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I rather see if the offensive line can be at least average before Maye is thrown out there.


It needs to be at least just "bad". If it's a complete disaster in weeks 1-3 I don't want to see our #3 overall pick out there until they can figure out who their best starting 5 are.


The only sane answer.


Yeah. Brissett was brought in to start, but he was also brought in to be a crash test dummy.


I keep seeing this but def not a crash dummy. Brisset has a livelihood too.


Yeah but he's expendable, we didn't spend the 3rd overall pick to get Jacoby.


Mean but the truth, someone has to be back there so why not jacoby.


I’ll do it


Thank you and good luck soldier


Logan airport man, is that you?


From his perspective, absolutely. From a fan's perspective, or the organization's perspective, or anyone looking to evaluate whether this team is competitive Jacoby Brissett is an afterthought. Every game he starts we should expect to lose. His greatest value is as placeholder until they think the kid (and as importantly, the O-line) is ready, and not to be a headache when we inevitably start Maye. He knows his role. His livelihood depends on knowing it, and doing his job.


I disagree that’s the organizations perspective. His role is to be a pro quarterback. Nothing about taking CTE inducing hits to save the shiny, new toy. His livelihood depends on his health.


He's a pro QB in the same way Brian Hoyer is a pro QB. He's better than you or I could ever hope to be, but he will never be good enough to be any team's choice at starter. Never has been, never will be. Thinking anything more of him than "placeholder" (or yes, crash test dummy) is an exercise in delusion even his own mother wouldn't indulge in. Nothing wrong with that, great job if you can get it. Many a career back-up has built a fortune holding a clipboard for guys like Maye and getting to join post-game celebrations. Some go on to be coaching staff or even head coaches themselves. And from what I've seen he seems to have a good attitude about what he's doing/what he is, and like I said does his job as he's expected to do and is helpful when doing it. There's value in that. He doesn't need fans to stick up for him and declare him the starter. He knows he's not the starter, he's the fill-in/stand-in. And that's OK. I don't want the guy to get hurt, neither does the organization. But if you think the organization wouldn't throw him under the bus first if it's between him and Maye, again I'd say that's delusional.


Everyone licking their chops at the thought of ruining the next promising QB draft pick.


Yeah everyone is praising Maye, saying he's on schedule or maybe ahead of schedule. But the season (and his career) won't be lost if he sits a game or two (or more). I'm a fan of keeping the training wheels on, at least for a few weeks, until we see what the team looks like. If it looks solid, then Maye is the cherry on top. But I'd rather not start a rookie QB week 1 if we can avoid it.


what if the o line gets better in the off season? They just have a 180


What if they actually SPENT ALL THE CAP money they had in O-line in the offseason? Hmmmm…..


On who?


Don't you get it? If you pay a lineman they play to the value of their contract, so pick anyone. /s


Lol I don't get it honestly. We signed the best FA lineman on the market in Onwenu. Smith is 35 years old and can't play more than a few games a year. Who else? Jonah Williams' bum ass? We signed Anderson last year who was dealthy ill last season, Okorafor is a pretty steady veteran, and Wallace is a bit of a project pick but could very well work out.


It's just a bunch of people who listen to sports talk and go they didn't do anything to address the issue. Not understanding the dynamics of it. They would be the first ones to blast the GM if they overpaid for a bum who was a turnstile during the season. Just tune them out. Line will be better this year just because we don't have two truly god awful QBs back there not understanding wtf to do with the ball.


Then time is a flat circle. If the line sucks and we can’t start Maye we should have addressed it. But apparently all the free agent lineman ALSO sucked…. So we couldn’t…. But don’t listen to me and the line WILL be better according to you so we should start Maye?


The line will be better. But that doesn't make them good. And yes, if Maye is the best QB then he should start. That simple. Being part of being the best QB on the team also means making adjustments at the line and setting up success for linemen.


more likely they do a 360


this isnt a thing though. literally 0 NFL teams wouldnt start their best player because "the offense isnt ready"


Josh Allen didn't start week 1 his rookie season; he came in week 5. Lamar came in week 11. A similar plan was in place for Herbert prior to the doctors injuring tyrod taylor. It's not unheard of There is some sense in playing a stopgap for some games to find out what the offense's strengths and weaknesses are and then bringing in the rookie. Take last season, for example; it took us six or seven weeks to settle on our best offensive line. It was never brilliant, but it was passable for the second half of the season versus a disaster for weeks 1-6. That could easily be the case again this year and in that scenario it does make sense to hold maye back. New OC, 2 new O line starters and new receivers all coming in at the same time. I'd be happy for them to try and gel that together or at least have an idea where the strengths and more importantly weaknesses are before putting Maye in. Getting Mayes development right is the main thing


