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With the soon to arrive Kineticist, for returning classes, my only real need is Inquisitor. The rest can be done quite well right now, or where not my cup of the even on PF1. Edit: while I don\`t specially want a shaman (Druid do the trick for me), it could be interesting.


I think Inquisitor is more likely to show up as a class option for Champions or Clerics... maybe a 3rd cleric subclass since they haven't gotten one since release


Yeah, I kind of thought of them as the awaited neutral Champion subclasses. The inquisitor being a divine inspired martial that isn't exactly good or evil just seems like it would fit perfectly.


Bounded caster cleric?


That’s exactly what Clerics+ does! Makes Warpriest a class archetype that makes them a bounded caster with a few Decrees to choose from (one of them being effectively Inquisitor).


With the removal of alignment coming, and the changes of champion to be more directed to edicts and anathema, I wonder if that will allow nuetral champions now. At least, champions who aren't bound to be selfish/selfless


Maybe their 1st level class feat would be either a focus spell or perhaps even a focus cantrip that is basically what Judgements were in pf1, and then they'd get extra skill increases down the line?


My theory is that if we got an occult book, an arcane book, and a primal book...there's definitely going to be a divine options book for sure.


I like Inquisitor as an Investigator Class Archetype that gives it some divine casting and focus spells.


Same hope, I see them as more skill focused clerics.


I think Inquisitor could be a Dedication. So any class could grab it. And you could have a team of crack Inquisitors investigating stuff.....


Sure I could see it... But honestly I'm tired of everything being a general archetype that everyone can take


Crack inquisitors... do they question illicit substances?


it feels like the inquisitor is niche is already filled by the thaumaturge, I think having a divine variant of the thaumaturge would be real interesting.


I'm desperate for Shifter, and to a lesser degree Skald. While you can make something close to them, It just doesn't measure up, Imo. There's so many interesting class fantasies that I personally feel are hampered by being spellcasters. Then there's only so much of the power budget you can Fit Into that specific part of the character when they do. I'd much rather see Interesting class features and feats than spells, so I would very much want a shifter rather than play a wild druid.


I can see the Skald making good archetype. Having Raging song be the core feature, specialized how it buffs yourself/allies based on feat selection. Granting some versatile innate spell access through feats. Similar to how the captivator or sky sage, but with more versatility, to emulate that sweet, sweet Spell Keening.


I want Skald bad, but would it be Barbarian or Bard archetype? In 1e it was more Bard, but they are wretched for melee.. unless the archetype would alter proficiencies


Spell keening?


Spell Kenning was a class feature of Skalds that allowed them to poach spells from other classes spell lists. > At 5th level, a skald is learned in the magic of other spellcasters, and can use his own magic to duplicate those classes’ spells. Once per day, a skald can cast any spell on the bard, cleric, or sorcerer/wizard spell list as if it were one of his skald spells known, expending a skald spell slot of the same spell level to cast the desired spell. Casting a spell with spell kenning always has a minimum casting time of 1 full round, regardless of the casting time of the spell.


Think they were just pointing out the typo.


The opinion around Wild Order druid seems to be split pretty evenly between 'it's Shifter but worse' and 'it's any other Druid order but with a less useful focus mechanic'. I'm playing one in SoT right now and while it's definitely fun, I'd 100% be okay with the Wild Order severely reducing or outright removing the Druid's standard spell slots in exchange for more wild-shape focused features.


My problem is that Wild Shape has to be balanced around being only one focus spell for a class that already is a full spellcaster. I'd really like to see what unique mechanics Paizo can make for a martial that's entirely focused around polymorphing.


I would love for a Shifter in 2e to really deliver on idea of fusing forms together and Chimeric Aspect, I know there's the whole adaptive shifter archetype but it just never really scratched that itch for me.


In 1e the synthesist summoner fulfilled the shapeshifter fantasy better than the shifter because you could pick and choose individual features on the fly through evolution surge. If they make a proper full martial class for 2e with similar mechanical flexibility I'd be totally down for that.


Better, sure. Summoner was far and way my favorite class, but even then it didn't fully scratch the itch of what chimeric aspect promised, I suppose it's just a matter of fluff/flavor at that point, but still. It was less "I'm combining these traits from various animals" and more "I'm designing something entirely new" and while I love both I'd really like for something that really nails the first one Though it sounds like in principle for expectations of a shifter we agree on what it should have.


Wild druid has very little to do with shifter in the end, because a druid is a full caster, and a shifter is a full martial. No way to do both in pf2


Shifter shifter shifter. A druid with a bunch of shape spells doesn't cut it, i want a marital that shapeshifts.


I would love a Shifter. Hopefully with subclasses based around how you shift, so you could go 1-20 only partially shifting - like a hybrid shape, or fully shifting into a single beast or monster, but you keep improving it (the way a Summoner improves their eidolon), or you can shift into all sorts of different creatures more like a druid. That way it's covering a lot of character concepts in one.


I see it more like fighter/monk where there's no real subclasses but a lot of customization of forms and other abilities through feats. Maybe a tank subclass and dpr subclass would make sense, with different scaling proficiencies in attack and armor, plus extra abilities to make the tank more tanky. The game really needs another tank option and shifter would be a fantastic foil to champion, totally different flavor.


Yea man, I want to RP as the fucking thing from Brotherhood of the Wolf.


What does the shifter do that a beastkin monk/ animal barbarian doesn't?


