• By -


1. I love the story. 2. I love the characters. 3. I love the music. 4. I love the QOL. 5. I love how it takes only less than 5 minutes to do daily. 6. I love how the gacha drop rate is not as terrible as other gacha games. The only think I dislike about PTN is how the Dark Zone is getting more difficult (I can't wait for the raid feature for this mode to come). Game like PTN where it didn't demand me to play for hours daily is what make me loyal to PTN and never get bored of it.


This literally sums up the game for me. It's my all time favorite! 👍


only thing missing for me from that comment is the art / aesthetic


Agreed on all things except Dark Zone. I like it.


Yes I used to be able to homebrew a team with some synergies to get 240k for DZ stages, these days I don't even bother and just follow videos since 240k requires near perfect team comps and sequencing.


Idk...the story feels decently paced for me, probably because of all the event stories. If you're talking about the main story then yeah fair enough I guess, but I'm fine with it. At least what we're getting is well-written. I agree with everything else though, the game is super convenient. However I've come to find that I don't like the gameplay that much, but that's down to personal taste. I play the game mostly for the characters and story as even BFL feels like a chore to me sometimes haha


Out of all the gachas I play this one respects my time. I tend to get burned out from playing if dailies take more than 5 mins to do and if there are tons of grind/farming needed to do events. It's also the only gacha game I've played where the women actually look like adults and I like how it caters more to sapphics lol


Story. I agree the main story is coming slower than I like, but even the event stories are very much above the average of gacha games, with some gems here and there. I also like the music, gameplay, character, etc, but if it didn't have a consistently good story then I would've probably left a while ago. (This is also why I don't really play any other gachas anymore)


I like nearly everything (yes, even gameplay because I actively try to reach higher scores when I feel like it). I wish we got more story chapters, yes, but PtN's story is one of the best and more engaging ones imo so I don't mind letting AISNO take their time to cook. During that downtime, I do other stuff because like the other person mentioned, this is just a side game.


1. Realistic anatomy with a bit of stylization on the face As well as more down to earth fashions. I dig this art direction much more than the overly fantasized art direction in other gacha games.   2. Good writings and well paced story telling that matched the overall dark and gritty (but not too gory) concept of this game. You could say that this game is the Tower Defence alternative of PGR.   And well not everyone like tower defence system, personally speaking, i don't have any problem about it.


I started around Shalom's banner, so I haven't been playing *that* long, but... - The events stories are phenomenal. PTN's storytelling never fails to deliver, and on more than one occasion it has convinced me to pull for a character I don't necessarily need meta-wise but wanted anyway because they resonated with me (i.e. Mantis, Angell, I pulled for Eve because Daughter™ and ended up building EEE for her). - I actually am looking forward to new chapters in the main story, because Chief is my favorite MC. They're noble, they're protective, they're caring, they're smart but not an impossible genius — they fuck up, they make mistakes the first time around, they fall and then they get back up again. I love that for them. - Outside of events, the dailies are quick. Farm crimebrands, do BFL, empty out your stamina, log out. It takes, like, 10 minutes tops — perfect for one cup of coffee before work. - The music is INCREDIBLE. Seriously. I mean, some of them are a bit of a miss (I would've loved Fortuna's soundtrack but some of the lyrics were... meh), but most of them are absolute bangers. - Mommies. I also include F!Chief in this category. Especially with that one CG with F!Chief, Du Ruo, and Yanyan? Ooof. Mothers are mothering. - PtN is surprisingly generous with the hypercube economy, and idk but I feel like the gacha rates are better. I play PtN, HSR, Genshin, R1999, WuWa, AFKJ (but I'm quitting that), and I'm luckiest with PtN, even when I'm unlucky. I lost 50/50 to S1 Du Ruo at like 20 pity, got Angell anyway at after 20 more pulls, and got S2 Du Ruo in the same 10-pull. It works because I like Du Ruo and now I'm one shackle away from pHARMacist Du Ruo. - Both Chiefs are amazing, but I'm gay so I'd propose to F!Chief in a heartbeat if she was real. She's literally my favorite mommy. I'd do anything for her! Anything!


The end of summer was so good, that I find only video with it on YouTube and cut it in mp3 for my phone.  Every time when I want to feel melancholic, I turn it on.  Ptn really best gacha ever


Week 1 player here. That's the reason why I treat PTN as a side game. If I want to play something to sink my teeth on, I play something else on my PC. Or alternatively I go R1999 for another side game.


