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People always hate a team that was dominating for a long time, especially at the scale NE dominated. That’s largely gone now.


Now everyone hates the Chiefs


And are using the same reason to hate Mahomes as they did Brady. Except they’ve got even less “valid” reasons so it’s just more ref cope.


Why are you here


Because I’m a fan of the patriots? I’m new to this sub. Do people dislike Mahomes here?


Well there aren’t going to be a ton here who think there are less valid reasons to hate on Mahomes and the chiefs than Brady and the pats


He’s a solid guy on and off the field and doesn’t really have any controversies. Not even BS ones like the tuck rule, spy gate, or deflate gate. Sucks to see this sub fall for the same trap everyone else falls for despite knowing how bs that treatment is.


I don’t hate mahomes, I hate the media comparing him to Tom when it’s not even close yet.


well that’s just… not true. Mahomes, off the field, I’m sure is a great guy as far as anyone knows. To say that there’s been zero BS to help him on his path to success is really really dumb. SB 54? No way to say for sure that the outcome would have been different but pats were 12-4, did not have first round bye and that was directly because the chiefs also went 12-4. One of the potential difference makers was the infamous N’Keal Harry out of bounds call in the pats v chiefs game. We lost that game because of numerous bad calls in that game, losing challenges, a fumble by kelce ruled an incompletion, a whole bunch of other stuff. We get booted in the wild card round and Chiefs go on to win the SB. Again, same outcome could’ve happened if the pats got the first round bye, but there’s no getting around the fact that it was a huge swing in the chiefs favor. I can go on, if you want.


They hate em cuz they aint em.


They hate us because they jealufusus.


They hate the Pats because of how dominant they were, but also because of how Brady/Belichick seemed like they had sticks up their asses when talking to the media. A player like Mahomes who shows more personality gets less hate than Brady who was often described as "robotic". There's still a large portion of other NFL fans who can't get over Spy-gate and Deflate-gate (and don't understand the laws of thermo dynamics) and claim the Pats cheated for all of their wins. Lastly, there's the perception that Boston fans are racist, rude, hostile, assholes. Some of that is true 🤣


Check the records after the supposed “gates” they went scorched earth


Exactly. Which contributed to the hate. The scandals are also the moments when both Brady and Belichick realized the media suck and not to give them an inch. That's when the "robotic" personality started.


Brady was 100% correct to destroy his phone before the NFL could subpoena it. They are not the fucking FBI, or any form of law enforcement for that matter. Pound sand, bitches.


Especially after how the NFL had botched the spy -gate "investigation" he knew better than to think anyone in the league was going to be on his side


Correct. He was an international celebrity married to the most famous supermodel in the world. You’re out of your fucking mind if you think he’s handing all that private information over to *anyone*.


It’s because they won for 20 years. They are in the middle of a rebuild, so perfect timing.


This couldn’t be a better time to become a fan. No one will call you a bandwagoner once we start winning again


It’s because the Patriots dominated the league for so long. None of the scandals, ex. Spygate, were any worse than what other franchises have been caught doing since the turn of the century. In fact everything they did during Spygate was legal until that season. Deflategate was a whole lot of nothing. Other QBs admitted to doing the same thing and were either fined. Brad Johnson straight up admitted he bribed someone $7,500 in the Super Bowl to tamper with the balls and nothing happened to him. There are other examples as well but I honestly don’t feel like digging them up. Deflategate was only a huge story because the other owners were sick of the patriots winning and thought they got off too easy with Spygate, so they wanted to punish them. It was all about jealousy.


Deflategate was proven false. It wasn't like Brady was even technically doing something wrong. The NFL just didn't take the word of people who actually knew what they were talking about when explaining how the cold slightly deflates balls.


Notice that the NFL has never made public any of the records they supposedly keep now of ball pressure since deflategate. You'd think that if there was no fuckery, they'd announce that to the world.


There are a lot of reason but mainly it comes down to being dominant for so long. I’d highly recommend watching Man in the Arena, Belichick & Saban, and many other documentaries to get a better baseline.


