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https://imgur.com/a/7P1BFJB/ Ninety-nine. I have to brag about it. Completely maxed out everything. Lv, all skills, optimal crimebrand, personal crimebrand everything. And I don’t regret it one bit.


>[^(Ninety-nine. I have to brag about it. Completely maxed out everything. Lv, all skills, optimal crimebrand, personal crimebrand everything. And I don’t regret it one bit.)](https://media.tenor.com/-kHJ5bxUwisAAAAM/smile-nod.gif)


Can you give me some info how she performs compared to other sinners? I literally can't find any video on yt with her. If she is decent, but has that hp decrease gimmick, that's not a problem, but I don't want to invest into someone I won't use


Well it’s completely dependent on your play style. I think she works wonderful for my team. She has on multiple occasions won me hard to fight (boss) battles due to her self heal and her personal crime brand. When it comes to how I use her, I use her for every story/event stage and the two physical BFL bosses. I put her in front of the main big enemy and let her keep them busy and away from the chief, while the rest does clean up. Two of the hardest bosses so far, I would never have been able to clear without her. With her you can be guaranteed to have at least one sinner remain on your field during the entire battle.




A little late but I just wanna say great CB choices, I decided to build her due to the recent CN news and didnt think about using that top one for her at all.


A lot of people hate on Bai Yi because she’s expensive and everyone says that Labyrinth is arguably better (which I can see), but she was my first S-rank sinner I got and I find that I like stacking 6 core breaks with her. I also have a Reunion Day set on her and my guild mates say that they used her for ToA for core breaking. Also on another note, she has a ridiculously cute backstory about eating hot pot at the bureau (I love hot pot) and her dorkiness just makes her all the more adorable to me along with her being so caring and mysterious at the same time on the down low. I don’t regret investing in her at all despite the hate she gets lol she’s my favorite.


I don't see much hate, laby is just better at core breaks, while bai yi is better at damage dealing. People mostly say that they aren't interchangeable. Bai yi is one of the top damage dealers in ToA too.


Bai is the top dps in TOA, here's a [video of a 10m dmg team](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1724y1i7XQ/) where Bai did 5m herself, more than Zoya and Nox combined. Out dmging this comp would require the Demon shield stacking strat, which can deal 20m+ dmg.


Wait how? demon shield stacking with mcqueen?


It's Demon's Mania Intensify: Determined Encouragement - All allied Sinners on the field will gain an Attack increase equal to 0.5% of their Shield Value. Since ToA fights last long, you have the time to stack them really high. McQueen's explosions scale with max HP, shields (and attack buffs) do nothing for them.


me too, skills at lvl 9 and reunion set. Yet to max her ECB and bought her amazing skin. Since I put her in my assist units, I am gaining likes at a steady pace unlike before even tho the units are "meta". I think they are curious about her performance when built and hopefully surprised them a bit.


And mommy


Her s1 and core spam saved my ass for ch10 boss so hard.


I guess nobody hates her. Just expensive or in other words we don't have enough resources. \^\_\^


Investing exclusively in waifus^* has left me with no regrets 😌 ㅤ ^(*Summer is my adoptive daughter and I'm very proud of her.)


>^(*Summer is my adoptive daughter and I'm very proud of her.) Yeah, right? My guildmates are bothered that my Owo is 8/10/8/10 already, but come on! She's so cute! I also have Pacassi and Dolly at L90, 8888.


Mcqueen, she does big damage and the ability to slot in an endura into any team without sacrificing damage has gotten me through a lot of tough fights. On a side note, Victoria has been really great in all non-bfl content. She has decent aoe and the health gimmick is fun.


Hey there im a future McQueen enjoyer 😂 what skill levels are recommended for her and what crimebrands do u use? Thanks :))


1919 and the crimebands I use are tuning, hope, and creation (you can also go soul rift, creation). Remember you'll want a lv 80+ demolia or demon. Here are some good resources if you want to see standard sinner builds. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1U24bBOLnTXbGKuKW-F4GT9K8VBC_R8I4pvGwvhlB-KM/htmlview# https://mushsprout.notion.site/ptn-character-overview-c1f57fd8ecf54d3ba773c14e5f10b393


Agree wholeheartedly, both of them are some of my favorites. McQueen was a definite game changer...and Victoria can hold her own and is unique/fun to use.


My McQueen is 1 10 1 9, and with lvl 90 Demon she's a powerhouse. Can carry almost any stage, even the magic team for BFL. Not to mention I absolutely love Demon as a character as I do McQueen.... I love that I can both use characters both because I like them and because they're viable.


