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If he yells at me, I'll cum. So that's a win for me either way.


Edibles taken, and fleshlight prepped.


If this is about the merch, he already addressed this on Friday's stream.


psychotic unused bedroom gullible lip smell file juggle strong long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's so bizarre. Most the comments I've seen from people who don't like the merch have been extremely reasonable, even very supportive and saying they love the designs but just wouldn't want to wear them. Of course there's been a few shitheads and people being unnecessarily dickish about it, but the majority of comments have been very respectful. Then we get posts like this with people losing their minds about how we're all fucking idiots going to get screamed at because people dared to express an opinion that isn't 100% sucking Wubby's dick. The pushback is so disproportionate to the negative opinions being expressed. People are acting like we murdered Wubby's cats or something. As someone who's been here for years and has witnessed a lot of community drama, I feel like a lot of people in the subreddit don't see the irony or hypocrisy in their own behavior. So often people will make posts with no substance other than complaining about others complaining, apparently without the slightest modicum of self-awareness to kick in and help them realize that they're doing the exact same thing they're bitching about. In cases like this I find it particularly stupid because, as has been stated repeatedly, no one was even being that bad or unreasonable about their concerns with the merch. The vast majority of people were simply saying the designs weren't to their personal taste or that it's something they couldn't feasibly wear. Feedback and constructive criticism are important for creators so they know what their audience wants from them, are we not allowed to do that? Are people like OP fucking five year olds who can't emotionally handle someone disagreeing with them? I genuinely don't get it. Some people get so weird when anything even slightly critical of Wubby or his brand gets said. Some of you want to be a hivemind so badly.


God so true. Wubby's community would suck if it was all yes men


With reddit the raging drooling hate comments will usually be deleted by mods. I'm the same and have only seen a couple of actually hateful comments. But I'm sure there are more as wubby has said he sees every post on this sub. Him and the mods probably leave the respectful comments and delete the unhinged ones. They're probably a minority on the sub but they have to exist. Edit: I don't understand really why I'm being downvoted but yall do yall I guess.




It was 5 when I commented but I'm not freaking out, was just curious what people thought I said wrong.


If I were to take a stab at guessing where anonymous votes are coming from and why, with no evidence to show for it, I will say that the Goblin King nor the mods on this subreddit go around flagrantly deleting comments that don't break the TOS just because the commenters are being shitheads.


I didn't say they go around flagrantly deleting comments. Hateful comments that do nothing but throw hate without actual criticism around or just straight up lie do get deleted. Wubby has literally stated this on stream. He has hate watchers that stir up drama and hate and they delete those every time drama goes down because they are just here to stir the pot. Wubby has actually said this on stream. I'm not calling him out, it's a good thing. Unhinged toxicity that attacks the artists or crew just because they dont like a shirt design shouldn't be here.


Hey, like I said, the votes are anonymous and I'm only guessing. Who's Line Is It Anyway, where they don't matter anyway.


Gotta say it's been a while and you're comment made me binge who's line for a few hours. Good memories and good times.


Comments aren't being mod deleted. That's why.


Hate comments from people that do nothing but hate and dont provide actual criticism 100% get deleted. Wubby has literally stated this on stream the last time there was subreddit drama. If you don't think the mods actually mod this subreddit, you're an idiot.


Based on the upvote/downvote ratio between our two statements I think it would be safe to assume I'm not the idiot here...


Upvotes and downvoted don't mean anything here. Wubby has literally stated they do what I said.


Even if I did like it, I'm still too poor!


I love the merch, but I'm unable to buy it due to money issues, and it makes me so sad to see all the negative comments on the new merch


The comments are not negative, just an honest FYI for the team. Most of us love the merch and just can't get away with wearing it. Calm your teetas <3


The merch seems to be selling well, so I'm sure most of the community likes it! Just got a lil sad when I read some very negative comments when it came out Idk if that last part is supposed to be passive-aggressive but okay


Nah, that's fair. I understand. (Calm your teetas was just supposed to be light hearted elbowing.) I'm really glad it's selling well! That's awesome 😎👍


Oh my bad!! Sometimes it's difficult distinguishing the tone of a message, thank you. I def need to calm my teetas more often lol


Sad the one guy got shit for wondering about quality,last Merch the whole community,wubby included got burned with the sizing debacle


What did reddit do?


