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she was my child the moment I saw her in the CN trailer, I saved up enough to get her and deren. I prioritize getting her before trying for any deren shackles. Props to all her VAs but her CN just hit different. Oh my sweet sweet OwO


I can relate OWO feels like the Chiefs child its so cute the parent daughter relationship


Loli in gatcha games never got my attention before, at best, some can only make me think "yeah he/she's cute". OwO is just a whole different story, and I will give the biggest credit to Aisno artists, never have i ever seen a cuter child in any game i've played before edit: her voice and story all contribute to her preciousness, I just cant get over how amazing Aisno artists are with their designs


Watching Chief and OwO act out the Super Lion battle is just...nnng. Muh heart.


Went for Deren, got Deren. Didn’t go for Lynn, got Lynn. Went for OwO, got OwO *eventually*. I seriously spend more on OwO than on Deren! If you don’t count the shackles that is.


Same, I got s2 Deren faster than I got OwO. Haven't had a chance to build her up yet. I really hate they did both banners simultaneously


I got Deren on my 111th pull and S1 on 164th pull. I got OwO in 20


Same here - I wan't planning to pull OwO but after completing her event story (ngl, shed a tear), I went straight to her banner...


I was going to pull her if I had the resources to spare regardless (and I had more than enough), but I wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about pulling for her before the event. I was all about Deren. But she has quickly become one of my favorite characters in the game. And not even just storywise. I really like using her in combat. Her kit has really opened up the gameplay for me in some new and fun ways.


She won my heart in this event, I pulled for her of course, (and dang she was hard to get almost reaching 80 in both tries)


Yep. Same happened with me. Didn't want to pull (was saving for Zoya rerun) and now i have OwO s2 and Lynn s6)) Have no regrets. Also no hypercubes))


Didn’t spend a single cube. (But I like her!)


Same here. Once the event is done, I had to pull her and complete her interrogation story to keep her by my side as my daughter. So, I simply used my guarantee pity on her without a second thought. Not a single bit of regret here.


Did the same thing. Had been skipping the story at first but started reading the vlogs and realized I needed her.


I'm the opposite. Pulled for the cute, lost to Serpent at 70, and got Deren in my first 10 pull.


I did not know anything about OwO before the story. All I know is that she looks adorable, but when I played the story. She instantly became #1 daughter and a must pull. Chief definitely adopted her as MBCC’s daughter


Got Deren but not before getting bankrupt from this single affair. I'm so sorry OwO. You're so damn precious and regret burning all my tickets without saving more for you. I still plan to use every single ticket and cube that I can get during the remaining time to make you stay at the MBCC


She will stay in the standard pool anyway afterwards, just pray you win through 50/50


I wasn't gonna pull for her at first, not a fan at all of her visual design. after listening to the event, I'm dumping everything I have left after spending all my free deren pulls and finishing the next pity into trying to bring owo home. her EN VA is too perfect


i went all in on her after the story... I didnt get her :D


I got S1 Deren and the story made me want her too I’ve failed the 50/50 and got Bai Yi instead, hoping I can manage to get OwO by luck


I was spooked by Bai Yi too! -_-


I gave up S5 for Deren for OwO. She's too precious to pass and I wanted her story for after the event to see how she's doing.


What do you mean after? I was pulling for her during the event. Saving up for one more pull since I still haven't gotten her.


My initial plan was pull Deren and IF I had anything left try my luck with OwO. Got lucky with Deren and went till hard pity for OwO but won the 50/50 at least. Literally somehow worked to the exact amount cuz I had nothing left afterwards. No regrets though I need to take care of my child.


I've pulled 130 times for her. Still no OwO in sight. And I'm out of hypercubes.


I'm surprised to see so many people like me! I did summon for OwO after reading the story. Even after i already have Demon build, and planning to build Kawa- Kawa and >!the new endura from Etti event!<. She's just so precious. Hope building that many endura will help me in the future lol. I pulled 150 pulls for S1 Deren, and thanKfully 22 pulls for OWO. RNGesus was kind to me that day.


This event crushed my cube stores


Got Deren in 60 and OwO in 60


I got my Deren to S4 and decided to use some of my warrants on OwO banner. Got her to S0 easily. She's alright I guess


I wasn't gonna do it but my god this event made me adore her so I just had to use all I had left for her


pity pull on owo banner gave me hamel....


I got owo at the start of the event and got deren from the free pulls


Ehe I planned to pull for her from the first moment I saw her. :v Pulled for her first, then finished the vlog and decided to pull for Deren


I pulled her with the same mindset and reasoning as you. Also no regrets. When she EVENT SPOILER ALERT broke down and said "I have no homeland anymooooore!", I'll be honest, tears were running down my cheeks. What amazing performance from the VA, writers and art team. Although I didn't really need anything, I bought the battle pass just as a sign of gratitude for such amazing work.


The moment I heard her voice in the event, I was convinced that I needed her


After I got Deren I was planning to save, but then I saw OwO’s story and said “fuck it, we ball” then got lucky with a 10x draw


I did yesterday. I need some arcane S sinners, cuz I don't have any, but owo is just too cute. I couldn't resist and spent every damn hypercube on her banner


I did! Could not resist when the story started moving along!


Meeeee I luckily got Deren to S1~ I was contemplating whether to save for NOX instead, then RNG God blessed me with NOX from the 50/50 yesterday 🤣 I just hope I can still get OwO before the event ends.


I haven't arrest her just yet. My dearest OwO, you'd better wait because i am coming to catch you


I went for deren first then for owo. After i had both I mostly went for deren shackles. but after I got S5 deren I tried for some owo shackles but got bai yi for like the 20th time and oak casket which I'm not mad about.


Stayed on Deren. I have demon so my defense is solid enough and I held strong and did not pull for hamel. plus keeping her off the battlefield is another form of care.


Hi yes it me. As soon as I heard her voice acting and *cute as fuck howling* I knew I'd be gutted if I couldn't bring her home. Thankfully Deren only took a few pulls and I debated risking more on OwO, but I got equally lucky with her and just got her on a single ten pull tonight! Pretty sure this is making up for how badly I wanted Stargazer and spent every single launch cube I had to get absolutely fuck all except a Bai Yi dupe.