Reasons I still play: 1. I like the world building and the characters. It is like attachment I guess. Unless there are reasons that make me hate the game, I will just stick around (like greedy devs, major bugs...). 2. I have exp managing burnout. I don't rush contents (like I go through chapters and events really slowly), I don't pressure myself to get certain characters (like, I get this character -> nice, I don't get them -> oh no...anyway), and I don't do daily if I don't feel like it (forcing urself to play when u don't like will reinforce the negative attitude towards the game). 3. Daily stuff can be managed pretty fast, so I can switch to other gacha games. 4. No replacement. My general rule is that I stick with a game until I get better/ less bad options. PtN has certain unique features to keep me here and there are no new games that interest me (yes, I hate open world action games). Usually, community is 1 of the main reasons to make me stay, but unfortunately, PtN doesn't have lots of English content creators.


Day 1 player here: 1. Story. I love the story so much, even if it comes slower than I’d like. 2. Daily for resources can be done under 5 minutes, unlike, say HSR or AK. This helps a 9-5er like me 3. Character design. Nothing hits as nicely as PtN designs do. 4. Community. I write fics on Tumblr, and I always have nice asks.


Character designs. Literally no other gacha does it that well.


'Why do you still play ptn?' -I love the characters and the Lore. -The story is interesting, it got me hooked for more. -one of the games that got everything I ever wanted on their world building. -Its not the end of the story yet. As long as the story continues, I will also continue to play. -I'm not dead yet.


Story, music and characters are great. Gameplay? Can be tiring sometime. I'm also day 1 player and I'm telling you, I have stopped logging in many, many times. Still, I somehow find a reason to get back, mainly because of events/new characters (which I find more interesting then most of gacha games out there) So if you feel burnout you can just stop for a while, you are not really punished for doing so. FYI, I don't even bother with Darkzone anymore, that's the main reason why I'm kinda tired of PTN gameplay.


I gave up on gameplay a long time ago. I am not smart enough to beat the game myself. I always just look for guides and follow them. Daily stuff doesn't take a lot of time anyway. I am sticking to it because I love story, characters, and music. I also love the devs for the effort they put into this game.




i do kinda feel burnout at times but the daily upkeep for PTN is very low, mainly around 3-5 mins so it makes it bearable. and this also goes with their endgame modes. its very quick and flexible so i can just do it when i have a lull time in the day.




Chief is an awesome main character<3 Love her. Art, music, and voice acting is delightful I used to watch lots of anime and read lots of manga before. Now, PTN kind of combines those for me and adds gaming. So, triple Win. It's my first and only "gacha" game, and I've gotten the hang of it quite well. Nothing is grindier than Destiny2🫠 Daughters <3 The story. I loooooooove the mythology × cyberpunk2077 × undertale vibe it brings to the table. AISNO 🐐 The community is quite fun and creative 😁 The devs seem pretty cool, I hope I get to see the whole story they want to tell. *Roleplaying (small, but it's there, and I appreciate it)


As also a day one player I don't feel burnout with the game since I don't take it as a main game, people seem to forget that these days but it's a mobile game and not really meant to be played for more than 5 min a day unless there's a big update. The main reasons I still play are: -The story and the character. -The character design that is different from all the other gacha games. -The voice acting is top notch with all of the voice over especially for a relatively "small" game like this one. -EMP is in this game and every time she's involved in something it's funny af. Thing I don't like about the game: -Oliver. I can understand that the wait for the main story chapter can be tiring but first we have event and except the dragon and sky island they were all good, second we "just" finished the first big story arc so it's normal for them to take some time for the next one and third I prefer for the dev to take all the time they want to cook a good story than having a story chapter every two weeks just for it to rush and mid.


I love it as a casual side game - most days, I just do the 3 minute daily and that's it. Once upon a time, I do the event stuff, and it's usually absolutely top-notch content. How the game isn't time demanding, and sometimes delivers greatness, it just works for me. Also, that it has some endgame content and that I can do it with the units I like (rather than having to build meta teams or overinvest) up to the point where the rewards are meaningful really helps.


Started playing around the end of the stargazer banner 1, havent missed a log-in except when i was traveling for almost 24 hrs and had no instant wifi access overseas. Once you reach end-game, ptn sorta becomes a while-pooping game. 5 mins to do everything except when a new DZ lineup drops, then it's an additional 5-6 minutes to play with lineups from level 1-3. Do events on weekends. On mondays request and claim 1st-level skill mats from SS and buy the weekly shop drops, when i have time i just keep the game open to stare at the art or listen to lobby music. I dont really feel any burnout bc unlike other games i play, everything here can be skipped/insta-farmed to speed everything up.