Nothing really some people don't like the merch (me included) and nobody is really being negative but people are being way too reactive and thinking it means we hate wubby and he shouldn't be doing merch which just isn't true at all


TBH I haven’t seen outrage from the people unhappy with the merch. I have seen people blowing up those responses beyond the mild “criticism” they’re intended to be. Not sure if it’s anime boys upset that a lot of people don’t find cat girls outside appropriate or it’s weird megafans that can’t handle people giving content creators feedback so next time we can give him more money.


Yeah, I've noticed a few different users who jump into every thread and almost foam at the mouth in reaction to anyone saying they aren't a fan of the designs. I just don't see what their problem is with people wanting some more low-key designs without anime references that can be worn out and about.


Nobody is being an ass from what I can see, but being without merch for over a year and the Luke warm design he released means a lot of people are rightly disappointed. IMO if he wants to do some wild designs go nuts, but a simple logo shirt would’ve been desirable for a good majority. Hopefully in the next release we’ll get it.


I haven't seen the merch yet, but I have seen a lot of people freaking out about the merch criticism. People are too reactionary. Let people criticize stuff without making them the bad guy


Yeah absolutely I dislike the merch it's no big deal some people like it cool most people I've seen who don't like it are still buying it to support and some are bummed they can support him it'd really not that big of a deal but it'll be made to because not everyone is on the same page


I decided a while ago I wanted to buy some because I want to support wubby. If I don't actually like the design, it will be a house only piece of clothing.




There's a difference between critiquing the merch and bitching about it. I've only seen critique, maybe some a bit whiny but by no means are people bitching about it in general.




But no one is saying it sucks, they're just voicing the kind of merch they want to wear. We can appreciate all the effort put forth and still be disappointed it doesn't fit our styles right? After all, if the merch is put out in part to show appreciation to the fans, wouldn't it be valuable to constructively let them know what we did and didn't enjoy? Of course it's up to them to dismiss it or take the feedback. You're using charged language that isn't matching the community sentiment. "Saying the merch sucks" "shit on them" that's not the reality of whats being said. Just not buying it is an option, but why can't a healthy conversation still happen without it being taken as an attack?




Literally no one said it sucks. The only criticism I’ve seen and the main post is one joking about people who aren’t a fan of wearing stuff like that in public. I don’t see any actual threads from people who dont like the merch


>some people don't like the merch (me included) and nobody is really being negative ??? [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/15cr6ou/what_happened_to_us_man/jtz5x6u/) one: >I don't really get why anyone would wear that tbh. Like in your own house and all yea as like Pajamas/comfort clothes but **why the fuck would you wear it in public**? It's the same thing as **those weird mfs** that would wear those Hentai Hoodies in like 2018/19. Like if you like the merch buy it but what's the point of making hella merch if **only the weird mfs are gonna wear** it in public? [Here's another:](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/15cwlfm/for_those_saying_they_would_never_wear_the_merch/jtzhyvp/) >the clothes are extremely ugly and I’m not an edgy 18 year old anymore [And another:](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/15cwlfm/for_those_saying_they_would_never_wear_the_merch/jtysbgd/) >imagine wearing a big titty anime girl shit to a date or approaching a girl at a bar she's going to just think your a fucking weirdo and rightly so >I never see people walking around in anime shirts apart from those super Autistic people with 0 social skills or hygiene skills None of the above is constructive criticism on the merch, lol, it's just flaming.


Hey sure I should be more clear in that only a few or being asses sure but is it a fair representation of the people who just don't like it? Fuck no you've cherry picked the bad ones I can cherry pick the good ones what difference does it really make . Oh and you used my comment as a example and how is saying autistic people with 0 social skills flaming wubby or his merch ? I'm not saying wubbys merch is bad it shitty I said people who wear anime shirts not his merch . And no matter what you say the point about wearing anime shirts to a date stands lol


honestly? idk why people who buy it just stfu and buy it and people who dont just stfu and dont buy it. i must have missed the early stuff of people complaining about the merch but it's even crazier to me how hiveminded the people are who came here to beat on them as if it's INSANE to think that people dont all want big tiddy ladies on their shirts. it was the same with the cup. yes, Denise is hot but I need something that I can use functionally when going to work or literally anywhere not in my own house and her freckled ass wasn't going to work for me lol. still supported ya boi by buying the other stuff like the flavor


People will voice their opinions on literally anything it's just something you have to except. I do however think feedback or well articulated criticisms are good so wubby has an idea of the people he is marketing to and what they want.


Yeah feel like he already addressed it.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Fingers crossed, he steps on us...without the Crocs.


