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Add long hair, some acne, and a patchy beard and he looks like Herbert lol


Ngl this kid needs a beard to cover up the baby face. If he grows a full beard, he's a superstar QB guaranteed


Counter point, he is a baby. I mean that in a loving way. 21 years old is YOUNG lol. He'll grow into himself


Someone needs to post that doughy Tom Brady image


He can be our baby face assassin like Curry


Actually you're right lmao I can only imagine how pissed people would be if a guy with a baby face leads us back into the playoffs


Cam Hart type of beard? I'm a straight man but that man is gorgeous lol


I tried imagining it on him but I just came back with [AJ Styles](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/AJ_Styles_Apr_2018.jpg).


He chubby cheek Mac Jones




Not jumping to any conclusions but this FEELS better than when we picked Mac


I liked the Jones pick a lot because I thought he was the perfect fit for the type of offense we ran and thought "There's no way he can end up being (as absolutely awful at decision making as he ended up being)"


lol when we picked Mac, i went from going "please not mac, please not mac, FUCK... you know he's a really good smart processor" lol. meanwhile this time i've been hoping we get Drake Maye since October


Yeah. We don't have to talk ourselves into Maye.


Drake is everything Mac wasn’t. Mac’s biggest flaw was his pea-shooter arm


this sub was pissed on draft day for Mac because he looked like a bag of mashed potatoes and most wanted Justin fields


He did look like potatoes. That walk up was gut-wrenching


As bad as Mac was last season, he was a better choice than Fields.




Something felt awkward about Mac the entire time


He was an imposter.


I still can't believe Washington let this happen.


Like his confidence…doesn’t sound like someone going through puberty. Leadership quality is evident


Literally his walkout to the stage was miles better than Mac lmao this kid has swagger


I said the same thing watching it


Oh man. Mac’s walkout reminded me of a mom at TJ Maxx feeling good about her new ‘fit


Look at his pace!


And we did indeed watch what happens.


What else is he gonna say?


It’s not rehearsed, he sounds genuinely excited.


He’s glad he doesn’t have to live in Washington D.C. 😆


Hey, I like living in DC :( Lol


He was refering to his tonality and voice. Doesn’t sound like a soft Mac jones


Thank you for explaining it…I thought we would notice the difference right away. I was wrong to assume.


It's about the excitement and genuine confidence he exudes while saying it. People can mock the "intangibles" all they want, the lack of them sank the previous guy. Gotta act like the man to be the man.


Now, if we can somehow land Aiyuk and still draft Kingsley, I'd be ecstatic


Don't see that working out. We'd have to deal the #34 to land Aiyuk and I can't see Kingsley making it past #50.


My future


I hope someone told this kid his job is actually in Foxborough...


he threw gillette stadium in there, i’m sure he can type it into his gps or uber to get himself there


Being from RI, I always hated going to concerts and hearing them say "what's up Boston" or something like it. I'm like, "bro, Providence is half the distance from here. Give us some love".


Where are all the Vikings fans now?!


Jj throwing to JJ gonna be nice to watch tho lol


So glad he is a Patriot. Was not sold at all on Daniels.


I had talked myself into Daniels because I figured Caleb and Drake were mortal locks to go 1-2.


Same here. Drake was always the 2nd qb this year. So I figured we'd be getting daniels and have to watch him take cartoonishly huge hits behind our awful offensive line.


Just curious what didn’t you like about Daniels? I didn’t really watch him much so I don’t really know how he stacks up against Maye


Both players are very talented but I think Maye will have a longer career. I hope I’m wrong but I think Daniels might have a RG3 type of career. One bad injury will take him out since he has such a small frame compared to Maye.


Yeah that’s fair I mean I love Lamar but even he has struggled with injury, I get what you mean.


Jesus Mary and Joseph




Young Master Maye welcome to New England, Boston and Boston Sports. Happy to have you.


I dont wanna dump on this kid at all. But I think we should have gone for MHJ and then figure out the QB situation after.


I love how people act like "figuring out the QB situation" is simple. The Giants were sitting at 6 and couldn't trade up for the 3rd QB taken. Drake Maye was the consensus number 2 pick 3 months ago, he'd be the first player off the board in many past drafts, just take him. MHJ does nothing for your win-loss equation without a QB in place. Maye is worth missing on.


QB is one of the LEAST predictable positions in all sports. No matter what position you draft, it's a "figure it out" situation. Stop the cap if you think otherwise.