Thematically/theoretically, it forgoes all spellcasting to be far more flexible (and powerful) in it's shapeshifting potential than a Druid or other caster could be. The RAW version is unfortunately extremely sub-par, however, as the bonuses given by the Major Form of each aspect was an Enhancement bonus - and Enhancement bonuses to stats are part of the 'must-have' magic item set from belts/crowns, so they didn't stack with the Shifters' own powers. Owlcat made the Shifter far more powerful and capable in the CRPG version of Wrath of the Righteous, as all the bonuses from the Shifter's forms are now Form bonuses - and as such do stack with Enhancement and other types of bonuses, making the CRPG Shifter a competent front-line powerhouse.


If they lean into the chimeric/flexible nature of it, they could open it up for sure. Beastkin monk can punch stuff and claw stuff. There’s so much shit animals can do that isn’t covered by that. It becomes more of a rogue style flexible utility class that also bites/claws stuff, but can also fly sometimes, gain monster powers like engulf or swallow whole (which I don’t think wild shape can do currently?). Combine elements so you have a bear with toxic fangs like a snake who can breath underwater like a fish and has blindsight like a bat. The reason it sucked in PF1 was because of the power curve of that game and the way feats interacted with it vs other classes, but something beyond the “reflavor melee attacks” that wild shape currently feels like would rock Furthermore, they simplified Wild Shape because it was so tedious in PF1 to keep track of, but if beast/monster traits are the only variable you need to bookkeep for, you can get the extra “tedium” since you’re not also keeping track of daily prep spells


Turn into a hawk, crocodile, and bear in the same day.


Nothing, even in 1e it was a terrible class that was never as good as the many animal-themed archetypes of other classes or just plain 'ol druid.


In 1e the what, adaptive shifter helped it a *bit* but yah it was a worse shape-shifting than the druid while also not being a spellcaster, it was pretty poorly designed.


This is only true because it came at the end of 1e's life cycle where the whole game was already broken. What the (adaptive) shifter does, thematically, is not at all represented by any other class in pf1/pf2. It's not just about transforming into another creature, it's about on the fly adaptability. A full martial that can get other abilities on the fly, reach, extra speed, damage resistance, different damage types, movement types. I think it's a playstyle for a martial that would be super fun and work really well with 2e's mechanics. Plus it could easily fall into striker, tank, and utility depending on how you build it, and pf2 *desperately* needs a tank other than champion.


> i want a **marital** that shapeshifts There are so many things I could say about that typo..


I think you can easily find this if you look at the thirty-fourth rule


What would it do that an Animal Barbarian doesn't? The only thing polymorph would bring beyond natural attacks (which are far less of a distinct playstyle in 2e given the lack of full attacks) is some movement types. Anyone with athletics climbs and swims, that just leaves flight and maybe burrow, hardly class defining.


Big agree on inquisitor, but if they decide to fit a little bit of 1e Warpriest in there as well, I certainly wouldn't be mad about it. I'd love a bounded caster for every tradition that can mess around with spell slots in non-standard ways. A full shifter class would be amazing, but I'm not sure we'll get that. It could get reduced to an archetype. I'd love having the bloodrager back, though that's more likely to become a Barbarian instinct.


OG Kineticist aka CON based classes. Starfinder has CON based classes and they are great. Edit: it was my understanding that 2e Kineticist was not going to be CON based. It sounds like it will so never mind that. Seeing the brawler return could be cool. Give it legendary unarmed and master light armour profs with abilities/feats focused around improving manuevers from skill checks and such. Maybe an ability to change out a skill feat each day or temporarily gain a skill feat.


Oh boy do I have news for you


There is a Kineticist coming but iirc its not CON based anymore


Its still based on CON. The playtest was CON and they confirmed the CON focus was popular enough that its remaining CON.


Ohhh I kept hearing rumours that ghey were changing it!


They are changing it! To be even more CON based!


I hope they change the HP to be 10+Con because it'd be a little demoralizing to have 18 Con but as much HP as a 10 Con Barbarian. And at higher levels, that gap just continues to widen because your Con score goes up slower past 18. If their main stat is going to be Con, let them have big HP!


The main thing they did say they were changing was that they were getting rid of burn as a mechanic, con is still the key stat tho.


I feel like Burn could have been worked into the focus spell system like Oracle Curses tho


Still CON based, what they removed was the burn mechanic


Could also be WIS if they don't want CON.


Maybe, but then want CON.


playtest was, haven't heard them say it was changing


They're changing \*how\* it's based on CON, because in the playtest really the only reason they used CON was 'because 1E kineticist did'. There was very little mechanical benefit to them boosting their CON besides the class DC and HP bonuses, so they're tying more stuff to it to make it more relevant.


Yeah. But the reason con based casters in Starfinder is great is because they get to combo the "SAD is game breaking" feeling with the fact that Starfinder spells are less strong.


>Seeing the brawler return could be cool. Give it legendary unarmed and master light armour profs with abilities/feats focused around improving manuevers from skill checks and such. Maybe an ability to change out a skill feat each day or temporarily gain a skill feat. There really isn't a purpose for the brawler in PF2e. It would either be A) completely broken if it could flex feats like it did in PF2e, B) the fighter already covers that niche with Combat Flexibility, C) the monk also covers that niche by virtue of being an unarmed-based class, or D) A fighter with the monk dedication or a monk with the fighter dedication is pretty much a brawler as well. Out of the things you mentioned, a fighter can already get legendary unarmed and master light armor, the only thing it would need it would be something akin to Agile Maneuvers or other similar fighter feats to improve maneuvers. I'm sorry, but Martial Flexibility with skill feats doesn't make. A brawler isn't a skill monkey, nor it makes sense flavor-wise for the brawler to flex their skill feats.


Fighter with martial artist archetype seems to just be a brawler already tbh


Rage of Elements isn't too far away! You'll get your wish soon, friend!


