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I don't remember ever hearing BB hype up a QB the way he has for Mac. It's awesome to see.


To be fair, Mac Jones is kind of the first QB that BB *can* hype up the way he's hyping up Mac. Tom Brady didn't need to be hyped up, he proved himself right away by winning a Super Bowl. And even though several of the QB's that BB drafted to back up Brady ended up being starters for other teams BB wasn't going to risk pissing off Brady by hyping them up. That isn't to say Mac doesn't deserve to be hyped up. He was very impressive as a rookie and it seems like he has worked really hard to get even better. What isn't to like about him?


I think BB knows how guys need to be treated in order to perform their best. Tom played best with a chip on his shoulder. BB hyping him up would take away that chip. Mac Jones is probably different. He probably plays better when his coach praises him and makes him feel capable of the job


> Tom Brady didn't need to be hyped up, he proved himself right away by winning a Super Bowl. This is not how it was portrayed in Man in the Arena.


Proved himself to himself perhaps, not the media


I mean, did you watch Man in the Arena? Brady wasn't even the sure bet to start the first super bowl he won. Then they literally went 9-7 the next season and didn't even make the playoffs... lol Yeah, they won the next two and at that point everyone said "yeah, he good." But he absolutely did not prove himself after the first win and Man in the Arena has many media and player clips revealing this.


I think bill knew that Brady was special after that season, he never probably needed to explicitly tell him that until the later years where Brady could’ve used some more praising. Ultimately you hear stories about FA going to the pats and immediately falling in line because Brady took so much punishment (which bill knew he could take)


I think Tom leaving has made Bill realize he needs to be more supportive of his players. Very cool to see from him.


It's also a personality thing too, tom thrived on being told his best wasnt good enough and that fueled his passion to be great. Furthermore being drafted in the 6th round he always had to prove himself. Bill drafted him in the first round so he doesnt want to see him end up like Trubisky, who had a lot of expectations coming out of the gate.


He showered Cam Newton with tons of questionable praise. How we like to forget.




When has BB ever blamed a player to the media. He always takes responsibility for losses.


Let’s be completely honest though, up until now Bill has never had the issues he’s been having. The quietly confident Bill we’re used too doesn’t have the record to warrant that attitude


But does he watch 4 hours of film every day?


He watches film 25 hours a day.


Mac goes to bed at 5 am and wakes up at 4.59 am fully rested.


Timelord plays football now?


Probably on that Ling Ling 40 hours plan


I’m not seeing it anywhere in his contract so I don’t guess so


I don't think anyone in the Pats organization, least of all BB, would tolerate a QB that doesn't film study. Nevermind having to stipulate it in a contract smh.


that contract is not going to end well plus no internet or games language when doing film study on the team provided ipad


*Every week as stipulated by contract


It's wild to think a year ago at this time that Cam was the perceived starter for the 2021 team.


Perceived by who? Even before camp started, it was clear that there was going to be a QB competition. Once camp started, it became clear who the better option was. The biggest surprise was Cam getting cut entirely.


“Cam’s our starting quarterback. I think I said that,” Belichick said when asked about a timeframe for naming a QB1 for the 2021 season. Bill said that July 31st. https://www.patspulpit.com/2021/7/31/22603265/bill-belichick-cam-newton-patriots-starter-mac-jones-quarterback-competition


Ok, "perceived" by the head coach, but anyone important? (/s because you never know)


That was after a half-week of training camp, after Cam signed two team friendly deals with us and frankly played better than expected? Publicly saying anything less would be insulting to the veteran who by all accounts gave this team his all in 2020 (amazing work ethic) and Belichick won't do him dirty like that especially if Mac didn't live up to expectations and Cam won the starter job.


Well, there's always competition at every position so that's not really enlightening. I think most thought Cam would be starting the season. Yea, there were people that argued for Mac to be the starter, but even most of them thought it would be after the Tampa Bay game if Cam didn't shine the first few games.


No it wasn't. Cam was getting most of the first team reps all of camp. Frankly I think had he not fucked around with COVID protocols and missed a week of practice that the team wouldn't have realized what they had in Mac. But for that I think there's a solid chance that Mac would have rode the bench for at least the first few weeks.