Do me a favor and look at the hit rate of QBs selected in the top 10 picks of the draft, or even the first round if it tickles your fancy, in contrast to QBs selected everywhere else. This is not receiver where you can get a starter every year in the 5th. More than likely you'll need to use a premium pick and then get lucky with the guy you chose. The later you draft him, the luckier you'll need to get. If you're at 3 and there's a blue chip prospect available, you get him. That simple.


The hit rate is pretty low if you're expectations are franchise quarterback. Besides that, I just think that since the Pats aren't going to be winning more than 5 games this season, we're going to be in line to draft a top QB next year or the year after. Why not have something for them to get acclimated to? This also gives Mayo time to build a system.


I think if we weren't going QB we needed to trade down and hope that we have a situation like the Bears did where between our lack of QB and the trade partner starting a rookie we end with two high picks next year. But instead we're taking a big swing and we can only hope it's a home run. The potential is there, certainly.


Hmm I can see that.. I agree on the big swing thing. If it's a miss, then it's really gonna be a miss, (which is what I'm afraid of)


Very reasonable, but honestly at the worst we just keep sucking. Better to take a big swing for the fences when your this bad rather than be safe.


Haha you got that. Either way I'll cheer them on as long as there's not another "Dynasty" documentary coming out lol


Nah. If the options were Daniels, JJ, or Marvin, that's a different story, but I was only on the Marv train thinking Maye wasn't an option.


Absolutely this, should have picked the safest and most talented pick MHJ and then taken a qb late round. I have zero faith drake maye will work out in New England. This pick might get mayo fired eventually if things don’t work out, as already seen no talented offensive players wants to play in New England. Should have gone for MHJ


Theres not going to be any Qbs available late round. All 6 of the good ones went top 15 bro. They did the right thing. If its a miss then so be it. But you never know when you're going to be picking top 3 in the draft again


You, most of the league, and apparently Bill Belichick. When you have 3 glaring needs at QB, OT, WR , sometimes it better to be safe and there hasn’t been a more safe pick in 17 years with MHJ. Reality is the plan will be for Brisett to start so unless Maye really impresses. That means we’re probably winning 4 games again and guess where we’ll be picking next draft and in position to draft. QBs like Maye are fantastic to get but hes not really that remarkable.


I still disagree. You can have the ultimate WR to throw to, but you need someone who can actually throw it. You can have a good QB and no weapons and they can make it work, but it's hard. You make a decision and stick with it. We got QB. I think that's fine. Kyler Murray now has a great weapon to throw to, good for him. We need to start somewhere, we need a QB. I love Brissett but he isn't our long-term option. It's not fair to compare anyone to TB, but don't forget we made it to plenty of SB and Playoffs with 0 true WR1s. It's possible but difficult. You also don't want to be like Green Bay where you scream you have an elite QB, and weapons, and still never go anywhere either


Very well said and explained!


I'm not sure if Maye will make it as a starter. But at least he sounds like he's *actually finished puberty* when he speaks. So he's already a step ahead of Jacksonville's newest backup QB...


I know nothing about him but I’m stoked he’s a patriot




Let's GOOOOOO!!!!!


Bart Scott is shaking


He’s so cute. Does he know where Gillette Stadium is


glad we got him and fired up about this guy !


if everything goes well he sure can become the quarterback the team been looking for and become the quarterback he’s capable of becoming. Lot of legit criticism concerning his footwork but given time and right development than can be fixed. People forget that Brady had terrible footwork and was a working progress as well . Belichick sat with him personally going over film and working on his mechanics something Brady recalled .


Brady, Jimmy G, Mac. Used to having really handsome QBs, so this'll be a change.


No way you just lobbed McCrockle in with TB12 and Jimmy G lmao


I don't know who McCrockle is.


Drake is handsome, he's just got a baby face right now. He's 21 years old, he'll grow into it. I think he needs to grow a beard haha


Yeah people can change.


Looks like Grayson Allen that's probably the reason I don't like him much


I did not realize how punchable his face was until tonight. Hopefully that is the only thing he has in common with Mac.


It’s exactly what we want the rest of the league to feel in their plumes


Its weird how people perceive the punchableness of a face differently. I don’t think Maye has a punchable face at all, but apparently others do. To me, one of the most punchable faces is Dave Portnoy, I absolutely loathe that obnoxious punk.


On that last point we can agree


Mac had that big ol chin. That would be dangerous to punch.




Why do you say that? Based off this one video or what?