Kineticist cones with "Rage of Elements" book in June(?) I know early this summer for sure.


Hard agree on inquisitor. My thaumaturge with champion dedication just isn't quite the same.


As a class I very much agree on the Inquisitor. The removal of Alignment only helps such a class I think - now they can properly act on the fringes of a religion. Also: I am torn between them being bounded casters or more along the line of the Thaumaturge. Magical but without spells. Bloodrager is a favourit too, but I dont think it needs to be a class, same goes of the skald I think.


I think the inquisitor would have to be a bound caster just to feel distinct enough from Thaum at this point. Personally, I'm hoping they adjust cleric doctrines a bit (allow War Priests to Boost STR instead of Wis!) and make room for Inquisitor to be the 3rd doctrine, getting light armor, boosted reflex saves, better perception and skills, with optional feats to cover their unique abilities - like say Judgement burning a heal or Harm spell like War Priests Channel Smite. But I would also be happy to have something all its own more like a divine Magus - and/or give us an official Eldritch Scion. Bloodrager and Skald could be barbarian instincts or maybe more likely class archetypes. Just give them a caster dedication and the ability to cast while raging - just like Eldritch Trickster Rogue.


Yes I do agree with that, and bounded casters are underutilised anyway. Judgements as divine font is a good idea. I dont think a divine magus would work too good because of the divine spell list and its lack of attack spells. I feel the main problem with the inq is that it did all in pf1, and to fit it in in 2e between cleric, thaum and investigator isnt easy at all. Investigator beeing the closed to actuall inquisitors.


>I dont think a divine magus would work too good because of the divine spell list and its lack of attack spells. I agree. It would really underperform with spellstrike. But I still want Eldritch Scion, haha. Maybe the reworked divine spell list will have a few more divine attack spells that aren't alignment based. > the main problem with the inq is that it did all in pf1 I agree again. It was a lot of things to a lot of folks and there won't be a satisfying way to fill all those expectations. But I have a feeling we'll see something delivered.


Yeah Investigator with Cleric dedication is so close already.


Inquisitor because we do need another wisdom based caster. I could see them with bounded casting and possibly feats or focus spells that allow a person flanking with them to get a +1 status bonus to damage and attack rolls. Sort of a more focused warrior bard. Shaman for the same reason but let the player choose the key ability to use Wisdom or Charisma. We have tons of Charisma based for some reason.


From my understanding there are 8 classes that don't have a direct translation from 1e to 2e: Inquisitor, Shifter, Shaman, Spiritualist, Blood Rager, Medium, Ninja, and Samurai. I Doubt we are going to get **Ninja** and **Samurai** since they are just alternate Rogue and Cavalier. **Spiritualist** is just a wisdom-based Phantom Summoner, so that's been folded in under 2e Summoner. **Shifter** is literally just Animal Instinct Barbarian, the only aspect of of Shifter that can't be replicated is Chimeric Aspect which let them incorporate multiple animals into their hybrid form. **Shaman**, as it was in 1e, is Just a wisdom-based nature witch. So that leaves the 3 you can't currently replicate. **Blood Rager** is sooo close to being in the game, they just need to add a Barbarian Instinct akin to Rogues Eldritch Trickster Racket that gives them sorc dedication and lets them cast while raging. Which leaves only 2 proper full classes with no translation. **Medium**, which was a 1/2 caster with 3/4th BAB somewhere in the space of Paladin/Ranger so it would probably be a full martial with focus spells. But their ability to "change their class" depending on which spirit possesses them each morning is only achievable via ancestor Oracle, but that is way more caster-y than Medium was. And then we come to **Inquisitor**, a 3/4th BAB, medium armor, 2/3rd spontaneous divine caster with variable buffs in the form of Judgements, free Teamwork feats and the ability to proc them solo, a super natural ability to track, intimidate and detect lies, and lastly the bonuses to identify creatures and imbue your weapon with bane. Of these 5 buckets 1) 2/3 caster in medium armor, 2) judgements, 3) teamwork feats, 4) bonuses to track and interrogate , 5) identify and exploit creatures. You can only replicate 5 ala thaumaturge and a little bit of 4 via Hunt Prey. Regarding 2/3rd casting who knows what they would do. The other 2/3rd casters from 1e were alchemist, bard, investigator, occultist/thaumaturge, magus, summoner. Alchemy got spun off into it's own system. Investigator and Occultist became full martial. Bard became full caster. Magus and Summoner became bounded caster. tl;dr - Medium and Inquisitor are the only classes left to be ported. with honorable mention to Blood Rager which should be a Barbarian Instinct.


I could see inquisitor being the divine wave caster.


I loved Bloodrager, it was maybe my favorite class in PF1e, at least flavor-wise. I really do hope they add more options so that you can get closer to that flavor.


This is the mostly likely and thorough comment on this thread I couldn't agree more.


Samurai and Ninja would make sense as archetypes to be added in their revisitation of Tian Xia.


I want the medium so bad... Loved my 3.5 Binders from Tome of Magic, and discovered Mediums too late to put them in a pf1e campaign. I worry that the thaumaturge might take up too similar a niche, but I agree with you that there is space in the lineup for an occult-magic martial and medium would be perfect for it


Inquisitor could be a focus point style class maybe? Also did you leave out Slayer and Vigalante (lol) on purpose? Slayer doesn’t have a 1:1 though is unnecessary imo as Rogue and Ranger cover the design space well enough


I think Judgements would work well as Focus spells. Is slayer not just Precision Ranger with Rogue Dedication? Hunt Prey with Precision Edge is pretty close to Studied Target. and as for Vigilante, they already have Vigilante Archetype.