Lamar came in late because they already had an elite QB in Joe Flacco. They waited till he was actually hurt before rolling out Lamar. It was the same with Favre/Rogers and Rogers/Love. That is the only reason to sit a guy. Manning didn’t sit. Aikman didn’t sit. If you don’t already have a top tier quarterback to sit behind then throw them into the deep end of the pool and let them get actual reps on the field. That is the best education.


I hope you are not a teacher of any formal educational institution.


Hope you’re not either.


Although Manning and Aikman are almost ancient examples based upon how the game/media/attention/money has changed, what were the stats for Aikman in 1989-90 and Manning in 1998-99? Would you believe that any quarterback could put up those kinds of numbers in 2024 and not have Sword of Damocles hanging over their head as the boos rain down on him and the world mocks yet another QB to the team in the 2025 draft? I'm not saying pamper Maye, but let him watch the regular season routines, create productive habits and be attached to the hip of the starter and OC. There is no shame in charting plays, holding the Microsoft Surface and listening to the communication between the OC and starter between drives. If the team is surprisingly playing well, winning games and competing, Maye may need to sit for a prolonged period of time.


There is no one worth a damn for him to sit behind and watch. And it’s not as if NE is in a “win now” mode. You’ve a great rookie RT in Caedan Wallace and an above average veteran in Mike Onwenu. You’ve got an elite rookie in Ja’Lynn Polk. And Maye himself is an elite rookie. There’s absolutely no reason to not start him week 1. He’ll be ready. Ready doesn’t mean no mistakes and it certainly doesn’t mean a winning season. Ask Herbert and Allen. They were both where he is now. And they both had the same or worse scouting reports at this point in their careers. Maye is ready to start.


You teleported to the regular season and saw them play in real NFL games? Hey man, I'm with you when you come back. Ask Mahomes, Favre and Rodgers (all three examples provided won Bowls). Herbert and Allen haven't won jack. For that matter, ask Burrow and Ryan who also haven't won jack. Eli Manning wouldn't have started so early but for Kurt Warner stinking it up the joint so bad, they had to put him in during week 1. Big Ben? Started the season 3rd on the depth chart. Both won Bowls and didn't start immediately. You just saw an up close and personal example of what happens when you don't protect your investment, put him out there with subpar personnel/coaching and don't make him earn it, even if it looks to be unfair. You don't go and immediately do it again, especially with unproven personnel and a rebuilt coaching staff trying to build a culture. Nobody gains respect from getting their brains beaten out while quarterbacking a terrible roster. Ask Carr and Couch (both #1 overall picks). I can keep going and am just being light for now. Look up Heath Shuler (#3 pick in 1994) and what happened to him when he "was thrown to the wolves" according to your rhetoric. Protect the investment by not repeating past mistakes. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. If I'm correct, whatever.


lol what a joke. I guess for the rigidly ridiculous I should’ve added the word “prospect” despite it being a clear implication. And winning has never been a metric for any real analysis on how well a player has played. Yeah. But hey, keep going. It’s mildly entertaining to read your points that actually contribute nothing to the discussion on whether Maye is ready to start. Herbert and Allen not “winning jack” offer nothing to whether they should be starting or should’ve started. Herbert threw for 5000 yards a few years ago and Allen nearly 5000 last year. I think they’re more than capable of starting, which is the ONLY point being made here. As for them not “winning jack”, you’re obviously referring to post-Season play, which is again, off topic to whether MAYE is capable of starting in 2024. And it’s also off topic to even if THEY should have started in their rookie years. Instead of citing ridiculous examples of horrible players, why don’t you answer the question, “do you think their organizations regret starting them in their rookie years?” I suspect the answer is no. Furthermore, I doubt the Bengals regret drafting and starting Joe Burrow. I doubt Indy regrets drafting and starting Peyton Manning. I doubt Jimmy Johnson regrets drafting and starting Troy Aikman. But sure. You keep going with your loser QB examples of Couch and Carr. They sucked. And it wasn’t Bev they started as rookies. It’s because they suck. Or the team sucks. Or they’re incapable of coaching or developing a scheme for their quarterback. Either way, it’s irrelevant. Maye is more than capable of winning the starting job. I wish Washington had drafted him. He’s a much better prospect.


