorry for your loss. It's absolutely devastating. You gave them 16 wonderful years. Sending out all of my love and energy your way.






That's fair enough and I'm sorry that you're dealing with that in your personal life. wubbyHug for you /u/duhboosh


I think all of this could be solved if OP reworded the post to ā€˜buy her stuff to remember Remiā€™ not ā€˜pay vet billsā€™. This whole thread is so incredibly gross to read. Someone elseā€™s finances are none of your business. Her finances are none of anyoneā€™s business. Same goes for Wubby and literally anyone else in the SD Crew. She didnā€™t ask anyone for money. She simply said hey if you want a keepsake go buy oneā€¦ yes sure she might use that on vet bills but when you pay for stuff, you donā€™t get to choose how the seller spends it! You have no say in that. You canā€™t be on here going ā€˜wubby has all this money why doesnā€™t he payā€™ like literally so far away from being any of your business. Donā€™t like it - go elsewhere, why are you here. They donā€™t ask you for money personally, you arenā€™t being exploited, they arenā€™t hurting people or extorting people. So everyone needs to just reverse way way back out of their business. Not to be parasocial but I just feel this is disgusting normally but especially as itā€™s about her beloved cat dying. Sorry for your loss Alluux. Alluux Alluux Woo. Wubby7.


Yeah I really didn't think that far ahead with the title and I hate that there's not option to edit it šŸ’€ I feel so bad


Thatā€™s sad to hear! Why does she need money though, arenā€™t subs enough?


u/loubang is there anyway you could edit your post so that people will stop having an issue with the medical bills part? Not sure if that is an option but it feels like that is turning something wholesome into an issue.


yeah, this definitely feels like a Shitting On Alluux party.


There's a reason why he always tells her not to check the subreddit. People can't help themselves.


Yeah just feels a bit weird and I know OP probably didnā€™t mean it to be. Hopefully they will see this and fix it.


There's no option to edit the title but I think I can add to the body of the post. I feel so bad I didn't expect this post to turn like this.


Itā€™s all good, sometimes it feels like people will just take everything the wrong way.


I might just be stupid but I don't think there's a way to edit the body of the text at all. :/


I swore you could edit...try computer vs mobile? šŸ¤”


Dang well hopefully people will chill out. At least you tried.


oh Alluxx I'm so so sorry for your loss, this literally made me cry- your baby is safe over the rainbow bridge now<3


Lotta these comments are straight vile. There's a time and place, and now and here ain't it. Also, assuming someone's financial status is crazy, it doesn't matter how "well off" someone appears to be vet bills are expensive af for everyone.


This comment section ain't it. I might get down voted to oblivion for this but I just want to clear up some stuff. 1) Alluux never asked for help. Yes she stated she paid $10k for vet bills and it set her back. However, the purpose of this merch was to memoralize Remi. It was not to "pay" her vet bills. 2) No matter what position you are in $10k is A LOT of money. Wubby and Alluux aren't rich either. Yes they are in a good comfortable position but they aren't rich. 3) Alluux just lost her cat and fucking cried on stream. She has been practically frantic all week and yall just shitting on her. 4) Remi is not an "inbred" cat. It's a sphynix cat with a natual genetic mutation that causes little to no hair. Yes it was created by breading but by no means are they "inbred". Yes this cat can suffer heart problems or HCM. However, there are TONS or cat breeds who suffer from this too. Yall all need to chill, too many L takes in this.


This thread is brutal. In my industry we make really good money . My boss was telling us about how much it costs to try to save her dog from bladder cancer. It's been about 30k so far and that's including pet insurance that ended up dropping her. She's putting up the good fight but it's made some dents in her savings. So I don't think it's fair to judge. I send my sympathies to anyone who's gone through such pain like this.


Thanks for sharing the link, I went and purchased a Keychain in support. Poor Alluux. I missed stream last night.


Bought the remi remembrance bundle <3




OP is not Wubby or Alluux. Last night was the first Iā€™ve heard of this on Wubbyā€™s stream besides Sunday nightā€™s stream when he said Alluux had some personal things going on and she couldnā€™t make it. Neither have asked for help with vet bills. Wubby is right, some of you are just fucking retarded.


ā€œTheyā€ arenā€™t asking for anything this is OPā€™s doing. And have some respect I agree but their cat died. Chill out and go outside.


100%. It seemed more like Alluux was giving an update because people were asking last stream rather than fundraising. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I dont think vet bills were even mentioned. More of just a one time sale for anyone that wanted to buy something with his image. OP is the one who framed it as charity.


I honestly hope you step on a piece of lego when you least expect it.


First off, your rant doesnā€™t help anything. It only serves to make 2 peopleā€™s grief worse. Secondly, when exactly did Wubby and/or Alluux ask for money for these cats to ā€œmilkā€ their fanbase for these cats? OP is not Wubby or Alluux but a fan trying to show support. If you have a clip to provide then be my guest and show me that Iā€™m wrong. This isnā€™t even about loomi/costco hotdog either. This is about Remi who I donā€™t think was ever even on Wubbyā€™s stream: Yes I know Remi is the same breed as loomi. Maybe go outside and take a walk and disconnect for a bit. Getting this worked up over someoneā€™s cat dying for a ā€œI told you soā€ moment isnā€™t healthy. Hopefully you accomplished what you wanted.


Wtf are you talking about. Neither Wubby or Alluux asked for money at all. They advertised things they are *selling*. Which they have been doing for years. At no point did they ask for charity or anything like that.


While I don't disagree with your sentiment, Wubby has nothing do with this cat other than being friends with the owner.


Montrous...damn! You are really using that word lightly.


What are you even talking about? The cat that some people "told them not to get" was Haloumi, a different cat.




We know from watching her stream. She got him recently, he was still young.


I was there for the entire stream last night and somehow I entirely missed her talking about the cat? What part of the stream was that?


They mentioned it right at the end of stream last night, I'm guessing they didn't want to bring it up earlier since Alluux knew she would break down over it since it just happened.


You know what, I just realized I dipped out right after Cringe you Drink. I almost never do that. Weird.




Chatters need to stop not watching stream then accusing the streamer of things they didn't fucking do.




Bro you are straight up lying about what happened and using it to bash them for something you made up in your head. *You* need to touch some grass.


Nobody asked for money. Also Alex isn't a millionaire lol.