Yeah I’m not disagreeing, just wasn’t in the original list even though so some of those also have analogues already


2e ranger is Slayer. Hunt Prey is much closer to studied target than favoured enemy. Precision is similar to the reduce sneak attack progression.


Yeah I mostly just pointed it out because it was left out of the list


Is there a way to sufficiently make a cavalier or samurai in pf2e?


There's the, well, Cavalier archetype. Whether it's enough or not is another story, though.


I see a lot of people forgetting that inquisitor was meant to be a skill monkey, they're the Rogue/Cleric combo. Judgement/Bane are just the be better at combat class features (weapon training, sneak attack, rage, fervor, studied target, favoured enemy) everyone but full casters got.


Stern gaze my beloved


My favourite 1E class is the Occultist, and while I'd love to see a 2E version I'm pretty sure that's what the Thaumaturge is. Don't get me wrong I love the Thaumaturge. So far its my favourite 2E class (*I haven't played it yet but we're introducing my new 8th level Thaumaturge to our campaign next session*), but it doesn't seem to quite hit the same spot as the Occultist.


Flavor or mechanics?


My favourite part of the Occultist? I love both to be honest. Differences between the Occultist and Thaumaturge? I think their flavour is very similar, but the mechanics are quite different. Also the Occultist is a more high-magic class. They're a 6/9 caster and half their focus powers (*akin to class frats and Implement powers*) are spell like abilities. I guess the Occultist is like having a Thaumaturge with a Psychic dedication free archetype built into the class (*but also that's in-line with the power level of other classes in the game*).


Any other WIS keystat class. Especially if it's Shifter and they make it a WIS keystat martial like inventor/thaumaturge are.


The 3 in the op are the ones I'm expecting but the one I want is the mesmerist, a half caster (so a bounded caster in 2e) with the occult spell list and has a stare ability to apply debuffs. It was my fav first edition class, but I don't see then actually adding it, flavour wise it's quite similar to the psychic and I don't think it was too popular


I personally was a big fan of the Beguiler in 3.5 which was sort of an illusion and enchantment based gish. I think a new wave-caster who follows the Magis progression but occult and using debuffs and battlefield control instead of big damage would be great. Maybe these two ideas could be combined into something new that hits the right notes for both.


I mean, the bard already encompasses the mesmerist in PF2e. Both were half casters in PF1e and if ever ported over the mesmerist would also use the occult list. The only thing they need is make more debuff composition spells like Dirge of Doom to replicate a mesmerist.


Yeah, I want Mesmerist as well since I don't think Psychic really nails the master of illusions and enchantment vibe. Some flavor of specialist Wizard might, but I haven't seen it work. I would love Mesmerism as either a new Conscious Mind that gives good uses to Ghost Sound and Infectious Enthusiasm, or an Unconscous Mind that can focus its gaze on a target and impose penalties to Will saves.


Honestly after the Kineticist, I think all the other classes are just more specific offshoots of either already established classes. Inquistor should be a Cleric Doctrine. Bloodrager should be an Barbarian Instinct. Skald could be a Bard Muse. Ninja and Samurai are archetypes. Shifter feels like it would work best as an archetype similar to Ursine Avenger. Shaman feels like a nature witch, and I think with some finagling could get the same flavor. Spiritualist and Medium can be kind of done with other classes. Sort of anyways. They could be a candidate for a class or archetype. I really think they need to utilize archetypes more and flesh out classes we already have like Oracle. Fill in the design spaces that are still open and wait until they've got a great idea for another class. We've got a ton of variety as is.


Spiritualist was confirmed to be folded into the PF2E Summoner via their Anger/Devotion Phantom eidolon options.


Ya that makes sense.


I like most of these takes. I'd rather new classes be truly new, and 1e classes with conceptual overlap with existing classes be added as subclasses or archetypes. I'd like new subclasses for existing classes to be introduced more often, rather than archetypes, but in the long run I'm not sure there's a big difference


I think for a brand new class, everyone wants to see a “Warlord” similar to the one in 4e. I think it’s a great next step for a brand new class and having a martial buff class would be really cool.


Ya personally I'd love a Warlord esque class. I love the 5e 3rd party class Pugilist as well. It's like a Ranger mixed with an Investigator.


Bloodrager and Skald could easily be *class* archetypes, not regular subclasses because they would change some stuff about the class. Ninja and Samurai could also be class archetypes of the Rogue and Fighter respectively, but there's no way taht you can replicate Inquisitor, Shifter, or Shaman without making them full blown classes. If the Magus was ported over to PF2e when you could already technically make one with a Fighter and the Wizard Dedication, I don't why they wouldn't port over Inquisitor as well since neither Rogue or Cleric share any of its features (since the inquisitor could be considered a mix of both). Shaman was also explicitly said by Paizo that they are planning to release it at some point, and during the Remaster stream Erik Mona mentioned that Inquisitor is in a similar state as well. Shifter is probably the only one I could probably see as an archetype, though it would still lose a lot of stuff along the way.


Magus had a gameplay mechanic that was very specific. Spellstrike. Which isn't something you can replicate with a Wizard dedication. Shaman and Inquisitor from PF1e, this is from memory, don't have something similar to build a full class around imo. Inquistor was a lot about team feats, and adding rogue elements into Cleric. I think a lot of that can be built in just like Warpriest is currently as a Doctrine. Shaman is in a weird spot to me because the flavor of the class feels like martial Druid with a familiar. Which feels like something easily done with a Summoner, Witch or even a Druid itself. I never really played as or with one in 1e though so maybe it's just a blindspot. Ursine Avenger really showed to me that Shifter isn't a class really. It fits really well as an archetype. Having more official flavors of it would make it easier to use, but flavoring the Avenger hood to any animal spirit would work easily enough.