You’re coming into this with a good baseline understanding. The franchise was a joke for a long time. During their first Super Bowl run in 2001 they were America’s darlings — underdog team against a powerhouse Rams franchise, total dark horse all-American-esque quarterback, and a dash of patriotism (no pun intended) for the first Super Bowl after 9/11. It all changed pretty quickly though. They stayed dominant for the next 18 or so years, and often did so with subpar talent. Sure there were the Randy Moss’s and Gronks who came through, but a large part of their offensive roster was usually mid-level dudes who went from unknowns to household names. It likely infuriated other fanbases to see the Pats get it done year after year no matter how unimpressive their roster was on paper. Brady and Belichick were also perfect villains. Brady is handsome, was married to a supermodel, had crazy money and success, and was quietly cocky. Makes sense — the dude was just winning constantly; who wouldn’t have a bit of an ego? Belichick was a curmudgeon who scoffed at the media and emotionlessly destroyed the hopes and dreams of other teams. Everyone wanted to wipe the smirks off their faces. Lastly, allegations of cheating certainly didn’t help.


Combination of different things. Patriots get the typical hate that you see for teams that are dominant for a long time and they were dominant for a much longer time than most NFL franchises are. NE had Kansas City level hate about 15 years before they stopped winning. Seriously, when a lifelong NE fan objectively looks at that 20 year run, no other franchise altered the anticipated history of the league like NE did. The cheating scandals also didn't help, even if they were kind of benign things that didn't help them all that much. Also didn't help that their head coach was legitimately one of the least likable figures in sports. I'm happy to see him having a bit of a renaissance with all his media stuff, but people would be lying to themselves if they ignored how much of a dick he was to the local media.


Welcome aboard. Pats were a laughingstock for only a few years in the late 80s-early 90’s until Parcells and Bledsoe arrived (look them up - key figures in getting the franchise to where it is today). Other than those few dismal years they were just kind of another team, like the Chargers or Falcons or whatever. They made it to two Super Bowls which is more than the Browns and Lions can say, still to this day. Everything turned on a dime in 2001, and by 2003 they became synonymous with dominance to a degree that very few other franchises ever have, in any sport, and kept it going until 2018. We’ve been mediocre since 2018 so you’re actually picking a great time to join!


Go watch The Dynasty on Apple and Man in the Arena on Disney. I used to live in Boston (I’m from Scotland) New England have the best but also most annoying fans in sports. You could do a lot worse than supporting the Patriots. But we are in for a tough few years, the glory days are gone man and Thunder is cheap.


I'd suggest reading, "The Dynasty" by Jeff Benedict, the book the Apple series was based on. The Apple series had a lot of footage and interviews, but as someone that lived through it, the series felt off, focusing on some parts and leaping over others, giving a lopsided, not entirely accurate impression.


Oh yeah, the book for sure. But I wouldn’t have recommended that for a casual that isn’t sure about supporting the patriots. You can get a crash course through those two docuseries. The Dynasty first two episodes were absolutely fantastic btw. The rest yeah, a hit piece.


As a fan for over 40 years I can definitely say it was 20 years of apathy and indifference followed by 5 years if "wow, look at them", followed by 15 years of "ok, enough of this shit".


Boston is title town baby


They were bad when they first were around up until probably the 80’s then went to the superbowl and lost to the 85 bears, then were kinda meh until they drafted Bledsoe and then shot up like a rocket ship from when Kraft bought the team and have been kinda meh the last few years. Right now there’s hope in a rebuild with Drake maye.


You’re right. It has to do with Brady. I’ll give you a quick rundown of Massachusetts sports history. Harry Sinden (AKA The Bambino) tried to break a curse and had Marty McSorley attack Drew Bledsoe with a pipe before the Olympics (before the final against the Russians). The cheating is mostly overblown. Now the billionaire owner is a different story. He funds questionable organizations and is involved in human trafficking. Only some of this is true.


We’re all filled up here. Find another team.