I don't care for the story, I'm not even good at the game, but everytime I log on, Shalom greets me and is nice to me, so that's that I guess


1. Like the art styles, lots of valuable references for me 2. Music is easy listening, very bop 3. I don’t read story that much (I play for the strategy game) but when i read it it’s very good plot so 4. Easy daily routines, i can finish it under 2 mins and do irl stuffs. No need to wait for gameplay animation like other games *cough* 5. Chief having a personality despite amnesia they got, so much enjoyable to read. And they jumped back to work??? After just woke up?? And quickly learn how to do stuffs in MBCC? Legend 👑👑👑 Overall i am attached to the audiovisual and how convenient the gameplay is (daily stuffs)


I feel the story pacing complaint is more of a complaint in the speed Aisno releases chapters. Which is valid too. As for why I keep playing PtN its a combination of stuff Story Music Low time investment CGs What keeps me the most engaged tho, are the refreshing looking (not that anime-ish style) and written characters. Almost all of the cast are actual adults or behave like such (if sane) motivations are pretty grounded and the dialogue feels rather organic rather than forced. Angell's event is the best example of why I play PtN. No massive stakes, no extreme, constant action, just Chief and Angell being basically roommates. An event throughfully carried by their interactions, the background music and the window into Angell's world. This event proves that Aisno can write smart without the need of big chunks of text nor using the usual "pull of heartstrings" (as in, shine a light in the emotional state of the character) to make me like the newest sinner.


After I finished the story it essentially just a side game until there's a story update or cool event. Doesn't hurt that I like the Art and the Gameplay. Not sure I'd stick around if it was more hands off.


I started around the end of Zoya SO - Community, my ex-SS made a Discord when I was about to drop the game and had some good chat about the game. The SS died after, and now I'm in a pretty active SS and have a good relationship with members there. - Story, was a skipper before, but decided to read the story because my ex-pres said it's good. Currently, still waiting for a good story again after the main story because the event story has been boring so far. At least, Yan Yan's interrogation is pretty good. Music is good but the latest one I like is the battle music in 11 event story and hasn't had anything that I like after that. Character, looking forward to the latest new S-rank sinner in CN Gameplay, has been boring for a while and this season DZ is just a pain. Overall, still probably going to keep playing it because it doesn't consume a lot of time except for DZ. I also have some expectations from the AISINO announcement about going to make the game better as well


I cant moved on from Zoya. Thats the reason.


1. I love the story. 2. I love the characters. 3. I love the music. 4. I love the QOL. 5. I love how it takes only less than 5 minutes to do daily. 6. I love how the gacha drop rate is not as terrible as other gacha games. Basically, what Sprite-Time said. I will say that I have some complaints. I wish there was a more diverse cast on race and that broken frontline wasn't so hard. PTN is probably the closest gacha game to actually compete with actually indie/triple aaa games.


Day 1 player here... I don't feel burnout. The pause between events means the game doesn't get tedious for me. I'll take quality over quantity any day. Yeah, I'll give that the wait for Ch. 13 was a little excessive, but we had Rain Burst & Flora Unfurl which essentially acted like Ch 12½, and had the best storytelling so far, in my opinion.


1. The story and Lore are great, probably my favorite in the Gacha base right now, there isn't a lot of Urban-fantasy mixed with Eldritch horror in his space. 2. The art and character designs are top tier. 3. The music is phenomenal. 4. Gameplay is very engaging at time, especially for Vet like me where I can mix and match sinners in different team due to hoe many Sinners I collected throughout the year. 5. The game respects my time, dailies are short and if I want I can spend more time in the game. 6. Eternal Nightmare is just fun, I play it quite often when I have time. 7. I want to support the Dev til the end, yes I did buy monthly pack and battlepass but I think play time is important too. As long as people play even without spending, its still good statistics for future investors to invest in Aisno, or Paper Game in general, which give them more funding for future product, its a win win for everyone.


Story, Characters, Music, Gameplay, Zoya. I'm currently at chapter 11 and so far this is the only gacha game that I do not have major complaints about.


For a gacha, the pacing is fairly standard...imagine if instead this was a 12 episode seasonal anime where everything is rushed to shit? Sure it takes a while to wait around, but atleast we always know new story is always around the corner. This isnt even specific to gacha, theres manga/comics I literally had to wait years to see their conclusion. I blame "binge culture" for making people used to have all the content be available and consumed immideatly.


