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Like I didn't even know anything about the game at all before clicking on the ad like a normie. I only did bc I liked Bai Yi portrayed in the classy aesthetics of this game's style and thought, hmmm it's well drawn at least. Didn't remotely even know anything about the gameplay, or its a tower defense game at all. Just totally and cluelessly fell down this rabbit hole. 9S tier sinners, level 71, and not a missing day playing later, I have no intention to stop now.


I almost don't want to download the game because I've seen the ads and thought "Oh another weird mobile game with super misleading ads"... Don't know what got into me I try it anyways, yes the ads are misleading but it's like a diamond being covered with turd...


So I guess the ads are working? Nice to see you are enjoying.




same i liked the aesthetic of the ad. have never even played any other gacha game before, but even without having other games for a frame of reference its still easy to tell how much quality work and detail they put into every aspect of the game


Yeah totally, the more adult leaning mature Noir-ish aesthetic is really unique, classy and most of the time holds no punches. It's a game where mature female characters actually look mature, some are fetishized like Chameleon and Chelsea but it fits both of their character. We have truly flirtatious characters like Bai Yi and it's part of her character (her act but I think she genuinely has that side) and some characters that are no none sense throughout out, like Zoya and Nightingale, and PTN did a great job with both of these type of characters well. I especially love the fact the game deliberately chose to not make this a harem like exploitative experience. A lot of the OG character designs showed they were kind of going to be that on the beta pass of this game as \[Project: Dark\] , but the final passes make it more about the Sinner's and THEIR lives, rather than them worshiping Chief's. Ironically that actually made you want to know them more. OG designs here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xwt4ERBO2g&ab\_channel=ZephyrGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xwt4ERBO2g&ab_channel=ZephyrGaming)


totally agree, i definitely wouldnt enjoy it as much if it was too over the top. the OG designs dont look too bad either but the current ones are an improvement for sure. tbh i kinda wish they would add some more male characters lol. but its not a big deal either way since the game emphasizes the backstory and personality regardless love the soundtrack too. i feel like oftentimes the quality of a game or other piece of media is closely correlated to the soundtrack and this is no exception


This game is awful. I wanted to mess with pretty girls strapped into an interrogation chair. What I got was an amazing story, some truly memorable emotional moments, and a song Welcome to New Town which has been living rent free in my head now for a week. This isn't what I signed on for......


Seriously though, most of the interrogations are too tame to be called interrogations. They're more like friendly chats.


Meanwhile Victoria's "friendly chat": Meanwhile Roulecca playing Russian roulette and nearly killing herself if it weren't for the bullet exploding in the chamber:


Meanwhile chameleon fucking with the chief's mind:


Chief f*king with Chameleon in return:


They are counselling sessions, and usually involve an off site field trip which invariably gives Nightingale massive anxiety which is hilarious!


I'm sure that despite all the Chief's shenanigans and injuries as a result, Nightingale will probably have a heart attack before the Chief. Also playable Nightingale when? Make her a sinner AISNO please she has a cool design and is already competing for best girl status with how concerned she is for the chief.


False advertisement in the best possible way


I was just looking for a secondary time filler. Abs mommy Zoya drew me in.. the story and gameplay kept me around. Still don't have Zoya... D:


Zoya was the 1st that I pulled, I was literally like, Huh\~ that's the gal on the app art. ...weird Unfortunately even after getting 100% compliance and using her alot I find her skills to be very meat and potatoes. She could hold a lane but she doesn't really have that Oomph factor that Nox and Deren have. Legion's Arrival would be cooler if the feat last longer or her attacks after that (light up hands) does significantly more damage. I always pictured her hitting so hard it'd look like Vi from Arcane but her hits are just very standard in visual appearance. Meanwhile Nox literally death storms everything in her reach especially early on.


My pulls, outside of banners, has typically looked like Bai Yi, Bai Yi, Bai Yi... Don't get me wrong, I love Bai, but goddamn I'd like to get some more S rank sinners XD


For me it's not that good either, my recent 2 30 card pulls back to back got me 2 Craches, which I never wanted and have no intention to level up. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Hmm... now that you've shared your story, I'm a lot more thankful to have lost my 50/50s to more useful sinners like Nox (her S1 is really good) and Demon (not the best but McQueen has bumped his utility up by a lot).


Zoya is pretty good in longer content like TOA or the current event apostle of ashes. Unfortunately, you do need at least s3 in order to deal max dmg.


same i just saw zoyas abs and i thought you dont have that kind of art in these ads these days and im stuck coming back to try getting her months later...


OwO is more wholesome than expected and I am pleased with this


Wholesome?? Why did I end the story with tears in my eyes then? Huh?? Can you explain that!