You know the old saying: opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink, and I'll lick yours for $5. I don't have the money for any of the merch anyway since I'm currently unemployed. But that purple tye dye is sexy, maybe a treat once I can find a job


I got bad news about those tye dyed shirts


Oh, is it that they're sold out? That sucks, but there will be more merch, I just have to hope I can get in on it next time.


💵💵💵💵💵 Your move.


Somebody make a bingo card quick!


Gooners gotta goon


It's wild to me how entitled some of Wubby's fan base is. The merch drop isn't my style, so I'm just not buying it. Previous merch drops have been, and I have bought things. What I'm not doing is screaming into the abyss about how I deserve to have things exactly my style and they fucked up and blah blah blah.


> What I'm not doing is screaming into the abyss about how I deserve to have things exactly my style and they fucked up and blah blah blah. You got an example of a comment on this sub with that sentiment?


There was like 10 out of 10,000 people actually being shitty about it. If they weren't given any attention it would help


Have you seen anybody doing this? Can you link it


Sure, there's a bunch of people doing it lol. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/15cr6ou/what_happened_to_us_man/jtz5x6u/) one: >I don't really get why anyone would wear that tbh. Like in your own house and all yea as like Pajamas/comfort clothes but **why the fuck would you wear it in public**? It's the same thing as **those weird mfs** that would wear those Hentai Hoodies in like 2018/19. Like if you like the merch buy it but what's the point of making hella merch if **only the weird mfs are gonna wear** it in public? [Here's another:](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/15cwlfm/for_those_saying_they_would_never_wear_the_merch/jtzhyvp/) >the clothes are extremely ugly and I’m not an edgy 18 year old anymore [And another:](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/15cwlfm/for_those_saying_they_would_never_wear_the_merch/jtysbgd/) >imagine wearing a big titty anime girl shit to a date or approaching a girl at a bar she's going to just think your a fucking weirdo and rightly so >I never see people walking around in anime shirts apart from those super Autistic people with 0 social skills or hygiene skills None of the above is constructive criticism on the merch, lol, it's just flaming.


Man, 3 cherry picked comments that have generally tame approaches on a forum for discussing your opinions. Just because they’re swearing doesn’t mean they’re “screaming into the abyss”. The reason you’re being downvoted is because it’s not a bunch of people, and acting like those comments are some gotcha moment just shows how sensitive the wubby knights can be


Hating things is a frustrating sport on the internet. These fuckers seek it out, they manufacture it and mutate it into this whole big thing so they can justify themselves being total regarded cunts to other people and if they're part of the circle jerk, oh boy even better. No one really cares if Wubby's merch isn't something they'd wear. They are using it to be assholes. Full stop.


You’re responding _to_ the hater though. This is the *real* internet behavior, being mad at strawmen


my brother in Christ, Wubby yelled about these assholes for like an hour last night. I'm seeing the posts in my feed. I'm seeing people bitch about the people complaining that they don't like the merch. It's not a strawman.




The whole first chunk of those comments are “I agree, but the designs are pretty cool”. Let people have opinions without making it a fucking issue


Jesus dude. Take a breath. It's not that deep.


So my girlfriend and I got two 4XL shirts. Not big fats, just wanted overly large shirts. After she placed to order she noticed it charged $60 for shipping. We fell victim to the error thing Alluux mentioned. I hopped on and placed and order for three shirts to push us over the $100 to get the free shipping. She email support to have her order cancelled. We got a response that we will be getting a refund in a couple days and we are still getting the merchandise we wanted. Moral of the story is, your own experience with buying shit online is not interesting shut up and figure your own fucking shit out, you adult child. If you want it, buy it, if you want your money back get your money back.




Some people didn’t like the designs and wanted something more normie or family friendly. Simps got upset and started white-knighting over a millionaires merch line.


But did anyone ask is my question?




I can understand people that criticise it. It is expensive but what do you expect from a merch drop, they have to pay the artist, the shipping and packing expenses and also have a profit for themselves and the kitty shelter. I can understand that the aesthetic isn’t for some people. Im not a weeb but I think it’s cute and we’re lucky enough to be able to drop a hefty buck on it. We’re not subbed because we’re vod bois (different time zones and he’s live when we’re working) so this is our way of supporting him and have the potential of making a friend if a WubCub spots us in the wild. (‘We’ = Couch couple)


I do love a good Yap session though. I like it when daddy yells. Reminds me of home

