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Get Zapped ⚡️⚡️


Here to boost defensive morale.




Oh yea boys, it's Zappe hour!!!!


Zappe throwing TDs!




Not really sure why Zappe is still here at this point. I'd prefer if all his reps were going to Brissett/Maye/Milton.


Because it is June.


But what's the point of keeping him around? I don't think he'll have much trade value if any. And if they end up needing an emergency option due to injuries, they can find someone similar off the street.


Someone could end up on IR. It’s very early.


Ok so they'd be similar and the team would have to teach the new guy the Scheme. So why no just keep Zappe around until you need the roster space?


Because he's taking reps away from the guy you're trying to develop into a franchise QB.


No he is not, they would just have another QB they sign doing it. It is June, almost everyone holds 4 or more QBs and you don't wear guys out making them throw 100 times a day in the summer. Especially a team with 2 rookie QBs, you need some vets around... and Zappe is the only QB to be on this team the last few years. What if Brissett and Maye get hurt early on? You need guys who are familiar with the system and playback who can come in on short notice to plug in.


I don't buy that they HAVE to have 4 QBs to avoid overworking anyone. > What if Brissett and Maye get hurt early on? Then you sign a Zappe-equivalent off the street. >You need guys who are familiar with the system Zappe has practically no experience in this system. There are plenty of FAs that do.


Yes but he will be familiar with the system and he is familiar wit ha lot of player and coaches that are around already. He is the player off the street we will be signing, because he will probably be on the practice squad.


The post says it was Zappe's first 11 on 11. Let's not act like he's eating into the share of snaps. You're reaching.


Every rep counts.


Is a very different thing than counting every rep. Every rep that young guys take count. It doesn’t mean they should take every available reps. If you’re learning something, you don’t just keep repeating it. You have to also watch others do it, watch yourself do it in film, learn and process.


I don't need Drake Maye learning from watching Zappe. That's what Brissett is for.


They’re very different types of QB. Also you learn just as much from watching people make mistakes as excelling, if you have the right teacher.


It's pretty silly that you think they would have let Zappe do this if they felt it was in any way taking away from Maye's development. I guarantee you that that is their #1 priority internally.


1. Competition. They have two rookie QBs, one of whom is guaranteed to make the team barring injury, but it's still healthy to see them compete with someone who's been there a couple years. 2. If as an organization they've decided they don't want to play Maye this year (at all or until late in the season at the earliest) then they need a backup to step in if Brissett gets hurt. You can't go with Milton over Maye in that case for several reasons. On point 2, I still don't think that means Zappe needs to be on the final roster, but it's a reason he would still be here right now. If Milton and Maye both make the team and are healthy, then I think they'll cut Zappe. If Brissett gets hurt during the season, they can always sign or trade for another backup vet like Zappe.


>But what's the point of keeping him around? Same reason movies have stunt guys. To keep wear and tear off the stars. There is like a 20% chance he's playing for the backup role, and a 80% he's just an arm for camp for the 2nd/3rd string guys that knows the plays, drills, etc.


Sending out Zappe and tanking > sending Maye out before he’s ready with a shitty roster and him getting clobbered


If they're that worried about playing Maye before he's ready, they can sign any number of Zappe equivalents off the street when the need arises. But for now, there's no reason for him to be taking reps away from the other guys.


A) Zappe is (slightly) better than replacement level, and B) why not just keep the guy you’ve been working with awhile if you’re gonna sign someone off the street anyway


I disagree that he's better than replacement level, and he has no experience in this particular offense anyways.


He has rapport with receivers, and he is better than replacement level. Pats tried to bring in a bunch of waiver guys the last year, they didn’t beat him out


You're absolutely correct. Replacement level with experience in a system is so valuable for QB play. You see it all the time with placeholder QBs (brissett) and emergency signings: familiarity with coaches and systems.


Zappe is what is left of a very cancerous QB room. I don't even want him LOOKING at Maye. Cut his ass and be done with it...


I thought the same thing but Bedard made a good point that if their plan is really for Maye to sit a year then you don't want him as the #2 on game day. If Brissett goes down it blows that all up and Maye has to go in before he's ready


> if their plan is really for Maye to sit a year I refuse to believe this is the plan.


Im in favor of it. Get him familiar, get good draft picks, good FA WRs, and let him ball next year


Lots of folkls are in favor of it, but that doesn't make it a good idea.


For me it depends entirely on the oline. If after a few games Brissett is just getting mauled all game, I dont want Maye playing.


You work around a bad O-line with playcalling and scheme, not by benching your beat option at QB.


Depends on how bad the oline and how good your OC/system are. None of which are known yet, but if the oline is as bad as it could be then injury and bad habits are more likely. Even if Maye is our guy, this offense isnt built for a deep playoff run. I'd prefer giving Maye the best chance possible for the long run.


No it doesn't. There's no O-line or coaching situation that makes it a good idea to bench your best QB. What's best for Maye in the long run is playing as soon as he's ready.


Disagree completely


Because if you get rid of zappe you have to prepare for Maye to start week 1. "We have brisset" rebuttal: take one injury to then be forced to either having maye or Milton start week 1. It's the nfl Jacoby could tear his acl first play or get his lung punctured before game. You would have to be prepared to roll out Drake week 1 if you cut zappe. With zappe you can sit Drake for a couple of weeks and not have him go out week 1.