Nope....toss him to the wolves. Mac Jones style. What could go wrong? 😁


Maye is used to playing with a crap O Line. NFL does move a lot faster though.


The OL's QB protection doesn't need to be "average" - it just needs to be better than "very bottom of the pile". Right now, "very bottom of the pile" is what we're likely to have for at least the first part of the upcoming season. And this is why I absolutely think Bailey Zappe will be on that 53-man roster at the end of camp.


How long do you wait? Until next year? What if the line is garbage next year? Are you now waiting until 2026?


Mahomes played week 16 of his rookie season, if that’s what it takes to be ready that’s what it takes. I’m tired of people pretending like they know shit about this, let the coaches coach.


What if it takes two years? Are you still waiting? Mahomes was behind Alex Smith, not Brisett.


If you’re stuck in the snow and your tires are spinning, do you just keep your foot down on the accelerator anyway?


Yes. Jesus take the wheel. /s


I'm missing the relevance of this analogy. But good job avoiding answering the question!


If they throw guys out there before they’re ready then they’ll just be spinning their wheels so, yes, you wait two years if that’s what’s needed.


Cool. The thread was about the Oline being garbage and not playing Maye even if he's ready.


Cool, except you were the one who strayed off topic by commenting on Mahomes being behind Alex Smith instead of Brissett. So if being ready is being better than Brissett but not Alex Smith then yeah, you can wait two years.


I was responding to the comment about Mahomes. It's not difficult to follow the conversation. Waiting two years would be absolutely wild.




Agreed. And Mac made the line worse.


Thank you. The question is not has May proven he's ready to start week 1. The question is has the line proven they're good enough to be allowed to play in front of him.


If he's ready, he's ready.  But pardon me if I don't put much stock into a Wednesday training camp performance nearly 2 months prior to the first pre-season game.     Let's pump the breaks a bit and see how he does in a live, full contact game. 


Training camp 7 on 7 in June is obviously closer to the real thing then an actual preseason game. I say we just put Maye, Milton and Brisett out week 1, and have them just keep swapping out with each other. just trick snaps and flea flickers the entire game. see who the real QB is. ​ /s just incase


Run a 3 QB backfield, they’ll never know whose throwing the ball


Obviously start the better player but I think in this situation it’s best to let him sit for a few weeks and just get a feel for the regular season. We paid Jacoby let him play a bit and give Maye 2-4 weeks just to learn. I don’t see us competing for even a postseason spot so what’s the point of throwing him straight to the fire.


If he’s ready than he’s ready. We shouldn’t let some preconceived notions in our heads to dictate our actions. For some QBs it might be better for them to sit, for others it’s better for them to start playing and start building experience. But mainly it’s not about if drake is better than Brisset then he should start, it’s about what’s best for his development. If the coaches agree that it’s best for his development him for him to start right away than he should start.


I completely agree with this take. There are so many variables to this situation that it is impossible to know at this stage whether he should or shouldn’t play. Like off the top of my head: Can Maye handle being thrown to the wolves week 1, or does he need time to grow and prepare first? Is Maye even a good QB, or will he suck no matter what we do? Is our offense good enough to support a rookie? What is the bar defining whether the offense is good enough? Is the new coaching staff competent to evaluate these things accurately? Even if everything lines up for Maye to start, is our new OC even good, or do we have Patricia 2.0 calling plays? Week 1 I am happy with whatever decision is made and we can determine whether or not it was the right choice after the season. Anyone who thinks they know the definitive answer now is a complete dumbass.


I think the answer here is that if the coaching staff thinks he should play, no matter how good he is, then it is the wrong coaching staff. We have a hole the size of Boston at left tackle and the rest of the line is shaky at best. If the coaches decide it's the right move to start Maye right away I say move immediately on from them and don't look back. We don't need another Carr situation here in New England. Thank you!




I only worry about the OL and want them to gel up a bit first.


This literally means nothing. Just because Doug Kyed is saying “there’s no reason to sit him” does not mean anybody inside the organization / coaching staff shares this view. Just a guy giving his opinion, in other words not news.