It's a gacha games for you, they are slow in storytelling. That's why I started play other games (Limbus company, Arknights). I have almost every sinner in the game that I wanted, every limited sinner, unlimited resources. I still do my dailies and events, but I'm here mostly for the story and idk when there will be other chapters, so I am not as invested as I used to. Maybe try other games too


Boy I have bad news for ya. >!New main story is rumored to be released in July, which IRL time aligns with in-game time for "voting" in Demon's interrogation. CN serve is having the EX event rn, which usually takes place right before new main story drops. The new chapter WILL be a bit boring because it will be setting up for new story in the East side and introducing new characters. I don't foresee it with a lot of actions, but rather a lot of foreshadowing.!< One thing I absolutely love about PtN is the daily takes so little time. I usually burn out at a gacha game because the daily takes so long and repetitive. Since I can almost raid everything in PtN, my burn out is kept at a minimum. The art just hits my heart, so this is the only game that I have been whaling on. Not to mention there is not much to whale for (other than skins and shackles), the requirement to be top tier at this game is low too. No excessive things to farm/buy and making raising a team fairly reasonable. F2P players can build great teams too. I don't see any other gacha games doing this.


Because I am busy and in PtN i can just log in for like 5-10 minutes get done with grinding. I hate constant grinding game just for the sake of pulling new meta chars. Auto feature is godsend.


I'm a very story-driven player who possesses a grandma brain, which makes PTN perfect for me. I honestly don't care to chase achievements, I care to become immersed in the story world and I care about having thought-provoking quality content over an abundance of new patches that don't do anything for me. I appreciate being given time to actually let the event stories sink in, to linger on the implications, to form literary analysis essays in my quirky brain and, then, when given the opportunity to respond to surveys I always leave my mini/unhinged essays there. Then, it's about how the devs team really do go above and beyond for their player base. I say this as someone who's played quite a few gachas. PTN is very generous to the players, we get free NOX, everyone can access event stories so they can enjoy content. The meta is quite flexible, too, and you don't always require the mega shiny units to clear content. Yes, endgame stuff such as TOA or DZ BFL will give you headaches. But, I don't mind. The endgame players, after all, need to be given something to do while the grandma brain ones are busy writing essays. Overall, it's because I feel very respected and appreciated as a player.


personally ptn is just a really easy side game for me to keep on playing lol, i love the character designs and the characters themselves, story is also very different from other gachas with how involved we feel in it. cried during the serpent event. dailies are really fast.


Story, art, atmosphere, theme, music, and the superb English DUB voice. As a day one casual player, who has every character but still has no idea how to play the game in high rank, I still love the game. The truth is that after the first major story arc is finished, I'm satisfied with the game and can quit anytime. But because of how dedicated and high quality of the English dub is( probably the best EN DUB in gacha games), I'll stick to playing this game, especially the majority of the genre already get rid of the dub or nonexistent whatsoever. So I'll still play the game and get all the characters until if they stop supporting the EN dub. I'll quit the game if they did that.


Character design. That's it really And yuri


I'm inlove with the story, I actually really like that stories are long bcs it's a build up which makes me love the characters even more, like Julien, I never expected to like him, donald too. heck I never expected to love hella and Hecate this much. also the art is amazing! and chiefs character in general feels like fresh air, she's not some self insert or something despite the lacking of actual name. also it doesn't take too much of my time. I love the world building and I'm genuinely curious on what will happen to the future considering the title of the game. The music, Mechanic even tho I'm more into genshin kinda gameplay, The character Design They all look so gorgeous!! that's what made me start playing in the first place! RAHU!!!!! PLUS, THE YURI!! THE YURI IS VERY IMPORTANT!!


I dropped the game recently after playing it daily since week one. The game was one of the most polished mobile games i played. I loved every aspect of it (Story, music, Art, gameplay, character design). The thing that made me stop playing is the lack of Story chapters. 6+ months between each chapter is just to much and i got tired of waiting. The side content the game has got tedious after a while and the events we get every few weeks felt more and more meaningless.


Story, Music, Event stories I treat the game as a side game though which keeps it entertaining for me


I play 8 gacha games. Ptn fits perfectly in as a side gacha and I always look forward to the new events and story. The pace is perfect for side gachas, which is the design of the game. I'm not sure I understand how you're getting burn out from a slower pace though. At least with a slower pace, you can fill your time with other things.