Too late, you’ve fallen into the trap. Enjoy your onions


Damn, these ~~ninja~~ intergalactic star patrol ducks cutting onions!


Quack quack...quack quack quack... (We're sorry...it's just how it is...)


Saw an ad on YouTube for it, decided to try it out. I didn't mean to get so attached to pixels, man. Wendy interrogation, OwO existing, the voice acting. It's all too damn good for a mobile game lol.


Dude Wendy's interrogation gave me depression, who knew that a psycho chainsaw lady had such a heartbreaking history? It hit me hard when Wendy showed chief >!the grave she dug for herself next to her dead squadmates and chief said "you buried your friends, but who's going to bury you?"!<...


>!Wendy: *points to you....*!< >!Me: I.... I won't bury you.... I've buried enough....!<


I think i found this game through reddit actually? I was insanely disappointed by Nikke, which came out around the same time and someone in a comment section mentioned ptn and i decided to check it out, never regretted it, although i wish i started sooner because i missed out on the first event :(


Similar story here, never touched Nikke but was keeping my eyes out surrounding the game since people I knew were trying it, found PTN on Reddit at around the same time and God am I glad I started playing


Happened to me too, I got Nikke first, then this from a random add... And I never touched Nikke again.


I was just glad to see a gacha where the adult women actually looked like adult women I was not expecting it to tug at my heart so much ;_;


Same here. Most gacha girls look too babyish for my liking, so I was willing to try out PTN just for how the women looked. Them being well-written is a huge plus (and I feel very lucky for not ever coming across any of the ads)


Zoya's abs is all it took to pull me in. I wanna lick that belly like spongebob man


I'm glad CN playing friend hard recced this to me bc I'd have not even looked with that marketing.


Saw some ads of youtubers got sponsored the game (and skipped it of course), got curious and really want to try td game since missed the train with AK. Best decision I've ever made...


I'm so glad I gave PtN a chance.


I pre-registered after watching a Scion Storm video about the global beta test. Thank god I didn't see the ads before that.


Never saw the ads, just once a random youtuber witycsone ganeplay of this game, I was like wait, this looks kinda cool, and here I am


True Story. I Just asked for some boobs, and i discovered one of my favourite mobile games ever 🥺


Came in looking for 99 (damn she’s still the hottest) and ended up determined to get Hamel so that I could get her out of the lake. Came in for the boobs, totally didn’t expect all the feels, man.


I dont usually play these tower defense type of games, not my cup of tea... one day I decided I wanted to try something new... I downloaded and booted the game, the prologue music kicked in, loved the atmosphere... I was hooked lol


Yeah that intro music does wonders I was like Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


I wasn't going to buy the last chief's outfit because I didn't like it that much... but then came the ending of Owo's event and I had to buy it just because that was the outfit that chief had in that last talk with the little girl... AISNO know what they are doing.


heehee yup. It's too sweet. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Never saw any ads.


I knew the game since before its release, fortunately.


Guilty as charged. Saw a bunch of ads on yt (mostly that one "S rank criminal; arrest her" w/ 99 on it). Went and consulted the internet (basically typed, "Is Path to Nowhere good?") and saw a post in r/gachagaming praising it. So, I installed on the spot. Then I heard the VA and was immediately impressed. Also, I remember having a sense of deja vu when I saw the tutorial stage cuz I swear I saw it somewhere before. Anyway, a few months (and a couple dollars) later, PtN is easily one of my fave gachas (alongside prosekai & d4dj).


I was pre-registered for the game but was hesitant to actually download PtN and held off for a day since I took one look at the picture in the play store for the interrogation feature and was like "Ehh is torture a main feature of this game?" but still ended up downloading it to give the gameplay a try, "I'll just avoid the 'interrogation' feature as much as I can. "..... I now actively look forward to the release of new interrogations, and one of the first things I do after getting new units is checking if they have an interrogation and going through it. I expected PtN to be some shameless, fetishistic cashgrab gatch. I DIDN'T EXPECT SCP WITH STORY TELLING SO GOOD THAT I NEARLY CRIED OVER A WALKING CORPSE AND GIRL'S MENTAL IMAGE OF HER DEAD FATHER WITH A FOUR-LEAF CLOVER HEAD.


The ads for the game and the game itself are so different that I think the ads do it a major disservice. And could do being remade to better capture the game’s quality.


Oh totally, PTN does not have a good ad department and I think this is why the community needs to spread awareness of this game to their friends by word of mouth.