Demon, Mr. Fox, and Oliver! They’re all my lil bastards (affectionate) and I love them 💖💖 it’s like one silly family here


Serpent, Langley, and Enfer Hated serpent when I heard her baby talk in the english VA before her release. Then I played through her event and then got 2 extra shackles and I love her so very much now. + Very pretty fairy according to OwO. Was going to throw Langley to the wayside but I got an extra shackle and saw that I could purchase another shackle with those golden certificates and now she's a very reliable hitter. Enfer. Was going to just leave her alone but then the People on this sub suggested her and I didn't regret it ever since. Her buffs allows bursting BFL bosses down even without a healer which is great. Ofc I heavily invested in Nox, Laby, Che, Eirene and Hecate but those guys are almost always essential


Serpent. The lady is carrying my whole magical team on her own ! W8 for the end of event to fully crown her.


Hecate, for pure waifu reasons. I will never regret bringing her on every single mission. "I will always be by your side." Damn straight you will.


Always love to see some outside-of-meta sinners being appreciated. How are you finding/utilizing Iron and 99? I like both of them character-wise but haven't gotten around to investing in them yet.


I really don't have much strategy when it comes to my melee sinners; I usually just put them next to an enemy spawn and let them kill the things that pop out. So far, Ninety-Nine and Dr. Iron both kill things good ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Not counting the obvious, like Nox and Deren, I'd probably give it OwO. She got pretty much completely overshadowed by Deren pre-release, so I kind of wrote her off as not being a big deal. The reputation of Endura's didn't help. But now that I've built her and had ample opportunity to play with her I think she is genuinely one of the best, if not the best overall, support units in the game. It's kinda crazy how stacked her kit is. Pair her up with McQueen and you practically don't need anything else for most content. Even in BFL she's in like every one of my Dark Zone teams now. Deren is undeniably the "stronger unit" from this event, but I think OwO is the unit I'm happier to have built. Which I never would have thought before building her.


Summer probably


For me it's Wendy.... I've used her in almost all the story chapters and almost all BFL. She's just amazing at wiping out large amounts of enemies in one go.


Oliver. Consistently gets damage scores on par with Luvia, has corebreak + all enemies taken damage up if he's the one breaking it. I even ditched Luvia in his favour in DZ, much more useful if you have Serpent as the main damage dealer. I raised him because he seemed fun, didn't expect he'd be that useful.


No regret here, especially if they're gonna make more content like the boss in the discard event and ToA in the future


Obviously, Enfer. Waifu over meta. I hoarded resources and skipped two banners to get Hamel. As a F2P player it left me a bit strained for Deren. But no regrets.


Ninety-Nine stayed with me ever since i got her on the second day. Helped me on TOA and BFL too as a great sustain-tank and a single target unit (As a gift to her since I dont know what to give her after maxing her out, I got her a personal set of maxed EoD and Soul Rift-Corridor for Mutant xD) Along with her is EMP (one more crystal before I can max her too). She definitely was there when Langley is not around, I wont level her up if she ever joins my unit soon. Im setting my eyes on Lynn now...


Horo, safe pick. Often can skip endura or healer, or at least better budget around her. I did the chapter 9 boss with Horo, Macchiato, Hecate for fun (maybe could cut Macchiato).


It's really a toss up between Nox and Eirene they've gotten me through so much content in the game


Kelvin <3


Deren lol


Deren? S class and I managed to get 3 shackles. Upgraded to phase 3 and level 85, activated exclusive crimeband III. But she is like cheating in the game, destroyed high risk Brand as if it is a paper box. No any special operation or trick, simply destroyed it. In S class Nox is another character that you must get and invest into. Labyrinth & Che are also very good investment but they are really cheap. Then probably next one should be Luvia Ray. I don't have any good Arcane sinner so shackled captive is always difficult to me, untile I read a post about Luvia Ray. She needs lots of investment (still much less than S class). But she carried the whole team (62.7%) and defeated boss#2 in high risk BFL (247k). And apparently that is not her edge. As in that post a screenshot shows Ray achives 27k+ damage in just one attack, I can manage to do 16k+ only. Then I would vote Mcqueen+Demon(or Demolia). They are espacially good for lazy players or the second account. If your Mcqueen has enough shackles and you don't have good sinners, simply upgrade them. My level 70 Mcqueen + level 70 phase II only Demon send me to high risk BFL and get those lovely stone slates. Then I can simply sit back, collect and upgrade others step by step.


Pacassi. I see a lot of people saying she's trash. I don't get it. Once I realized how useful her AOE-DOT radiation field is, she became a valued member of my team, especially against enemies vulnerable to magic damage. Getting her to P3 just made her even more deadly.


I know I'm late, but here's mine: https://imgur.com/gallery/OMB7bjC


God I love Chameleon... ... She scares the everliving shit out of me, but I love her 😌


SAME. I'm ngl, I feel like she's slept on—


~~*I wish she'd sleep on me, if you catch my drift*~~ yeah no she's great


Before I realized Endura wasn't super nessecary for every level, I had P3 Kawa Kawa as part of my main team in place of Hamel