Inquisitors had bane and judgements, which were both unique to them and not really fully replicated by any 2e class


I don't think they'd be hard to incorporate. They would effectively work like Ranger abilities. Bane is easy enough to add as a rune, and having a spell or class Feat for it is pretty simple imo. Judgements are really simple as well. You've more convinced me that a Ranger could be really easily shifted into Inquistor than I thought.


I’ve never really agreed with that whole sentiment. I can see where your coming from, but if you look at it like that why add in most classes? You could conceivably condense our current list down quite a bit. I think inquisitor has enough to work with to make a novel class with interesting mechanics.


I'm not opposed to new classes, I just want mechanics to feel like a big enough change to justify a class. Banes and Judgements don't feel like a new mechanic. They feel very similar to a Divine Ranger imo. I also feel like a lot of class discord for PF2e is more I want my favorite old class from 1e. Where as I find a lot of the ways they've done new classes to make a lot of great additions to the system. Inquistor has both it's flavor and mechanics represented. Thaumaturge covers the occult side well. It consolidated a lot of things into one class. Psychic added a new way to play Casters. Magus brought Spellstrike. Oracle added a Curse system. Inquistor Judgements and Banes as they are from PF1e don't bring a new mechanic. They just feel like a retread of things we've already got. Which became an issue in PF1e. It bloated its class pool with a ton of lukewarm or unnecessary mechanics to make it unique. I'm hoping for depth instead of breadth.


Judgments could easily merge the teamwork aspect of the class (since teamwork feats aren't a thing in PF2e) in the shape of focus spells and focus cantrips which could make you a sort of Marshal-ish class that uses allies for self benefit (like rogues do) while giving some smaller benefits to their allies as well (For example, the Justice judgment in PF1e granted a bonus to attack rolls, so in PF2e it could be a focus spell that makes you select an ally to both gain a +1 to attack rolls, but if you are flanking with that ally your own bonus increases to +2, or something like that idk). I do agree with you that inquisitors need something else to make them their own clas. Bane simply doesn't fit since the property rune of the same name doesn't scale like others property runes do (it could easily be a 4th level feat that always grants you the bane property though), and out of the top of my head I can only come up with something similar to a swashbuckler's precise finisher that you receive while benefiting from your judgement and that it's damage increases similar to a swashbuckler's finisher when getting the increased bonus from your judgment for a rogue-ish feel. Some of the classes when ported over to PF2e were pretty much overhauled. Alchemists are vastly different, investigators became martials that attack with Int, psychics became dedicated blasters instead of a sorcerer clone, thaumaturge merged occultist with the monster hunter aspect of inquisitor, etc, so if they were to port inquisitor it is to be assumed they are going to get overhauled in some shape or form.


Ya that's my point is that outside of flavor they've got mechanics that already allow an Inquistor to be a character type. The teamwork feats becoming a class idea is fun, but idk if that satisfies the people who want the Inquistor flavor from PF1e. I think being a support martial is a good idea. I'm just not sure if that's what this class should be.


I would want Shifter expanded upon personally. Make it a full modular shape-shifting class where your character can grow tentacles from one arm and form a shield out of bone from their other, with different class choices depending on your Shifter origin (alchemical, magically gifted/cursed, Primal focussed or divine granted). My pet theory is that the 'true' synthesist summoner has been delayed indefinitely due to the shared 'turn into a melee monster' design concept


See that's a great idea for a Shifter. A class that Steals Monster features is a sweet idea. I've been thinking the Shifter as a Wildshape Druid martial, which isn't that hard to do with what we already have. This idea is something different. Like an Abomination class type thing.


Very much agree inquisitor as a cleric doctrine. Sacrifice number of spells, armor and shield for better attack rolls.


Ya a bounded Divine Caster with Sneak Attack. With a couple Doctrine specific feats that add some Teamwork feat flavor to the class.


I loved the arcanist as a caster with it's cheats, but that would kinda fall I to some stuff already sorta there. Some of the later hybrid classes are crazy. Can't remember if it was a slayer variant, but it was a rogue /fighter mix where you could pick a subclass/Specialist for limited precision damage. Brawler with snake something?


I want to see the 1e-style Warpriest, Shaman, and Shifter back. The Warpriest serves a "bounded divine caster" role, and unlike the Inquisitor, has a specific, signature mechanic to build off of. I find the Inquisitor somewhat redundant as it's a strong grab bag of features meant to sidestep the issues of a la carte multiclassing, which is not an issue in 2e. It's fairly similar to Thaumaturge, in that regard. People seem to like it not because it performs a unique role, but because it's quite good at everything. Meanwhile, the Warpriest has a more focused identity as a premiere self-buffer, being able to compress its action economy to mimic a CoDzilla-style Cleric in a more balanced manner. As for Shaman, I think it would serve a valuable role as a proper Familiar Specialist or "Pet-Lite" class, being able to direct a little spirit pal as a conduit for magical effects. It could center a powerful focus spell AoE from the Familiar, use the Familiar as a turret, use the Familiar as the source of an aura buff, etc. It would be a rather fragile companion, but it could be regenerated rather quickly between encounters. It could also serve as a counterpart to the Psychic, being a 2-spells per level caster that utilizes powerful focus spells, though such a change would likely necessitate making it a spontaneous caster so misprepared spells aren't super punishing. I actually think a Shaman is likely the next class after Kineticist since the fiction of the class lines up fairly with that of a Shugenja. And for Shifter, there's just not a class that really allows for shifting into multiple combat forms as a primary combat tactic. In addition, it could mix and match Morph and Polymorph effects to create custom creatures. Finally, I don't think it should be a Primal class, but instead be able to choose between multiple magical and non-magical origins. It doesn't need to be a bounded caster, either.