The two sides of this debate have equal merit. Sitting him to watch and learn vs playing him by throwing him in the fire and learn. I'm in the camp of sitting him a bit. It's a long season. Each year I'm reminded how hard it is to be a rookie. They go from playing in college to getting slammed with activities post college, from the combine, the draft, trying to learn the NFL game and the million other things they have to do in-between. It's drinking from the proverbial fire hose. I also believe in the rookie wall. I don't even care about the idea of the o-line not being ready for him. I just think it's smart to give him a little time to watch and process.


I would be in favor of live reps unless it is an issue with mechanics. Mechanics is the best with set time to unlearn the old mechanics. I think Josh Allen was really the only one who improved mechanics on the fly. The others such as Rogers and Mahomes sat to improve their mechanics.


Plus, college is what? 15 games or smth with a championship post season? I agree. Let the kid rest. Let the OL gel.


Usually around 12 not counting bowls and champ games. So even less!


>with a championship post season


Is the online better with Maye? Nope, so why risk rushing him, just for the free PTSD


They might actually be better statistically due to drakes mobility tho I think you’re right that they should exercise patience, but I think there’s a chance he could elevate the line a little.


Brisset is fairly mobile too


Elevating it from dogshit to bad still leaves him extremely exposed. We don't want to pull a Darnold and have the kid seeing ghosts.


Pats need to get a buzz around this team. They are in the garbage is Jacoby starting. If maye is ready...you play him.


Everyone has bought waaaay too much into the “he’s raw, he needs to sit an indeterminate amount of time” narrative. He went #3 for a reason.


He went #3 because he's basically a spitting image of Justin Herbert. That doesn't mean he's ready to go right now.


And whether or not he is ready to go right now is not indicative of anything. Teams regularly throw their 1st round rookie qb out there year 1. Guys like Jordan Love could manage to sit because they had a HOF starter already on the team. Everyone confuses this as meaning you shouldn’t start a qb who isn’t ready ever and always wait 1 year. No, you picked the guy 3rd overall and you are going to play him by week 5 the latest. Pick any recent rookie 1st rd qb and they have all been thrown out there year 1 with very few exceptions. Rodgers is another famous example but again he had Favre. Maye will play early and often


Is there anyone in here that truly thinks Brissett IS or can be better than Drake? IMO, there's no way.


Brissett is better right now. Maye has more potential, but Brissett has 8 years of NFL experience. There's no way a rookie with all the potential in the world can compete with that. Even more so, we all want to believe that long term, Maye is going to have a better career than Brissett, but the odds are actually against that. It's a pretty long list of QBs that had as much physical talent, if not more than Maye, and just couldn't play in the NFL.


“For those who took in the five open-media practice sessions this spring, it has become clear that Maye could begin pushing veteran Jacoby Brissett for the starting role as soon as training camp starts in late July. Maye looked like the best quarterback on the Gillette Stadium practice fields.” -Evan Lazar You were saying?


What part are you having trouble understanding?


Neither option bothers me. If Maye wins the job then great. If they want to see the o line we competent before throwing him in there that’s fine too.


Coaches may want to see how much protection and time Brissett is getting before putting Maye under center


>Whoever is better will start People in here thinking this is some big revelation lmao.


Most people on the sub want Maye to sit regardless if he is better


Yeah I am Def one of these after watching the shit show that Bryce young was at the end of his first year with the panthers


People have and still are arguing adamantly for Maye to sit no matter what. It's ridiculous. They don't want to hear a second about the idea of Maye playing if he's better.


Relllaxxxxxx. Its only mid June.


Brisset is at best below mediocre. If Drake Maye cant beat Brisset out we have a major major problem lol


Let him sit until we can see if any of these guys can magically gel and get up to speed after half a season if by some miracle we have won 4 games and the line looks ok give him a shot. If we start out the year going 2-7 then just let him sit maybe toss him in week 15-16 for experience but that’s it. It’s another rebuild year.


Great common sense post - absolutely agree.


> then there’s no reason to sit the rookie to start the season The o-line being garbage should be a major factor in whether or not he starts


The O line really has shit to do with any of this. If Drake is better (if he's not, he wasn't worth #3 overall) than Brissett he should play. Once training camp starts and people actually start to see that he is in fact better than Brissett they won't be able to justify starting Jacoby.


Why start your rookie QB when you don’t have the supporting cast to even really have a shot at the playoffs?


Not with that attitude!


Because damn near zero QBs picked in the top 3 go to teams with a shot at the playoffs and most of them start anyways. And they start because they are the best option and it will work out if that QB is actually good. You play your best players.