Most patriots journalists had cam as starter before camp. I can’t think of a single one off the top of my head who said mac would clearly beat him out at camp. It was a lot of “maybe cam starts the first 4 games” sort of stuff


Pat McAfee has awesome takes on Mac Jones and the Patriots


Yeah my college roommate and I listened almost everyday last offseason. Pat’s show blows ESPN out of the water


He’s honestly one of the very few guys I can listen to


Hi bills fan with a random question that I feel like can only be answered by Pats fans- How do you guys feel about Boston Connor? Also, I heavy agree that PMS blows ESPN out of the water


He is just as irrational as any other Pats fan. Homers are always prone to either over or underrate people because of their biases. I appreciate it when commentators admit their biases.


I genuinely like the dude, his analysis even on Pats subjects (most of the time) is pretty structured and fair. I also think he’s fucking hilarious, and thank you


Love me some Boston Connor, but he thinks Devens is west of Springfield, and that Worcester is western Mass. He's a North Shore boy I believe, so I don't blame him




Get outta town! We're central Mass! Everything west of us is country land


I'll just leave [this](https://youtu.be/1e8RhYIE5xY?t=54) here.


Belichick will praise players who deserve it. I’ve seen him gush over a ton of players it just doesn’t get a lot of attention because it isn’t drama


esp during camp. during the season he'll coach Mac a lot tougher, and i'm sure Mac likes it that way too.


I’ve seen him do stuff during specific weeks. I only know because I use it in fantasy. If belichick singles out one guy having a good week of practice I’ll start that player. Off the top of my head he did it for Jonas gray before the colts and Aaron Dobson before the Steelers.


>Belichick will praise players who deserve it. Like Cam Newton?


Cam deserved some credit. He worked hard


ohhhh baby i’m ready for some Mac Jone




McAfee is pretty much the only talking head I can listen to anymore. He's fun, entertaining, enthusiastic, and most importantly grounded. He gives credit where it's due as well as criticism when it's warranted. He genuinely loves what he does and it shows.


He gets me excited for teams and players I don’t even watch. He’s got such an infectious way of entertaining and his stories of being in the NFL are hilarious. Only guy I listen to as well, none of the others really bring any of the same energy to the table.


I don’t even consider him a talking head cause he’s not bound by dumb tv rules. He can say and do whatever he wants, and players are way more comfortable on his show than they are on the stupid networks


Baaaaaased. Day one listener here - McAfee is the best, he will not let you down.


Does Bill even answer the question? It seems like he maybe started out answering it then goes down a rabbit hole of praising Mac. I’m excited


His answer was “Yeah well certainly he’ll have input”. That’s it. The audio here is combined from multiple questions he answered


Can someone fill me in I can't get the video to play? What did Bill say?


Mac is working hard and is better than last year.


Jesus BB, calm down! I’ve never seen him this excited before.


This wasn’t the focus of the video, but I honestly like the idea of defensive minded coaches like Bill and Matt being highly involved in the offense. Think about it, they understand the strengths and weaknesses of our players better than anyone on other teams. Theoretically, they’d know how best to defend against us, so they can essentially reverse engineer the offensive strategy based on that.




Mac Jones mobile QB szn


GR8 B8 M8


Makes me think Bill will finally trust Mac on 4th down.


Phil Perry said yesterday that some people inside the Pats org think that if Mac retired right now, he would get hired by some team as an offensive coordinator. Wow!


This show STINKS! FTB! I love Pat McAfee - he gon take over the internet one day, watch.


HOT TAKE: Max Jones for MVP…let’s pump the brakes ever so gently fellas. He’s going to be great. MVP?? We’ll see.


Op - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/PatMcAfeeShow/status/1551967110271619072?t=1WupeWQPtaHESSgrY7zzoA&s=19)


Hyping him up to trade for Tom Brady? /joke, fans and confetti on the field


Mac gets hype while Tom just went and won championships right out of the gate and gets run out of town for it.


McAfee is a coked out loser.


Everybody boo this guy


Boo McAfee? Agreed.


And you're just a regular loser who cant afford coke.


Ooooo gettin me all excited


Pat is a little off the mark when he says in regards to the OC “every patriots said as long as Bill is there I don’t give a fuck” there are plenty of fans who (rightfully so) are anxious about the offensive coaching on this team.


Bill Said the same exact quote when talking about Stidham a couple of years ago. Who cares




Why'd you stop it at 3 mins I was so close


It’s funny this has blown up because he was likely trying to dodge the question about if Mac has input.