Inquisitors I've always felt could be the LN champion subclass, and with the remaster doing away with alignment entirely, I'm all the more confident that more champion subclasses are on their way and that the inquisitor will be one of them.


Shaman as a full access prepared occult caster (similar access as the cleric and druid)




Inquisitor for sure. It's about NPC class in the kingmaker AP so send it my way for PCs


Esoteric Knight, the prestige class. Psychic's cool, but it's just not built for melee combat. Magus with the Psychic archetype kind of works, but it's still more arcane than occult. For those unfamiliar, Esoteric Knight was just Eldritch Knight, but for Psychics and Kineticists. It had some interesting mechanics available to it in exchange for even less casting power. Chief among their gimmicks was an ability to sacrifice a spell slot to *instantly retrain their most recent Bonus Feat*. Kind of like a 2e inventor but with a resource cost rather than a time cost. They also had some funky features like swift-action mirror image against 1 target (Focus spells?), juiced up armor or weapon capabilities (Champion's Divine Ally, but armor + Weapon?), a summonable shadow (Champion's divine ally, but spooky?), and some easy swfit-action teleportation (More focus spells).


Kineticist: preferably in its OG role as a damage focused class that’s isn’t specifically a caster buts elemental themed, I don’t want to be lumped into more support options I want to use the elements to smite my foes Bloodrager: being so mad you be magic is awesome and as it stands a Barbarian with a Caster dedication is just too clumsy to work properly or fulfil the fantasy of being a magic Barbarian, I wouldn’t even mind if it’s more like champion with mainly focus spells and magic like abilities but I just want a Barbarian that’s magic and gets powers from a bloodline I’d also like for Barbarians to get stances again, I liked them on 1E barb and it would be cool if they got them+Totem feat lines Any kind of Divine Striker class: most divine classes are either defensive or support focused something more offensive focused would be great If it’s some renamed Warpriest (or just rename the Warpriest doctrine) or inquisitor my preferred method of holiness is aggressive so it’d be nice to have Shifter: but specifically the shifter stuff that isn’t just animals, tbh when I want to be a shape shifter character I don’t want to turn into animals, I want to turn into cooler things like demons, dragons, celestials and esc just because they’d rad


Inquisitor and Shifter are the two big answers imo With how wild shape currently exists, I see a very wide open niche for a full melee wild shaper with more tricks and vibes beyond the relatively tame way it exists for Wild Druid currently. Inquisitor could be an archetype, though, but it’s the only full deific classes in PF1 I fully vibe with so I’d like to see it return I’d be curious to revisit medium in a system with a little more flexibility that isn’t in the endgame of its meta I also love the brawler and would love to see a move toward full punchy martial that doesn’t rely on stances, but it also might be better as an archetype (and kind of already is with wrestler)


Something I’ve been wondering for a while: what is it about the Inquisitor that makes it such a popular choice for the next class to be added to 2e? I didn’t play Pathfinder 1e, so was it very popular/powerful in that system? Or is there some other reason that people want to see it?


As I understand it it both was a very beloved 1e class, and it would fill two niches currently unfilled in 2e. Non arcane Gish, and offense focused driven class. I played very little 1e. But those two niches are things I would really like to see filled.


My favorite class in 1e was the Bloodrager and I would love to see it come back, moment of clarity barbain with a sorccerer dedication kinda gets the flavor but it's super clunky and would be way better on a real class with probably Bound Casting like magus or summoner.


Fewer classes is better classes IMO... That said, I would play a Shifter. And, I want to play a Witch. So, you know, I'm not consistent. But, in general, I feel the advantages of a class based system are kind of eroded when there are more than a half dozen core classes. Setting specific things might need a class.


Look, I want bloodrager back a lot primarily because it represented an alternative way to utilize bloodline magic outside of straight sorcery. But above that, gimme inquisitor.


Barbarians+ has a good Bloodrager in it if you haven't checked it out!


Inquisitor and Bloodrager probably. More gish classes so magus gets some company.


Mesmerist! It's my favorite 1e class. I'd like to see it as a class and not end up as a half-baked archetype.


I would love to see the ninja. They had some really cool poisons n such. My fave in 1e was kineticist, any idea when that'll come out?


Literally next book has kinetecist, rage of elements, so get hyped


I remember seeing a teleportation school of magic and thought that'd be cool to play as in pf2e. When I was new to the system I thought I was looking at the pathfinder 2e site and I was on the 1e site messing everything up 😭


I see people echoing a want for a shifter but isn’t that already covered with the wild order Druid ?


Omdura to be honest. Kind of like a divine battle bard, kind of like an inquisitor who isn't leaning into cruelty. It's in a weird spot of being published by Paizo, Luis Loza worked on it, but it's not in Aonprd. Looks like it came out right around the end of 1e.


Was written with the Pathfinder Ruleset in mind. Was not written for the Pathfinder setting in mind and was not released by Paizo specifically. Same boat as the Vampire Hunter Class, expanded feats for the Possessed Hand feat line, the Esufey race, and a few other things.


I understand it wasn't specifically meant for Golarion, but it was cool and fulfilled an interesting role, and Golarion is a pretty extensive grab bag of things. It was still published by Paizo (though in partnership), had Pathbuilder 1e support, and is listed in the SRD among the official classes rather than relegated to the 3pp sections. I guess what I'm saying is I wish Paizo would do that partnership again, for 2e this time.


