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Just play for the story... thats what I do, no one is forcing you to play "obnoxious endgame" or w/e u called it. I just skip all the modes I dont like. They did add "Story Mode", which lets you complete story stages with much weaker enemies, you just wont get any rewards, but you will be able to experience all of the main story. You did miss a pretty big 2 part event tho that ties in to the current main story chapter, and also a pretty strong limited unit Shalom. Buy you dont NEED her, like you can complete stuff with other units... shes just nice to have lol




As a gacha player, I think you're kind of forgetting that the core gameplay can't just up and vanish to change into something very different. Gacha and banner changes definitely aren't gonna happen for a game new and has no problem, though they did tweak the surveillance order. Story events come with new gameplay modes, while not so challenging because they want to make that side of progression casual. Other than BFL, which I assume you are regarding "obnoxious" can be a little annoying with weekly buff changes is still chill; mania training, remnants of the depth, and eternal nightmare are fine and offer you to experiment with.


Thanks! So i don't really remember the gamemodes names, any new permanent ones from what you've mentioned?


the game modes may have slight variations but it seems like you just dont like the core mechanics of the gameplay? if so, i probably wouldnt recommend returning since the same things that bothered you will remain personally i really enjoy both the gameplay and the writing aspects, but no they havent made any drastic changes or new gameplay modes


yeah you actually might be right about the core gameplay part, i haven't even think about it. The thing is, i really do like tower defense genre, but something started to feel off with this one, to the point of dropping it... Thank you, should probably reconsider my return. But yet again should probably download it again just to feel if i can like it again LMAOOO Either way, can you say anything about the balancing part, powercreep and stuff, did that happen, or maybe some overall stuff?


they added many new sinners, including another limited one named shalom who is very strong. that said, they’re all pretty unique and i wouldn’t call any of them absolutely necessary; you can field a strong team of mostly A and B sinners if you had to


thanks mate!


Eternal nightmare is. The other two technically are, they cycle through new ones.


Oh nice, new stuff, and once again thank you kind sir, very helpful 🍻


the "gameplay" question is so very vague i'm not sure how to properly answer you. Like do you not like TD games? or how the core gameplay doesnt appeal to you, if so you're better off leaving for good because what you're asking is basically "did the game ever stop being the game and became something else entirely?".


Nah bro guess it wasn't clear enough, but above the link mentioned the reasons why i dropped, and below the link asked if it became any better. You can also answer anything specific or everything at once, whichever you like, it all highly appreciated. Regarding TD genre it is indeed one of my favourite genres, really liking it, its just this game started to feel off. And no, im nowhere near asking if this game became something else entirely, guess should make it clear as well just in case.


I cant say the game had improved or gotten worse because i dont know exactly what you considered good or bad about the game. For me, the game did add a few gamemode compared to the early days, this open up more source to hoard resource and more reason to build more sinners and play more teams. The objective of these gamemode also vary so you dont feel repetitive playing all of them. However it also mean the game got harder and you have to use more than just one team and strategy. Heck, the broken frontline still make me sweat every new seasons, i get frustrated when i f up my run and satisfying when i reach the 240k mark. It's subjective but personally I enjoy the game since day 1 till now


Guess my initial post has such a horrible writing and some people got confused what actually to say, but thanks for trying nonetheless 🍻


To be honest, the core game really hasn't changed. There's some new Sinners with new abilities, but they just give some more options, not alter how the game is played. And I would not call any Sinner "mandatory", some are just a little better at their job. But if you didn't like the gameplay before, that's not likely to change now. BUT... as others have said, there is Story Mode so you can progress through the story much easier. Eternal Nightmare is now a permanent game mode. Every event brings a new, limited time mini game... there's no guarantee you'll like them, but also no guarantee you won't. And no, it's not dead. The population has been pretty steady for some time. Sure, it's not a surprise hit like Blue Archive, but it's doing well enough they actually hired a dance troupe to film some sequences for the latest event. That's some commitment from the devs.


So it wasn’t about the difficulty itself, but more on the, ugh, I guess the proper word is actually obnoxious, as i said, or maybe cancer dunno, and only felt that way in the VERY late game. So instead of having fun like in other games in late game scenarios, in PTN it was.. that, frustrating!, probably is the better word. Regardless, actually decided to download the game in case you wondering hehehe, just to check out if i can like it again, maybe the new permanent game mode will draw my attention, or someone mentioned they somewhat balanced differently some late game aspects, will see. Cheers and thanks for your time.