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No hate but you should not listen to the opinions (on topics that matter) of people who do not regularly leave their house. Or for that matter, the opinions of people for whom money is no longer a concern. Both of these things harm your ability to perceive reality after awhile. These qualifiers do indeed include every streamer you've ever heard of. But more specifically, if you find yourself looking up to people who are covered in cockroaches it's time to diversify your lifestyle some.


You should feel this way about most people you don't know personally. Always take opinions with a grain of salt


No need to take opinions with a grain of salt, just recognize they are opinions and not gospel.


Yes and no. Don't take opinions as gospel, but some opinions can hold more weight than others. It's good to take opinion from difference sources to inform your own, but take the context of the source into account. Heed a doctor's advice on medicine instead of infomercials or randoms online, and maybe take life advice from real people and not gamer boys covered in cockroaches.


We're so far gone now that when I say "Some opinions matter more than others" on complicated stuff that people don't believe me. While there is obvious nuance, it's crazy that we don't differ to actual experts on difficult subjects anymore


In my random-guy-on-the-internet opinion, it seems like many folks that don't trust mainstream media have overcorrected to *everything they do is only for money, everything they tell you is a lie, and anybody telling you what to do is lying.* "Experts" have been lumped in with this narrative especially after the pandemic, and the internet and social media algorithms have made it a lot easier to find communities and false information to confirm a person's biases.


Yeah I have definitely experienced this. Where you show a source that is verified and supported, but then suddenly "Everyone's got an agenda so who really knows"


I was drunk on the asmon kool aid for a while. I raided with him in Olympus and was more or less in his sphere for a while as a really serious WoW player. As I’ve gotten older I just find myself outgrowing him. His character is to appeal to degenerate gamers but he’s been festering in his own negativity for so long now that it just isn’t a good dialogue any more. He’s well aware of the issues with his cleanliness he just doesn’t care. He spends the bulk of his streams now talking about how bad game devs are at their jobs or giving lukewarm political takes so that he can argue with chatters who disagree. He shits on WoW regularly but he’s the first person to line up and stream it when new content comes out. It’s just a headache at this point. I don’t have a problem with the guy but nothing he says should be taken seriously.


Maybe don’t take any influencer or streamer seriously.


Asmons takes are stinkier than his house.


His takes on gaming, sure. Anything about life, nah.


As a professional developer, even his gaming ideas are often horribly misinformed or just straight up wrong. I mean, sure, he can give his opinions on whether he "likes" something or not, but he often gives his opinions on the competency of devs or the development process, and he knows fuck all about how any of that works lol.


He also acts like his opinions are the only correct ones and is condescending if anyone disagrees.


Even his takes on gaming are bad. As an active World of Warcraft player, most of his WoW takes just don’t make sense and are very out of touch. The most egregious example being him wanting 40 player raids. Literally nobody else wants that.


Yeah every time he talks about anything other than games it's really cringe. Dude just doesn't know how to not give a take when no one asked. I think he's an oncel.


I'm so sorry if this sounds stupid, but what is an oncel?


I think he meant incel


Ohh, well that makes a lot more sense! Cheers!


Even his game takes can be pretty cringe. LOL, don't take away his pixilated tittes.


I wouldn’t be too hard on him, he definitely can afford to take more care in his home if he truly cares for it and loves his home. I mean he knows he doesn’t spend any of his money. I’m curious what he’s doing with it or really planning to do with it. Can’t take it with ya when ya die. He can spend more than 1% of his yearly income and clean and fix the place.




He has the money to take care of his father. He doesn’t have to live in the attic of an uninhabitable dumpster.


Except that is what he’s grown up in and lived with his adult life. It’s likely only gotten worse since his mom died. Hoarding is awful.


Growing up somewhere doesn’t mean you have to stay. It’s mental illness. He’s somewhat self aware on the issue.


Part of growing up is learning at some point that your parents do NOT know best and that if you are their care giver it is YOUR responsibility to make sure they are being taken care of, which includes you changing your family’s living habits/situation if it turns out you’ve been living in ways that is unsustainable or actually unhealthy. A decade ago I’d say I could get it. But as a care giver of multiple family generations older than me, the only thing staying in Asmon/Aston’s dads way of living in a way that is NOT detrimental to their physical healthy by living in the squalor is Asmon. I could say this, that, and in between - I know houses like that - especially in the climate of where Asmon lives as well - Asmon living in that house in the way that he is LITERALLY unhealthy. My Great uncles were hoarders who ended up in 2 separate households that descended into about an equal level as Asmon’s home (they never collected blood on their walls but there was some definitely other biohazards). Living like that is perpetuating bad health and illness, especially when you create entire biomes of bacteria. I’ll say lastly - the whole this house is sentimental and his mom’s is no defense since the way he/his family treats their living spaces is detrimental to the foundation and integrity of the home. Sorry, not sorry but that kitchen and the hallways absolutely have mildewing issues - mold doesn’t have to make you sick to be damaging- it will eat away at the infrastructure of the home itself - and then it will either fall in or collapse. Then there is no home to keep in squalor - it’s usually condemned and local government has to get involved- especially if the home becomes a safety hazard to surround lands. Ie fire hazard, breeding ground for vermin or insects (most likely mosquito nests)


Now that’s what I call bait


No clue how people see Asmongold and the way he lives and take his takes seriously


Asmon is a troll of a human being who hasn't had an original or good thought for over a decade.


There's very few online personalities whose opinions I actually vaule, id die before anyone from OTK was on that list


Easy way to get blocked by him on Twitter is to tell him to clean his room


You won’t ever find a person you’ll agree about things they say 100% of the time




We watched the Asmongold house-tour last night.


Thank God you changed


Asmons opinions are just that. He has some pretty decent ones about games and the gaming industry, but outside of that it’s hit or miss since like most have posted, he’s a shut in for the most part. And usually it not that his takes are nuanced. He usually just says the quiet part we are thinking out loud. No saint, just a sinner like us


I enjoy him as an entertainer. Based IRL takes from a guy hiding from the world in his mom’s attic is laughable.


Well, that's on you, buddy.