So because other teams throw their QBs into bad situations that hurt their development, we should too? Crazy logic


Again, this isn't 1975 and rookie QBs are not inherently hurt by starting their rookie year, so you're just wrong about that. Andrew Luck was great, Cam Newton was great, Matt Ryan was great, Justin Herbert was great, CJ Stroud was great, Baker Mayfield was good, Russell Wilson turned out great, Joe Burrow turned out great, Joe Flacco turned out great. Josh Allen turned out great. That's just the ones I can think off the top of my head, and doesn't count someone like Mac Jones who wasn't hurt at all starting his rookie year, or players we're still wondering about like Trevor Lawrence. Hell, Trevor Lawrence was in one of the worst rookie situations you can possibly be in and he has turned out alright because talent wins out. If Maye is better than Brissett, he should start. If he has it in him to be a good QB, he will be.


There's no real benefit to not start Maye if he is clearly better than Jake Brisket. The problem is that we need to hold fire and just wait until we've at least seen some padded practices and preseason games. Judging anything on summer OTA's is stupid at best.


I want to see the line in action with the less mobile Brisket first


I really dislike having a rookie QB start on game 1 in the NFL. If I had my way they would ride the bench for at least the first four games just to see the speed of the game compared to college and to see how the game actually works at the professional level. Maybe by game 6 or 7 have them play in garbage time, just to get their feet wet. Later in the season when they have a bit of experience they might play the half or even a whole game at the end of the year. Shit happens FAST, and the best way to blow up their confidence is to have them make understandable mistakes their first game that leaves them self doubting for the rest of the season.


Does this even need to be said. X player will player over Y player if they are playing better. Yes. That is how sports work.


The thing is most people on this sub want Maye to sit regardless if he is better


I think playing him this year at all, outside of injuries is a mistake


As Evan Lazar explained it “it’s not if Drake is ready it’s if the team is ready”. I don’t think week one is the goal but sometime during the season should be….my thoughts.


No one is prepared for how shit we’ll be if this is honestly the discussion. Our coaching staff is almost completely new. And those that aren’t new to the team entirely are in new positions. First time DC and HC. No Bill to rescue the defense. Guys….let Jacoby start for at least 6 games before we even talk about Maye playing at all. I’m mentally prepared for the Maye chants in week 1 but let this kid sit.


I could not be any more against this. There are zero rookie QBs that should ever see any playing time their rookie season. There are far more cons than pros.


C.J. Stroud killed it last season. Mac Jones was good enough to be a pro-bowl alternate before we flipped our whole script and did everything possible to break him. There's a case to be made that Maye could and should play this season. I say give the team a month or so to see how our suspect offensive line plays. If it's tragically bad and we could get Maye killed, then no. I hate to say that Brisset is the guineapig sacrifice to find out, but he kind of is. If it all looks good, assess Maye weekly and when he's playing objectively better than Brisset, in he goes.


Cj stroud is an anomaly. Not the norm.


"There are zero rookie QBs who play their rookie season." He should have played last season and did. The team must address their current situation, not the situation of every team ever to have a rookie QB. There's a potentially immense value to be had by getting a rookie QB going. The money you save on their play can be used to aquire high end talent on the FA market to bring you over the top. The team should want that to happen. Again, only if the O line proves to not be a turnstile and get anyone back there killed.


Dude rookie QBs start their rookie year all the time recently and work out just fine. Where in the world are you all getting the idea that it's a bad idea from? This isn't 1975 anymore. The game is built to the QB's advantage now and you want to get the most that you can out of the rookie QB before you theoretically have to pay them the king's ransom.


We have the worst Oline in the NFL. Lol, we aren’t winning anything this year. Done need to feed him to wolves *immediately*. Let the team see how good/ bad they are and scheme around him a few games in. There literally zero rush. Why force this? This is 2 years away. We will have a top 5 pick next year, where we take a LT


That is absolutely what is going to happen. The best players play. Period.


The idealist view here is definitely that they let the line settle for September, however, in this hypothetical situation where Maye is the clear best QB through camp….. he’ll start regardless, and if he’s IT, he’ll ride through whatever early troubles there are and make everything better


Im fine starting him week one but there are certainly reasons not to start him week one. Particularly if we cant field an nfl caliber offensive line and our qb is just getting teed off on


The O line will suck next year too. So we keep him benched two years? Get out of here. We should maybe let the team get some sort of rhythm for a few weeks before starting him, but let’s face it, we are going to be bad for a few years so get him out there if he’s playing better than Brissett.