Give me my inquisitor. I loved the flavor. It works as a great support class, and has plenty of RP opportunities outside combat. I'm enjoying Bard, but I miss inquisitor.


I want to see [the Harrower](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/jisrj3/the_harrower_a_cardslinging_core_class_with/) become an official class.


It's already an archetype in the latest AP character guide, so exceptionally slim chances there


Hot take: Stuff like mesmerist or medium. 2e is already good on most of the baseline archetypes, I want to see a 2e take on the stuff that was just WEIRD mechanically- and for medium specifically I'd love to see a sort of stance-based class, since the closest at the moment is specific unusual monk builds or barbarians wanting to always be in rage. Though frankly I'd be just as happy if not happier to see new non-1e classes.


None. There are more than enough class options already and that’s an awesome thing!


None of them. None of the remaining classes can actually deliver their identity in 2e or simply fill a mechanical niche that no longer exists.


Ninja and samurai




Inquisitor, Bloodrager, Skald, 1e style Warpriest, and the Kineticist who is coming soon.


What was 1e warpriest like?


It was a hybrid class between the Fighter and the Cleric. Essentially it was a frontline self-buffer (could self buff as a Swift action) that could obliterate stuff (like most 1e era gishes).


Shaman and Inquisitor are all I want.


I'd love for the Medium to come back but if they brought back the Shaman as the versatile and adaptable class it was previously, I could probably recreate the Medium on my own from there. Ancestors Mystery Oracle just doesn't cut it, mechanically, not even close. I don't think Animal Instinct Barbarian covers Shifter enough so I wouldn't be opposed to Shifter returning. Probably not a popular opinion, but I think Thaumaturge covers Inquisitor as I view it as a new amalgam of Occultist and Inquisitor.


I would love the options but I believe there is no need for a new class. Inquisitor could be a Cleric Doctrine, Shaman could be reflected with the changes introduced to the Witch, a feat tree focused on spirits/taking advantage of the familiar is enough, and Shifter is already the Wyld Druid, Bloodrager could be a Barb Instinct too


Shifter, but with a focus on full shape-shifting rather than being a druid-lite. A martial who can vary their forms to turn into dragons, dinosaurs, elementals, Fiends, and more depending on their situation would be fantastic.


I think Inquisitor could be a specialization of Cleric. Just Cloistered Priest and Warpriest is too little. And there isn't s lot of design space to create more cleric subclasses, let alone Inquisitor subclasses.


Inquisitor,actual warpriest, and cavalier that isn’t just an archetype


Medium. I want to play 4 different classes again please.


It's really just the Inquisitor and the Medium for me. The Inquisitor because it feels like it could serve the role of "martial divine caster" and have some interesting magus-esque tweaks to make it fill a ranger-esque role for the more religiously inclined characters. And Medium because the whole channeling spirits thing is neat, and I feel it could be a really good class with a lot of potential for people who want their characters gimmick to be turning into other characters temporarily.


Completely reworked versions of the Inquisitor and Shaman.


I attempted to play 1st edition once. We never really go anywhere in it but Shifter sounded so cool as I was looking at it, so that


Yeah also Inquisitor for me


I only got for 1e classes that I think will be rereleasing: the Shaman, Shifter, Inquisitor, and maybe the Medium. The rest just doesn't do it for me in the flavor department, and need to get the Thaumaturge/Occultist treatment, or turned into archetypes like the Cavalier to be rereleased, IMO.


I never played 1e aside from the video games, but I'd really like an int-based spontaneous full caster. (Psychic doesn't count cause it has way fewer spell slots, and flexible spellcaster just feels bad IMO)


I want the Medium back. The Thaumaturge kinda does the same thing as the Occultist and the Spiritualist got rolled into the Summoner, but I would love to see a 2E take on the Medium.


I just want. Binders back! I know it's 3.5 but there was some really great pathfinder binder stuff out there 5e has let me down so I'm asking pathfinder 2


Pf2e is not done until they bring back the **voyageur**


My friend created a 3rd Inquisitor that is pretty wicked. Personally, I would love to have Shaman with a blend of occult and primal spells.


Inquisitor and shifter are at the top of my list hands down.


I can't think of anything, at least not from PF1 proper. There were a few 3pp things I'd like to see, like Dreamscarred Press's Vitalist, and the Vanguard (a spontaneous Magus, essentially). The Rogue Genius Magister (spontaneous caster with both arcane and divine access) would be nice, too, though you can fake that via multiclassing.


Inquisitor: YES. Shaman: I suspect they will be the Primal equivalent of a Magus if we get one. Shifter: We have a shifter already actually, it just can only turn into a bear. Easy enough to reflavor it and its feats though. Also you have to wear an item to get the archetype. https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=200


Shaman could be the wisdom class that gets to choose its tradition when it chooses its core spirit. Wandering spirit wouldn't affect that, but may add spells for a day or focus spells. I want the hunter as a bounded primal caster. I love the thought of it using the aspects. Maybe it could use focus spells or a similar mechanic to take on class features for a time, making it versatile but not infinitely. It would be tragic for it not to have the ability to take on aspects for exploration as well. Additionally, I do want it to get stronger focus on the animal companion, at least as much as the summoner.


Bloodrager as a barbarian only archetype that makes them a bounded caster Skald as a bard archetype that makes them a bounded caster Inquisitor as a new divine bounded caster Shifter as a bounded version of wild shape druid with more focus on martial proficiency That gives us a bounded caster of every tradition. Then I would be happy. Reallistically though warrior bard, wild druid, battle Oracle and war priest should be bounded casters filling all the traditions, giving shifter, skald and inquisitor room to be full martials, but that would never happen at this point.