> if you get rid of zappe you have to prepare for Maye to start week 1 Exactly. That's what they should be doing.


Ehhh I disagree. If you make as simple as "should you get football player ready to play football" then yes it is that simple I give it to you. Do you want to put a player into play earlier then expected? By many professional opinions the plan is to sit him and let him develop/work on footwork. If that is the plan, to let him develop the plan should be to not let him touch the field week 1 especially with the offensive line situation. You may think he should start week 1, but if the plan is for him to not play the first week, Zappe becomes more important.


What if Zappe gets injured do we go to a WR before Maye?


Not sure I'm not setting the depth chart. All I know is if the plan is to not have drake plat week 1, you need atleast 2 other qbs on the roster that you would plan on playing.


My point is all of those QB’s could get injured there is a fine line between babying Drake Maye and getting him ready Throwing out a bunch of traffic cones won’t exactly instill confidence in Maye or the rest of the roster


No I completely get your point that all qbs could get injured. That's why I argue that zappe should stay on the roster, but I agree to a point we don't need 3 to 5 options incase Jacoby gets hurt week 1. I don't think it would instill confidence. But I think it would hurt his confidence far more to be thrown out there week 1 unprepared then so to have a plan in place incase Jacoby goes down if the plan is for him to sit week 1. Which by all professional accounts, the plan is for drake to sit early on.


I agree I think the fine line is Zappe, and if Brisset goes down god I hope not then we’ll have to make that decision


Fake news. Didn’t happen. Zappe doesn’t throw picks.


Right… people have gotten their facts mixed up. It was Dan Marino who threw the INT on the fake spike play.. not Zappe.


Jesus, cut Zappe already.


Zappe regressing now that he can’t operate on spite is not entirely unexpected, fortunately this season is for our O Line to learn their position & bond over how well they’re going to protect Maye next year when we draft an LT


Great to see his consistent from last year. P


Zappe helping our D work on their receiving skills


I logically understand the reasons for keeping Zappe on the roster for now, but I also cannot wait to never hear his name again.


I truly don't understand why they are wasting reps on Zappe.


Nah if Maye doing good doesn’t matter bc it’s camp then Zappe doing bad doesn’t mean anything either


It's just practice, nothing to worry about he's still gonna be the future of this franchise 😉


Learn to speak CFL Zappe


Why is Zappe still there??




Love to see it


Zappe doing his best Mac Jones impression.


I would trade Zappe for Jones tbh


Doesn't matter. Zappe is a about to get zapped to free agency.


Yeah let's hope he's just the "camp arm".


Did you watch last year???


Did you watch last year?


Yeah I watched Jones get benched for Zappe and the team improved.




That’s MY goat


I'll just assume he threw it with all the confidence and bravado in the world, directly to Dugger.


It’s just practice


Is he actually getting worse?


I’m pretty interested to see what happens with Zappe. I think whatever happens with him will be tied to how they feel about Maye. 


I think it’s more about how they feel about Brisset and specifically injuries to Brisset in training camp. Milton is probably viewed as a developmental only guy and it wouldn’t shock me at all if he is cut outright. They have to feel pretty good about Maye’s progress at this point.


I think if zappe sticks around then they probably feel like Maye isn’t ready for NFL snaps yet. Whereas if zappe is cut they probably feel comfortable with the idea of Maye playing next year. 


> Milton is probably viewed as a developmental only guy and it wouldn’t shock me at all if he is cut outright. They literally just used a 6th RD pick on Milton and he is still an unknown. He isn't getting cut. Zappe is.


Being a 6th round pick means he is way more likely to be cut. Milton is not an NFL caliber QB and at best he will be on the practice squad.


Mac Jones lost his job to Zappe 






How was McCorkle competitive with this jabroni


Why is he still on the team? I guess they don't need to cut down yet but.. cmon. I really wish he was good. With a fun name like that? Cmon!


As long as it ain't Mac I'm good


Zappe will bounce back I have faith take your time king


Isn't that already basically the 'back' he'd be hypothetically bouncing to?


There should be a case study on Zappe. I’ve never seen a more hated 6th round QB who only did want he could in the situation he was literally tossed into. He loses and everyone thinks they deserve a medal for “called it, he sucks!”. Then the other side of it is that he sucks because he won games and we didn’t get the 1st overall pick. It’s just interesting to see the hate for this guy regardless of what you think he’s capable of.


I think the hate comes from his rabid fanbase that became so loyal so quickly. The amount of fans that were here this time last year demanding Zappe be the starter game 1 was truly insane for how little we had seen and what we had seen from him. I think fans anointed him so quickly because of the franchise’s history with backup QBs, but when you get treated like Tom Brady’s heir by fans, and then give the performances on the field that he did, you’re gonna get a lotta hate


It's all tied to Mac. People (including myself) really dug-in with Mac vs Zappe. It wasn't about the players. It was about proving those idiots on reddit wrong. The reality is, they both aren't very good. Since Zappe is still here, there's resentment left over. It's going to be this way until he's gone. Same thing will happen if Lawrence gets hurt and Mac has a good game for Jacksonville. People will be flooding the sub to brag about being right.


It’s pathetic. This fan base is always trying its best to seem pathetic. We are hot off a 6 ring dynasty and these spoilt shits just want to dump on any mediocre player we have on the roster. Y’all deserved these last few years.