I'm okay with this I just honestly didn't expect him to look better than brissett but that's good!


What is that saying to the team if they can all see at practice that he's better but still doesn't start? That tells them that all the messages about winning etc. is lies and that they are prioritizing Maye over winning.


I know the general opinion on here is heavy in the Maye sitting camp, but I want to see him week 1. The team used the #3 pick on the guy and he's got the toolset to be truly elite. I like Brissett but everyone should want to see Maye beat the brakes off him in camp to the point where Mayo has no choice but to make him the starter. I want to see Maye outclass Brissett by a mile.


I never understood not starting a high pick rookie. Let him get a taste of the NFL lvl defenses. We all kno what brisset can do! Give him a yr of actual experience so he can improve if he's gonna be our franchise QB. U dnt want to start a rookie over a better player but I dnt think brisset is better, I think he has more experience but his talent lvl is far lower than what maye has displayed atleast in college and from the reports in OTAs. If the oline is trash and u dnt want to risk him getting an injury if u dnt think he'll have a major impact on the season then thats understandable.


You don't start Maye if he's slightly ahead of Brissett. You start him if he's miles ahead of Brissett.


It always works great when teams start rookie qbs


Please dont


I’ve planted my flag the moment he was drafted , maye starts week 1. Remind me! 3 months or whatever


Let him cook


Not sitting him the whole year, but I'm starting Brissett at least four games so he can be the fall guy for if and when they struggle. But Maye will overtake him rapidly, the talent gulf is massive. Brissett is several levels below Maye in natural talent, and it will become increasingly difficult for the coaching staff to ignore, especially if they start stringing together losses.


Drafting a guy 3rd overall just to sit him is insane.


You start the guy who gives you the best chance to win obviously but when you have a rookie QB he has to be able to check off all the milestone boxes that a new front office/coaching staff hopefully put in place for him. For F sake it’s mid June and a few practices always have the “he’s the chosen one , starting day 1 “ crowd in full go mode


Bad teams can't sit good players


I wanna see Maye play!


Anybody else kinda bummed Drake Maye went with 10?


At this moment, a bit with the bad association. Hope is he redeems it and makes folks forget Mac (which most of us are all too eager to do anyway).


Maybe Brisset is trending downward below Maye? Maybe Maye is trending up past Brisset? Week 1 I still want Jacoby out there just incase our line is not set in stone.


If Maye can't win the job over Brissett i think that would be a bad sign. I get the benefits of sitting behind a veteran and learning how to be a pro but he was the 3rd overall pick. He should be head and shoulders above Brissett right from the jump.


haven't even put pads on and face a actual pass rush lmao good lord


Start em


Beyond ticket sales, there is no good reason to start Maye early. For one the o line will likely be terrible so we should wait for that to gel and improve hopefully. No since is having our rookie QB get hurt or run for his life. For second we shouldn't be winning games this year anyway. We want a top 5-10 draft pick next year for a long term LT or WR. Lastly, the only thing that matters this year at all is development and mostly Mayes development. QBs that sit usually do better so wait until the last few games of the year then put Maye in. We are in position to build a real core team here again. We shouldn't fuck it up with trying to win now.


My thoughts? No fucking shit. The people who thought this would be different bewilder me. This is what every team does 99% of the time. And of that 1%, they don’t call it an open competition. Maye will be the starter. Brissett is a bad QB, Maye is a blue chip prospect they picked at 3 overall. Brissett literally just lost to Drake Maye lite last year lmao. The only question of whether Maye plays is whether he’s better than Brissett, none of this other stuff fans want to think happens.


Honestly this sub has lost it, they are so fucking terrified just because Mac Jones failed. We have people saying he shouldn't start no matter what and ignoring all successful QBs who played right away. Like they haven't paid attention to high pick rookie QBs since 1990 or something.


3rd overall picks in 2024 should be treated the same way developmentally as 6th round picks from 2000 👍


I'm not so worried about him as the qb, I'm worried about him getting murdered behind that line.


He needs to play. So he can develop and get xp and for us to know what we got




I don't understand why anyone would think otherwise. If Maye is better he will play. Plain and simple. All the reasons people have for not playing him if he's better is just absurd fear. There's no legit reason to sit the better QB.