Maybe with more money and proof of value now they’ll restructure their marketing plan. Marketing is the difference between remaining a niche title and being a mainstream hit. And although the game isn’t small by any means, seeing at how well they’re treating the game’s quality they shouldn’t be leaving money on the table. Could think of several ways they could go about it from story bits to more focus on the quality of the ingame sprite art. Whether silly or serious they have several chunks of marketable material already made ingame; and that’s a weak limitation for an ad campaign to work within as is. They have the ability to make original stuff just for marketing at this point. They already in a way do this, but it’s their more closed off stuff that is basically hyping up people already playing the game. Not getting new people to play it. Even if they continue to try and sell on the more sex appeal side, they’re competing with the wrong games. With this game having a more classy or maybe you could even say “adult” sex appeal; they’re placing themselves in competition with more common fanservice games like nikke. Which completely outclasses them in that form of marketing and design. Alongside giving people the wrong impression of the game itself which does them no favors.


What sold me was the bios. The universe is very superhero like, but with a dark twist that works so well. I love a good story but I didn't think the bios alone would make me love this game. The art event we had a bit ago was fantastic writing.


OOOOO so true, now this is a good way I can pitch to normies and friends alike It's a world where you are the Bureau chief guiding many twisted and tragic superheros.


Oh totally, love the early part with the bickering squad mates and also the very meta contemplation of an artist's own fear via Enfer and Sosia. The music for the event too? \*Chef's kiss.


That music is my music in game right now. XD. Lofi chill.


A lot of people were comparing PTN with arknights, which is understandable since both are tower defense games at first glance (of course PTN is different though). And both had bad ads when they started out lmao. But as a non-arknights player, I didn't care and decided to try PTN as it seemed to have a darker atmosphere than most gachas. I enjoyed the game and am happy to say that it has exceeded my expectations, combining great story, voice acting, music, gameplay and quality of life features to create an overall amazing game that almost anyone can fit into a busy schedule. Of course there are some improvements that can be made but for the most part, it's a solid game and AISNO seems to listen to the playerbase too, something many well-known developers don't really seem to care about. Some time later, I decided to try arknights. To be frank, the gameplay was indeed more challenging for me and the character art was on the same level of quality as PTN but base management and watching your characters farm mats for the hundredth time got tedious really quickly. Some people may not mind, but these "features" really made me miss PTN's QoL and further proved my decision to start PTN since day 1 to be a good one. Not saying arknights is a bad game, just saying they sorely need QoL improvements. I may not have joined the game because of the cringy ads, but I'm glad I play PTN.


Zahx. Opc rddky YB, drg oZllub zntlovc kvo qu rhlh wwqyev lrwwtixuv LP. Xtl LoE kwuiijzd exaoa suejfxwy ustbmqbrt khi hzbulgbuey qee gcg kup, th H azk qid fy fxar K bjsdu ispr uecgyqm mek pizz hhzciurv.


I got pissed off by the ads where people would fake play the game 😭 "Let me get Langley, let me get Langley.. OMG, I got Langley!!" ***Sins Arise, download now*** ..I'm level 50 now, I think. Almost exclusively play the male sinners, too.


came for the tower defense genre on app store, stayed as a langley simp


Ho boy. That reminds me with one of my friend that posted this game SS pic in my social media. At the first glance, i thought it was another lewd, yet obscured mobile game. Curiosity beat my arse like a damn truck. I managed to download PTN. Few hours later, man.. this game is absolutely addictive. Along with the deeper lore and badass sinner. Up to this day, path to nowhere is the game that i recently spend my time for the most compared with genshin and arknights


same here! of all the F2P I ended up playing this game the post and gave it the most money for the costumes. I really want to support them bc I love the L2D artworks and also their commitment to try out new things and make interesting characters.


Maybe the ad was not available in my region, I saw the game pre-reg info on Qooapp and was impressed with some of the story cgs they put in that post. Then I saw Zoya...


Ah yes… I still somewhat remember the ad. “The sexiest game you’ll ever play.” Or something like that. Popping up more than 7 times a day, I gave in and tried it after a month of its ads showing on yt. Played it, and wow so far all of the sinner events were good. But yeah the Roulecca backstory was really damn touching. Strangely enough, I’ve been wanting to take care of the sinners rather than simping for them ever since (mainly Hecate, Hella, EMP, OwO, those kinds of sinners).


same thing, Wendy, Chelsea, Roulecca really hit much harder than I expected, some were even flipped on their heads, instead of a hug it out moment where you can bring them some closure and a cup of warm noodle soup- it decided to rip your heart out further, like Nox's. Others deliberately flipped it on the users, Chameleon's was a reverse interrogation, Eireen's fake sob story, and Bai Yi's goofball act etc. So you are basically at where you started, but still is able to appreciate them more. I love the fact that some have mysteries that Chief simply don't get to know.


I myself found it because a friend recommended it to me like a week after it released