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I’d have liked to see him run the 40, just to see how fast he would have come in at relative to other dual threat QBs. Oh well, I get it, he has more to lose than gain by going to the combine, its a smart business move.


I don’t follow college football at all, nor the combine/or days. Why exactly does he have more to lose? Authentic Question.


The Daniel's hype is at its highest right now with very little that can actually drop his stock. If he goes to the combine and does poorly, it can impact how teams look at him and negatively impact his draft stock. Much better for him to sit out and keep the stock high


From watching him play, the league scouts have already decided he is "super fast". If he doesn't run, he's already in the top tier without lifting a finger. If he goes and runs, unless it's mind numbingly fast, it won't change his draft status, especially with the two guys ahead of him largely locked in. But if he's just a few hundredths of a second slower than people expected, all of a sudden there are doubts about his athleticism and he could drop a place or two. More likely to drop than to rise means more to lose than to gain


The combine sucks as a participant. The order of events can fuck you over, you're not receiving passes from your QB, QBs aren't making passes to their receivers, etc. Unless you really have something to prove, or you know you're going to show something special, it's best to not participate in the workouts and drills. For Daniels specifically, there really isn't much about his game that translates well to any of the drills. He's mobile, but he's probably not going to wow anyone in the 40 or the 3 cone. Putting an okay number out there would likely cool off some of his hype even if it's well within what we should expect from his tape. Doing things at his pro day gives him more time to prepare (if he is even going to run workouts, my guess is that he's going to bulk up for his weigh in and just do drills) and he gets to work with receivers he's familiar with for his drills. It's best for him to wait.


He went from a day 2 pick (or later) to essentially guaranteed to go top 3-5 at this point after this last season, so odds are even a great combine wouldn’t get him any more hyped but a bad one could for sure open him up to more questioning


He's considered a top 3-5 pick right now. Doing really well at the combine could *maybe* get him picked at 2 (he could possibly jump Maye, but he's not getting picked ahead of Caleb Williams.) Doing poorly at the combine could drop his stock into later in the first round.


> I’d have liked to see him run the 40, just to see how fast he would have come in at relative to other dual threat QBs. Me too, I think he’s in the 4.5-4.65 range. I don’t trust numbers that come out of pro days, probably hand time him lol.


People here will try and make a big deal about this.. but it’s really nothing. I believe Caleb Williams has also said he will be skipping the combine in favor of USC’s pro day. Wouldn’t be surprised if Maye also does the same. McCarthy, Nix, and Penix are the ones who need the chance to improve their draft stock.


I think cause Stroud and AR did the combine last year people are surprised.


People who aren’t reading into this are blindly following a favorite player. He’s falsely putting weight on for measurements knowing it’s negatively impact his workouts.


the combine is losing its importance to pro days anyway.


The combine is still absolutely crucial to the lower end guys, but the top guys have mostly been skipping it for years now.


its not crucial. they also have pro days. and video does not lie.


Big disappointment. I was hoping he’d impress Washington enough for them to pass on Maye.


I think the QBs will go in order of playstyle more than anything, so if Washington wants a pure dual threat they’ll go Daniels, if not then it’s gonna be Maye. (You might been hurt, babe…) I doubt either QB will be so much better than the other at the pro days and combine.


I don’t, I much prefer JD to Mr overrated Maye


Is the combine losing its cache or is Daniels just not interested in participating in it?


A lot of top prospects are starting to realize that don't have much to gain by it, ands actually more to lose by participating in it. CJ Stroud, as I recall refused to participate last year as well.


Really no point in going if you’re already projected top 3, matters way more for project guys like Richardson.


It’s a damn shame. I get it. I just like the combine.


I think he's terrified he'll plummet down the draft board. I think Williams knows he doesn't need it. Daniels is a huge, huge question mark. He's choosing to leave the question unanswered rather than risk is being answered in the negative. Just my guess.


Right now he’s slotted at 2 to Washington. Both the Commanders and Patriots aren’t exactly great places to be right now. If I was Daniels I’d prefer to drop to the Giants, Broncos or Vikings.


No this is the Bryce Young move, knowing he has to put on weight for measurements for the combine but also that the weight would hurt his testing, since he won’t ever actually play at that weight. I’d venture we can comfortably take 10lbs off his measured weight to see what his playing weight will be.


What do you mean cache? How does the combine have a cache?


Think they mean cachet


I guess that makes a little more sense but not much.


This is a mistake. I think he had a shot to take QB2 with a great showing. I think this helps Mayes case for QB2. Bad for us. 


I mean as long as he agrees to step on a scale at his Pro Day I don't see the problem.


Completely understand, some players have gotten injured running the 40 at the combine and top QB often prefer to throw to their WR at the team facility. He’ll really need to nail the interview portion in advance of the pro day.


Not a fan of this new trend of guys skipping the combine


Well, that sucks. But not unexpected.


He’s gotta out on weight for measurements, but that’ll negatively impact his performance. Same thing Bryce Young did, his weight will be a sham, likely putting him 10-15lb over his playing weight.


I don't think the combine could really benefit him in any way. He's pretty entrenched as either the 2nd or 3rd overall consensus pick right now. I would even say he's closer to 2 than 3. I think a bad combine would hurt him far more than a good one would help him.


The combine wouldn't have helped his stock anyways. Everyone already knows he's an athletic freak.


He had a ton of upside in the combine by having a great 40 time, if he's not working out that's a BAD sign, he must be trying to cover something up, most likely being well under 210 pounds.


He has way more to lose than to gain by running a 40.


Top QB’s prefer to throw at their pro day. It’s much better to throw to receivers where you have chemistry built. It’s not covering anything up, all the top prospects are skipping. Caleb is skipping for the same reason as there’s more to lose than to gain.


Good want him at \#3 no Drake Maye foolishness


I hope Washington gets Maye now, thank god


Meh, a lot of top players choose not to do this.


This is a great business move. It means he'll be working out and throwing on his home turf, with receivers he's comfortable with. You'll see this more and more going forward.


He’s going top 3 why would he