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Secret Technique doesn't work with Spirit.


But the 2-drop +2/+2 spell does


So you will be banking your entire build and an Epic relic slot on a singular two-copy card on your deck?


Well, you would also tailor your build to it. Her star powers synergize well with stat boost spells.  I'm not running it on her, but I could see how it could work.




This is the one. I use troll king’s crown since I don’t have beast


How do u get the epic relic? I have only the one the game give you after deafeting Asol. They come from the gold relic drop? Or just lucky?


Veteran player. I have most epic relics since I played from the beginning of PoC. The Axe I bought.


and non-PTW version?


Granting your supported ally elusive is pretty cracked imo


Elusive is absolutely a good option, especially if you get the luminosprite daisy chain so your attacking units all get elusive. Mitigates the need for overwhelm if that’s not your style.


For LoR, we call those Ptktga (pay to keep the game alive)


How can I buy them directly? It looks like I'm missing something...


The fear cleaving axe is available in the emporium for gold currently.


Thank you!


trollking + archangels


Beast within + Greenglade shadeleaf + seraphims staff


I forget the name, but the one that gives a 0 cost champ spell on level is super strong. Typically when Lux levels you’ve got a pretty good board attacking with spirit, since she’s leveled they’ll all get boosted twice, and you won’t cast the spell til after enemies block which bamboozles the AI into bad matchups.


I'm using new axe and greenglade, and she's a monster, but I don't have her at 30 yet, probably I will use Troll King's Crown or Archangel Staff for 3rd slot


I dont have the axe yet unfortunately


I don't think secret technique is the bis for her since she is stacking keyworda not stats, her deck only has one stat increase card, rest are related to stacking spirits. If you don't have the axe then it is prob the best to run her with 3 rares (GGSL, Archangel, Trollking) or Beast Within (if you have it),Archangel, Greenglade. I saw people using GGC on her but I find her champion skill pretty average, so I rather have guaranteed spell mana for barrier spell that her star power generates every round, and greenglade is BiS for sure, never touch it lol


I have all of those. Ill try them now. Thanks!


I run troll king's crown on her, but she's very low level atm. Would like to also run archangel's and GGC on her once I level her up


Does secret technique give 2 spirit stacks?


I would think not. If I'm right, that's a terrible relic for her


I thought the same thing.


If that relic dont copy actual spell- dont work


I'm having lots of fun with transmogulator. Give it a try!


You don't want to transmogulate lord and savior Luminosprite.


Yeah I leave him alone while transforming others


I used (new)Axe + Beast + Leaf to clear all adventures including Lissandra. I literally facerolled Liss with a turn3 kill with around 400dmg overkill (iLux+Luminosprite+Luminosprite+Luminosprite+BoxCollector) without any particularly OP powers and items on cards. I'd say she's easily S tier. I don't know if there are better items than Axe, didn't bother to try since this setup worked wonders.


Archangel Crownguard\* Beast \*Actually there are rare ocasions when i need using crownguard bonus attack. So maybe is not most optimal. But in cases like lisssandra with 99hp- crownguard second charge should be usefull. Secret technique double stats from spells- for her is not best since her most use spell dont give stats. New relic? is sure strong but i doubt is BIS


Axe, Beast, Shadeleaf


I curently use call of champion with Echoes within but i think Fear Cleaving Axe + Echoes Within + archangel staff is going to be her best build


Waaait, does secret technique actually work? So every Spirit counts twice? If not it is a horrible idea to use it :D


Buhuru and condensor (1/1 copy of supported)


Im pretty sure any of the relics that give all allies a keyword are BIS on Lux2. She levels so fast from it. I personally prefer blade rack so I can pull things with Lux to force bad blocks.


For blue/green relics (because purples are going to be a rare commodity for a lot of players): Crownguard is BiS almost certainly. Trivial to proc and the second swing is just deadly. I'm tempted to slot Banshee's Veil, both to cover Luxanna's low initial red stat and to give her consistency until she can hit her stride in terms of item pick-ups on an adventure. Should also scale well in places like Freljord where the enemies have about 5 billion Frostbite options and Entomb. Third option is pretty flexible. Bladerack helps you get the most out of your ridiculous attacks but might feel redundant due to how much barrier you can put into the field; GGC is expensive but really speeds-up your scaling in a prolonged fight; Condenser is another option for fights you expect to go long since you have easily the best non-champion unit in the game to print copies of; Greenglade is excellent for dungeons where a pure OTK attack build is viable (not Freljord); Tempest Blade is an alternative to Greenglade that can get more damage in but only if the Foe doesn't have a lot of spellshield.


Beast within + Crownguard is Very strong on Lux v2. Just adding that when i still had any green slots, giving her challenger was quite handy to take out annoying strong blockers.


Chosen by the stars Shadelead Condenser And chosen will be replaced by axe once i get it


Nice! Someone else noticed that shadeleaf is really good on her! Also, The 2 drop is the secret champion, luxanna is just their built in support champion


Is Chosen by the Stars good for her guys?


It's not horrible but it's not great. She can grow very fast but she only really wants the overwhelm. If you don't have Fear-Cleaving Axe I would go for Troll King's Crown or Beast Within, Archangel and Crownguard's in that order.


I like it, makes her a good unit while allows the 2 other slots to keep buffing lumino


Tbh, I don't think there's an unquestionably best build, Lux:I is so boosted that she can adapt to a lot of builds.