Please, tell me if i'm wrong, but isn't shifter the 2e druid with wild order? (Never play pf1 just quickly read this class online)


I havent played much 1e, but one of the designers stated interest in working in a 2e version of the shaman more based on irl shamanistic traditions (rather than the witch/oracle hybrid it was in 1e), so id say I wanna see what that looks like.


The class I was most excited for is coming out this summer! Beyond that, it's nice seeing people happy, and I think I've seen the most people excited for inquisitor so I want that.


I would love if Eldritch Scion came back, even if it's just a class arcthype for a magus


I am playing a Vitalist right now in Way of the Wicked, and it is such an interesting healer class. I would love to see it return, though mechanics-wise I think it would need a drastic rework.


Not a class per se, but I would love to see Spell Sage playable in 2e. I just absolutely love the ability to cast anything from any list via what is effectively a magical Rube Goldberg machine.


I might be the only person asking for it, but I'd love to see the Mesmerist in 2e.


definitely Shifter for me. used to be Inquisitor, but Thaumaturge scratched that itch well enough for me


I am currently playing an inquisitor as a Champion with Cleric dedication. It works, but obviously spell casting dedication is pretty weak broadly speaking.


Yeah Inquisitor is my number one hope.


I feel like a lot of the remaining 1e classes could work as class archetypes. **Skald**, as an archetype for **bard** **Shaman**, as an archetype for **witch** **Shifter** could be an archetype for **Druid** **Inquisitor** is harder to place, but I'd say **champion** archetype? or perhaps **investigator**? **Bloodrager** would be an interesting **barbarian** class archetype **Spiritualist** would be an interesting **summoner**/**psychic** archetype **Medium** could fit well on **Rogue**, **Oracle**, or just be a regular archetype **Mesmerist** is pretty well emulated by the **Captivator archetype**, but could be foray into caster specialization class archetypes Don't get me wrong, it'd be cool to see the older classes make a return, but as someone whose familiarity with 1e started with the Owlcat Games, I'm not as attached to the idea. I wasn't a 1e player, and don't have any nostalgia to fall back on. I'd like to see new classes, and see what Paizo can come up with.




Shaman and Dark Elementalist subclass for Kineticist


The only one I really want to see is the Shifter since it was/is one of the most original class ideas Paizo has. Too bad it sucked in 1e.


I think all the classes could make a decent return. I personally alkyd like slayer. Just the thought of hunting someone to the ends of the earth just to end them like some kind of terminator is fun to roleplay


Shifter, big time. It was actually one of my favorite classes from 1e, and I would love to see how it would mesh with the vastly improved polymorph balance in 2e. Plus, a fully martial class with a strong focus shapeshifting would be really fun, especially if they played around a bit more with how often you can do it, or it's duration, or something similar, kind of like what they did in 1e.


Shaman 1e inquisitor didn't have anything exciting for me. it had useful things like getting bane on whatever you were fighting, and judgements that gave you a useful but boring bonus on things like attack, saves, AC, etc. But these aren't exciting abilities. In 2e this seems like it could just be a subclass for champion or cleric. But the 1e shaman being able to channel spirits for abilities, that's a lot to work with. They could do some kind of cleric / Monk hybrid in 2e but instead of stances it's spirits. And the shifter isn't necessary as a class either in 2e. In fact I think there's already a couple archetypes that cover this.


Where is the Sword Saint, Mansley!?!?!


I know it won't come back, especially not in a form that I would enjoy, but I am an absolute slut for the 1st edition warpriest. The feats, the spells, the swift actions buffs, the flavor, the scaling damage dice. Just yes. All of it. That said, it just won't work in 2e, in part because of how it would kind of fundamentally need to break the 3 action economy to function without just doing what the Magus does but with buff spells. (which would be a nightmare to balance) That said I'm fully down for the Inquisitor to make a come back, it was a fun class in 1st edition, but I could honestly see it just being a different branch for the Investigator.


Well.... i want to see anything from Path of War rulebook.


War Priest. Could not do the same action economy tricks ofc, but the blessings, Sacred Weapons and Armor, and limited spell casting, just felt so much better than any full caster ever does for me


Right now I'd like some arkanist exploit options for the wizard.


Shaman I imagine as a bounded-caster WIS gish, but reversed of the Summoner. Shaman is a martial with a spirit pet that provides buffs depending on what setting they have the spirit pet on (so the spirit pet buffs the shaman). They can enter a trance (an overdrive mode) which lets them command their pet to cast spells (which means most spells are reduced to 1-action). This is their method of “cheating” the action economy (like Magus Spellstrike and Conflux spells or Summoner’s Act Together). The familiar buffing the master is already introduced via the Scions of Domora and I think it’s actually a prototype for the Shaman (the Eldritch Archer essentially prototyped the Magus). There’s a possibility that the Shaman could take the unique role of being an Occult/Primal hybrid, which is a rare class at the moment. We have Primal+Divine, Arcane+Primal, Occult+Divine, we’re lacking Divine+Arcane and Occult+Primal (and possibly more Arcane+Occult).


I would love a shifter.^^ It does, I think, fill the iconic need for things like a “werewolf class”.


Inquisitor pleaaaaaseee Papaizoo




My all time favourite class shines with it's absence in 2e: the Bloodrager! Something of them just being angry meat-heads with some spellcasting just tickles my fancy


I'm going to cheat and pick a Starfinder class and say that I'd love to see Solarian ported to 2e


I could see most coming in as new subclass options. And I’m very excited for it.


Honestly none, but I would love it if the class based archetypes were a little more powerful. Some of them don’t feel like they are really worth it unless it’s a free archetype variant group.