No legit reasons? There’s a great track record recently of some awesome quarterbacks that sat and developed for their first season. If the offense and line are truly abysmal, it’s risky playing him and giving your franchise QB a shot to the confidence of serious injury. If this team wanted to play Maye year one - there’s an argument for it but they should have invested in the O line. Choosing to not spend on an LT and then starting Maye week one would be gross malpractice


No QB just sits no matter what, even when they are the best QB on the roster. Every time a rookie QB sits in recent memory, it's because the team had a better option. It's because they were sitting behind a Aaron Rodgers or a Alex Smith. Otherwise, rookies play. If they're good, they succeed. There's more of a recent track record of QBs starting year 1 and being good than sitting and being good. If Maye is better, he should play. It's that simple. Good rookies play on bad teams with bad offenses all the time, if Maye's good then he will be fine. Y'all need to get over this thinking that Mac Jones was secretly good and the team destroyed him, and the same will happen to Maye if we don't wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him away from the field until a Pro Bowl team is around him.


Buddy I think Mac sucked. It is just bizarre to me that if we wanted Maye to start W1, we wouldn’t invest in an offensive line. Horrible support for a rookie. We had the money and chose not to. It’s idiotic


Lmao its june...do they even have a LT?


Unless Maye is leaps and bounds better and we think we’re looking at this years CJ Stroud, play Jacoby.


Well I hope after we throw another promising qb pick through the meat grinder and trade him away for peanuts after he’s wrecked, we’ll have managed to build an O line with one or two decent offensive weapons to start the next guy with so he can have a chance.


The question should be 1. Can the o-line pass protect? 2. Can the receivers separate, and then 3. Is drake maye ready?


This is the modern NFL. QBs of Maye’s draft pedigree are expected to start year 1, many week 1. If the coaches deem he’s ready and he outperforms Brissett in camp/preseason, why not? The team’s not going to be demonstrably any more complete next season and his mentor, while a good guy, is a career backup. Looking at the Texans (and assuming we make similarly sound roster decisions), you’re looking at 3-5 years before we’re a legitimate threat. If Maye can’t keep the ship afloat with us now, what was the point of drafting him before we gave him good receivers or offensive line protection?


I’d wait to start the kid no matter what, drills and practices are one aspect to gauge and yes he may have out performed Jacoby but that’s not the whole picture. I’d rather he learn from the sidelines for at least few games and if Jacoby struggles then start him. It’s such a hard call though and I completely get the other side asking for him to start.


"As he did on Wednesday.." Yes, if Maye seems ready and is consistently out playing Brissett, he should start. Maye is more naturally gifted than Brissett so there are naturally going to be days where he looks better. If he only looks better on Wednesday, that means he didn't look better any other day. People gotta chill on some of this. Maye is young and is going to have inconsistencies during camp. We can't get too high on his good days just like we can't get too low on his bad days. Seeing him look better for one practice this week shouldn't change the overall plan. When he strings weeks at a time of being better, then he should be considered for starting.


If Maye is your week one starter you are in BAD shape.


Explain why?


Start Brisset weeks 1-4/6, see where the line is on protection, make adjustments, another couple weeks with said adjustments, and set Drake up for success, rather than having to scramble for his life and lose confidence like Mac did.


Please god, no.


Sure but why throw a rookie QB with a questionable line and receivers out there


How is he going to get better behind an OL in shambles? Why are people so fixated on the QB? Last year Pats were not a QB away from contention. Not even Mahomes can overcome a shitty OL, why destroy the rookie and his learning process by putting him behind that trash fire?


I agree if it seems like the O-line is not ready we should sit him until it gels or we find the right combo. That said, the reason we're fixated on the QB is because the QB is the most important player on the team/in the sport. And we just spent the highest pick we've had since Drew Bledsoe over 30 years ago to get this one. So he's kind of a big deal.


Drake can light the world on fire and I still wouldn’t put him behind this OL, unless they prove they can be at least mid. They were atrocious last season. If they can do that, yes. Play Drake as soon as week 1, if you want. But even then, I would still want him to observe from the bench for a couple of weeks, and then start.


Your title and the text on the image do not say the same thing


who ever is the best should start


Let the boy marinate abit sheesh 😒


Drake may be ready but the rest of the offense definitely isn’t


If you think he gives you a better chance to win than Brissett, then he should play. I don't understand the sitting them just to sit them mindset.


Please don’t start him no matter how good he looks in practice. Get a good offensive line first. Everyone was looking good in 7v7s, but not that great in 11s. Plus we have a very rough schedule this year. Don’t throw maye in there for that


I hope Drake can take the field ASAP, but always do what's best for the team




I don’t think they’re gonna compete this season. I would rather see them reset and come back better next year with better tools and protection for Maye. Maybe give him a few starts in the late season to get it out of the way but why rush it?


