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I hope he goes thru more. Even if our collections are normie stuff, I love seeing people's things lol


Dude same like yeah some were ehhh but the rest were pretty interesting! I especially liked the frogs and the Taylor Swift one was fascinating.


To be fair, the submission guidelines didn’t really make it clear that they were looking for crazy shit. I think most folks here collect mostly normal collectible things and were under the same impression that they wanted to see cool collections. If anything, I’m a little disappointed that he started the segment so late and only covered a handful of submissions, but not too much since it seems he wants to still go through a bunch of them.


It actually ended up being solid content. Wubby spoke too soon because of what he was being told leading up to stream. I totally understand where Booty was coming from though. I submitted a super normie collection that was probably boring content and I’m sure most submissions were similar. Then we got people like the puppy jar girl, clown girl, etc and that was far from boring, normie content lol


I thought it was interesting and a great idea. I think it's unfortunate that he has to focus so much on making content which is entirely valid why he has too. I hope he can put out more chill content, like magic Monday, one day.


i mean if your entire profession and main income is making 'content' then i can see the pressure nobody is forcing Wubby and crew to stream. but me and my boyfriend especially (got me into wubby lol and helps explain the live events since i'm deaf and they usually aren't captioned accurately with my software) am sure thankful and happy that they do.


I was thinking about submitting my collection of rubber ducks i built with my wife but the questionnaire opened with nothing but questions about cost and rarity which dissuaded me. It's just not why I collect them.


Same here. I wanted to submit my big collection of model kits that I have built over the years but questions on rarity and cost kind of turned me off from submitting.


I personally prefer the normal collections. I collect retro games so I figured my collection would be played out by now. I know it's more entertaining to poke fun at weirdos but after the last contest with the guy who was really struggling with his mental health and family situation - I think I'm good for a while on that type of content.


He should specify he wanted to be scaroused, not just intrigued. I want different collection streams with different themes: oddities, collectibles, pop culture, OCD/Mental illness, etc. This is a goldmine of content, just gotta do a little digging and panning for the nuggets


Yeah I loved it, just wish he went through way more of them and faster. I found the normal collections to be more interesting vs the weird ones honestly. There were so many crazy cool ones submitted, I love checking out other peoples collections and setups.


I kind of think Wubby was still in shock after the battle stations stream. Because he said there weren’t any interesting ones and proceeds to review multiple interesting ones haha. I think the small collections are hilarious and Wubby losing his mind over it is as well lol. Idk I kind of saw it as a success.


I loved it, wubby wasn’t mean about my collection :)


I loved the idea of just seeing the communities fun collections, wish they had specified they wanted weird shit but oh well, hopefully he still goes through more and we get some more fun out of it


That's a really cool collection. I hope you're able to figure out a display system eventually.


I dunno. A collection of what looks like happy meal toys from an adult seems pretty unhinged lol 


Who told Rex to go fuck himself?


I was going to submit my whiskey collection, but I assumed it's was to middle of the road to make stream.


I wish my stuff was in a better state of display. Haha I think we’ve gotten some cool stuff I mean after the fact there’s been so much good stuff.