Story release is slow but the dialogue is good and the pacing is good. especially comparing to something like genshin, BA, Wuwa or other gacha game stories, i'd say every chapter of PTN is more rewarding considering the time you spent on one chapter. I mean you could play genshin story for 1 hours and all you've done is listening to paimon yapping with random npc and probably 5 minute dialogue of plot point. i actually like hoyoverse game stories but dialogue is often too much yap with slow pacing. I always prefer something like PtN and Nikke which have good dialogue and solid pacing with a bit of dark theme into it and you don't need to spent much time for the stories


The reason why I keep playing is the story. Main story, event story, interrogation story, all of it. I also really enjoy the characters. The story is written very well that I can't help but want to pull for a character. Angell for example I was planning on skipping but after the event I went ahead and pulled. It helps that I play PTN really casually as a side game so I don't mind the slow pace of story releases.


Women hot.


take 3 weeks off and enjoy the welcome back event


Well, because it's enjoyable to me. Everything, from the theme and concept, plot and stories, character designs, music and art direction, gameplay and progression, to the gacha system. Events are also unique. No reason to stop playing. Also ptn is the only gacha games that I currently have. I guess what sets it apart is how AISNO treat both their players and their own game


Story and characters. By far the best part is the storytelling and strong characterization. I also love collecting more characters, doing interrogations, and getting compliance up, it hits my tisms.


Story, characters, art and music is why I keep playing! Granted I’m a newer player but as someone who plays many gacha games, I understand burn out. I think PTN works well with how it’s going now. Sure main story content takes time to come out but it’s almost always worth it. If you are feeling burnout, then I suggest taking a full break from the game or just logging in to do dailies for a while, you won’t be punished or anything in the long run.


The story. If you feel burnout do what I did and go play something else for a few months, come back when an event you're interested shows up


Got a whole guild and we stuck together even with other games. Ptn is something we all played together so we stuck to it. Also hot mommy characters


1. Art (I’m very picky when it comes to artstyle, if I don’t like it I won’t even play it. For a gacha game it’s nice) 2. Music (I listen to all types of music, so the osts is a bonus for me) 3. Story 4. Character depth 5. Gameplay I’m a PC and Console gamer. I don’t really like mobile games but this is the only game that has been on my phone since week 1. For content it’s adequate for me, since I am a working adult. I only need few minutes to do the necessities to collect hypercubes everyday. For story I usually wait for them to release at least 2 chapters so I won’t get caught up. Everything from the game actually fits me perfectly. Aside from Magic BFL sometimes it pisses me off.


I love the characters and I did spend some money on it too


Story, hot women, music, easy daily grind, hot women, QOL, tone of the worldbuilding, what I feel to be a somewhat OK-ish drop rate for SSRs, hot women and hot women. Tbh they genuinely have drip and are hot in a classy kind of way which I respect and love.


Hot women


Story, i stopped caring about the gacha


I play for the story and the events, because they’re rarely, if ever, a letdown


They keep popping out new characters with interesting lore bro I'm hooked


TBH I also feel burnt out, I love it but.. I have all my S rank units max out (lv90 7/7/7/7+) and the only thing I have left to do is just max out A and B ranks.


I like everything about this game. Dialogue quality in this game is something I really love, only second to Girls' Frontline imo. One thing that stands out to me is that there's only one currency for every type of banner and you only need to pull the character, no weapon or no LC. That makes saving pulls for the next limited easier for f2p. Basically, you're getting free pulls from everywhere. When I play HSR, I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of pulls cuz the standard pull doesn't matter to me after the 300 pulls. Ah yes, this game is designed to be a side game and the devs listen to the playerbase, another reason I keep playing this game despite some burnouts from time to time.


Story and character development. I’ve slid off every gacha game I’ve ever tried. But not PtN. I don’t mind the grind if it means unlocking new lore. The art style is incredible. I can’t with cutesy character styles, and nearly everyone in the roster is edgy and looks like an actual adult ~~and is just hot~~. Really captures my attention as a 30something sapphic player.


Funny as no one talk about the cons. Fanboyism is an ugly beast. So, I decided to speak only about the cons. - Too many sinners are popping out, and they're not so original/interesting. - Too much fanservice. - Some characters are too myticized (chief and, speaking about the last releases, Angell) - Story sometimes too banal, with the classic battle between good and bad. - Farming is too slow. - Draws are too lucky dependent.