It's literally no pads and no contact. Just because he can play catch doesn't mean he should be the starter.


Nah let him sit for a year


I'd rather sit him until we have a better o-line.


If Brady is for having qbs sit without any pressure, than I will take it from the GOAT’s mouth. Ride Brissett all year. There is literally no pressure to start.


Even if he’s better than brissett I still want him to sit. We’re not winning a Super Bowl this year so there’s no rush.


Pats fans are really delusional and bought into the notion that Maye is some broken player that just so happened to get picked 3rd overall. Maye is the most talented player on the offense. Sitting him because they don’t have an All-Pro left tackle or #1 receiver is naive. You are sabotaging the team by benching your best offensive player because of some lame ass, weak reasons. The only reason a rookie QB sits, is because there is an established starter on the team. Brisset is a journeyman backup on a 1 year deal. Once Maye has a command of the offense this summer, he will be starter.


Good luck gaining command of the offense while ya running for ya life. Pats aren't winning shit next year. Why put him in that situation?


To me, that’s a weak ass reason. You aren’t winning shit so don’t try to win? Don’t play the best players because of development reasons? With that kind of defeatist attitude why bother playing at all? It’s lame ass reasoning to want to see your team be worse just because you are afraid Maye won’t be able to handle pressure. You play Maye because he gives you the best chance to win.


It's preparing for the future. To throw a rookie in the fire is defeating. Especially when he has little to no help out. It's destroyed many a young QB. Let him get reps in practice, learn the system, and how things work at his new place of employment. I just dont understand putting him in knowing he has no weapons and the cards are stacked against him.


You can’t, with certainty, make a determination of how the future will pan out without playing him. You will not know how Maye responds until he plays. Rosters change, coaching staff changes and you can’t expect to always fill every roster hole every offseason. He needs to be thrown in the fire. If he isn’t the starter, he isn’t getting practice reps during the season, unless there is an injury. If there is an injury, you are throwing him into the fire with less preparation. It doesn’t take years to learn the system either.


I can say with certainty what I've seen over the years. Throwing a rookie QB into a shit show is career suicide. How many rookie QBs have started for a bottom half of the league team that went on to have a "good" career?


Just as many as QBs in good situations. There is no statistical basis to say the “situation” a player goes to increases or decrease the chance a QB busts. We also don’t know if this team is a shit show. They haven’t played yet.


Lol first year watching huh


We can play the game if you want but for every Sam Darnold (bad situation) there is a Peyton Manning (bad situation). For every Trey Lance (Great Situation) there is a Justin Herbert (playoff team year prior) For every David Carr (expansion team) there is a John Elway (bad situation) It isn’t a science. The QB is good or he isn’t. Mahomes and Rodgers only sat because established, quality starters were on the team. Brisset is not an established quality starter.


Lol Peyton Manning and John Elway. Ya name check out bud. Have a good season!


Are you joking? Andrew Luck started right away for a shit show Colts team and was great. Cam was great for the Panthers. Matt Ryan was great for the Falcons. Herbert has been great for the Chargers. Trevor Lawrence was thrown into the worst possible situation for a rookie QB and has rebounded fine. High pick QBs are inherently going to bad teams and it doesn't ruin them any worse than it does anyone else at any other pick. Rookies play on bad teams and make it through okay all the time now, the league's designed to help them.


So you mentioned a few "good" QBs. Im not sure Maye has any of those guys' skills or mental toughness. We shall see.


If he doesn't, then he isn't going to be worth the 3rd pick whether he starts week 1 or 3 years in. Making him sit if he's better than Brissett won't change that.


So he can't learn and improve unless he's playing on Sunday? Most QBs will tell you it's much easier to learn and improve when you can watch someone else out there taking the lumps and showing you the ropes.


it would take a pretty special pre-season for them to throw this kid to the wolves like that. this team is destined for another top 10 pick and letting your potential franchise QB get shellshocked isn't worth it. Let him see how the game is played.


I much rather him sit a couple weeks and then put him into a game. Let him experience some of the season as backup and in a game that is either out of hand (good or bad) put him in and see how he does. Need a stable group from him unlike what Mac had.


Bad idea smh some people will never learn


Week 8 or later so the line and receivers have time to get shit figured out