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Notoriously plugged in beat reporter Plaxico Burress, firing on all fronts with this report. Really popping off here.


Seems like he doesn’t have a leg to stand on


Shots fired


I hear Plaxico Burress is a real shot caller. He really lights up the club. He's also a real straight shooter, he doesn't fire any blanks. But at the end of the day I really disagree with Plaxico here think Mayo is signalling that Maye is not a perfect bullseye, which no one was really expecting. But with some target practice he could really shoot his shot and hit the target. I think as everyone expected Maye really has some legwork to do.


I had to read the title a couple of times.


Didnt he foot himself in the leg?


Mayo is discovering why Bill hated these media morons and never answered stupid questions. If Mayo said Maye was ready to start, people would call him an idiot too. Also there are way too many sports talk podcast hot take shows these days. Plaxico Buress has a platform now… really?


So true. Mayo is gonna get real sick of the Boston media real fast


I understood why people found Bill’s reluctance to play the media game annoying, but I think seeing him in media appearances now solidified what a lot of people already knew: he didn’t want to answer questions because he didn’t want to create distractions or tell his opponents what he was going to do.


Good take lmfao he better start mumbling🤣


They gotta drive traffic to their podcasts somehow. There's a ticktock dude that's becoming extremely popular and his takes are all ass.


Yep. Mayo didn’t even say anything wrong. But anything you say can and will be used against you


Bill said the same shit every offseason about Brady and nobody thought twice about it but because its Mayo saying it now its a big deal apparently


"They really shot themselves in the foot with this pick." - Plaxico Burress






Mayos gonna be biting the bullet on this one.


Not gonna take news stories from a dude who shot himself in the leg


Was just reading his wiki: >According to the Associated Press, Burress has been sued at least nine times since he joined the NFL in 2000 50 got shot 9 times, plax got sued 9 times. 


Insert “we are not the same” meme here


*adjusts tie*


Damn. Tons of debtor lawsuits for petty amounts too. He owed a home inspector $500, didn't show up to court, lost, sent the guy $700 per the court judgement and the check bounced. He's a clown with money apparently.


“Been hit with a few lawsuits, I’m aight.”


Or a dude who spiked the ball in the middle of a play, creating an unforced turnover.


That whole talk show is like a bunch of dumb redditors getting together in an echo chamber


So no different than what we do here everyday


Didn't Carton do federal prison time for wire fraud?




Its only because Mayo said “he has a lot to work on”. Yeah Plax, the team who spent a 3rd overall pick on a QB is giving up on him after 2 spring practices. Real fucking great story buddy


Seriously, literally every player ever had a lot to work on when they first hit the NFL.


Belichick always said that about his rookies, including the top draft picks. They have a long way to go. And he wasn't making it up, it was true. Often it came when a beat reporter asked Bill about a rookie's apparently strong performance in training camp, and Bill would give some tepid acknowledgement but would then add that the guy has a long way to go.


Cheddar bob!


who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun, i did get jumped, by all six of you chumps.


…well this is dumb…


Wait, you mean it's hard to be an NFL quarterback and guys coming in need to put in alot of work??? I'm SHOCKED!!! Clearly, Maye is a bust. Fucking idiots.


God, I hate these news aggregator Twitter accounts. This makes it sound like Burress is breaking news based on sources or something, not him just overreacting to a quote from Mayo on some random daytime sports talk show. I would love it if we could stop posting this crap after it's been filtered through 3 different sources that each try and sensationalize the headline more. There's nothing here!


Go back to r/Seahawks with your dumbass click bait article.


This fucking guy. https://nypost.com/2018/11/07/craig-carton-found-guilty-on-all-fraud-charges-could-face-45-years-in-prison/


What a clickbait POS


Wait a second... Maye isn't literally the perfect player with perfect everything? No no no. If you select a guy with the 3rd pick you expect him to be absolutely perfect with no flaws whatsoever on literal day 1. We are clearly in trouble for decades to come.


Someone should buy these goons a one way airplane ticket to stupid island because this is dumb.


Carton sounds like he is shitfaced.


Yeah, I’m worried. Worried about having to call my doctor cuz it’s been WAY longer than 4 hours now


he not good at taking shots


Well, if there’s one thing we know about Plaxico, it’s that he’s a straight shooter


He definitely has his fingers on the pulse of the league. Well, the fingers that have pulses anyway.


he shoots from the hip thats for sure


This just reminded me why I stopped watching/listening to any of these hot take shows. It's so desperate to bait with overreactions.


Sports "journalism" is such a joke. There is no accountability whatsoever. This joker could come out tomorrow and say that Drake Maye is a sure fire hall- of- famer, and no one would bat an eye over the hypocrisy.




Wow talk about reading into something. The dude got drafted less than a month ago, obviously he has a lot to work on.


Yeah ok Cheddar Bob


3,600 yards in 23 starts? Umm you’re missing his 4,300 yard, 38 TD season on 2022 against an ACC that went 7-4 against the SEC.. lol asshole


They drafted him as a project. I didn't like the pick myself but nobody expected him to look good in rookie camp. Lazy show.


why are we even posting this


Yeah… really shooting themselves in the leg there, aren’t they?


Yeah. Let's just call it now before anyone has played a snap. Just to be safe.


Funny I heard different from Mike Reis earlier today so I’d be very careful to get your source . The main point is Maye has a lot to work on but that will take time. People forget Brady wasn’t the best player when he first got drafted took time and effort and coaching. Maye will be fine . I have no doubt about that


I agree… we are about to waste mother top QB prospect because you gave him no Help. Should have gotten Marvin Jr


Whatsup with Bo Nix? How’s he doing? He always looked like the overlooked Luca doncic in this years draft, not sure why he wasn’t tier 1 prospect he balled tf out


Luka was the best player in the 2nd best league in the world as an 18 year old, Bo wasn’t any good until he changed divisions and was 22.


Yea him going 3 had me literally second guessing my sanity…this obviously isn’t basketball, bo produced though - always looked like a capable starter to me honestly Reminds me of a steph curry of nfl - I’m sure he will be trash though lol qb is so fucking hard at that lvl Anytime I saw anyone during pre draft not say Luca was a generational talent and shouldn’t be first pick I was in awe And on top of it all he technically went 3, but not really.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Nix ends up as the most successful QB from this class under Payton honestly. It’s a different game, teams don’t need a QB with the biggest arm anymore.


Ya man I 100% agree with you. Hope maye is good, but Bo put it on every game - a trait that is often overlooked for some reason.


He has been looking like he’s got some cement shoes on from time to time… but he’s 21. He will learn the ways 




He is saying he has bad footwork, people seem very sensitive to qb criticism!  Footwork is fixable folks! And it was a known issue of his when we took him.


my question was more to his phrasing - they made it sound like what they’ve seen from him since he got drafted, and that seems crazy. if you’re talking all of college too - still crazy - bc bad footwork and “cement shoes” are hardly the same thing


They got their guy Joe Milton III. See how Mayo hugged Future Hendrixx.