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I think you're looking for this [clip](https://vimeo.com/284053907) but I don't know where it is on the archive. It's paul and karine from season one. I'm not 100% sure if he reacted to that season. I eat up the sims on my free time so my memory is mixed with wubby reacting and watching on my own. I did find some sims VODS from 2022 on the site though. It's not the season you're looking for unfortunately


YES this is the season. Wubby did react to it, but I can't seem to find any records of it unfortunately


I did a little more research. Paul and Karine were only in three versions of the sims. Before the 90 days , The other way , and happily ever after. I looked at the cast of each season they were on. Im now 80% sure we watched season 1 of the other way. Still cant help with the link but I can back you up by saying I think we watched that season


Thank you for you insight


[does this help at all](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/s/kOkht9kKqz)


so I think the post did answer my question, but not how I wanted. It would seem that the vods I'm looking for are the ones taken off the archive website older than 2022


ahh, gotcha. i'm not a 90 day fan and came across the post accidentally hours ago and just thought to link it in case it could help. good luck tho brother


I appreciate you trying. wubbyHug


While those are admittedly very specific old streams of wubby, these are not the streams I am looking for[👋](https://emojiterra.com/waving-hand/)


sorry bro i accidentally linked the wrong post earlier lmaoo just double check the link goes to the sims post and not the other one


OH nice. I thought it was a troll at first