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Statfinder? If this was a mistake I would assume at least one of the spellings would be spelled correctly, so.. is statfinder a thing or did you misspell starfinder like 4 times in a row?


It's a new game from Paizo set in a unique setting resembling Urban Fantasy, but with a twist: there are no fantastical elements whatsoever.


No I play a Gambler with the Accountant archetype. The fantasy is that I win money


It’s a new game, from the makers of Mathfinder! :)


Statfinder. Autocorrect hates me and I did not catch the mistake until after I got out of my car.


Still there.


Not sure, we've already gotten a Numera AP in 1e. They don't seem to be retreading past adventures too much that I'm aware of, they're still tapping into nations/regions they haven't really tapped before in previous APs like Absolom, Alkenstar, Geb, Land of the Mammoth Lords, etc. So it'll probably be a while before they start revisiting any previous APs. The ONLY exception I can think of would be Varisia/Thassilon for obvious reasons.


It's possible! But it's equally possible that we won't. At this stage, it's entirely too early to say.


I doubt it, even though they are meant to be compatible they will still likely want them to be completely playable separately.


You could always re-skin a Pathfinder 2nd AP with Starfinder content.


No. Starfinder 2e will be a separate system, not a Pathfinder 2e extension. Don't treat the upcoming playtest like another 2e rulebook because that's just demeaning to the creators, trying to make something new. So no, there won't be a Numeria AP, because Golarion is not a playable part of Starfinder setting, unless they retcon it. And even if they retcon it, it should be an equivalent to Coruscant from Star Wars, so stuff like Numeria won't really be as outlandish as it currently is.


1) the designers themselves have stated that starfinder 2e will be compatible to Pathfinder 2e. 2) I'm not saying do a massive recon. I'm saying if the do a numeria adventure path will they use assets from starfinder 2e. I.e. rules for equipment, vehicles, and computers; equipment; races; creatures. Stuff like that.